

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-11-13

电子邮件: huangwei@mail.kib.ac.cn
通信地址: 云南省昆明市蓝黑路132号

招生专业 071001-植物学

招生方向 植物生理学,光合作用


工作简历 2015-01~现在,中国科学院昆明植物研究所,副研究员

发表论文 (1)Photoinhibition of photosystem I under ?uctuating light is linked to the insu?cient ΔpH upon a sudden transition from low to high light,Environmental and Experimental Botany,2019,第1作者
(2)Photosynthetic regulation under ?uctuating light in young and mature leaves of the CAM plant Bryophyllum pinnatum,BBA-Bioenergetics,2019,通讯作者
(3)The role of water-water cycle in regulating the redox state of photosystem I under ?uctuating light,BBA-Bioenergetics,2019,第1作者
(4)Stimulation of cyclic electron ?ow around photosystem I upon a sudden transition from low to high light in two angiosperms Arabidopsis thaliana and Bletilla striata,Plant Science,2019,通讯作者
(5)Photosynthetic characteristics explain the high growth rate for Eucalyptus camaldulensis: implications for breeding strategy,Industrial Crops and Products,2018,通讯作者
(6)In vivo regulation of proton motive force during photosynthetic induction,Environmental and Experimental Botany,2018,第1作者
(7)Chloroplastic ATP synthase plays an important role in the regulation of proton motive force in fluctuating light,Journal of Plant Physiology,2018,第1作者
(8)In vivo regulation of thylakoid proton motive force in immature leaves,Photosynthesis Research,2018,第1作者
(9)Photoinhibition of photosystem I in Nephrolepis falciformis depends on reactive oxygen species generated in the chloroplast stroma,Photosynthesis Research,2018,第1作者
(10)Cyclic Electron Flow around Photosystem I Promotes ATP Synthesis Possibly Helping the Rapid Repair of Photodamaged Photosystem II at Low Light,Frontiers in Plant Science,2018,第1作者
(11)Chloroplastic ATP synthase alleviates photoinhibition of photosystem I in tobacco illuminated at chilling temperature,Frontiers in Plant Science,2018,通讯作者
(12)Moderate Photoinhibition of Photosystem II Significantly Affects Linear Electron Flow in the Shade-Demanding Plant Panax notoginseng,Frontiers in Plant Science,2018,第1作者
(13)Chloroplastic ATP synthase optimizes the trade-off between photosynthetic CO2 assimilation and photoprotection during leaf maturation,BBA-Bioenergetics,2018,第1作者
(14)Superoxide generated in the chloroplast stroma causes photoinhibition of photosystem I in the shade-establishing tree species Psychotria henryi,Photosynthesis Research,2017,第1作者
(15)Specific roles of cyclic electron flow around photosystem I in photosynthetic regulation in immature and mature leaves,Journal of Plant Physiology,2017,第1作者
(16)The water-water cycle is a major electron sink in Camellia species when CO2 assimilation is restricted,Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology,2017,通讯作者
(17)PSI photoinhibition is more related to electron transfer from PSII to PSI rather than PSI redox state in Psychotria rubra,Photosynthesis Research,2016,第1作者
(18)Evidence for the role of cyclic electron flow in photoprotection for oxygen evolving complex,Journal of Plant Physiology,2016,第1作者
(19)Responses of photosystem I compared with photosystem II to fluctuating light in the shade-Establishing tropical tree species Psychotria henryi,Frontiers in Plant Science,2016,第1作者
(20)Photosynthesis and photosynthetic electron flow in the alpine evergreen species Quercus guyavifolia in winter,Frontiers in Plant Science,2016,第1作者
(21)Seasonal variations in photosystem I compared with photosystem II of three alpine evergreen broad-leaf tree species,Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology,2016,第1作者
(22)Sustained diurnal stimulation of cyclic electron flow in two tropical tree species Erythrophleum guineense and Khaya ivorensis,Frontiers in Plant Science,2016,第1作者
(23)The sclerophyllous Eucalyptus camaldulensis and herbaceous Nicotiana tabacum have different mechanisms to maintain high rates of photosynthesis,Frontiers in Plant Science,2016,第1作者
(24)Response of the water–water cycle to the change in photorespiration in tobacco,Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology,2016,第1作者
(25)Moderate photoinhibition of photosystem II protects photosystem I from photodamage at chilling stress in tobacco leaves,Frontiers in Plant Science,2016,第1作者
(26)Different roles of cyclic electron flow around photosystem I under sub-saturating and saturating light intensities in tobacco leaves,Frontiers in Plant Science,2015,第1作者
(27)Different roles of cyclic electron flow around photosystem I under sub-saturating and saturating light intensities in tobacco leaves,Frontiers in Plant Science,2015,第1作者
(28)Photoinhibition of photosystem I under high light in the shade-established tropical tree species Psychotria rubra,Frontiers in Plant Science,2015,第1作者
(29)Insusceptibility of oxygen-evolving complex to high light in Betula platyphylla,Journal of Plant Research,2015,第1作者
(30)Photorespiration plays an important role in the regulation of photosynthetic electron flow under fluctuating light in tobacco plants grown under full sunlight,Frontiers in Plant Science,2015,第1作者
(31)Evidence for the regulation of leaf movement by photosystem II activity,Environmental and Experimental Botany,2014,第1作者
(32)Sun leaves up-regulate the photorespiratory pathway to maintain a high rate of CO2 assimilation in tobacco,Frontiers in Plant Science,2014,第1作者

发表著作 (1)清香型烟叶物质代谢基础,云南科技出版社,2016-03,第2作者

科研项目 ( 1 ) 高山常绿杜鹃冬季光合作用的维持及其与水力结构的关系, 参与,国家级,2017-01--2020-12
( 2 ) 逆境胁迫下围绕光系统I循环电子传递对光合作用调控机理研究, 主持,部委级,2016-01--2019-12
( 3 ) 高山常绿树种冬季光合作用功能维持机制, 主持,省级,2016-10--2019-09

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