

天津职业技术师范大学 免费考研网/2016-02-12











1999.09-2003.07 天津大学电气与自动化工程学院自动化专业本科

2003.09-2005.07 天津大学电气与自动化工程学院控制理论与控制工程专业硕士




2008.05-2009.02 香港理工大学电机工程系助理研究员(访问)


2011.09-2013.12 中国科学院半导体研究所电子科学与技术博士后流动站博士后

2012.08-2013.08 美国宾州州立大学神经工程中心博士后(访问)

2013.08-2014.08 美国宾州州立大学神经工程中心/神经科学研究所副研究员(访问)




5、国际SCI期刊《Nonlinear Dynamics》、《Mathematics and Computers in Simulation》等论文评审专家
6、IEEE 控制与自动化国际会议(ICCA)、亚洲控制会议(ASCC)、IEEE 控制与决策会议(IEEE-CDC)、中国控制会议(CCC)、中国控制与决策会议(CCDC)论文评审专家

1、主持,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(**, 2010.01-2012.12)
2、主持,中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目(**, 2009.12-2012.11)
3、主持,中国博士后科学基金面上一等资助项目(**, 2008.09-2010.08)
4、主持,中国博士后科学基金面上二等资助项目(2012M520357, 2012.09-2013.11)

5、主持,天津市高校科技发展基金计划项目(JW**, 2010.12-2013.11)
6、主持,校级科研启动项目(KJQD0209, 2010.11-2013.10)

7、主持,校级科研预研项目(KJY1305, 2013.11-2015.10)

8、参加,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(**, 2008.01-2010.12)

9、参加,国家自然科学基金面上项目(**, 2011.01-2014.12)




1. Y Che, J Wang, C Han, B Deng, X Wei, Effects of DC electric fields on neural excitability: a bifurcation analysis, International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2014 (In Press).

2. X Wei, Y Chen, M Lu, B Deng, H Yu, J Wang, Y Che, C Han, An ephaptic transmission model of CA3 pyramidal cells: an investigation into electric field effects, Cognitive Neurodynamics, 2014(Published Online).


3. CX Han, J Wang, GS Yi, YQ Che, Investigation of EEG abnormalities in the early stage of Parkinson’s disease, Cognitive neurodynamics 7 (4), 351-359, 2013.

4. Y Che, R Li, C Han, S Cui, J Wang, X Wei, B Deng, Topology identification of uncertain nonlinearly coupled complex networks with delays based on anticipatory synchronization, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 23 (1), 013127, 2013.

5. M Xue, J Wang, C Jia, H Yu, B Deng, X Wei, Y Che, Topology identification of uncertain nonlinearly coupled complex networks with delays based on anticipatory synchronization, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 23 (1), 013127, 2013.


6. Y Che, RX Li, CX Han, J Wang, SG Cui, B Deng, X Wei, Adaptive lag synchronization based topology identification scheme of uncertain general complex dynamical networks, The European Physical Journal B 85 (8), 1-8, 2012.

7. Y Che, LH Geng, C Han, S Cui, J Wang, Parameter estimation of the FitzHugh-Nagumo model using noisy measurements for membrane potential, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 22 (2), 023139.

8. QT Jin, J Wang, GS Yi, HY Li, B Deng, XL Wei, YQ Che, Action potential initial dynamical mechanism analysis in a minimum neuron model exposure to TMS induced electric field. ACTA PhysicaSinica, 66 (11), 118701, 2012. (In Chinese)

9. Y Che, J Wang, B Deng, X Wei, C Han, Bifurcations in the Hodgkin–Huxley model exposed to DC electric fields, Neurocomputing 81, 41-48,2012.

10. HT Yu, J Wang, C Liu, YQ Che, B Deng, XL Wei, Stochastic resonance in coupled small-world neural networks, ACTA PhysicaSinica, 61(6): 068702, 2012. (In Chinese)

11. H Yu, J Wang, B Deng, X Wei, Y Che, YK Wong, WL Chan, KM Tsang, Adaptive backstepping sliding mode control for chaos synchronization of two coupled neurons in the external electrical stimulation, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 17 (3), 1344-1354, 2012.

12. C Men, J Wang, B Deng, XL Wei, YQ Che, CX Han, Decoding acupuncture electrical signals in spinal dorsal root ganglion, Neurocomputing 79, 12-17, 2012.


13. YQ Che, J Wang, SG Cui, B Deng, XL Wei, WL Chan, KM Tsang, Chaos synchronization of coupled neurons via adaptive sliding mode control, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 12 (6), 3199-3206, 2011.

14. C Men, J Wang, YM Qin, XL Wei, YQ Che, B Deng, Spiking patterns of a hippocampus model in electric fields, Chinese Physics B 20 (12), 128704, 2011.

15. HR Bian, J Wang, CX Han, B Deng, XL Wei, YQ Che, Features extraction from EEG signals induced by acupuncture based on the complexity analysis, ACTA PhysicaSinica, 60 (11), 118701

16. QT Jin, J Wang, XL Wei, B Deng, YQ Che, Action potential intial dynamical control and analysis of a minimum neuron model. ACTA PhysicaSinica, 60(9): 098701, 2011. (In Chinese)

17. LH Geng, DY Xiao, T Zhang, JY Song, YQ Che, L2-optimal identification of errors-in-variables models based on normalisedcoprime factors, Control Theory & Applications, IET 5 (11), 1235-1242, 2011.

18. C Jia, J Wang, B Deng, X Wei, Y Che, Estimating and adjusting abnormal networks with unknown parameters and topology, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 21 (1), 013109, 2011.


19. YQ Che, J Wang, WL Chan, KM Tsang, Chaos synchronization of coupled neurons under electrical stimulation via robust adaptive fuzzy control, Nonlinear Dynamics 61 (4), 847-857, 2010.

20. CX Han, J Wang, YQ Che, B Deng, Yi Guo, YM Guo, YY Liu, Nonlinear characteristics extraction from electrical signals of dorsal spinal nerve root evoked by acupuncture at Zusanli point, ACTA PhysicaSinica, 59 (8): 5880, 2010. (In Chinese)

21. X Wei, M Lu, J Wang, KM Tsang, B Deng, Y Che, Semi-global robust output regulation of minimum-phase nonlinear systems based on high-gain nonlinear internal model, International Journal of Control 83 (5), 1009-1024, 2010.

22. YQ Che, J Wang, KM Tsang, WL Chan, Unidirectional synchronization for Hindmarsh–Rose neurons via robust adaptive sliding mode control, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 11 (2), 1096-1104, 2010.


23. YQ Che, J Wang, SS Zhou, B Deng, Synchronization control of Hodgkin–Huxley neurons exposed to ELF electric field, Chaos, Solitons& Fractals 40 (4), 1588-1598, 2009.

24. YQ Che, J Wang, SS Zhou, B Deng, Robust synchronization control of coupled chaotic neurons under external electrical stimulation, Chaos, Solitons& Fractals 40 (3), 1333-1342, 2010.

25. B Deng, J Wang, Y Che, A combined method to estimate parameters of neuron from a heavily noise-corrupted time series of active potential, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 19 (1), 015105, 2009.

26. J Wang, YQ Che, SS Zhou, B Deng, Unidirectional synchronization of Hodgkin–Huxley neurons exposed to ELF electric field, Chaos, Solitons& Fractals 39 (3), 1335-1345, 2009.

27. YQ Che, J Wang, WJ Si, XY Fei, Phase-locking and chaos in a silent Hodgkin–Huxley neuron exposed to sinusoidal electric field, Chaos, Solitons& Fractals 39 (1), 454-462, 2009.

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