

天津师范大学 免费考研网/2016-02-08


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September 2000 – July 2004
B.Sc. Yantai Normal University, Yantai, China
September 2004 – July 2007
M.Ed. Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin, China
September 2007 – July 2010
Joint Ph.D. Tianjin Normal University (China) & University of Southampton (UK)
July 2010 – Present
Currently employed as a Researcher and Associate professor at the Academy of Psychology and Behaviour, Tianjin Normal University

Currently, I work in the eye movement laboratory in the Academy of Psychology and Behaviour at Tianjin Normal University. I am interested in investigating the psychological processes associated with aspects of visual cognition. In particular, I am interested in oculomotor processes during Chinese sentence reading, which include visual word recognition, saccade targeting and parafoveal processing in reading.

Papers in Western Chapters
Li, X., Zang, C., Liversedge, S.P., & Pollatsek, A. (2015). The role of words in Chinese reading. In Pollatsek, A., & Treiman, R. (Eds). The Oxford Handbook of Reading (pp. 232-244). Oxford University Press.

Zang, C., Liversedge, S.P., Bai, X., & Yan, G. (2011). Eye movements during Chinese reading. In S.P. Liversedge, I.D. Gilchrist, & S. Everling. (Eds). The Oxford Handbook of Eye Movements (pp. 961-978). Oxford University Press.

Papers in Western Journals
Zang, C., Zhang, M., Bai, X., Yan, G., Paterson, K.B., & Liversedge, S.P. (2015). Effects of word frequency and visual complexity on eye movements of young and older Chinese readers, The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, DOI: 10.1080/**.2015.**.

Zang, C., Wang, Y., Bai, X., Yan, G., Drieghe, D., & Liversedge, S.P. (2015). The use of probabilistic lexicality cues for word segmentation in Chinese reading, The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, DOI: 10.1080/ **. 2015.**.

Liang, F., Blythe, H.I., Zang, C., Bai, X., Yan, G., & Liversedge, S.P. (2015). Positional character frequency and word spacing facilitate the acquisition of novel words during Chinese children's reading, Journal of Cognitive Psychology, DOI: 10.1080/**.2014.**.

Liversedge, S.P., Zang, C., Zhang, M., Bai, X., Yan, G., & Drieghe, D.(2014). The effect of visual complexity and word frequency on eye movements during Chinese reading. Visual Cognition. 22, 441-457. DOI:10.1080/**. 2014. 889260.

Zang, C., Liang, F., Bai, X., Yan, G., & Liversedge, S.P. (2013). Interword spacing and landing position effects during Chinese reading in children and adults. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, DOI: 10.1037/a**. 39, 720-734.

Zang, C., Meng, H., Liang, F., Bai, X., & Yan, G. (2013). Is there a vertical component to saccade targeting in Chinese reading? Journal of Research in Reading, 36(S1), S78-93.

Bai, X., Liang, F., Blythe, H.I., Zang, C., Yan, G., & Liversedge, S.P. (2013). Interword spacing effects on the acquisition of new vocabulary for readers of Chinese as a second language, Journal of Research in Reading, 36(S1), S4-17

Blythe, H. I., Liang, F., Zang, C., Wang, J., Yan, G., Bai, X., & Liversedge, S.P. (2012). Inserting spaces into Chinese text helps readers to learn new words: An eye movement study. Journal of Memory and Language, 67, 241-254.

Shen, D., Liversedge, S.P., Tian, J., Zang, C., Cui, L., Bai, X., Yan, G., & Liversedge, S.P. (2012). Eye movements of second language learners when reading spaced and unspaced Chinese text. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 18, 192-202.

Yan, G., Bai, X., Zang, C., Bian, Q., Cui, L., Qi, W., Rayner, K., & Liversedge, S.P. (2012). Using stroke removal to investigate Chinese character identification during reading: Evidence from eye movements. Reading and Writing, 25, 951-979.

Bai, X., Yan, G., Liversedge, S.P., Zang, C., & Rayner, K. (2008). Reading spaced and unspaced Chinese text: Evidence from eye movements. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 34, 1277-1287.

Selected Papers in Chinese Journals
臧传丽,孟红霞,白学军,闫国利,阅读过程中的注视位置效应,心理科学,2013,36(4): 770-775.
臧传丽,张慢慢,岳音其,白学军,闫国利,副中央凹信息量对中文朗读和默读的调节作用,心理与行为研究,2013,11(4): 444-450.
臧传丽,张慢慢,郭晓峰,刘娟,闫国利,白学军,中文词汇加工的若干效应:基于眼动研究的证据,心理科学进展,2012,20 (9): 1-11.
沈德立,白学军,臧传丽(通讯作者),闫国利等,词切分对初学者汉语阅读影响的眼动研究,心理学报,2010,42: 159-172.


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