

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-09-13

国家优青 青年长江
喀斯特关键带土壤演化 及其岩性与生物控制机制

Topographic control on phytolith carbon sequestration in moso bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens) ecosystems
Enhancing phytolith carbon sequestration in rice ecosystems through basalt powder amendment
Plant silicon content in forests of north China and its implications for phytolith carbon sequestration
Impacts of silicon on biogeochemical cycles of carbon and nutrients in croplands
The impact of different forest types on phytolith-occluded carbon accumulation in subtropical forest soils
Nitrogen application increases phytolith carbon sequestration in degraded grasslands of North China
Occurrence, turnover and carbon sequestration potential of phytoliths in terrestrial ecosystems
Phytolith accumulation in broadleaf and conifer forests of northern China: Implications for phytolith carbon sequestration
Biogeochemical silicon cycle and carbon sequestration in agricultural system
Silicon regulation of soil organic carbon stabilization and its potential to mitigate climate change
The accumulation of phytolith-occluded carbon in soils of different grasslands
Impact of grassland degradation on soil phytolith carbon sequestration in Inner Mongolian steppe of China
Spatio-temporal variations in water use efficiency and its drivers in China over the last three decades
Phytoliths and phytolith carbon occlusion in aboveground vegetation of sandy grasslands in eastern Inner Mongolia, China
Soil organic carbon in particle-size fractions under three grassland types in Inner Mongolia, China
Silicon enhancement of estimated plant biomass carbon accumulation under abiotic and biotic stresses. A meta-analysis
The impact of crop residue biochars on silicon and nutrient cycles in croplands
Bedrock geochemistry influences vegetation growth by regulating the regolith water holding capacity
Combined Silicon-Phosphorus Fertilization Affects the Biomass and Phytolith Stock of Rice Plants
Phytolith carbon sequestration in global terrestrial biomes
Carbon-nitrogen isotope coupling of soil organic matter in a karst region under land use change, Southwest China
A review of carbon isotopes of phytoliths: implications for phytolith-occluded carbon sources
A critical review on bioremediation technologies for Cr(VI)-contaminated soils and wastewater
Water and carbon dioxide exchange of an alpine meadow ecosystem in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau is energy-limited
Phytolith-Occluded Carbon Storages in Forest Litter Layers in Southern China: Implications for Evaluation of Long-Term Forest
Silicon accumulation controls carbon cycle in wetlands through modifying nutrients stoichiometry and lignin synthesis of Phra
Contribution of forests to the carbon sink via biologically-mediated silicate weathering: A case study of China.
Impact of grassland degradation on the distribution and bioavailability of soil silicon: Implications for the Si cycle in gra
Storage of soil phytoliths and phytolith-occluded carbon along a precipitation gradient in grasslands of northern China
Quantification of different silicon fractions in broadleaf and conifer forests of northern China and consequent implications
Phytolith carbon sequestration in China's croplands
Increase of available soil silicon by Si-rich manure for sustainable rice production
The production of phytolith-occluded carbon in China’s forests: implications to biogeochemical carbon sequestration
Plant impact on the coupled terrestrial biogeochemical cycles of silicon and carbon: implications to biogeochemical carbon se
The production of phytolith-occluded carbon in China's forests: implications to biogeochemical carbon sequestration
High potential of phytoliths in terrestrial carbon sequestration at a centennial–millennial scale: Reply to comments by Santo
Ecological stoichiometry of N:P:Si in China’s grasslands
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