

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-09-11

电话/传真:+86 **
(1) 2017.06至今 天津大学电气自动化与信息工程学院,检测技术与自动化装置专业,副教授,硕士生导师,博士生副导师
(2) 2015.06-2016.07斯坦福大学医学院医学物理系,访问****
(3) 2014.01-2017.05天津大学电气自动化与信息工程学院,检测技术与自动化装置专业,讲师,硕士生导师
(4) 2008.09-2013.12天津大学电气与自动化工程学院,控制科学与工程,硕士、博士
(5) 2004.09-2008.06天津大学电气与自动化工程学院,自动化专业,学士
(1) 电学层析成像:模型优化、成像算法、可视化接口、系统集成;
(2) 多相流非接触可视化测试:基于层析成像的多相流流动过程可视化测试方法与技术;
(3) 医学影像大数据信息挖掘:基于医学影像的癌症治疗方案优化、疗效预测、风险评估;
(4) 复杂过程数值模拟与计算:基于边界元法、有限元法的多相流过程数值仿真与计算。
(1) 2017.04-2020.03天津市自然科学基金青年类项目“超分辨率介观电阻抗层析成像系统与方法研究”,项目负责人
(2) 2017.01-2020.12产学研企业委托项目“超分辨率血管内层析成像方法与技术”,项目负责人
(3) 2015.01-2017.12国家自然科学基金项目“非连续电阻抗分布的形状重建方法研究”,项目负责人
(4) 2016.01-2019.12国家自然科学基金项目“电学/超声双模态层析成像融合机理与方法”,项目参与人
(5) 2015.01-2018.12国家自然科学基金项目“基于电学/超声阵列式传感器数据融合的水平油水两相流测试系统”,项目参与人
(6) 2013.01-2016.12国家自然科学基金委员科学仪器研究专项“油气水多相流过程参数可视化测试仪”,项目参与人
(7) 2011.10-2016.10国家重大科学仪器设备开发专项任务“多相流动可视化及参数测量系统”,项目参与人
(1) Liang Guanghui, Ren Shangjie*, Dong Feng, An augmented Lagrangian trust region method for inclusion boundary reconstruction using ultrasound/electrical dual-modality tomography, Measurement Science and Technology, 2018(May), Vol. 29, No. 7, pp. 074008(12pp). (SCI IF 1.585)
(2) Ren Shangjie, Soleimani Manuchehr, Xu Yaoyuan, Dong Feng*, Inclusion boundary reconstruction and sensitivity analysis in electrical impedance tomography,Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 2018(Mar), Vol.26, No.7, pp. 1037-1061.(SCI IF 1.033)
(3) Ren Shangjie, Liu Hongcheng, Tan Chao, Dong Feng*,Tomographic Wire-Mesh Imaging of Water-Air Flow based on Sparse Minimization, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2017(Dec), Vol.17, No.24, pp.8187-8195 (SCI IF 2.512)
(4) Liang Guanghui, Ren Shangjie*, Feng Dong, Ultrasound Guided Electrical Impedance Tomography for 2D Free-Interface Reconstruction,Measurement Science and Technology, 2017(JUNE), Vol.28(7), pp. 074003 (12pp). (SCI IF 1.492)
(5) Ren Shangjie, Hara Wendy, Wang Lei, Buyyounouski Mark, Le Quynh-Thu, Xing Lei, Li Ruijiang*, Robust Estimation of Electron Density From Anatomic Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain Using a Unifying Multi-Atlas Approach, International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics, 2017(Mar), Vol.97(4), pp. 849-857. (SCI IF 4.31)
(6) Cui Yi*, Ren Shangjie, Tha Khin, Wu Jia, Shirato Hiroki, Li Ruijiang, Volume of high-risk intratumoral subregions at multi-parametric MR imaging predicts overall survival and complements molecular analysis of glioblastoma, European Radiology, 2017(SEP), Vol.27(9), pp. 3583-3592. (SCI IF 3.967)
(7) Ren Shangjie, Dong Feng*, Interface and permittivity simultaneous reconstruction in electrical capacitance tomography based on boundary and finite-elements coupling method,Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A Mathematical Physical & Engineering Sciences, 2016(JUNE),Vol.374(2070), pp. **.(SCI IF 2.441)
(8) Ren Shangjie, Zhao Jia, Dong Feng*, Dimensionality reduced simultaneous iterative reconstruction technique for electrical resistance tomography, Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 2015(DEC), Vol.46(B), pp. 284-291. (SCI IF 1.152)
(9) Tan Chao, Ren Shangjie*, Dong Feng, Reconstruct the phase distribution within an annular channel by electrical resistance tomography, Heat Transfer Engineering, 2015(JAN), Vol.36(12), pp.1053-1064. (SCI IF 1.016)
(10) Ren Shangjie, Dong Feng*, Xu Yaoyuan and Tan Chao,Reconstruction of the three-dimensional inclusion shapes using electrical capacitance tomography, Measurement Science and Technology, 2014(FEB), Vol.25(2), pp.025403(16pp). (SCI IF 1.492)
(11) Ren Shangjie, Dong Feng*, Tan Chao, A hybrid BEM/FEM method for reconstructing phase distribution within annular channel. Kung Cheng Je Wu Li Hsueh Bao/Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, 2014, Vol.35(5), pp.902-905. (EI)
(12) Ren Shangjie, Xu Yaoyuan, Tan Chao and Dong Feng*, Reconstructing the geometric configuration of three dimensional interface using electrical capacitance tomography, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2013, Vol.96(10), pp.628–644. (SCI IF 2.100)
(13) Ren Shangjie, Dong Feng*, Tan Chao and Xu Yaoyuan, A boundary element approach to estimate the free surface in stratified two-phase flow, Measurement Science and Technology, 2012(May), Vol.23(10), pp.105401(10pp). (SCI IF 1.492)
(14) Dong Feng*, Xu Cong, Zhang Zhiqiang, Ren Shangjie, Design of Parallel Electrical Resistance Tomography System for Measuring Multiphase Flow. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2012(April). Vol.20(2), pp. 368-379. (SCI IF 1.207)
(1) Liang Guanghui, Ren Shangjie*, Dong Feng, An EIT Image segmentation method based on projection distance minimization, IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques (IST 2017), Beijing, China, Oct, 18-20, 2017, Paper ID: . (EI ISTP )
(2) Liang Guanghui, Ren Shangjie*, Dong Feng, An adaptive local weighted image reconstruction algorithm for EIT/UTT dual-modality imaging, IEEE-International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC), Torino, Italy, May 22-25, 2017, Paper ID: **. (EI ISTP )
(3) Wang Qinhui, Ren Shangjie*, Dong Feng, Numerical Simulations of Electric and Acoustic Fields in Human Abdomen Models, IEEE-International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC), Torino, Italy, May 22-25, 2017, Paper ID: **. (EI ISTP)
(4) Liang Guanghui, Ren Shangjie*, Dong Feng,Two dimensional free interface reconstruction based on ultrasound and EIT fusion imaging, 8th World Congress on Industrial Process Tomography (WCIPT-8), Iguassu Falls, PR, Brazil, September 26-29, 2016, pp.1-7.
(5) Liang Guanghui, Ren Shangjie*, Dong Feng,Closed interface shape characterization methods based on wavelet transform, IEEE-International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC-2016), Taipei, Taiwan, China, May 23-26, 2016, pp. 1012-1017. (EI ISTP)
(6) Tan Chao, Wu Hao, Xie Zhuli, Wang Yongzhen, Xu Menghan, Ren Shangjie, Dong Feng*, An electrical/ultrasonic dual-modality process tomography system for multiphase flow monitoring, 7th International Symposium on Process Tomography (ISPT-7), Dresden, Germany, Sep. 1-3, 2015, Paper ID:O4-1(8pp).
(7) Ren Shangjie, Tan Chao, Xu Yanbin, Dong Feng*, Performance Evaluation and Structure Optimization of an Inner-outer Electrical Resistance Tomography Sensor, The International Conference on Mechatronics and Control (ICMC-2014), Jinzhou, China, July 3-5, 2014, pp.595(5pp). (EI 20**3, ISTP BG9MF)
(8) Ren Shangjie, Tan Chao, Dong Feng, Reconstruction of interfacial configuration in stratified two-phase flow using ECT, 7th World Congress on Industrial Process Tomography (WCIPT-7), 2-5 September 2013, Krakow, Poland, pp.547-555.
(9) Ren Shangjie, Tan Chao, Dong Feng, A fast non-linear algorithm to reconstruct the phase distribution within an annular channel using ERT, 8th International Conference on Multiphase Flow (ICMF-2013), Jeju, Korea, May 26 - 31, 2013, pp.576(5p)
(10) Ren Shangjie, Tan Chao, Dong Feng, Two Phase Flow Visualization in an Annular Tube by an Electrical Resistance Tomography, IEEE-International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques (IST-2012), Manchester, UK, July 16-17, 2012, pp. 488-492. (EI)
(11) Ren Shangjie, Dong Feng, Tan Chao, High-precision electrical resistance tomography with external and internal electrode arrays, IEEE- International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC), Hangzhou, China, May 10-12, 2011, pp.1243-1248. (EI)
(12) Ren Shangjie, Dong Feng and Tan Chao, Performance of a novel electrical resistance tomography sensor with internal and external electrodes, 4th International Workshop on Process Tomography (IWPT-4), Chengdu, China, Sept. 21-23, 2011, pp. No.33.
(13) Zhang Zhiqiang, Dong Feng*, Xu Cong, Ren Shangjie, A kind of Electrical Resistance Tomography system. In Electric Information and Control Engineering (ICEICE-2011), 2011(April) International Conference on (pp. 2885-2888). IEEE. (EI)
(14) Ren Shangjie, Tan Chao, Han Jun, Dong Feng, ERT Application Software for Multiphase Flow Measurement, 6th World Congress on Industrial Process Tomography (WCIPT-6), Beijing, China, 6-9 Sept., 2010, pp.625-631.
(1) 一种基于残差最小的电阻抗层析成像图像分割方法,发明专利,申请号:2.0
(2) 用于丝网传感器的超分辨率成像方法,发明专利,申请号:7.5
(3) 基于电学/超声双模态融合成像技术的层状界面重建方法,发明专利,申请号:2.6
(4) 用于管道内流体过程参数检测的内外复合式阵列传感器,发明专利,专利号:ZL 9.7
(1) TERT-C5测量软件,软件著作权登记,登记号:2017SR309203,登记证书号:软著登字第**号。
(2) 电学超声双模态层析成像应用软件,软件著作权登记,登记号:2016SR368010,登记证书号:软著登字第**号。
(3) 电学层析成像系统多相流工业测试软件,软件著作权登记,登记号:2014SR013764,登记证书号:软著登字第**号。
(1) 电路基础2A(本科生)
(2) 信号分析与处理(本科生)
(3) 过程成像成像原理、方法和应用(硕士生)
相关话题/天津大学 信息工程学院