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Mr. ZHOU Ming
Mr. ZHOU Ming
Associate Professor
Academic Qualifications
1982.9-1986.7, BEng, received a bachelor’s degree from the school of urban construction, at the Chongqing Institute of Architectural Engineering.
Working Experience
1. 1999 to date, engaged in teaching, researching and designing of water supply and drainage in Kunming University of Science and Technology.
2. 1994 - 1999, worked in teaching, researching and designing of water supply and drainage engineering at Yunnan Industrial University.
3. 1986 - 1994, engaged in teaching, researching and designing work at Kunming Branch of Chongqing Architectural Engineering College.
Research Fields
1. Municipal Engineering
2. Fire Fighting Engineering
Part-time Academic Job
1. Standing committee member of Yunnan provincial Civil Engineering Society water supply and drainage Specialized Committee;
2. Deputy Director, expert committee of fire protection technical advisory committee of Kunming Fire Protection Association;
3. An expert at Yunnan construction engineering fire technology expert library of Yunnan Provincial Department of housing and urban rural construction, Yunnan Provincial Public Security Fire Corps.
Research Fundings
1. 2017-2019, a project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Youth Fund) entitled "Research on the optimization and reconstruction of water supply network in small towns based on fire risk". Participation (third)
2. 2017-2020, a project of Yunnan Provincial Department of science and Technology (Youth Fund) entitled "Considering the impact of fire water on small and medium town’s water supply pipe network reconstruction optimization research". Participation (third)
3. 2015-2018, a provincial project of personnel training of Kunming University of Science and Technology entitled “research on the identification of resistance coefficient of weighted least square water supply network based on empirical information” . Participation (third)
Academic Achievement
1. In 2016, the author (corresponding) published a paper entitled "SVM prediction model optimization of urban water consumption based on the concept of intelligent water affairs" in the "Building Water Supply and Drainage".
2. In 2016, the author (corresponding) published a paper entitled "The selection of adjacent points for water supply forecasting model based on chaotic local method" in the "Building Water Supply and Drainage".
3. In 2016, the author (corresponding) published a paper entitled "Improvement of BP water supply forecasting model based on phase space reconstruction" in the "Water Supply and Drainage".
4. In 2016, the author (second) published a paper entitled "Two variables of building water supply and hot water in the calculation of interpolation calculation method" in the "Water supply and drainage construction research branch of the Architectural Society of Chinese the first third plenary meeting and Symposium".
5. In 2016, the author (third) published a paper entitled "The influence of the selection of neighboring phase points on the accuracy of water supply prediction" in the "Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering".
6. In 2016, the author (third) published a paper entitled "Pipe burst detection and analysis of water supply network based on CUSUM algorithm" in the "Water Supply and Drainage".
7. In 2016, the author (third) published a paper entitled "Detection of pipe burst in water supply network based on wavelet analysis" in the "Cryogenic Construction Technology".
8. In 2016, the author (third) published a paper entitled "Node flow control of water supply network based on weighted least square method" in the "Civil Engineering and Environment Engineering".
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-11-07
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