An adventitious interaction of filamin A with RhoGDI2(Tyr153Glu)
Arterial Myogenic Activation through Smooth Muscle Filamin A
DPP9 is a novel component of the N-end rule pathway targeting the tyrosine kinase Syk
FlnA binding to PACSIN2 F-BAR domain regulates membrane tubulation in megakaryocytes and platelets
Filamin A interaction with the CXCR4 third intracellular loop regulates endocytosis and signaling of WT and WHIM-like recepto
PTP1B triggers integrin-mediated repression of myosin activity and modulates cell contractility
Remodeling of the intestinal brush border underlies adhesion and virulence of an enteric pathogen
Documentation and localization of force-mediated filamin A domain perturbations in moving cells
Binding of WIP to actin is essential for T cell actin cytoskeleton integrity and tissue homing
Mechanical perturbation of filamin A immunoglobulin repeats 20-21 reveals potential non-equilibrium mechanochemical partner b
Filamin-A regulates neutrophil uropod retraction through RhoA during chemotaxis
Domain-domain interactions in filamin A (16-23) impose a hierarchy of unfolding forces
FilGAP and its close relatives: a mediator of Rho-Rac antagonism that regulates cell morphology and migration
Electron microscopy and 3D reconstruction reveals filamin Ig domain binding to F-actin
Improved high-force magnetic tweezers for stretching and refolding of proteins and short DNA
Mechanical strain in actin networks regulates FilGAP and integrin binding to filamin A
Differential mechanical stability of filamin A rod segments
RefilinB (FAM101B) targets filamin A to organize perinuclear actin networks and regulates nuclear shape
Refilin holds the cap
The filamins: organizers of cell structure and function
Filamin A is required for vimentin-mediated cell adhesion and spreading
Passive and active microrheology for cross-linked F-actin networks in vitro
Pro-prion binds filamin A, facilitating its interaction with integrin beta1, and contributes to melanomagenesis
Actin filament length tunes elasticity of flexibly cross-linked actin networks
Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator interacts with multiple immunoglobulin domains of filamin A
Regulation of cell adhesion to collagen via beta1 integrins is dependent on interactions of filamin A with vimentin and prote
Molecular basis of filamin A-FilGAP interaction and its impairment in congenital disorders associated with filamin A mutation
Binding of pro-prion to filamin A disrupts cytoskeleton and correlates with poor prognosis in pancreatic cancer
Filamin A is essential for active cell stiffening but not passive stiffening under external force
Nonlinear elasticity of stiff biopolymers connected by flexible linkers
Activating mutations of N-WASP alter Shigella pathogenesis
An active biopolymer network controlled by molecular motors
Measuring molecular rupture forces between single actin filaments and actin-binding proteins
Disease-associated mutant alpha-actinin-4 reveals a mechanism for regulating its F-actin-binding affinity
Structural basis of filamin A functions
Prestressed F-actin networks cross-linked by hinged filamins replicate mechanical properties of cells
The structure of the GPIb-filamin A complex
MEKK4 signaling regulates filamin expression and neuronal migration
Filamin A (FLNA) is required for cell-cell contact in vascular development and cardiac morphogenesis
Stress-dependent elasticity of composite actin networks as a model for cell behavior
Ca2+ and calmodulin regulate the binding of filamin A to actin filaments
Comparison of filamin A-induced cross-linking and Arp2/3 complex-mediated branching on the mechanics of actin filaments
Oxodesmosine and isooxodesmosine, candidates of oxidative metabolic intermediates of pyridinium cross-links in elastin
Biochemical, electron microscopic and immunohistological observations of cationic detergent-extracted cells: detection and im
Protein phosphatase 2C inactivates F-actin binding of human platelet moesin
Regulation of F-actin binding to platelet moesin In vitro by both phosphorylation of threonine 558 and polyphosphatidylinosit
Phosphorylation of 558T of moesin detected by site-specific antibodies in RAW264.7 macrophages
An amino acid derived from aldol crosslink of elastin and collagen: structure, distribution, aging, and two models of hypergl
Phosphorylation of threonine 558 in the carboxyl-terminal actin-binding domain of moesin by thrombin activation of human plat
Analysis of furosine as an indicator of lysine residue glycation in milk protein by HPLC
Analysis of aldosine, an amino acid derived from aldol crosslink of elastin and collagen by high-performance liquid chromatog
The preparation of cytosine and 5 methylcytosine from bovine and porcine lung
Synthesis of anabasine-6'-carboxylic acid from aldosine, the aldol crosslinking amino acid of elastin
Two fluorescent crosslinking amino acids having N-substituted dihydrooxopyridine skeleton isolated from bovine elastin
Isolation and structural characterization of a new crosslinking amino acid, cyclopentenosine, from the acid hydrolysate of el
Aldosine: an acid hydrolysis product from the aldol cross-link of bovine elastin and collagen
Silica gel high-performance liquid chromatography for the determination of cross-links in elastin
The preparation procedure of crosslinking amino acids containing quaternary pyridinium skeleton from bovine ligamentum nuchae
Isolation and structural identification of a new cross-linking amino acid allodesmosine from the acid hydrolysate of elastin
Isolation and characterization of new cross-linking amino acid "allodesmosine" from hydrolysate of elastin
天津大学博士生导师教师师资介绍简介-Fumihiko Nakamura
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-09-13
相关话题/天津大学 博士生
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