

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-01


简  历:肖文交,男,1967年生,博士,研究员,博士生导师,中国科学院院士、美国地质学会会士(GSA Fellow),德国莱布尼兹科学协会会士(Member of the Leibniz Society of Sciences)。中国国家****基金获得者(2007年),任国家科技部973项目首席科学家(2007年)、国家深地专项项目首席科学家(2017年)。长期在中国北方及邻区戈壁山区从事沉积大地构造学研究,围绕造山带结构及时限、造山方式与大陆增生机制等关键科学问题,创建了中亚造山带多向汇聚复式增生造山模型,提出了多岛弧裂解-弯曲-拼贴是大陆增生的重要机制,发展了显生宙大陆增生机制理论,解决了国际学术界关于造山作用长期性与短暂性争议,为全球造山带的解剖提供了创新的研究思路和典型范例,在中亚造山带构造格局和大陆增生机制等领域取得了系统性创新成果。
在Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences、Nature Communications、National Science Review、Geology、Tectonics等国际重要学术期刊发表研究论文300多篇,SCI总引用19,537次,H指数65,第一作者单篇论文最高引用1,212次,2010进入全球地球科学家SCI论文高引用,2014年入选汤森路透“高引用科学家”并获“中国引文桂冠奖”;同年入选Elsevier“中国高被引用****榜单”,名列“地球科学与行星科学领域”第五,并连续多年保持前五排名。曾获国家自然科学奖二等奖和新疆科技进步奖一等奖、黄汲清青年地质科学技术奖,获国家****基金资助,入选国家百千****才工程、首批****,获全国野外科技工作先进个人称号。2017年入选美国地质学会会士(GSA Fellow),是该国际性地球科学组织的最高荣誉头衔;2019年入选中国科学院院士;2020年5月荣获全国创新争先奖章。
1985.9-1989.7长春地质学院地质学 学士学位
1992.9-1995.8中国科学院地质研究所沉积学 博士学位
1995.11-1997.11 中国科学院地球物理研究所博士后
1997.11-1998.12 中国科学院地质研究所助理研究员
1998.12-2003.12 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所副研究员
2003.12-今 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所研究员 博士生导师
2011.11--2020.01 中科院新疆生态与地理研究所副所长(2019年当选中国科学院院士)
2020.01—今 中国科学院新疆矿产资源研究中心主任,新疆分院院长、分党组成员
社会任职:担任GSA Bulletin (美国地质学会会刊) 和《地质科学》主编、以及多个国内外学术刊物副主编或编委。2005-2017任加拿大Waterloo大学Adjunct Professor;2012-2015任香港大学荣誉教授;中国地质学会构造地质学与地球动力学专业委员会副主任;中国地质学会区域地质与成矿专业委员会副秘书长;中国矿物岩石地球化学学会第七届矿床地球化学专业委员会委员;中国科学院矿产资源重点实验室学术委员会委员;国土资源部古地磁与古构造重建重点实验室学术委员会委员。
1.Xiao, W., Song, D., Windley, B.F., Li, J., Han, C., Wan, B., Zhang, J., Ao, S., Zhang, Z., 2019. Accretionary processes and metallogenesis of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt: advances and perspectives. Science China Earth Sciences, in press.
2.Xiao, W.J., Liu, Y.J., Hou, Z.Q., Li, S., 2019. A special issue devoted to the accretionary and collisional tectonics of the Altaids and its metallogeny. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 93, I–VI.
3.Xiao, W.J., Song, D.F., Han, C., Wan, B., Zhang, J.E., Ao, S.J., Zhang, Z.Y., 2019. Deep structure and metallogenic processes of the Altai-Junggar-Tianshan collage in southern Altaids. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 93, 1163-1168.
4.肖文交, 李继亮, 宋东方等. 2019. 增生型造山带结构解析与时空制约.地球科学, 44(5), 1661-1687
5.Xiao, W.J., Windley, B.F., Han, C.M., 2018. Late Paleozoic to early Triassic multiple roll-back and oroclinal bending of the Mongolia collage in Central Asia. Earth-Science Reviews, 186, 94-128
6.肖文交, 敖松坚, 杨磊等.2017. 喜马拉雅汇聚带结构-属性解剖及印度-欧亚大陆最终拼贴格局.中国科学:地球科学, 47(6), 631-656.
7.Xiao, W.J., Windley, B.F., Sun, S., Li, J.L., Han, B.C., Han, C.M., Yuan, C., Sun, M., Chen, H.L., 2015. A Tale of Amalgamation of Three Permo-Triassic Collage Systems in Central Asia: Oroclines, Sutures, and Terminal Accretion. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 43(1), 477-507.
8.Xiao, W.J., Santosh, M., 2014. The western Central Asian Orogenic Belt: A window to accretionary orogenesis and continental growth.Gondwana Research, 25, 1429-1444.
9.Xiao, W.J., Windley, B.F., Allen, M., Han, C.M., 2013. Paleozoic multiple accretionary and collisional tectonics of the Chinese Tianshan orogenic collage.Gondwana Research, 23, 1316-1341.
10.Xiao, W., Li, S.Z., Santosh, M., Jahn, B.-M., 2012. Orogenic Belts in Central Asia: Correlations and connections.Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 49, 1-6.
11.Xiao, W.J., Mao, Q.G., Windley, B.F., Qu, J.F., Zhang, J.E., Ao, S.J., Guo, Q.Q., Cleven, N.R., Lin, S.F., Shan, Y.H., Li, J.L., 2010. Paleozoic multiple accretionary and collisional processes of the Beishan orogenic collage.American Journal of Science,310, 1553-1594.
12.Xiao, W.J., Huang, B.C., Han, C.M., Sun, S., Li, J.L., 2010. A review of the western part of the Altaids: A key to understanding the architecture of accretionary orogens.Gondwana Research, 18, 253-273.
13.Xiao, W.J., Kroner, A., Windley, B.F., 2009. Geodynamic Evolution of Central Asia in the Paleozoic and Mesozoic.International Journal of Earth Sciences, 98, 1185–1188.
14.Xiao, W.J., Windley, B.F., Huang, B.C., Han, C.M., Yuan, C., Chen, H.L., Sun, M., Sun, S., Li, J.L., 2009. End Permian to mid-Triassic termination of the southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt.International Journal of Earth Sciences, 98, 1189–1217.
15.Xiao, W.J., Kusky, T., 2009. Geodynamic processes and metallogenesis of the Central Asian and related orogenic belts: Introduction.Gondwana Research, 16, 167-169.
16.Xiao, W., Windley, B.F., Yong, Y., Yan, Z., Yuan, C., Liu, C., Li, J., 2009. Early Paleozoic to Devonian multiple-accretionary model for the Qilian Shan, NW China,Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 35, 323-333.
17.Xiao, W.J., Windley, B.F., Yuan, C., Sun, M., Han, C.M., Lin, S.F., Chen, H.L., Yan, Q.R., Liu, D.Y., Qin, K.Z., Li, J.L., Sun, S., 2009. Paleozoic multiple subduction-accretion processes of the southern Altaids.American Journal of Science, 309, 221-270.
18.Xiao, W.J., Pirajno, F., Seltmann, R., 2008. Geodynamics and metallogeny of the Altaid orogen.Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 32, 77-81.
19.Xiao, W.J., Han, C.M., Yuan, C., Sun, M., Lin, S.F., Chen, H.L., Li, Z.L., Li, J.L., Sun, S., 2008. Middle Cambrian to Permian subduction-related accretionary orogenesis of North Xinjiang, NW China: implications for the tectonic evolution of Central Asia.Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 32, 102-117.
20.Xiao, W.J., Windley, B.F., Liu, D.Y., Jian, P., Liu, C.Z., 2005. Paleozoic accretionary tectonics of the Western Kunlun Range, China: new SHRIMP zircon ages from the Kudi ophiolite and associated granites, and implications for the crustal growth of Central Asia.Journal of Geology, 113, 687-705.
21.Xiao, W.J.,He, H.Q., 2005, Early Mesozoic thrust tectonics of the NW Zhejiang region (Southeast China).Geological Society of America Bulletin, 117(7/8), 945-961.
22.Xiao, W.-J., Zhang, L.-C., Qin, K.-Z., Sun, S., Li, J.-L., 2004. Paleozoic accretionary and collisional tectonics of the Eastern Tianshan (China): Implications for the continental growth of central Asia.American Journal of Science, 304, 370-395.
23.Xiao, W.,Windley, B.F., Badarch, G., Sun, S., Li, J., Qin, K., Wang, Z., 2004. Palaeozoic accretionary and convergent tectonics of the southern Altaids: implications for the lateral growth of Central Asia.Journal of the Geological Society, London, 161, 339-342.
24.Xiao, W.J., Han, F.L., Windley, B.F., Yuan, C., Zhou, H., Li J.L., 2003. Multiple accretionary orogenies and episodic growth of continents: Insights from the Western Kunlun Range, central Asia.International Geology Review, 45, 303-328.
25.Xiao, W.J., Windley, B.F., Hao, J., Li, J.L., 2002. Arc-ophiolite obduction in the Western Kunlun Range (China): implications for the Palaeozoic evolution of central Asia.Journal of the Geological Society, London, 159, 517-528.
26.Xiao, W.J., Windley, B.F., Chen, H.L., Zhang, G.C., Li, J.L., 2002. Carboniferous-Triassic subduction and accretion in the western Kunlun, China: implications for the collisional and accretionary tectonics of the northern Tibetan plateau.Geology, 30, 295-298.

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