

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-10-01

E-mail: halimat@163.com
联系地址: 天津师范大学管理学院,天津市西青区宾水西道393号
l 市场营销、服务营销、消费者行为
l 1996.9—2000.6:南开大学,商学院市场营销系,经济学学位;
l 2002.9—2005.6:南开大学,商学院人力资源管理系,管理学硕士学位;
l 2005.9—2008.12:南开大学,商学院企业管理系,管理学博士学位;
l 2013.4—2015.12: 复旦大学,管理学院工商管理,博士后;
l 曹花蕊、韦福祥,“娱乐休闲消费中的沉浸体验及其作用研究”,《天津师范大学学报(自然科学版)》,2017, 37(6).
l 杜伟强、 韦福祥、曹花蕊、姚亚男,“权力对绿色消费的影响”,《天津师范大学学报(自然科学版)》,2017,7.
l 郑秋莹; 姚唐; 曹花蕊; 范秀成,“是单纯享乐还是自我实现?顾客参与生产性消费的体验价值”,《心理科学进展》,2017,2.
l 李惠璠; 范秀成; 曹花蕊; 杜建刚,“市场规范与社会规范冲突视角下的奖励推荐计划作用机制”,《心理科学进展》,2015,1.
l 曹花蕊、杜伟强、姚唐、范秀成,“顾客参与内容创造的个体心理和群体创造机制”,《心理科学进展》,2014, 5。
l 曹花蕊、韦福祥,“Web2.0环境下企业网站服务质量三阶段测量模型的实证研究”,《山西财经大学学报》, 2013, 3。
l 曹花蕊、杨凯,“旅游消费中游客流畅体验的结构与影响机制”,《消费经济》,2013,4
l 杜伟强、曹花蕊,“基于自身短期与社会长远利益两难选择的绿色消费机制”,《心理科学进展》,2013,3
l 主持:国家自然基金青年基金项目“CGM环境中顾客参与内容创造的个体心理机制及群体创造规律研究”(**)
l 主持:中国博士后科学基金“网络环境中影响顾客参与服务开发创新绩效的机制研究”(2013M531127)。
n 本科生课程:消费者行为学、网络营销
n 研究生课程:高级市场营销、服务营销

Huarui Cao
Management School of Tianjin Normal University,Associate professor
E-mail: halimat@163.com
Contact Address Management School of Tianjin Normal University,No.393, Bin Shui West Road, Xi Qing District, Tianjin.
Research Interests
l Service Marketing, Consumer Behavior
l Nankai University, Nankai Business School,B.A. in Management,2000
l Nankai University, Nankai Business School,M.A. in Management,2005
l Nankai University, Nankai Business School,Ph.D. in Management,2008
l Fudan University, School of Management, Postdoctoral, 2013-2015
l CAO Huarui, WEI Fuxiang, Study on flow experience in consumption of entertainment and leisure [J]. Journal of Tianjin Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 2017 37(6).
l DU Weiqiang, WEI Fuxiang, CAO Huarui. The Influence of Power on Green Consumption[J]. Journal of Tianjin Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 2017 (4): 76-80.
l ZHENG Qiuying, YAO tang, CAO Huarui, FAN Xiucheng, Hedonic enjoyment or eudaimonia? The experiential value of productive consumption[J]. Advances in Psychological Science, 2017, 25(2).
l LI Huifan, FAN Xiucheng, CAO Huarui, DU Jiangang, The influencing mechanism of referral program on referral behavior: from the perspective of conflicts between social norm and market norm[J]. Advances in Psychological Science, 2015, 23(1)
l CAO Huarui, DU Weiqiang, YAO Tang, FAN Xiucheng. The Individual Psychology and Group Creation Mechanism of Customer Generated Content in Consumer-generated Media [J]. Advances in Psychological Science, 2014, 22(5): 746-759.
l CAO Huarui, WEI Fuxiang, An empirical study on three-stage service quality measurement model of enterprise web-site under web2.0 new environment[J]. Journal of Shanxi University of Finance & Economics, 2013, 3.
l CAO Huarui, YANG Kai, Study on flow experience in tourisms consumption[J], Consumer Economics, 2013, 4.
l DU Weiqiang, CAO Huarui. The Mechanisms of Green Consumption Based on the Dilemma between Short-term Individual and Long-term Social Interests [J]. Advances in Psychological Science, 2013, 21(5): 775-784.
l National Natural Science Foundation of China,“The study on Psychological mechanism and principle of group creation of UGC in internet” (**),2012-2014
l China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, “The mechanism study on innovation performance of consumer participation new service development in internet” (2013M531127).
Courses Taught
n Undergraduate:Consumer Behavior, e-Marketing
n Postgraduate:Advanced Marketing, Service Management

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