

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-16

练继建1, 宋文峰1, 徐奎1, 黄锦林2, 郭鑫宇1
AuthorsHTML:练继建1, 宋文峰1, 徐奎1, 黄锦林2, 郭鑫宇1
AuthorsListE:Lian Jijian1, Song Wenfeng 1, Xu Kui1, Huang Jinlin2, Guo Xinyu1
AuthorsHTMLE:Lian Jijian1, Song Wenfeng 1, Xu Kui1, Huang Jinlin2, Guo Xinyu1
Unit:1. 水利工程仿真与安全国家重点实验室(天津大学),天津 300072;2. 广东省水利水电科学研究院,广州 510630
Unit_EngLish:1. State Key Laboratory of Hydraulic Engineering Simulation and Safety (Tianjin University), Tianjin 300072, China
2. Guangdong Research Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower, Guangzhou 510630, China
Abstract_Chinese:针对我国农村地区防洪减灾研究较为薄弱的现状, 根据地形数据、河道断面数据以及水文数据, 采用二维水动力模型对万泉河下游农村地区洪水淹没情况进行了分析.在此基础上, 分别以乡镇和行政村为研究单元, 选择反映农村地区社会脆弱性和自然脆弱性的13个指标构建脆弱性指标体系, 采用模糊综合评价法对研究区域脆弱性进行了定量研究, 并绘制了脆弱性分布图.结果表明:万泉河下游农村地区暴露度较高, 敏感性较低, 应对能力较弱, 综合分析整体脆弱性较低; 区域脆弱性差异较大, 不同地区脆弱性有着不同的驱动因素.
Abstract_English:In view of little current research on flood control and mitigation in rural areas of China,this paper examined flood submerge range in the rural area of Wanquan river downstream using terrain data,river section data and hydrological data with two-dimensional hydrodynamic model. The research units in this paper were villages and towns. Firstly,for each unit,the values of thirteen indices reflecting social vulnerability and nature vulnerability were computed. Secondly,based on the indices,vulnerability was quantitatively studied using fuzzy synthetic evaluation. The overall vulnerability of each unit was calculated and plotted in GIS to obtain the vulnerability distribution map. The analysis results suggest high exposure,low susceptibility and adaptive capacity and relatively low overall vulnerability of the research area. The distribution of vulnerability in the study area is not uniform. The driving factor for each town is different.
Keyword_Chinese:洪涝灾害; 脆弱性; 农村地区; 模糊综合评价
Keywords_English:flood; vulnerability; rural areas; fuzzy synthetic evaluation

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