

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-11-28

张红燕 教授

联系电话: **
张红燕,女,汉,1979年5月出生,中共党员,理学博士,现任新疆大学物理学院教授、博士生导师。2013年6月获新疆大学化学与化工学院物理化学理学博士学位。2001年7月至今在新疆大学物理学院参加工作,主要研究领域为半导体气敏传感器,荧光量子点生物传感器。2019.6-2020.7在美国北卡罗莱纳州立大学夏洛特分校访问一年。近5年来,主持国家自然科学基金3项,省部级项目2项,厅局级项目1项,入选新疆维吾尔自治区人才培养项目一项。在Biosensors and Bioelectronics、Sensors and Actuators: B, Applied surface science等重要国际学术刊物发表(第一作者)发表论文40余篇,他引100余次。参与编写出版大学物理实验教材1部,以第一作者发表关于物理及物理实验方面教研论文4篇。研究成果获新疆自治区优秀博士毕业论文奖,自治区优秀学术论文一等奖及二等奖各一项,第六届新疆大学青年科研奖,新疆大学第十届科学研究优秀成果奖特等奖,“高等教育杯”全国高等学校物理基础课程青年教师讲课比赛西北赛区复赛三等奖,新疆大学青年教师教学优秀奖,光华奖。

[1] 国家自然科学基金地区基金:多孔硅基氧化锌纳米复合材料室温气敏传感器的设计和性能研究(**),2021.01-2024.12,35万,项目负责人。
[2] 国家自然科学基金地区基金:白光发射增强的掺杂氧化锌/多孔硅光子晶体复合材料制备及其荧光性能研究(**),2017.01-2020.12,40.0万,项目负责人。
[3] 新疆维吾尔自治区自然科学基金:高性能氧化锌/多孔硅气敏传感器的制备及性能研究(2019D01C036),2019.04-2022.04,7.0万,项目负责人。
[4] 国家自然科学基金青年基金:量子点-纳米金荧光共振能量转移体系的构建及其生物检测 (**),2016.01-2018.12,24.0万,项目负责人。
[5] 新疆维吾尔自治区科技厅人才项目:自治区青年科技创新人才培养工程(QN2016YX0040),2017.06-2018.6, 8.0万,项目负责人。
[6] 新疆维吾尔自治区自然科学基金:基于Ⅱ-Ⅵ族量子点与纳米金构建的荧光增强传感器制备及其生物检测(**C275),2015.01-2017.12,7.0万,项目负责人。
[7] 自治区高校科研计划青年教师科研启动基金:基于纳米金/多孔硅一维光子晶体生物传感器的研究(XJEDU2013S04),2014.01—2015.12,2.5万,项目负责人。

[1] Shuguo Yu, Chu Chen, Hongyan Zhang*, Jun Zhang*, Jing Liu, Design of high sensitivity graphite carbon nitride/zinc oxide humidity sensor for breath detection, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2021, 332, 129536.
[2] Shuguo Yu, Hongyan Zhang*, Chu Chen*, Jun Zhang*, Preparation and mechanism investigation of highly sensitive humidity sensor based on two dimensional porous Gold/Graphite carbon nitride nanoflake, Sensors and Actuators B:Chemical, 2020, 307, 127679.
[3] Yan Chen, Yong Zhang, Hongyan Zhang*, Chu Chen, Design and evaluation of Cu-modified ZnO microspheres as a high performance formaldehyde sensor based on density functional theory, Applied Surface Science, 2020, 532, 147446.
[4] Chunmei Tang, Chu Chen, Hongyan Zhang*, Jun Zhang, Peng LI, Enhancement of degradation for nitrogen doped zinc oxide to degrade methylene blue, Physica:B, 2020, 583, 412029.
[5] Minjing Bian, Hongyan Zhang*, Peng Li, Zhijun Li, Effect of post-annealing on photoluminescence of Eu-doped ZnO microspheres for single-component white-light materials, Optik, 2020, 209, 164607.
[6] Shuguo Yu, Hongyan Zhang*, Chu Chen, Cunchong Lin, Investigation of humidity sensor based on Au modified ZnO nanosheets via hydrothermal method and first principle, Sensors and actuators B, 287, 526-534, 2019.
[7] Shuguo Yu, Hongyan Zhang*, Cunchong Ling, Mingjin Bian, The enhancement of humidity sensing performance based on Eu-doped ZnO,Current Applied Physics,19, 82-88,2019.
[8] Cunchong Lin, Hongyan Zhang*, Jun Zhang*, Chu Chen, Enhancement of the Humidity Sensing Performance in Mg-Doped Hexagonal ZnO Microspheres at Room Temperature, Sensors, 19, 519, 2019.
[9] Jun Wang, Shuguo Yu, Hongyan Zhang*, Effect of surfactants on photoluminescence properties of ZnO synthesized by hydrothermal method, optik, 180, 20-26, 2019.
[10] Hongyan Zhang, Ming Zhang, Cunchong Lin, Jun Zhang*,AuNPs Hybrid Black ZnO Nanorods by Sol-Gel Method for Highly Sensitive Humidity Sensing, Sensors, 18(218), 1-10, 2018.
[11] Hongyan Zhang*, jie lv, Zhenhong Jia, Detection of Ammonia-Oxidizing Bacteria (AOB) Using a Porous Silicon Optical Biosensor Based on a Multilayered Double Bragg Mirror Structure, Sensors, 18(105), 1-11, 2018.
[12] Hongyan Zhang, Zhenhong Jia*, Development of Fluorescent FRET Probes for “Off-On” Detection of L-Cysteine Based on Gold Nanoparticles and Porous Silicon Nanoparticles in Ethanol Solution,Sensors,17(3), 520, 2017.
[13] Hongyan Zhang*, Yu Shu-guo, Bian Ming-jing, Sol-gel synthesis of black ZnO/AuNPs nanocomposites for effective photocatalytic activity of methylene blue,Optoelectronics Letters, 14(4), 241-244,2018.
[14] Hongyan Zhang*, jie lv, Zhenhong Jia, Efficient Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer between Quantum Dots and Gold Nanoparticles Based on Porous Silicon Photonic Crystal for DNA Detection, Sensors, 17, 1780,2017.
[15] Hongyan Zhang*, Zhenhong Jia, Application of porous silicon microcavity to enhance photoluminescence of ZnO/PS nanocomposites in UV light emission, Optik, 130, 1183–1190,2017.
[16] Wang Jun, Zhang Hongyan*, Photoluminescence and structural properties of InN films grown on porous silicon by metal oxide chemical vapor deposition method, Optoelectronics Letters, 13(1), 214-216,2017.
[17] Hongyan Zhang*, Effects of post-annealing treatment on CdS/PS nanocomposites via sol-gel method for nanostructure and photoluminescence properties, Optoelectronics Letters,12 (2), 81-84, 2016.
[18] Hongyan Zhang, Zhenhong Jia*, Xiaoyi Lv,Surface layer reflective index changes of Au nanoparticle functionalized porous silicon microcavity for DNA detection, Current Applied Physics, 15(8): 870-876, 2015.
[19] Hongyan Zhang, Zhenhong Jia*, Xiaoyi Lv, Rong Wu, Peng Li, Jing Wang, Influence of the permeable layer number of porous silicon microcavity on reflection spectrum, Optik, 126(2): 599–602, 2015.
[20] Hui Ma, Hongyan Zhang*, A compact dual-band bandpass filter based on porous silicon dual-microcavity of one-dimensional photonic crystal, Optoelectronics Letters,11(2):95-99, 2015.
[21] Hongyan Zhang, Zhenhong Jia*, Xiaoyi Lv, Yajun Liu, Design, analysis and optimization of porous silicon microcavity based on silicon-on-insulator at optical communication wavelengths, Optik, 125(1): 557-560,2014.
[22] Hongyan Zhang, Rongxia Liu, Jing Wang, Xiaoyi Lv, Zhenhong Jia*, Influence of electrolyte temperature on spectral properties of porous silicon microcavity, Chinese optical letter, 12(Suppl.): S12402(1-3),2014.
[23] Hongyan Zhang, ZhenhongJia*, Xiaoyi Lv, Jun Zhou, Liangliang Chen, Rongxia Liu, Ji Ma, Porous silicon optical microcavity biosensor on silicon-on-insulator wafer for sensitive DNA detection, Biosensors and Bioelectronics,44(15): 89–94, 2013.
[24] Hongyan Zhang, Zhenhong Jia*, Xiaoyi Lv, Junwei Hou, Xiaojing Liu, Ji Ma, Jun Zhou, Antifreeze protein detection using Rhodamine B as photoluminescence label in porous silicon, Current Applied Physics, 13(4): 736-742, 2013.
[25] Hongyan Zhang, Xiaoyi Lv, Changwu Lv, Zhenhong Jia*, n-Type porous silicon as an efficent surface enhancement Raman scattering substrate, Optical Engineering, 51(9): 099003(1-5), 2012.
[26] Hongyan Zhang, Xiaoyi Lv, Zhenhong Jia*, jiangwei li, fuchun zhang, Porous silicon biosensor for detection of variable domain of heavy-chain of HCAb antibody, Optoelectronics Letters, 8(2): 81-83, 2012.

相关话题/物理科学与技术学院 新疆大学