2002/3 - 2006/8,天津大学,化学工艺,博士,导师:马沛生
1997/9 - 2000/3,天津轻工业学院,制浆造纸,硕士,导师:胡开堂
1979/9 - 1983/7,成都科技大学,理论化学专门化,学士
1995/12 - 至今,天津科技大学,化学与材料学院,教授
1983/7 - 1995/12,天津职工化工学院,基础部
1提出并建立了定位分布贡献理论。本理论完全、彻底的解决了50多年来物性计算领域有机物同分异构体无法分辨的世界性难题; 并且定位分布贡献理论成功的将有机物的临界温度、临界压力、临界体积、临界压缩因子、偏心因子、沸点、熔点、闪点、蒸发焓和熔化焓等性质,用一个完全相同的广义定位分布贡献函数表示,具有完全的广义性、稳定性和准确性。统一了基于基团贡献思想所建立、衍化出来的对于有机物热力学性质估算的所有计算方法及理论。
1.Wensi He, Fangyou Yan*, Qingzhu Jia, Shuqian Xia, and Qiang Wang. Prediction of ionic liquids viscosity at variable temperatures and pressures. Chemical Engineering Science, 2018, 184: 134-140
2.Wensi He, Fangyou Yan*, Qingzhu Jia, Shuqian Xia, and Qiang Wang. QSAR models for describing the toxicological e?ects of ILs against Staphylococcus aureus based on norm indexes. Chemosphere 2018, 195: 831-838
3.Fangyou Yan, Wensi He, Qingzhu Jia, Shuqian Xia, and Qiang Wang*. QSAR models for describing the toxicological e?ects of ILs against Candida albicans based on norm indexes. Chemosphere 2018, 195:831-838
4.Yali Wang, Fangyou Yan, Qingzhu Jia, and Qiang Wang*. Quantitative structure-property relationship for critical micelles concentration of sugar-based surfactants using norm indexes. Journal of Molecular Liquids 2018,253, 205-210
5.Wensi He, Fangyou Yan*, Qingzhu Jia, Shuqian Xia, and Qiang Wang. Description of the thermal conductivity λ(T, P) of ionic liquids using structure property relationship method. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 2017, 62 (8): 2466-2472
6.Yali Wang, Fangyou Yan, Qingzhu Jia, Qiang Wang*, Assessment for multi-endpoint values of carbon nanotubes: Quantitative nanostructure-property relationship modeling with norm indexes. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2017, 248: 399-405
7.Yali Wang, Fangyou Yan, Qingzhu Jia, Qiang Wang*, Quantitative structure-activity relationship of anti-HIV Integrase and Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors using norm index. SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research (GSAR), 2017, 28(12): 1025-1044
8.Qingzhu Jia, Ying Liu, Fangyou Yan, Qiang Wang*, Predicting the activity of hydroxamic acid analogues. Molecular Simulation, 2017, 43: 1026-1033
9.Jingchen Yin, Qingzhu Jia*, Fangyou Yan, Qiang Wang, Predicting heat capacity of gas for diverse organic compounds at different temperatures. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2017, 446: 1-8
10.Fangyou Yan, Hao Wu, Wei Li, Jinli Zhang*. Simultaneous optimization of heat-integrated water networks by a nonlinear program. Chemical Engineering Science, 2016, 140 : 76–89
11.Lei Li, Fangyou Yan, Xiangying Xu, Qingzhu Jia, Qiang Wang*, and Peisheng Ma, A QSAR Model for Predicting the Anti HIV-1 Activity of TIBO Derivatives Using the Norm Indexes, Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, 2016,37(6): 923-930
12.Xiangying Xu, Lei Li, Fangyou Yan, Qingzhu Jia, Qiang Wang*, and Peisheng Ma, Predicting solubility of fullerene C60 in diverse organic solvents using norm indexes. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2016, 223:603-610
13.Fangyou Yan, Qiaoyan Shang, Shuqian Xia, Qiang Wang*, and Peisheng Ma. Topological Study on the Toxicity of Ionic Liquids on Vibrio fischeri by the Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship Method. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2015, 286 , 410-415
14.Fangyou Yan, Qiaoyan Shang, Shuqian Xia, Qiang Wang*, and Peisheng Ma. Predicting the Densities of Ionic Liquids by the Quantitative Structure Property Relationship Method Using a Topological Index. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 2015, 60, 734-739
15.Wang, Qiang(*),Jia, Qingzhu,Yan, Lihong,Xia, Shuqian,Ma, Peisheng,Quantitative structure-toxicity relationship of the aquatic toxicity for various narcotic pollutants using the norm indexes,Chemosphere,2014,108:383-387
16.Zhu Zhi-Chen,Wang Qiang(*),Jia Qing-Zhu,Xia Shu-Qian,Ma Pei-Sheng,Structure-Property Relationship for the Pharmacological and Toxicological Activity of Heterocyclic Compounds,Acta Physico – Chimica Sinica,2014,30(6):1086.
17.Qiaoyan Shang, Fangyou Yan, Shuqian Xia, Qiang Wang*, and Peisheng Ma. Predicting the Surface Tensions of Ionic Liquids by the Quantitative Structure Property Relationship Method Using a Topological Index. Chemical Engineering Science, 2013, 101, 266-270
18.Fangyou Yan, Shuqian Xia, Qiang Wang*, and Peisheng Ma. Predicting the melting points of ionic liquids by the Quantitative Structure Property Relationship method using a topological index. Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 2013, 62, 196-200
19.Fangyou Yan, Shuqian Xia, Qiang Wang*, and Peisheng Ma. Predicting the glass transition temperature of ionic liquids by the quantitative structure property relationship method using a topological index. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2013, 358, 166-171
20.Zhu Zhi-Chen,Wang Qiang(*),Jia Qing-Zhu,Tang Hong-Mei,Ma Pei-Sheng, Quantitative Structure-Property Relationship of the Critical Micelle Concentration of Different Classes of Surfactants,Acta Physico – Chimica Sinica,2013,29(1):30-34
21.Fangyou Yan, Shuqian Xia, Qiang Wang*, and Peisheng Ma. Predicting the Toxicity of Ionic Liquids in Leukemia Rat Cell Line by the Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship Method Using Topological Indexes. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2012, 51, 13897-13901
22.Wang, Qiang(*),Jia, Qingzhu,Ma, Peisheng,Prediction of the Acentric Factor of Organic Compounds with the Positional Distributive Contribution Method,Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data,2012,57(1):169-189
23.Fangyou Yan, Shuqian Xia, Qiang Wang*, and Peisheng Ma. Predicting the decomposition temperature of ionic liquids by the quantitative structure-property relationship method using a new topological index. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 2012, 57, 805-810
24.Fangyou Yan, Shuqian Xia, Qiang Wang*, and Peisheng Ma. Predicting toxicity of ionic liquids in acetylcholinesterase enzyme by the Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship method using topological indexes. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 2012, 57, 2252-2257
25.Qingzhu Jia, Qiang Wang*, Peisheng Ma, Shuqian Xia, Fangyou Yan, and Hongmei Tang. Prediction of the Flash Point Temperature of Organic Compounds with the Positional Distributive Contribution Method. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 2012, 57, 3357-3367
26.Wang Qiang*,Jia Qingzhu,Ma Peisheng,Prediction of the Acentric Factor of Organic Compounds with the Positional Distributive Contribution Method, Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 2012, 57, 169-189
27.Jia Qingzhu,Wang Qiang*,Ma Peisheng,Positional Distributive Contribution Method for the Prediction of the Normal Boiling Vaporization Enthalpy of Organic Compounds, Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 2010,(55),5614–5620
28.Wang Qiang*,Jia Qingzhu,Ma Peisheng,Position Group Contribution Method for the Prediction of the Critical Compressibility Factor of Organic Compounds, Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 2009(54),1916–1922
29.Wang Qiang*,Ma Peisheng,Nai Shifeng,Position Group Contribution Method for Predicting the Melting Point of Organic Compounds,Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering,2009(17),468-472
30.Wang Qiang*,Ma Peisheng, Position Group Contribution Method for Predicting the Normal Boiling Point of Organic Compounds,Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering,2009(17),254-258
31.Wang Qiang, Ma Peisheng, Jia Qingzhu, Position Group Contribution Method for the Prediction of Critical Temperatures of Organic Compounds, Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 2008(53), 1103-1109
32.Wang Qiang,Jia Qingzhu,Ma Peisheng,Position Group Contribution Method for the Prediction of Critical Pressure of Organic Compounds, Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 2008(53),1877-1885
33.Jia Qingzhu,Wang Qiang*,Ma Peisheng,Position Group Contribution Method for the Prediction of Critical Volume of Organic Compounds, Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 2008(53),2606-2612
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-10-03
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陈侠教授,硕士生导师所属系部:化工系办公电话:+86-办公地点:泰达中校区8号楼B-306Email:cx5187@tust.edu.cn个人简介1987年毕业于天津科技大学盐业化学工程系,并留校从事教学、教学管理及科研工作。先后在天津大学化学工程研究生班及华中师范大学教育管理研究生班学习。曾任首届 ...天津科技大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-10-03天津科技大学化工与材料学院导师教师师资介绍简介-王正祥
王正祥教授,博士生导师所属系部:化工系办公电话:+86-办公地点:泰达中校区8号楼B-509Email:zxwang0519@tust.edu.cn个人简介发酵工程工学博士,教授,博士生导师,天津市****。国家技术发明奖二等奖第一完成人,酶高效表达国家工程实验室副主任。教育部新世纪优秀人才,天津市 ...天津科技大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-10-03天津科技大学化工与材料学院导师教师师资介绍简介-邓天龙
邓天龙教授,博士生导师所属系部:化工系办公电话:+86-办公地点:泰达中校区8号楼B-321Email:tldeng@tust.edu.cn个人简介邓天龙,博士(后),二级教授,博士生导师,现任海洋与环境学院院长、天津市海洋化工工程技术中心主任。先后入选教育部创新团队负责人、中科院** ...天津科技大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-10-03天津科技大学化工与材料学院导师教师师资介绍简介-郝庆兰
郝庆兰教授,硕士生导师所属系部:化工系办公电话:+86-办公地点:泰达中校区8号楼B-312Email:haoqinglan@tust.edu.cn个人简介作为主要完成人之一或参与者多次参加了国家级、中科院、省部级科研项目。近年来主要从事生物质可再生能源和挥发性有机物降解的研究。先后主持并完成的科研 ...天津科技大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-10-03天津科技大学化工与材料学院导师教师师资介绍简介-吕树祥
吕树祥教授,博士生导师所属系部:化工系办公电话:+86-,**办公地点:泰达中校区8号楼B-414Email:lshx@tust.edu.cn个人简介吕树祥,博士,教授,博士研究生导师,美国佐治亚理工大学高级访问****。长期从事环境和能源催化技术研究,主持和参与完成多项国家自然科学基金,973项目 ...天津科技大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-10-03天津科技大学化工与材料学院导师教师师资介绍简介-张晨曦
张晨曦教授,硕士生导师所属系部:化工系办公电话:+86-办公地点:泰达中校区8号楼B-513Email:zcx@tust.edu.cn个人简介张晨曦,男,教授,博士,中共党员,先后主持、参与完成多项国家自然科学基金项目,天津市科委项目,教育部重点实验室开放基金和企业横向项目,在金属有机框架材料的分子 ...天津科技大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-10-03