Synthesis and optical absorption properties of TiO2 nanostructures in SiO2 by sequential implantation of Cu and Ti ions
Strong room temperature exciton absorption of TiO2 nanorods prepared by Ti and Cu ion implantation
Periodically alternated metallic/dielectric nanocomposites and dielectric films for the fabrication of high-efficiency Bragg
Enhanced nonlinear absorption of Au nanoparticles embedded into Nd:YAG crystal towards saturable absorber application
Enhanced hydrogen evolution reaction of WS2-CoS2 heterostructure by synergistic effect
Enhanced nonlinear optical properties of LiNbO3 crystal embedded with CuZn alloy nanoparticles by ion implantation
Enhanced optical linearity and nonlinearity of Nd:YAG crystal embedded with Ag nanoparticles by prior Zn ion implantation
Growth of rutile TiO2 nanorods in Ti and Cu ion sequentially implanted SiO2 and the involved mechanisms
Ultrasmall Pt Clusters Reducing Radiation-Induced Injuries via Scavenging Free Radicals
Structure, luminescence, and bioimaging of bimetallic CuAu nanoclusters
Ultrasmall WS2 Quantum Dots with Visible Fluorescence for Protection of Cells and Animal Models from Radiation-Induced Damage
Enhancement of Ag nanoparticles concentration by prior ion implantation
Renal Clearable Luminescent WSe2 for Radioprotection of Nontargeted Tissues during Radiotherapy
Two-dimensional Ag/SiO2 and Cu/SiO2 nanocomposite surface-relief grating couplers and their vertical input coupling propertie
Black Phosphorus Quantum Dot Induced Oxidative Stress and Toxicity in Living Cells and Mice
Electronic Structure and Optical Transition in Heavy Metal Doped ZnO by First-Principles Calculations
Zn Ion Post-Implantation-Driven Synthesis of CuZn Alloy Nanoparticles in Cu-Preimplanted Silica and Their Thermal Evolution
Thermal evolution and optical properties of Cu nanoparticles in SiO2 by ion implantation
Room temperature magnetic properties of Fe and C implanted ZnO films
Correlation between surface damage and micro-defects in Si covered with insulating layer by implantation of He and H ions
Quasi-two-dimensional Ag nanoparticle formation in silica by Xe ion irradiation and subsequent Ag ion implantation
Fabrication and thermal evolution of nanoparticles in SiO2 by Zn ion implantation
Effect of N ion irradiation combined with thermal annealing on the optical absorption properties of Cu nanoparticles embedded in SiO2,
Formation and optical absorption property of nanometer metallic colloids in Zn and Ag dually implanted silica: Synthesis of the modified Ag nanoparticles,
Remarkably enhanced surface plasmon resonance absorption of Cu nanoparticles in SiO2 by post Zn ion implantation
Electrical and optical properties of ZnO films sequentially implanted with P ions
Two Layer Surface Exfoliation on Si3N4/Si by Sequential Implantation of He and H Ions
Synthesis, thermal evolution and optical properties of CuZn alloy nanoparticles in SiO2 sequentially implanted with dual ions
Photoluminescence and reflectivity of PMMA implanted by low-energy carbon ions at high fluences
(101)-oriented ZnO nanoparticles fabricated in Si (100) by Zn ion implantation and thermal oxidation
Xe ion irradiation-induced polycrystallization of Ag nanoparticles embedded in SiO2 and related optical absorption property
Structural and optical properties of Au-implanted ZnO films
Surface damage versus defect microstructures in He and H ion co-implanted Si3N4/Si
Synthesis of nanoparticles in SiO2 by implantation of Cu and Zn ions and their thermal stability in oxygen atmoshphere
Modifications in structure and optical property of Cu nanoparticles in SiO2 by post heavy ion irradiation
Surface nanostructures on low energy Zn ion implanted crystalline Si and their thermal evolution at different atmospheres
Fabrication and evolution of Cu nanoparticles in Al2O3 crystal by ion implantation and annealing at different atmospheres
Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance Enhanced Third-Order Nonlinearity of Al Nanoshells in Silica
Tailoring the Size Distribution of Ag Nanoparticles Embedded in SiO2 by Xe Ion Postirradiation
Creation of nanoparticles and luminescence in Al2O3 crystal by Zn ion implantation
Atmosphere effects on the formation and evolution of Zn and ZnO nanoparticles in Zn ion implanted SiO2
Creation of Si nanocrystals from SiO2/Si by He and H ion implantation
Theoretical study of nanoparticles in insulators fabricated by metal ion implantation
Implantation-synthesized Cu/Cu–Zn core/shell nanoparticles in SiO2 and their optical properties
Synthesis and Optical Properties of Cu Core/Ti-Related Shell Nanoparticles in Silica Sequentially Implanted With Ti and Cu Io
Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance Enhanced Third-Order Nonlinearity of Al Nanoshells in Silica
Formation of TiO2 nanorods by Zn and Ti ion sequential implantation with enhanced visible optical absorption properties
Towards uniform ZnO nanoparticles embedded in SiO2 by post Xe irradiation
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-09-13
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