RevEcoR: an R package for the reverse ecology analysis of microbiomes
Human enterovirus 71 protein interaction network prompts antiviral drug repositioning
Genome-wide identification and characterisation of HOT regions in the human genome
PEDLA: predicting enhancers with a deep learning-based algorithmic framework
RevEcoR: an R package for the reverse ecology analysis of microbiomes
ICM: a web server for integrated clustering of multi-dimensional biomedical data
Direct next-generation sequencing of virus-human mixed samples without pretreatment is favorable to recover virus genome
De novo identification of replication-timing domains in the human genome by deep learning
iFORM: Incorporating Find Occurrence of Regulatory Motifs
Intra-host dynamics of Ebola virus during 2014
The relationships among host transcriptional responses reveal distinct signatures underlying viral infection-disease associat
Exploring the associations of host genes for viral infection revealed by genome-wide RNAi and virus-host protein interactions
An integrative analysis of TFBS-clustered regions reveals new transcriptional regulation models on the accessible chromatin l
mmnet: An R Package for Metagenomics Systems Biology Analysis
Network fingerprint: a knowledge-based characterization of biomedical networks
Genetic diversity and evolutionary dynamics of Ebola virus in Sierra Leone
Metagenomic sequencing of bile from gallstone patients to identify different microbial community patterns and novel biliary b
Inferring Infection Patterns Based on a Connectivity Map of Host Transcriptional Responses
Functional annotation of HOT regions in the human genome: implications for human disease and cancer
EHFPI: a database and analysis resource of essential host factors for pathogenic infection
Stable H3K4me3 is associated with transcription initiation during early embryo development
NFP: An R Package for Characterizing and Comparing of Annotated Biological Networks
NegStacking: drug-target interaction prediction based on ensemble learning and logistic regression
Exploring spatially adjacent TFBS-clustered regions with Hi-C data
New insights on human essential genes based on integrated analysis and the construction of the HEGIAP web-based platform
LIVE: a manually curated encyclopedia of experimentally validated interactions of lncRNAs
ARQ-197 enhances the antitumor effect of sorafenib in hepatocellular carcinoma cells via decelerating its intracellular clear
Deep Learning and Its Applications in Biomedicine
BiRen: predicting enhancers with a deep-learning-based model using the DNA sequence alone
Functional annotation of structural ncRNAs within enhancer RNAs in the human genome: implications for human disease
Deep learning-based transcriptome data classification for drug-target interaction prediction
N(6)-Methyladenine DNA Modification in the Human Genome
Lnc2Catlas: an atlas of long noncoding RNAs associated with risk of cancers
The landscape of the A-to-I RNA editome from 462 human genomes
Accurate identification of RNA editing sites from primitive sequence with deep neural networks
3DSNP: a database for linking human noncoding SNPs to their three-dimensional interacting genes
NFPscanner: a webtool for knowledge-based deciphering of biomedical networks
Discovery of novel therapeutic properties of drugs from transcriptional responses based on multi-label classification
paraGSEA: a scalable approach for large-scale gene expression profiling
Radiation protective effects of baclofen predicted by a computational drug repurposing strategy
CMTCN: a web tool for investigating cancer-specific microRNA and transcription factor co-regulatory networks
Exploration of prognosis-related microRNA and transcription factor co-regulatory networks across cancer types
A survey and evaluation of Web-based tools/databases for variant analysis of TCGA data
DeepHiC: A generative adversarial network for enhancing Hi-C data resolution
Comprehensive analysis of miRNA-gene regulatory network with clinical significance in human cancers
Domain-Adversarial Multi-Task Framework for Novel Therapeutic Property Prediction of Compounds
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-09-13
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