

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-10-01


E-mail: wsyyn2013@126.com
联系地址: 天津师范大学管理学院,天津市西青区宾水西道393号

l 服务消费行为,服务组织行为与员工管理,人工智能与价值创造
l 中国人民大学商学院,市场营销,博士研究生,2010-2013
l 国家留学基金委公派赴荷兰马斯特里赫特大学(Maastricht University, the Netherlands),访问****,合作导师:Hans Kasper, 2016-2017
l 中国人民大学与芬兰汉肯经济学院(Hanken School of Economics, Finland)联合培养博士,合作导师:Christian Grönroos, 2012
l 姚亚男、郭国庆、连漪、李青,自媒体环境下顾客创造及其体验价值——基于微博用户访谈的内容分析,管理评论,2017,29(4):98-107(CSSCI,国家自然科学基金委管理科学部A级重要期刊)
l 姚亚男、韦福祥、刘颖艳,控制点对角色冲突与越轨行为的调节效应分析:归因理论视角,现代财经,2019(5):40-55(CSSCI)
l 姚亚男、韦福祥,角色冲突对顾客接触型员工工作场所越轨行为的影响研究, 现代财经,2018(11):113-129(CSSCI)
l 姚亚男、韦福祥、李理,情境因素对跨界行为影响机制的研究——基于美特斯邦威服装门店一线员工的实证分析,天津师范大学学报,2017,37(3):70-80(核心)
l 韦福祥、姚亚男,基于交易过程的企业网站服务质量测量工具开发,管理学报,2014(1):24-29.(CSSCI,国家自然科学基金委管理科学部B级重要期刊)
l 郭国庆、姚亚男,服务主导逻辑下价值共创过程及测量基于生产率视角的初步分析,财贸经济,2013(5):131-136(CSSCI)
l 姚亚男、韦福祥,企业网站服务质量的探索性研究——基于交易过程的视角,商业经济与管理,2012,246(4):32-38(CSSCI)
l Ya-nan Yao, Fu-xiang Wei, “Effects of Interpersonal Conflict and Psychological Capital on the Relationship between Role Conflict and Job Satisfaction of First-line Employees——an Empirical Evidence from Catering Chain in China” (Oral presentation), AMASERVSIG2016,Maastricht University, Maastricht, the Netherlands.2016.06.12-2016.06.15
l Ya-nan Yao, Fu-xiang Wei, “ Consumer Misbehavior and Workplace Deviance of Frontline Employees: the Mediating Effect of Role Conflict and the Moderating Effect of Psychological Capital. 首届全球化背景下的营销科学与创新国际研讨会,北京,对外经济贸易大学,2017.06.02-2017.06.04
l 韦福祥、姚亚男,“上海年代的困惑——世界那么大,员工去哪儿了”,第七届中国管理案例学术年会“(2016)论文集, 2016年4月23-24日, 无锡
l Ya-nan Yao, Fu-xiang Wei“CONSUMER CREATION MECHANISM AND EXPERIENTIAL VALUE ON SINA WEIBO” (Oral presentation), AMASERVSIG2014,Thessaloniki, Greece.2014.06.
l Guo-qing Guo, Ya-nan Yao, “Research into the Impact of Consumption Experience on Experiential Value” , Marketing Science Innovations and Economic Development, Proceedings of 2010 Summit International Marketing Science and Management Technology Conference, August 2010, 580-585
l Guo-qing Guo, Ya-nan Yao, “In-depth Study on the Influence of Internet Perceived Risk on the E-WOM”, Marketing Science Innovations and Economic Development, Proceedings of 2010 Summit International Marketing Science and Management Technology Conference, August 2010, 296-300
l 韦福祥、姚亚男,基于企业网站的顾客感知服务质量评价理论模型与实证研究(专著),电子工业出版社,2013年
l 韦福祥、姚亚男(等译),(芬)Christian Grönroos(著),服务管理与营销——服务利润连逻辑的管理(第4版),电子工业出版社,2019年4月
l 韦福祥(等译),Jochen Wirts, Christopher Lovelock(著),服务营销(第8版),中国人民大学出版社,2018年4月(Chapter 2,5,6,7)
l 韦福祥、姚亚男,服务营销(副主编),中国人民大学出版社,2016年4月
l 郭国庆、姚亚男,服务营销学(联合主编),高等教育出版社,2012年10月
l 天津市哲学社会科学规划课题项目“消费者对拟人化服务机器人接受意愿研究” (TJGL13-003),2019.07(主持,在研)
l 国家自然科学基金青年项目“顾客接触型服务员工越轨行为对服务生产率的影响研究:基于顾客不当行为、角色冲突的分析视角”(**),2016.01-2018.12(主持,完成)
l 天津市哲学社会科学规划课题项目”基于角色冲突调试的服务生产率改进策略研究“(TJGL13-011)2013.12-2015.12(主持,完成)
l 天津师范大学博士基金项目“高接触度服务员工角色冲突对跨界行为、服务生产率的影响——基于情境因素、心理资本的实证分析”(52W1308)2013.12-2016.12(主持)
l 国家自然科学基金委面上项目“角色冲突、跨界行为与服务生产率的跨层次集成研究:基于高接触度服务业一线员工的实证分析”(**),2015.01-2018.12(第一参与人)
l 国家自然科学基金委面上项目”基于企业网站的顾客感知服务质量理论与实证研究”(**),2010.01-2012.12(主要参与人)
l 国家自然科学基金委面上项目”我国企业体验营销的价值创造及其运行机理研究”(**),2010.01- 2012.12(主要参与人)
l 天津水晶宫酒店饭店员工激励项目
l 锦州银行战略规划咨询项目
l 苏州金龙汽车工业有限公司发展战略项目
l “天津市第十四届社会科学优秀成果”二等奖(排名2),2016年
l “天津市第十六届社会科学优秀成果”三等奖(排名1),2019年
l 本科生课程:市场营销(国际化标准课程专业重点班课程, 全英),服务营销(专业英语,双语),国际市场营销
l 研究生课程:管理学研究方法与论文写作,服务营销,高级市场营销
l MBA课程:市场营销管理,学位论文写作指导

Ya-nan Yao

Management School of Tianjin Normal University,Associate Professor
E-mail: wsyyn2013@126.com
Contact Address: Management School of Tianjin Normal University,No.393, Bin Shui West Road, Xi Qing District, Tianjin.

Research Interests
l Service Consumer Behavior,Service Organizational Behavior, AI & Value Creation
l Business School, Renmin University of China PhD in Marketing,2013
Visiting Scholar
l School of Business and Economics (SBE), Maastricht University, the Netherlands, Visiting Scholar supported by CSC, 2016-2017
l Centre for Relationship Marketing and Service Management (CERS), Hanken School of Economics, Finland, Visiting PhD, 2012

Journal Articles
l Yao Ya-nan, Guo Guoqing, Lian Yi and Li Qing. Creation and Experiential Value under the CGM Environment: Content Analysis based on the Interview from Micro-blog Users[J]. Management Review, 2017,29(4):98-107.
l Yao Ya-nan, Wei Fu-xiang, Liu Ying-yan. Moderating effects of Locus of Control on the Relationship between Role Conflict and Workplace Deviant Behavior:Perspective from Attribution Theory[J]. Modern Finance,2019(5):40-55.
l Yao Ya-nan, Wei Fu-xiang. The Impact of Role Conflict on Customer-contact Employees[J]. Modern Finance,2018(11):113-129.
l Yao Ya-nan, Wei Fu-xiang, Li li. Empirical analysis of influencing mechanism between contextual factors and boundary-spanning behavior: Based on Metersbonwe frontline company employees in clothing stores[J]. Journal of Tianjin Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 2017, 37(3): 70-80.
l Wei Fu-xiang,Yao Ya-nan. Quality Instrument Development for Enterprise Website Service from Transactional Perspectiv[J].Chinese Journal of Management, 2014(1):24-29.
l Guo Guo-qing, Yao Ya-nan. Process and Measurement of Value Co-creaton[J]. Finance & Trade Economics, 2013(5): 131-136.
l Yao Ya-nan, Wei Fu-xiang. An Exploratory Study on the Service Quality of Enterprise Websites———Based on the Transactional Perspective[J]. Journal of Business Economics, 2012, 246(4): 32-38.
Conference Paper
l Ya-nan Yao, Fu-xiang Wei, “Effects of Interpersonal Conflict and Psychological Capital on the Relationship between Role Conflict and Job Satisfaction of First-line Employees——an Empirical Evidence from Catering Chain in China” (oral presentation), AMASERVSIG2016,Maastricht University,Maastricht, the Netherlands.2016.06.
l Ya-nan Yao, Fu-xiang Wei“CONSUMER CREATION MECHANISM AND EXPERIENTIAL VALUE ON SINA WEIBO” (oral presentation), AMASERVSIG2014,Thessaloniki, Greece.2014.06.
l Guo-qing Guo, Ya-nan Yao, “Research into the Impact of Consumption Experience on Experiential Value” , Marketing Science Innovations and Economic Development, Proceedings of 2010 Summit International Marketing Science and Management Technology Conference, August 2010, 580-585
l Guo-qing Guo, Ya-nan Yao, “In-depth Study on the Influence of Internet Perceived Risk on the E-WOM”, Marketing Science Innovations and Economic Development, Proceedings of 2010 Summit International Marketing Science and Management Technology Conference, August 2010, 296-300
l Wei Fu-xiang, Yao Ya-nan. Evaluation Model of Customer Perceived Service Quality for Enterprise Website[M]. Publishing House of Electronics Industry( PHEI), 2013.
l Wei Fu-xiang,Yao Ya-nan. Services Marketing(associate editor-in chief). China Renmin University Press CRUP), 2016.
l Guo-qing Guo, YaoYa-nan . Service Marketing(Co-Editor-in-Chief), Higher Education Press, 2012.
Research Projects

l Project of Philosophy and Social Science in Tianjin, “the Consumer's Acceptance Intention of Anthropomorphic Service Robot”( Grant No. TJGL13-003), 2019.07(Project Director)
l National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) , “Research into the Influence of Deviant Behavior of Customer-contact Service Employees on Service Productivity: from the Perspectives of Customer Misbehavior and Role Conflict”( Grant No. **), 2016.01-2018.12(Project Director)
l Project of Philosophy and Social Science in Tianjin, “ Improvement of Service Productivity based on Role Conflict”( Grant No. TJGL13-011), 2013.12-2015.12(Project Director)
l Doctoral Program Foundation of Tianjin Normal University “ Impacts of Role Conflict on Boundary-spanning Behavior, and Service Productivity: Analysis of contextual factor and Psychological Capital” (52W1308), 2013.12-2016.12 (Project Director)
l National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) , “Research into the Influence of Deviant Behavior of Customer-contact Service Employees on Service Productivity: from the Perspectives of Customer Misbehavior and Role Conflict”( Grant No. **),2015.01-2018.12(Team Member)
l National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) ,“Evaluation Model of Customer Perceived Service Quality for Enterprise Website”( Grant No. **), 2010.01-2012.12 (Team Member)
l National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) , “Value Creation and Mechanism of Experiential Marketing” (Grant No. **),2010.01- 2012.12 (Team Member)

Cooperation with Enterprises
l Employee motivation programme, Crystal Palace Hotel
l Strategy planning programme, Bank of Jinzhou
l Strategy planning programme, Higer Bus Company Limited
l Second Class Prize of the 14th Excellent Achievements in Philosophy and Social Science of Tianjin ,2016
l The Third Prize of the 16th Excellent Achievements in Philosophy and Social Science of Tianjin ,2019
l National Scholarship for Doctoral Students,2012
Courses Taught
l Undergraduate:Principles of Marketing(English),Service Marketing( Bilingual),Global Marketing
l Master Students:Research Methodology of Management, Advanced Marketing, Service Management
l MBA Programme:Research Methodology of Management, Marketing Management

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