Effect of local wall thinning on ratcheting behavior of pressurized 90° elbow pipe under reversed bending using finite elemen
Ratcheting behavior of pressurized 90° elbow piping subjected to reversed in-plane bending with a combined hardening model
Phase-specific deformation behavior of a NiAl/Cr(Mo) lamellar composite under thermal and mechanical loads
A tension-torsional fatigue testing apparatus for micro-scale components
Temperature-Dependent Dwell- Fatigue Behavior of Nanosilver Sintered Lap Shear Joint
Low cycle fatigue and creep?fatigue interaction behaviour of 2.25Cr1MoV steel at elevated temperature
Study on ratcheting effect of pressurized straight pipe with local wall thinning using finite element analysis
Low Cycle Fatigue of 2.25Cr1Mo Steel with Tensile and Compressed Hold Loading at Elevated Temperature
A comparison between fracture toughness at different locations of longitudinal submerged arc welded and spiral submerged arc
Fracture toughness of the materials in welded joint of X80 pipeline steel
Thermal aging effect on the ratcheting-fatigue behavior of Z2CND18.12N stainless steel
Three-Dimensional Visualization of the Crack-Growth Behavior of Nano-Silver Joints During Shear Creep
Recent advances in mechanical properties of anisotropic conductive adhesive film for microelectronic packaging
Deformation behavior of woven glass/epoxy composite substrate under thermo-mechanical loading
Ratcheting behavior of pressurized Z2CND18.12N stainless steel pipe under different control modes
Thermo-mechanical Coupling Properties of Proton Exchange Membrane in Liquid Water
Mechanical properties and microstructure changes of proton exchange membrane under immersed conditions
Revealing the cyclic hardening mechanism of an austenitic stainless steel by real-time in situ neutron diffraction
Fatigue crack growth law of API X80 pipeline steel under various stress ratios based on J‐integral
Torsional fatigue with axial constant stress for Sn–3Ag–0.5Cu lead-free solder
On the all components of T-stress for an external circular crack under tension and bending
Evaluation of multiaxial fatigue life prediction criteria for PEEK
Constitutive modeling for the anisotropic uniaxial ratcheting behavior of Zircaloy-4 alloy at room temperature
High temperature ratcheting behavior of nano-silver paste sintered lap shear joint under cyclic shear force
Recent progresses in experimental investigation and finite element analysis of ratcheting in pressurized piping
Uniaxial ratcheting behavior of Zircaloy-4 tubes at room temperature
Effects of pre-strain on uniaxial ratcheting and fatigue failure of Z2CN18.10 austenitic stainless steel
Mechanical properties of Nafion 212 proton exchange membrane subjected to hygrothermal aging
Ratcheting behavior of pressurized elbow pipe with local wall thinning
Thermo-viscoplastic modeling incorporating dynamic strain aging effect on the uniaxial behavior of Z2CND18.12N stainless steel
Effects of voids in Sintered Silver Joint on Thermal and Optoelectronic Performances of High Power Laser Diode
Recent progresses in experimental investigation and finite element analysis of ratcheting in pressurized piping
Ratcheting strain and simulation of 16MnR steel under uniaxial cyclic loading
Mechanical Properties of Anisotropic Conductive Adhesive Film Under Hygrothermal Aging and Thermal Cycling
Nonlinear Viscoelastic-plastic Constitutive Description of Proton Exchange Membrane under Immersed Condition
Shrinkage and Sintering Behavior of a Low-Temperature Sinterable Nanosilver Die-Attach Paste
Role of dynamic strain aging in the tensile property, cyclic deformation and fatigue behavior of Z2CND18.12N stainless steel between 293K and 723K
Mechanical Property Evaluation of Nano-Silver Paste Sintered Joint Using Lap-Shear Test
Shear strength Behavior of Anisotropic Conductive Adhesive Joints under Hygrothermal Aging and Thermal Cycling
Bending Ratcheting Tests of Z2CND18.12 stainless steel
Visco-plastic constitutive modeling on Ohno-Wang kinematic hardening rule for uniaxial ratcheting behavior of Z2CND18.12N steel
Die Bonding of High Power 808nm Laser Diodes with Nano-Silver Paste
Out-of-phase thermo-mechanical coupling behavior of proton exchange membranes
Effect of Oxygen Partial Pressure on Silver Migration of Low-Temperature Sintered Nanosilver Die-Attach Material
Fatigue life evaluation of anisotropic conductive adhesive film joints under mechanical and hygrothermal loads
Microscopic mechanism of multiaxial fatigue of vulcanized natural rubber
Fatigue behaviors of Z2CND18.12N stainless steel under thermal- mechanical cycling
Investigation of Post-Etch Copper Residue on Direct Bonded Copper (DBC) Substrates
Mechanical Behavior of Fe75Mo5P10C7.5B2.5 Bulk-Metallic Glass under Torsional Loading
Reliability of High-Power Light Emitting Diode Attached With Different Thermal Interface Materials
Electromigration of Sintered Nanosilver Die-attach Material on Alumina Substrate Between 250oC and 400 oC in Dry Air
Study on the Curing Process and Shearing Tests of Die Attachment by Ag-epoxy Electrically Conductive Adhesive
Thermal fatigue behaviour of Al2O3-DBC substrates under high temperature cyclic loading
Uniaxial ratcheting behavior of PTFE materials at elevated temperature
Description of nonlinear viscoelastic behavior and creep-rupture time of anisotropic conductive film
Uniaxial ratcheting and fatigue behaviors of low-temperature sintered nano-scale silver paste at room and high temperatures
Hygrothermal Effects on the Tensile Properties of Anisotropic Conductive Films
Ratcheting and fatigue properties of the high-nitrogen steel X13CrMnMoN18-14-3 under cyclic loading
Applying Anand model to low-temperature sintered nanoscale silver paste chip attachment
A new unified constitutive model with short and long range back stress for lead-free solders of Sn-3Ag-0.5Cu and Sn-0.7Cu
Mechanical Properties of Anisotropic Conductive Film with Strain Rate and Temperature
Simulation of uniaxial tensile properties for lead-free solders with modified Anand model
Multiaxial ratcheting behavior of PTFE at room temperature
Ratcheting of Stainless Steel 304 Under Multiaxial Nonproportional Loading
Effect of axial ratcheting deformation on torsional low cycle fatigue life of lead-free solder Sn-3.5Ag
Experimental study on multiaxial ratchetting behavior of vulcanized natural rubber
Edge tail length effect on reliability of DBC substrate under thermal cycles
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-09-13
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