本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-10-03
(1)Haijiao Liu, Misun Yun, Xiaodong Zhang, et al. Biological calcification rate and species-specific contributions of coccolithophores to total calcite inventory in the eastern Indian Ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences, 2020.
(2)Haijiao Liu, Chao Wu, Wenzhe Xu, et al. Surface phytoplankton assemblages and controlling factors in the Strait of Malacca and Sunda Shelf. Frontiers in Marine Science, 2020.
(3)Haijiao Liu, Xiaodong Zhang, Jun Sun, et al. Morphology, phylogenetic position, and ecophysiological features of the coccolithophore Chrysotila dentata (Prymnesiophyceae) isolated from the Bohai Sea, China. Phycologia, 2019, 58(6): 628-639.
(4)Haijiao Liu, Jun Sun, Dongxiao Wang, et al. Distribution of living coccolithophores in eastern Indian Ocean during spring intermonsoon. Scientific Reports, 2018, 8(1): 1-11.
(5)Wu, C., Kan, J., Liu, H., Pujari, L., Guo, C., Wang, X., & Sun, J. (2019). Heterotrophic Bacteria Dominate the Diazotrophic Community in the Eastern Indian Ocean (EIO) during Pre-Southwest Monsoon. Microbial ecology, 1-16.
(6)Thangaraj, S., Shang, X., Sun, J., & Liu, H. (2019). Quantitative Proteomic Analysis Reveals Novel Insights into Intracellular Silicate Stress-Responsive Mechanisms in the Diatom Skeletonema dohrnii. International journal of molecular sciences, 20(10), 2540.
(7)Wang, J., Kan, J., Qian, G., Chen, J., Xia, Z., Zhang, X., Liu, H. & Sun, J. (2019). Denitrification and anammox: Understanding nitrogen loss from Yangtze Estuary to the east China sea (ECS). Environmental Pollution.
(8)Zhang, X., Yang, S., Sun, J., Qiao, Y., Wang, J., & Liu, H. (2018). The first record of Pavlova pinguis (Pavlovophyceae, Haptophyta) in China seas. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 37(10), 28-32.
(9)Zhang, W., Liu, H., Wu, C., & Sun, J. (2018). Marine biological quality assessment and ecological environment survey in the Bohai Bay, China. Feb-Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 820.
(10)Wei, N., Satheeswaran, T., Jenkinson, I. R., Xue, B., Wei, Y., & Liu, H., & Sun, J. (2018). Factors driving the spatiotemporal variability in phytoplankton in the northern south china sea. Continental Shelf Research, S4958.
(11)Zhang, W., Wu, C., Liu, H., Sun, J., & Qian, G. (2017). Distribution and controlling factors of phytoplankton during a tide in the coastal area of Bohai Bay, China. Feb-Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 5737.
(12)Li, X., Feng, Y., Leng, X., Liu, H., & Sun, J. (2017). Phytoplankton species composition of four ecological provinces in Yellow Sea, China. Journal of Ocean University of China, 16(6), 1115-1125.
(13)Wei, Y., Liu, H., Zhang, X., Xue, B., Munir, S., & Sun, J. (2017). Physicochemical conditions in affecting the distribution of spring phytoplankton community. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 35(6), 1342-1361.
(14)李灼, 孙军, 刘海娇, 薛冰, 张翠霞, & 张锐. (2016). 夏季南海北部微型浮游动物群落. 海洋学报, (4), 31-42.
(15)孙军, 刘海娇, 李欣, & 冯媛媛. (2015). 南海北部夏, 冬季今生颗石藻分布. 海洋学报, 37(12), 1-10.
(16)刘海娇, 傅文诚, & 孙军. (2015). 2009—2011 年东海陆架海域网采浮游植物群落的季节变化. 海洋学报, 37(10), 106-122.
(17)刘海娇, 孙军, & 冯媛媛. (2015). 琼东海域今生颗石藻群落研究. 海洋学报, (12), 27-40.
(18)Liu, H., Xue, B., Feng, Y., Zhang, R., Chen, M., & Sun, J. (2016). Size-fractionated Chlorophyll a biomass in the northern South China Sea in summer 2014. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 34(4), 672-682.
(19)Liu, H., & Sun, J. (2015). Netz-Phytoplankton Diversity in the western and southern regions of the South China Sea. Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies, 44(4), 530-538.
(20)Liu, H., Huang, Y., Zhai, W., Guo, S., Jin, H., & Sun, J. (2015). Phytoplankton communities and its controlling factors in summer and autumn in the southern Yellow Sea, China. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 34(2), 114-123.
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相关话题/天津科技大学 海洋
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姓名:袁承仪所在系(办):海洋技术系职称(职务):讲师办公电话:电子邮箱:cyyuan@tust.edu.cn;chengyiyuan9@gmail.com一、个人简介主要从事浅海动力学、海洋数值模拟研究。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目1项,主持天津科委青年基金项目1项。参与了国家自然科学基金面上 ...天津科技大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-10-03天津科技大学海洋与环境学院导师教师师资介绍简介-张翠霞
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郭丽梅教授,硕士生导师所属系部:化工系办公电话:+86-办公地点:泰达中校区8号楼B-414Email:glmei@tust.edu.cn个人简介1979-1983沈阳药科大学化学制药1983-1987天津新新制药厂技术员1987-1992承德石油高等专科学校1992-1995-中国石油大学应用化学 ...天津科技大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-10-03天津科技大学化工与材料学院导师教师师资介绍简介-邓宇
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王强教授,硕士生导师所属系部:化工系办公电话:+86-办公地点:泰达中校区8号楼B-417Email:wang_q@tust.edu.cn个人简介教育经历:2002/3-2006/8,天津大学,化学工艺,博士,导师:马沛生1997/9-2000/3,天津轻工业学院,制浆造纸,硕士,导师:胡开堂197 ...天津科技大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-10-03天津科技大学化工与材料学院导师教师师资介绍简介-武文洁
武文洁教授,硕导所属系部:化工系办公电话:+86-办公地点:泰达中校区8号楼B-409Email:wwjie@tust.edu.cn个人简介武文洁女,教授,硕士研究生导师;1989年毕业于南开大学,硕士学位;1989年至今在天津科技大学化工与材料学院任教。研究方向天然产物提取、改性及绿色精细化学品开 ...天津科技大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-10-03