

昆明植物研究所 免费考研网/2016-01-27


銆銆1992.9-1996.7 娌冲寳澶у鐢熺墿瀛︾郴鐢熺墿瀛︿笓涓氾紝鐞嗗瀛﹀+銆?/span>

銆銆1996.9-2002.6 涓浗绉戝闄㈡槅鏄庢鐗╃爺绌舵墍妞嶇墿瀛︿笓涓氾紝鐞嗗鍗氬+銆?/span>

銆銆2002.8-2007.12 涓浗绉戝闄㈡槅鏄庢鐗╃爺绌舵墍锛屽姪鐞嗙爺绌跺憳銆?/span>

銆銆2008.1-2012.12 涓浗绉戝闄㈡槅鏄庢鐗╃爺绌舵墍锛屽壇鐮旂┒鍛橈紝纭曞+鐢熷甯堛?/span>

銆銆2013.1-鑷充粖 涓浗绉戝闄㈡槅鏄庢鐗╃爺绌舵墍锛岀爺绌跺憳锛屽崥澹敓瀵煎笀锛岀爺绌剁粍闀?/span>

銆銆2010.4-鑷充粖 涓浗绉戝闄㈢敓鐗╁鏍锋т笌鐢熺墿鍦扮悊瀛﹂噸鐐瑰疄楠屽锛屽壇涓讳换

銆銆2003.10-2004.3 鑻卞浗鐖变竵鍫℃鐗╁洯鍚堜綔鐮旂┒

銆銆2006.1-2006.5 鑻卞浗鐖变竵鍫℃鐗╁洯鍚堜綔鐮旂┒

銆銆2007.6-2007.12 缇庡浗鍝堜經澶у璁块棶瀛﹁?/span>

銆銆2009.9-2009-12 鑻卞浗鐖变竵鍫℃鐗╁洯楂樼骇鐮旂┒瀛﹁?/span>

銆銆涓昏浠庢鐗╃郴缁熷彂鑲层佽氨绯诲湴鐞嗗鍙婃鐗?/span>DNA鏉″舰鐮佺殑鐮旂┒銆傜郴缁熷湴寮灞曚簡绾㈣眴鏉夊睘妞嶇墿鐨勭郴缁熷彂鑲层佽氨绯诲湴鐞嗗鍜岀墿绉嶅舰鎴愮瓑鏂归潰鐨勭爺绌讹紝鎻愬嚭浜嗛珮灞憋紙濡傛掑北銆佸ぇ宸村北锛夊拰宄¤胺锛堝鍙版咕娴峰场锛夋槸闃荤璋辩郴闂村熀鍥犳祦鐨勫ぉ鐒跺睆闅滅殑鏂拌鐐癸紝鎻ず浜嗛潚钘忛珮鍘熼殕鍗囧拰浜氭床瀛i褰㈡佸鑷村枩椹媺闆呯孩璞嗘潐鐨勯殣褰㈢墿绉嶅舰鎴愶紝鐮旂┒宸ヤ綔鍙楀埌鍥介檯鍚岃鐨勫箍娉涘叧娉ㄥ拰寮曠敤銆備綔涓轰富瑕佽础鐚汉锛屽弬涓庡浗闄呮鐗?/span>DNA鏍稿績鏉$爜鐨勮瘎浠蜂笌鏍囧噯鍒跺畾锛屽埄鐢?/span>DNA鏉″舰鐮佹妧鏈彂鐜颁簡娆т簹绾㈣眴鏉夋鐗╂湁4涓殣瀛樼锛屾彁鍑轰簡绾㈣眴鏉夊睘鐗╃蹇熼壌瀹氱殑鏂规硶銆傝繍鐢ㄥ瀛︾鐨勬柟娉曞紑灞曚簡鏉滈箖灞炵殑绯荤粺鍙戣偛涓庣墿绉嶅舰鎴愮爺绌讹紝鍩轰簬鍒嗗瓙銆佸舰鎬佸拰鍦扮悊鍒嗗竷绛夎瘉鎹瘉鏄庝簡绮夌孩鐖嗘潠鑺变负纰庣背鑺辩垎鏉栬姳鐨勫ぉ鐒舵潅绉嶏紝瀹屾垚浜嗘潨楣冨睘椹摱鑺变簹灞炵殑绯荤粺鍙戣偛閲嶅缓鍜屽垎绫讳慨璁紝缁撴灉琚?/span>Flora of China銆嬮噰绾筹紝宸插彂琛ㄦ潨楣冨睘6涓柊绉嶅拰3涓柊鍙樼锛屽綊骞朵簡5涓潨楣冭姳寮傚悕锛屽弬涓庣敵璇锋敞鍐屾潨楣冨睘鏂板搧绉?/span>5涓?/span>2008骞村叆閫変簯鍗楃渷涓潚骞村鏈妧鏈甫澶翠汉鍚庡浜烘墠銆傝繎骞存潵涓绘寔鍥藉鍩洪噾濮斿浗闄咃紙鍦板尯锛夊悎浣滀笌浜ゆ祦閲嶅ぇ椤圭洰銆佸浗瀹惰嚜鐒剁瀛﹀熀閲戦潰涓婇」鐩?/span>鍥藉绉戞妧鍩虹鎬у伐浣滀笓椤广?/span>973椤圭洰涓撻銆佷腑鍥界瀛﹂櫌閲嶈鏂瑰悜鎬ч」鐩拰鈥?/span>瑗块儴涔嬪厜鈥?/span>閲嶇偣椤圭洰绛?/span>10澶氶」銆傝縿浠婂湪Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA锛?/span>New Phytologist锛?/span>Molecular Ecology, PLoS ONE鍜?/span>Taxon绛夊浗鍐呭涓绘祦鍒婄墿涓婂彂琛ㄨ鏂囪繎60绡囷紝鍏朵腑SCI鏈熷垔鏀跺綍璁烘枃30澶氱瘒锛屽弬鍔犵紪鍐欎笓钁?/span>4閮紝璇戣憲1閮ㄣ備负African Journal of Agricultural Research, African Journal of Botany, Annales Botanici Fennici, Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, Journal of Systematic and Evolution, HortSciene, Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, Journal of Plant Ecology, Nordic Journal of Botany, PLoS ONE, Molecular Ecology锛?/span>Molecular Ecology Resources, Systematics and Biodiversity, Taxon, Tree Genetics and Genomes 绛夋潅蹇楀绋夸汉銆傜幇浠汇婃鐗╁垎绫讳笌璧勬簮瀛︽姤銆嬬紪濮斻併婄敓鐗╁鏍锋с嬬紪濮斻佷腑鍥芥鐗?/span>DNA鏉″舰鐮佸鍛樹細绉樹功銆佷腑鍗庝汉姘戝叡鍜屽浗婵掑嵄鐗╃绉戝濮斿憳浼氬崗瀹′笓瀹躲佸浗闄呯敓鍛芥潯褰㈢爜妞嶇墿宸ヤ綔缁勬垚鍛樸?/span>
銆銆涓浗閲嶈妞嶇墿绫荤兢鐨?/span>DNA鏉″舰鐮佺爺绌?/span>锛氱郴缁熷紑灞曟垜鍥介噸瑕佺被缇わ紝濡傜孩璞嗘潐绉戙佹潨楣冭姳绉戠瓑鐨?/span>DNA鏉″舰鐮佺爺绌讹紝寤虹珛杩欎簺灞炵鐨?/span>DNA鏉″舰鐮佹爣鍑嗘暟鎹簱锛屽畬鎴愯繖浜涚被缇?/span>鈥渋Flora鈥?/span>鐨勫熀鏈鏋剁爺鍒讹紝涓?/span>鈥渋Flora 鐮旂┒璁″垝鈥?/span>鐨勭爺鍒舵彁渚涜祫鏂欏拰鏁版嵁銆傛澶栵紝浠ラ珮榛庤础灞卞拰涓芥睙鐜夐緳闆北涓虹爺绌跺湴鐐癸紝璁剧珛璺ㄧ幆澧冩搴︾殑澶氫釜鏍锋柟锛屽埄鐢?/span>DNA鏉″舰鐮佹妧鏈紑灞曠兢钀界郴缁熷彂鑲插拰鐗╃鍏卞瓨鏈哄埗鐮旂┒锛屾彮绀哄叏鐞冩皵鍊欏彉鍖栨儏鏅笅妞嶇墿缇よ惤鐗╃缁勬垚鐨勫彉鍖栦笌绋冲畾鏈哄埗銆?/span>






5. 浜戝崡鐪佷腑闈掑勾瀛︽湳鎶鏈甫澶翠汉鍚庡浜烘墠锛?/span>2008骞村叆閫夛級銆?/span>

銆銆1. Poudel Ram Chandra, M枚ller Michael , Liu Jie, Gao Lian-Ming*, Baral Sushim Ranjan, and Li De-Zhu*. 2014. Low genetic diversity and high inbreeding of the endangered yews in Central Himalaya: Implications for conservation of their highly fragmented populations. Diversity and Distribution, (in press)

銆銆2. Poudel Ram Chandra, M枚ller Michael, Li De-Zhu*, Shah Amin, Gao Lian-Ming*. 2014. Genetic diversity and demographical history of the endangered yew tree Taxus contorta in Pakistan. Tree Genetics and Genomes DOI: 10.1007/s11295-014-0711-7

銆銆3. Yan Li-Jun, Zhang Zhi-Rong, Li De-Zhu, Gao Lian-Ming*. 2014. Isolation and characterization of microsatellite markers for the endemic species Rhododendron spinuliferum (Ericaceae). Plant Diversity and Resources, 36:41-46.

銆銆4. M枚ller Michael, Gao Lian-Ming*, Robert R Mill, Liu Jie, Zhang De-Quan, Ram C. Poudel, Li De-Zhu*. 2013. A multidisciplinary approach reveals hidden taxonomic diversity in the morphologically challenging Taxus wallichiana complex. Taxon, 62:1161-1177.

銆銆5. Li Yan, Wu Ding, Gao Lian-Ming*. 2013. Highly Universal DNA Barcoding Primers of ITS2 for Gymnosperms. Plant Diversity and Resources, 35: 751-760.

銆銆6. Liu Jie, M枚ller Michael, Provan Jim, Gao Lian-Ming*, Poudel C. Ram, Li De-Zhu*. 2013. Geological and Ecological Factors Drive Cryptic Speciation of Yews in a Biodiversity Hotspot. New Phytologist 199: 1093-1108.

銆銆7. Yan Li-Jun, Gao Lian-Ming*, Li De-Zhu. 2013. Molecular evidence for natural hybridization between Rhododendron spiciferum and R. spinuliferum (Ericaceae). Journal of Systematics and Evolution 51(4): 426-431.

銆銆8. Ma Yong-Peng, Wu Zhi-Kun, Xue Rui-Juan, Gao Lian-Ming*, Sun Wei-Bang. 2013. A new species of Rhododendron (Ericaceae) from Gaoligong Mountains, Yunnan, China, evidenced from morphological and DNA barcoding data. Phytotaxa 114 (1): 42-50.

銆銆9. Poudel Ram Chandra, Gao Lian-Ming*, M枚ller Michael*, Baral Sushim Ranjan, Uprety Yadav, Liu Jie and Li De-Zhu*. 2013. Yews (Taxus) along the Himalayas: exploring ethnopharmacological relevance among the communities of Mongols and Caucasians origins. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 147: 190-203.

銆銆10. Zhang Lin, Zhang Zhi-Rong, Gao Lian-Ming*. 2013. Isolation and characterization of 27 microsatellite markers for an endemic species Diplarche multiflora (Ericaceae). Applications in Plant Sciences 1(1): ** doi:10.3732/apps.**

銆銆11. Gao Lian-Ming, Zhang Zhi-Rong, Zhou Ping, M枚ller Michael*, Li De-Zhu*. 2012. Microsatellite markers developed for Corallodiscus lanuginosus (Gesneriaceae) and cross-species transferability. American Journal of Botany 99 (12): e490-e492. doi:10.3732/ajb.**.

銆銆12. Cai Zhao-Ming, Zhang Yu-Xiao, Zhang Li-Na, Gao Lian-Ming*, Li De-Zhu*. 2012. Testing four candidate barcode markers in temperate woody bamboos (Poaceae: Bambusoideae). Journal of Systematics and Evolution 50:527-539.

銆銆13. Poudel Chandra Ram, M枚ller Michael, Gao Lian-Ming*, Ahrends Antje, Baral Sushim Ranjan, Liu Jie, Thomas Philip, Li De-Zhu*. 2012. Using morphological, molecular and climatic data to delimitate yews along the HinduKush-Himalaya and adjacent regions. PloS ONE 7(10): e46873. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.**.

銆銆14. Liu Jie, Provan Jim, Gao Lian-Ming*, Li De-Zhu*. 2012. Sampling strategy and potential utility of indels for DNA barcoding of closely related plant species: A case study in Taxus. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 13:8740-8751.

銆銆15. Liu Jian-Quan, Sun Yong-Shuai, Ge Xue-Jun, Gao Lian-Ming, Qiu Ying-Xiong. 2012. Phylogeographic studies of plants in China: advances in the past and directions in the future. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 50:267-275.

銆銆16. Yang Jun-Bo, Wang Yi-Ping, M枚ller Michael, Gao Lian-Ming*, Wu Ding*. 2012. Applying plant DNA barcodes to identify species of Parnassia (Parnassiaceae). Molecular Ecology Resources 12:267-275.

銆銆17. Zhang Ling, Li Hong-Tao, Gao Lian-Ming, Yang Jun-Bo, Li De-Zhu, Cannon H Charles, Chen Jin, Li Qing-Jun. 2011. Phylogeny and evolution of bracts and bracteoles in Tacca (Dioscoreaceae). Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 53(11): 901鈥?11.

銆銆18. Li De-Zhu*, Gao Lian-Ming, Li Hong-Tao, Wang Hong et al., 2011. Comparative analysis of a large dataset indicates that ITS should be incorporated into the core barcode for seed plants. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 108: 19641鈥?9646.

銆銆19. Kuang Dai-Yong, Wu Hong, Wang Ya-Ling, Gao Lian-Ming, Zhang Shou-Zhou, Lu Lu, 2011. Complete chloroplast genome sequence of Magnolia kwangsiensis (Magnoliaceae): implication for DNA barcoding and population genetics. GENOME 54(8): 663-673.

銆銆20. Li De-Zhu, Liu Jian-Quan, Chen Zhi-Duan, Wang Hong, Ge Xue-Jun, Zhou Shi-Liang, Gao Lian-Ming, Fu Cheng-Xin, Chen Shi-Lin, 2011. Plant DNA barcoding in China. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 49 (3): 165-168.

銆銆21. Li Yan, Gao Lian-Ming *, Poudel C. Ram, Li De-Zhu, Forrest A. 2011. High universality of matK primers for barcoding gymnosperms. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 49: 169-175.

銆銆22. Liu Jie, Gao Lian-Ming*, Li De-Zhu, Zhang De-Quan, M枚ller Michael, 2011. Cross-species amplification and development of new microsatellite loci for Taxus wallichiana (Taxaceae). American Journal of Botany 98: e70-e73.

銆銆23. Liu Jie, M枚ller Michael, Gao Lian-Ming*, Zhang De-Quan, Li De-Zhu*, 2011. DNA barcoding for the discrimination of Eurasian yews (Taxus L., Taxaceae), and the discovery of cryptic species. Molecular Ecology Resources 11: 89-100.

銆銆24. Zhang De-Quan, Gao Lian-Ming, Yang Yong-Ping, 2010. Genetic diversity and structure of a traditional Chinese medicinal plant species, Fritillaria cirrhosa (Liliaceae) in southwest China and implications for its conservation. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 38: 236-242.

銆銆25. Yang Jun-Bo, Li Hong-Tao, Li De-Zhu, Liu Jie, Gao Lian-Ming*, 2009. Isolation and characterization of microsatellite markers in the endangered species Taxus wallichiana using the FIASCO method. HortScience 44(7): 2043鈥?045.

銆銆26. Wu Ding, Gao Lian-Ming*, M枚ller Michael, 2009. Taxonomic notes of Parnassia section Saxifragastrum (Parnassiaceae) from China. Annales Botanici Fennici 46 (6): 559-602.

銆銆27. Zhang Xue-Mei, Gao Lian-Ming, M枚ller Michael, Li De-Zhu, 2009. Molecular evidence for fragmentation among populations of Taxus wallichiana var. mairei, a highly endangered conifer in China. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 39: 755-764.

銆銆28. Gao Lian-Ming, Li D.Z., 2009. Rhododendron qiaojiaense (Ericaceae), a new species from Yunnan, China. Annales Botanici Fennici 46: 67-70.

銆銆29. Gao Lian-Ming*, Zhang Shu-Dong, 2008. Rhododendron yaoshanense (Ericaceae), a new species from NE Yunnan, China. Annales Botanici Fennici 45: 202-204.

銆銆30. Shah Amin, Li De-Zhu, M枚ller Michael, Gao Lian-Ming*, Hollingsworth L. Michelle, Gibby Mary, 2008. Delimitation of Taxus fuana Nan Li & R.R. Mill (Taxaceae) based on morphological and molecular data. Taxon 57(1): 211-222.

銆銆31. Shah Amin, Li De-Zhu, Gao Lian-Ming*, Li Hong-Tao, M枚ller Michael, 2008. Genetic Diversity within and among populations of the endangered species Taxus fuana (Taxaceae) from Pakistan and implications for its conservation. Biochemical Systermatics and Ecology 36(3):183-193.

銆銆32. Zhang Jing-Li, Zhang Chang-Qin, Gao Lian-Ming, Yang Jun-Bo, Li Hong-Tao, 2007. Natural Hybridization Origin of Rhododendron agastum (Ericaceae) in Yunnan, China锛?/span>Inferred from Morphological and Molecular Evidence. Journal of Plant Research 120:457-463.

銆銆33. Gao Lian-Ming, M枚ller Michael, Zhang Xue-Mei, Hollingsworth Michelle, Liu Jie, Mill R Robert, Gibby Mary, Li De-Zhu, 2007. High variation and strong phylogeographic pattern among cpDNA haplotypes in Taxus wallichian complex (Taxaceae) in China and North Vietnam. Molecular Ecology 16:4684-4698.

銆銆34. M枚ller Michael, Gao Lian-Ming*, Li De-Zhu, Mill R Robet, Hollingsworth Michelle, Gibby Mary, 2007. Morphometric analysis of the Taxus wallichiana complex based on herbarium material. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 155(3):307-335.

銆銆35. 缃椾簹鐨?/span>, 鍒樻澃, 楂樿繛鏄?/span>*, 鏉庡痉閾?/span>*. 2013. DNA 鏉″舰鐮佸湪鐢熸佸鐮旂┒涓殑搴旂敤涓庡睍鏈?/span>.妞嶇墿鍒嗙被涓庤祫婧愬鎶?/span>, 35: 761-768.

銆銆36. 楂樿繛鏄庯紝鍒樻澃锛岃敗鏉帮紝鏉ㄤ繆娉紝寮犳尯锛屾潕寰烽摙*. 2012. 鍏充簬妞嶇墿DNA鏉″舰鐮佺爺绌舵妧鏈鑼?/span>. 妞嶇墿鍒嗙被涓庤祫婧愬鎶?/span>, 34: 592-606

銆銆37. 鏉庢椽娑涳紝鏇炬槬闇烇紝楂樿繛鏄庯紝浼婂环鍙岋紝鏉ㄤ繆娉?/span>. 2012. 閬椾紶淇℃伅鍙婂叾鑾峰彇鎶鏈笌iFlora.妞嶇墿鍒嗙被涓庤祫婧愬鎶?/span>, 34: 585-591.

銆銆38. 鏉庡痉閾紝鐜嬮洦鍗庯紝浼婂环鍙岋紝鐜嬬孩锛岄珮杩炴槑锛屾潹淇婃尝. 2012. 鏂颁竴浠f鐗╁織:iFlora. 妞嶇墿鍒嗙被涓庤祫婧愬鎶?/span>, 34: 525-531.

銆銆39. 寮犻洩姊咃紝鏉庡痉閾紝楂樿繛鏄?/b>. 2012.鍗楁柟绾㈣眴鏉夎氨绯诲湴鐞嗗鐮旂┒. 瑗垮寳妞嶇墿瀛︽姤, 10:1983-1989.

銆銆40. 鍒樻澃锛岄珮杩炴槑. 2011. 绾㈣眴鏉夊睘妞嶇墿涓夌涓嶅悓鎬?/span>DNA鎻愬彇鏂规硶鐨勫垎鏋愭瘮杈?/span>. 骞胯タ妞嶇墿 31: 244-249.



銆銆2.鍥藉鑷劧绉戝鍩洪噾闈笂椤圭洰鈥?/span>妯柇灞卞湴鍖虹孩璞嗘潐灞炴鐗╂潅浜ょ墿绉嶅舰鎴愪笌閫傚簲鎬ц繘鍖栤?/span> 锛?/span>**锛?/span>2014.1-2007.12锛夈?/span>


銆 4.鍥藉鑷劧绉戝鍩洪噾鍥介檯锛堝湴鍖猴級浜ゆ祦涓庡悎浣滈噸澶ч」鐩?/span>鈥?/span>涓栫晫閲嶈鑼舵爲鍝佺鍙婂叾閲庣敓杩戠紭绉嶇殑绉嶈川璧勬簮璇勪环涓庨仐浼犲鏍锋х爺绌?/span>鈥?/span>锛?/span>**锛?/span>2012-2016锛夈?/span>


6.鐪佸競闄㈢鎶鍚堜綔椤圭洰 鈥?/span>姣曡妭鑽敤妞嶇墿璧勬簮璋冩煡鏀堕泦鍙?/span>DNA鏉″舰鐮佺爺绌?/span>鈥?/span>锛?/span>2012-1, 2013.1-2004.12锛夈?/span>


1. 鐪佸競闄㈢鎶鍚堜綔椤圭洰 鈥?/span>姣曡妭鑽敤妞嶇墿璧勬簮璋冩煡鏀堕泦鍙?/span>DNA鏉″舰鐮佺爺绌?/span>鈥?/span>锛?/span>2012-1, 2013.1-2004.12锛夈?/span>

2. 鍥藉鑷劧绉戝鍩洪噾闈掑勾鍩洪噾椤圭洰 鈥?/span>椤诲讥绾㈣眴鏉夌殑璋辩郴鍦扮悊瀛︾爺绌?/span>鈥?/span>锛?/span>**锛?/span>2008-2010锛?/span>

4. 鍥藉绉戞妧鍩虹鎬у伐浣滀笓椤癸紙涓绾ц棰橈級鈥?/span>楂橀粠璐″北鍥藉鑷劧淇濇姢鍖烘鐗╁鏍锋ц冨療鍙?/span>DNA鏉″舰鐮佹祴搴?/span>鈥?/span>锛岋紙2012FY110800锛?/span>2012-2016锛夈?/span>

5. 鍥藉鍩虹鐮旂┒璁″垝椤圭洰锛?/span>973椤圭洰锛変笓棰?/span>鈥?/span>椤诲讥绾㈣眴鏉夌殑璋辩郴鍒嗗寲鐮旂┒鈥?/span>锛岋紙2007CB411600锛?/span>2007-2011锛夈?/span>

6. 浜戝崡鐪佸簲鐢ㄥ熀纭鐮旂┒璁″垝闈笂椤圭洰鈥?/span>椤诲讥绾㈣眴鏉夌殑璋辩郴鍦扮悊瀛︾爺绌?/span>鈥?/span>锛岋紙2007C088M锛?/span>2008-2010锛夈?/span>

7. 涓浗绉戝闄?/span>鈥?/span>瑗块儴涔嬪厜鈥?/span>閲嶇偣椤圭洰鈥?/span>椤诲讥绾㈣眴鏉夌殑璋辩郴鍒嗗寲涓庨仐浼犲彉寮?/span>鈥?/span>锛堥」鐩紪鍙?/span>: O**W1锛?/span>2009-2011锛夈?/span>

8. 涓浗绉戝闄㈤噸瑕佹柟鍚戞ч」鐩笓棰?/span>鈥?/span>妞嶇墿DNA鏉″舰鐮佺爺绌?/span>鈥?/span>锛岋紙KSCX2-YW-N-0807锛?/span>2008-2011锛夈?/span>

9. 涓浗绉戝闄㈤噸瑕佹柟鍚戞ч」鐩笓棰?/span>鈥?/span>鏉滈箖鑺辨棌鐨勭郴缁熷彂鑲蹭笌DNA鏉″舰鐮佺爺绌?/span>鈥?/span>锛岋紙KSCX2-EW-Z-2锛?/span>2011-2013锛夈?/span>

10. 涓浗绉戝闄紭绉闈掑勾绉戞妧涓撻」鈥?/span>鏉滈箖鑺卞睘鐨勭郴缁熷彂鑲蹭笌鐗╃褰㈡垚鐮旂┒鈥?/span>锛岋紙KSCX2-EW-Q-10锛?/span>2011-2013锛夈?/span>

11. 涓浗绉戝闄㈠ぇ绉戝瑁呯疆寮鏀剧爺绌堕」鐩紙涓绾ц棰橈級鈥?/span>绛涢夌敤浜庢鐗?/span>DNA鏉″舰鐮佺殑鍒嗗瓙鏍囪鈥?/span>锛岋紙 2009-LSF-GBOWS-01锛?/span>2009-2012锛夈?/span>

12. 涓浗绉戝闄㈠ぇ绉戝瑁呯疆寮鏀剧爺绌堕」鐩笓棰?/span>鈥?/span>閲嶈绫荤兢鐨?/span>DNA鏉″舰鐮佺爺绌?/span>鈥?/span>锛岋紙2009-LSF-GBOWS-01锛?/span>2009-2012锛夈?/span>

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