

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-16

\r李宗坤1,李 巍1,葛 巍1,徐宏殷\r2\r
AuthorsHTML:\r李宗坤1,李 巍1,葛 巍1,徐宏殷\r2\r
AuthorsListE:\rLi Zongkun1,Li Wei1,Ge Wei1,Xu Hongyin\r2\r
AuthorsHTMLE:\rLi Zongkun1,Li Wei1,Ge Wei1,Xu Hongyin\r2\r
Unit:\r\r1. 郑州大学水利与环境学院,郑州 450001;\r
\r\r2. 天津大学建筑工程学院,天津 300350\r
Unit_EngLish:\r1. School of Water Conservancy and Environment,Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou 450001,China;
2. School of Civil Engineering,Tianjin University,Tianjin 300350,China\r
Abstract_English:\rIn this study,considering the complexity and uncertainty of dam breach environmental impacts,an evaluation index system and standard of division are constructed considering vegetation cover ,channel morphology,biodiversity,human ecological environment,industrial pollution,water environment,and soil environment as the main factors. Considering the concepts of connection degree and difference degree in set pair analysis theory and variable fuzzy set theory,respectively,a new coupling evaluation model is established based on the improved set pair connection degree and variable fuzzy set theory to overcome the inaccuracy defect when variable fuzzy model is used to deal with qualitative index. The coupling model realizes the complementary advantages of set pair analysis theory and variable fuzzy set theory. The model was applied to the Shaheji reservoir dam. Compared to previous studies,the coupling model is reasonable and more objective and it more comprehensively reflects the nonlinearity and variable fuzziness of the dam breach environmental impact system. Moreover,the variable ambiguity is in line with the fuzzy uncertainty characteristics of the dam breach environmental impact system;this simplifies the construction process of variable fuzzy difference degree and improves the evaluation efficiency. Therefore,the established model provides a new method for environmental impact assessment of dam breach.\r

Keywords_English:dam breach;environmental impact;risk consequence;set pair analysis;variable fuzzy sets\r

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