主讲人:史蒂芬妮·格哈特(Stefanie Gerhardt)
德国画家,雕塑家和影像艺术家史蒂芬妮·格哈特(Stefanie Gerhardt),在她的作品中专注于对空间的探索,并且使空间范围内一切得以呈现,从而指向那些主导我们日常生活的物质存在之外的未被回答的领域。
史蒂芬妮·格哈特(Stefanie Gerhardt)毕业于德国卡尔斯鲁厄国立美术学院,并获Leni Hoffmann教授的硕士学位,自此之后成为职业艺术家。 她曾获得多项艺术奖项,受瑞士Atelier Mondial驻地项目的邀请,她目前正作为访问艺术家驻留跨媒体艺术学院。
In her works, German painter, sculptor and video artist Stefanie Gerhardt explores space and whatever unfolds within that space, consequently pointing to the unanswered areas beyond our dominating everyday, material existence.
Stefanie Gerhardt graduated as a Master Scholar of Prof. Leni Hoffmann at the State Academy of Fine Arts Karlsruhe, Germany, and is working as a professional artist since. She received various art awards and is currently staying at the SIMA as Visiting Artist, invited by the Swiss-based Atelier Mondial Residency Program.