本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-09-19
性别 : 男 所属部门 : 现代光学研究所
职称 : 研究员 学历 : 研究生
行政职务 : 所学专业 : 光学工程
办公电话 :
邮箱 : wangxiaolei@nankai.edu.cn
研究方向 : 新颖光场调控、光学信息处理,全息和干涉计量,超高分辨时空探测
王晓雷的主要研究方向为光学信息处理和新型光场调控技术,包括全息成像和检测技术,光波场的相位、振幅和偏振多参量调控,结构光三维检测技术和太赫兹波调控和成像技术,迄今在Applied Physics Letters、Optics Letters、Optics Express、Physical Review Letters、Light、Nano Letters等国际高水平期刊发表高水平研究论文80余篇,此外发表会议论文26篇(其中包含6篇国际会议特邀报告)。王晓雷参与的“超快激光与物质相互作用机制、调控及应用研究”获得2016年天津市自然科学一等奖。学术兼职包括天津市光学学会副秘书长、中国光学学会全息与光信息处理专委会委员、光电专委会委员/光机电分会理事。
1999年至2003年 南开大学物理学院 本科
2003年至2005年 南开大学信息学院光学所 硕士
2005年至2008年 南开大学信息学院光学所 博士
2008年至2010年11月, 南开大学信息学院光学所 讲师
2010年12月至2018年12月, 南开大学电光学院光学所 副教授
1、 国家自然科学基金面上项目,偏振和复振幅调控的太赫兹波超分辨共焦显微探测方法及其应用研究,批准号:**,2019/01-2022/12,总经费71.8万(直接经费61万、间接经费10.8万),项目负责人:王晓雷
2、 国家自然科学基金面上项目,飞秒矢量光束与物质相互作用的超快过程研究,批准号:**,2013/01-2016/12,总经费74万元,项目负责人:王晓雷
3、 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,采用超短脉冲数字全息术对二维单脉 冲太赫兹波场的空间和时间分布进行实时探测的研究,批准号:**,2010/01-2012/12,总经费23万元,项目负责人:王晓雷
4、 天津市自然科学基金一般项目,基于移动终端的LED加密和通信技术,2019/04-2022/04,总经费:10万元,项目负责人:王晓雷
5、 应用光学国家重点实验室开放课题,基于液晶空间光调制器的高精度矢量光场调控技术研究,2017/06-2019/05,总经费8万元,项目负责人:王晓雷
6、 广东省微纳光子功能材料与器件重点实验室开放课题,基于光学微腔的高效率矢量涡旋光场发生器,2018/05-2019/10,总经费5万元,项目负责人:王晓雷
7、 中国科学院天文光学技术重点实验室开放课题, 矢量光场多维调控下的散斑特性研究, 2016/12-2018/11, 总经费4万元,项目负责人:王晓雷
8、 天津市自然科学基金一般项目,基于脉冲数字全息的二维单脉冲太赫兹波场实时探测技术,批准号:10JCYBJC01300,2010/04-2013/03,总经费10万元,项目负责人:王晓雷
9、 教育部博士点基金,采用脉冲数字全息术对太赫兹波场E(x,y,t)进行实时探测及其应用的研究,批准号:041,2019/01-2011/12,总经费3.6万元,项目负责人:王晓雷
3、北京空间飞行器总体设计部,xxxx设备研制,2017/10-2017/12, 总经费15万,项目负责人:王晓雷
6、北京利云技术开发公司,基于LED可见光通信的加密二元光学器件的设计和研制,2015/09-2016/09, 总经费8.5万元,项目负责人:王晓雷
7、北京利云技术开发公司,LED光束整形、偏转器件的设计与试制,2013/10-2014/06, 总经费9.5万元,项目负责人:王晓雷
9、杭州山旭光电有限公司,分布式光纤传感系统模式识别算法研发,2015/09-2016/09, 总经费8万元,项目负责人:王晓雷
10. 纵合科技股份有限公司,xxxx仪研制,2020/06-2021/07, 总经费131万,项目负责人:王晓雷
11、天津来高科技股份有限公司,结构光三维检测技术的研发,20万元(首期经费),2020/01-2021/12, 项目负责人:王晓雷
12、中国通用技术研究院,特种材料光学器件设计和研制, 总经费9.2万元(到账经费9.2万元),2019/7-2020/8,项目负责人:王晓雷
Journal Publications (Corresponding author marked by *)
1. LIANG FENG, XIAOLEI WANG#, XINLEI SUN, SENDE WANG, LIE LIN, OLGA KOSAREVA, and WEIWEI LIU*, Efficient multifocal structured illumination microscopy utilizing a spatial light modulator, Applied Sciences, 10, 12,2020 (SCI, 共同一作)
2. JIALI YAO, JIAONAN MA, JIEHUI ZHAO, PENGFEI QI, MENGDI LI, LIE LIN, LU SUN, XIAOLEI WANG, WEIWEI LIU, and YAN WAN, Corneal hydration assessment indicator based on terahertz time domain spectroscopy,Biomedical Optics Express,11, 4,2020(SCI 2区)
3. Nana Yu, Sixing Xi, Xiaolei Wang*, Liying Lang, Xueguang Wang, Lei Zhang, Haiyan Han, Zhao Dong, Xiaoxue Jiao, Huaying Wang and Hongchen Zhai,Optical implementation of image encryption based on digital holography and computer generated hologram,J. Opt. , 22 (2020), 075702 (SCI, 通信作者)
4. Xiaolei Wang, Jiehui Zhao, Fang Bo, Guangke Jiang, Xiaoxue Hu, Zhuqing Zhu*, Weiwei Liu. Tightly-focusing terahertz wave using gradient-type slotted grating based on spoof surface plasmons [J]. Optics Express,2020, 28(11): 16298. (SCI 2区,光学工程顶尖期刊,第一作者)
5. Jia-Qi Lü,1 Xiao-Lei Wang, Guan-Lin Zhang, Chenghou Tu, Yongnan Li, and Hui-Tian Wang, Bessel-like beams with controllable rotating local linear polarization during propagation, Optics Letters,45, 7, 2020. (SCI 2区,光学工程顶尖期刊)
6. Faqiang Wang, Weici Liu, Xiaolei Wang, Zhongchao Wei, Hongyun Meng and Ruisheng Liang,Photon Counting Statistics of a Microwave Cavity Coupled with Double Quantum Dots,Applied Sciences,2019, 9, 4934 (SCI)
7. Sixing Xi, Nana Yu,Xiaolei Wang*,Xueguang Wang,Liying Lang,Huaying Wang,Weiwei Liu,et al,Optical encryption scheme for multiple-image based on spatially angular multiplexing and computer generated hologram,Optics and Lasers in Engineering,127,(2019),105953 (SCI 2区,通信作者)
8. 王晓雷, 赵洁惠,李淼,姜光科,胡晓雪,张楠,翟宏琛,刘伟伟*, 基于人工表面等离激元探针实现太赫兹波的紧聚焦和场增强, 物理学报,69(5),(2020) 054201 (SCI,第一作者,当期优秀论文)
9. Zhuqing Zhu, Liu Shi, Shiren Chen, Jing Han, Hengwen Zhang, Miao Li, Hui Hao, Jianjun Luo, Xiaolei Wang, Bing Gu, Yinan Zhang*, second harmonic emission with simultaneous polarization state tuning by aluminum metal-insulator-metal cross nanostructures," Opt. Express 27, 30909-30918 (2019) (SCI 2区,光学工程顶尖期刊)
10. Liang Feng,Langfeng Zhou,Xinlei Sun,Qiang Xu,Ping Chen, Xiaolei Wang*, and Weiwei Liu,A method for the reconstruction of multifocal structured illumination microscopy data with high efficiency,Sci Rep, 9 (2019) 13378. (SCI,通信作者)
11. Fu, Q., Wang, X.*, Liu, F., Dong, Y., Liu, Z., Zheng, S., Chaturvedi, A., Zhou, J., Hu, P., Zhu, Z., Bo, F., Long, Y., Liu, Z., Ultrathin Ruddlesden–Popper Perovskite Heterojunction for Sensitive Photodetection. Small 2019, 15, **. (SCI,1区, 通信作者)
12. Jiehui Zhao,Bowen Zhu,Sixing Xi,Quanquan Mu,Shuai Wang,Yuxin Dong, Xiaolei Wang*,Zhuqing Zhu, Second?harmonic wave patterns induced by the tightly focused radially polarized beam loaded with off?axis vortices,Applied Physics B (2019) 125:139 (SCI,通信作者)
13. Sixing Xi, Nana Yu, Xiaolei Wang* et al, Optical encryption method of multiple-image based on ?? modulation and computer generated hologram, Optics Communications 445 (2019) 19, (SCI,通信作者)
14. 席思星, 于娜娜, 王晓雷*, 朱巧芬, 董昭等,基于计算全息和θ调制的彩色图像加密方法, 物理学报, . 68, 11 (2019) 110502 (SCI,通信作者)
15. Yuxin Dong, Sixing Xi, Bowen Zhu, Xiaolei Wang*, Quanquan Mu, et al. The directional excitation of surface plasmon polaritons by radially polarized beam with multiple off-axis vortices. Optics Communications, 443:197-201, 2019.(SCI,通信作者)
16. Zijie Dai, Qiang Su, Yunfei Wang, Pengfei Qi, Xiaolei Wang* and Weiwei Liu,Fast fabrication of THz devices by femtosecond laser direct writing with a galvanometer scanner,Laser physics,29, 065301, 2019(SCI,通信作者)
17. Shuai Wang, Zi-Lan Deng, Yaoyu Cao, Dejiao Hu, Yi Xu, Boyuan Cai, Long Jin, Yuan Bao, Xiaolei Wang* and Xiangping Li Angular Momentum-Dependent Transmission of Circularly Polarized Vortex Beams Through a Plasmonic Coaxial Nanoring, IEEE photonics journal, 10(1), 1-9, 2018 (SCI,通信作者)
18. 18. Zi-Lan Deng, Junhong Deng, Xin Zhuang, Shuai Wang, Kingfai Li, Yao Wang, Yihui Chi, Xuan Ye, Jian Xu, Guo Ping Wang, Rongkuo Zhao, Xiaolei Wang, et al, Diatomic Metasurface for Vectorial Holography, Nano. Lett., 18, 2885?2892,2018(SCI,一区)
19. Zi-Lan Deng, Junhong Deng, Xin Zhuang, Shuai Wang, Tan Shi, Guo Ping Wang, Yao Wang, Jian Xu, Yaoyu Cao, Xiaolei Wang, Xing Cheng, Guixin Li and Xiangping Li, Facile metagrating holograms with broadband and extreme angle tolerance, Light: Science & Applications, 7:78, 2018 (SCI,一区)
20. Qundong Fu, Xiaowei Wang, Jiadong Zhou, Juan Xia, Qingsheng Zeng, Danhui Lv, Chao Zhu, Xiaolei Wang, et al, One-Step Synthesis of Metal/Semiconductor Heterostructure NbS2/MoS2,Chemistry of Materials, 30, 4001, 2018(SCI,一区)
21. Nana Yu, Sixing Xi, Xiaolei Wang, Chunyuan Zhang, et al, Double images encryption in optical image subtraction/addition 4F System. Optik, 178, 135–141, 2019(SCI)
22. Jianjun Luo, Henwen Zhang, Sicong Wang, Liu Shi, Zhuqing Zhu, Bing Gu, Xiaolei Wang and Xiangping Li, Three-dimensional magnetization needle arrays with controllable orientation, Optics Letters , 44, 4, 727-730, 2019 (SCI,二区,光学工程顶尖期刊)
23. 王帅,邓子岚,王发强,王晓雷*,李向平,光子角动量在环形金属纳米孔异常透射过程中的作用,物理学报,68, 7, 077801, 2019 (SCI,通信作者)
24. Xiaolei Wang, Bowen Zhu, Yuxin Dong, Shuai Wang, Zhuqing Zhu, Fang Bo, and Xiangping Li, “Generation of equilateral-polygon-like flat-top focus by tightly focusing radially polarized beams superposed with off-axis vortex arrays ”, Optics Express, 25(22), 26844-26852, 2017
25. Bowen Zhu, Xiaolei Wang*, “Design of diffractive optical elements based on firefly algorithm.”Journal of Optoelectronics Laser, 28(8),817-823,2017(in Chinese)
26. Xiaolei Wang, Liping Gong, Zhuqing Zhu, et al. Creation of identical multiple focal spots with three-dimensional arbitrary shifting [J]. Opt. Express, 25(15), 17737, 2017
27. Sixing Xi, Xiaolei Wang* Lipei Song, Zhuqing Zhu, Bowen Zhu, Shuai Huang, et al. Experimental study on optical image encryption with asymmetric double random phase and computer-generated hologram. Opt. Express 25(7), 8212 (2017)
28. Yang Li, Zhimin Wei, Zhuqing Zhu, Xiaolei Wang “Propagation properties of partially coherent high-order cylindrical vector beams through a turbulent atmosphere” Optik, 2017
29. LIPING GONG,LU WANG,ZHUQING ZHU,XIAOLEI WANG,et al “Generation and manipulation of super-resolution spherical magnetization chains”,Applied Optics, vol 55,No 21, 2016, july, 5783
30. Xiaolei Wang*, Pan Wang, Lipei Song, et al, Time-resolved digital holographic diagnosis of the shock wave in water induced by femtosecond laser pulse. Optik, 127,2016, 2017-2020
31. Shuai Huang, Xiaolei Wang*, Zhuqing Zhu, et al, focusing field of the radial vector beams with multi-vortex phases, Optics Communications, 2016, 366,142-147
32. Jie Wang, Bowen Zhu, Zhenzhong Hao, Fang Bo*, Xiaolei Wang*, Thermo-optic effects in on-chip lithium niobate microdisk resonators, optics express, Vol. 24, No. 19,21869-21879, 2016
33. Li Yang, Zhu ZhuQing, Wang XiaoLei et al. “Propagation evolution of the off-axis ellipse vector beam”. Acta Phys. Sin., 2015, 64 024204 (in Chinese)
34. Bingchuan Shi, Xiaolei Wang*, Wen-gang Guo, Li-pei Song, “Study of characteristic of femtosecond laster pulsed digital holography”, Chin. Phys. B 24(8), 2015, 084202
35. Liping Gong, Zhuqing Zhu, Xiaolei Wang, “Changeable focused field distribution of double-ring-shaped cylindrical vector beams”, Optics Communications,2015, 342, 204
36. Song Hanfa, Yang Fan, Wang Xiaolei, “Condition for sudden approximation and its application in the problem of compression of an infinite well”, European Journal of Physics, 2015, 36, 035009
37. Sixing Xi, Xiaolei Wang*, Qiang Wang, et al, “Single-slit diffraction of the arbitrary vector beams”. Chin. Opt. Lett. 2015, 13, 012302
38. Sixing Xi, Xiaolei Wang*,Huang Shuai et al. “Generation of arbitrary vector beam based on optical holography”. Acta Phys. Sin., 2015, 12 (in Chinese)
39. Sixing Xi, Xiaolei Wang*, Huang Shuai et al. “Generation of vector beams in terms of the partial light modulator of twisted nematic liquid crystal” Acta Phys. Sin., 2015, 11, 114204 (in Chinese)
40. Sixing Xi, Xiaolei Wang*, Lipei Song, “Asymmetric encryption method in 4f system based on interference”, Journal of modern optics, 2014, 954016
41. Shi BingChuan, Zhu ZhuQing, Wang XiaoLei et al. “Analysis and improvement of reconstruction phase error in the image plane digital holography”. Acta Phys. Sin., 2014, 63, 244201 (in Chinese)
42. Sixing Xi, Xiaolei Wang*, Xin Sun, et al. “Three random phase encryption technology in the Fresnel diffraction system based on computer-generated hologram”, Optical Engineering, 2014, 53, 011004
43. Zhu ZhuQing, Li Yang, Wang XiaoLei et al. “Theoretical and experimental study on digital phase-shifting holography based on circular polarized light interference”. Chinese Journal of Lasers, 2014, 41, ** (in Chinese)
44. Yang Li, Zhuqing Zhu, Xiaolei Wang, Liping Gong, Ming Wang, Shouping Ni, “Propagation Evolution of the off-axis high-order cylindrical vector beam”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 2014, 31, 2356
45. Wang XiaoLei, Shi BingChuan, “Influence of frequency chip on interference field of femtosecond laser pulses”. Journal of Optoelectronics Laser, 2014, 24, 3 (in Chinese)
46. Xiaolei Wang, Yang Fei, Lujie Li “Detection of the spatiotemporal field of a single-shot terahertz pulse based on spectral holography” Chin. Phys. B 2014, 23, 064202
47. Liu Zhiqiang, Chang Shengjiang, Wang Xiaolei,et al. “Thermally controlled terahertz metamaterial modulator based on phase transition of VO2 thin film”Acta Phys. Sin., 2013, 62, 130702 (in Chinese)
48. Zhu Zhuqing. Wang Xiaolei* Experimental study on emission spectra of air plasma induced by femtosecond laser pulses. Acta. Phys. Sin., 2011, 12 (in Chinese)
49. Xiaolei Wang, Hongchen Zhai, Zhilei Li, Qi Ge, “Double random-phase encryption based on discrete quaternion Fourier-Transforms”, Optik, 2011, 122, 1856
50. Haofeng Hu, Xiaolei Wang*, Hongchen Zhai, “High-fluence femtosecond laser ablation of silica glass: effects of laser-induced pressure” Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2011, 44, 135202
51. Lujie Li, Xiaolei Wang*, Hongchen Zhai, “Single-shot diagnostic for the three-dimensional field distribution of a terahertz pulse based on pulsed digital holography”, Optics Letters, 2011,36, 2737
52. Haofeng Hu, Xiaolei Wang*, Hongchen Zhai, “Neutrals ejection in intense femtosecond laser ablation”, Optics Letters, 2011, 36, 124
53. Hu Haofeng, Wang Xiaolei*, Zhai Hongchen “Thermal analysis of intense femtosecond laser ablation of aluminum”, Chinese Physics B, 2011, 20, 044204
54. Hu HaoFeng, Wang XiaoLei, Guo WenGang et al. “Time-resolved optical diagnosis of intense femtosecond laser ablation of silica glass”. Acta Phys. Sin., 2011, 60, 017901 (in Chinese)
55. Heping Ding,Zhuqing Zhu,Min Sun,Xiaolei Wang,Yanhuai Zhou, “Study on Accelerating Reconstruction Algorithm of Digital Holography Based on Graphic Processing Unit”,Chinese Journal of Lasers,37(11),2901-2905,2010(in Chinese)
56. Mingwei Wang, Xiaolei Wang, Zhilei Li, "Recognition of multibreak patterns by 8-neighborhood-based General Hough Transform", Optik, 2010, 121, 2254
57. Haofeng Hu, Xiaolei Wang*, et al, “Generation of multiple stress waves in silica glass in high fluence femtosecond laser ablation”, Applied Physics letters, 2010, 97, 061117
58. Wang XiaoLei, Li ZhiLei, Zhai HongChen et al. “The system of loading hidden information in random spectrum of Fourier domain and incremental compensation”. Acta Phys. Sin., 2010, 59, 6994 (in Chinese)
59. Zhuqing Zhu, Xiaolei Wang, Min Sun, Lujie Li et al, “One-shot phase-shifting on-axis digital holography based on spatial light modulator”, Journal of Optoelectronics Laser, 20(12),1681-1684, 2009(in Chinese)
60. Xiaolei Wang, Hongchen Zhai, “Recording plane division multiplexing (RDM) in pulsed digital holography for optical metrology”, Fringe 2009, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009, 1
61. Hu HaoFeng, Wang XiaoLei, Li ZhiLei et al. “Ultra-fast pulsed digital holographic diagnosis of ejected material in femtosecond laser ablation of aluminum”. Acta Phys. Sin., 2009, 58, 7662 (in Chinese)
62. Yang XiaoPing, Gao LiJuan, Wang XiaoLei et al. “Single-channel encryption of color image based on double-phase encoding”. Acta Phys. Sin., 2009, 58, 1662 (in Chinese)
63. Gao LiJuan, Yang XiaoPing, Li ZhiLei, Wang XiaoLei. “A method of color image single-channel encryption”. Acta Phys. Sin., 2009, 58, 1053 (in Chinese)
64. Gai Qi, Sun YunFeng, Wang XiaoLei, “Color image digital watermarking using discrete quaternion cosine-transform”, Journal of Optoelectronics Laser, 2009, 20, 9 (in Chinese)
65. Sun YunFeng, Wang XiaoLei, Wang MingWei, Zhai HongChen, ” A phase-key type Fourier CGH digital watermarking method”, Journal of Optoelectronics Laser, 2009, 20, 8 (in Chinese)
66. Wang XiaoLei, Zhang Nan, Zhao YouBo et al. “Determination of air ionization threshold with femtosecond laser pulses”. Acta Phys. Sin., 2008, 57, 354 (in Chinese)
67. Zhang Nan, Yang JianJun, Wang XiaoLei, et al. Laser & Optoelectronics Progress, 2008, 45(2): 9 (in Chinese)
68. Zhang Nan, Liang Yan-Mei, Wang XiaoLei, et al.”Study of the Ultrafast Dynamic Process of Intense Femtosecond Laser Ablation of Solid Targets”,China Basic Science,2008, 10, 21 (in Chinese)
69. WANG Mingwei, WANG Xiaolei, ZHAI Hongchen, “Pulsed digital micro-holography of femto second order by double wavelength recording” Optoelectronics Letters, 2007, 3, 133
70. Caojin Yuan, Hongchen Zhai, Xiaolei Wang, Lan Wu, “Lensless digital holography with short-coherence light source for three-dimensional surface contouring of reflecting micro-object”, Optics Communications, 2007, 270, 176
71. Xiaolei Wang, Hongchen Zhai, “Pulsed digital micro-holography of femto-second order by wavelength division multiplexing”, Optics Communications, 2007, 275, 42
72. Yuan CaoJin, Zhai HongChen, Wang XiaoLei, et al. “Three-dimensional surface contouring of reflecting micro-object by digital holography with short-coherence light source”. Acta Phys. Sin., 2007, 56, 218 (in Chinese)
73. Nan Zhang, Xiaonong Zhu, Jianjun Yang, Xiaolei Wang, et al “Time-Resolved Shadowgraphs of Material Ejection in Intense Femtosecond Laser Ablation of Aluminum”, Physical Review Letters, 99, 167602 (2007)1
74. Nan Zhang, Xiaolei Wang, Mingwei Wang, Jianjun Yang et al, “Experimental research of femtosecond laser Propulsion of micro beads”,Infrared and Laser Engineering,35(S3),27-32,2006(in Chinese)
75. Wang XiaoLei, Wang Yi, Zhai HongChen et al. “Pulsed digital holographic recording of ultra-fast process of the femto-second order”. Acta Phys. Sin., 2006, 55, 4613 (in Chinese)
76. Wang XiaoLei, Zhai HongChen, Wang Yi et al. “Spatially angular multiplexing in ultra-short pulsed digital holography”. Acta Phys. Sin., 2006, 55, 1137 (in Chinese)
77. Xiaolei Wang, Hongchen Zhai, Guoguang Mu, “Pulsed digital holography system recording ultrafast process of the femtosecond order”, Optics. Letters., 2006, 31, 1636
78. Wang XiaoLei, Wang Yi.”Pulsed Digital Micro-Holography for Femtosecond Order Ultrafast Process Recording by Using Wavelength Division Multiplexing Technology”. Acta Optica Sinica, 2006, 26,1632 (in Chinese)
79. Yuan Caojin, Zhai Hongchen, Wang Xiaolei, “Robust three dimensional surface contouring method with digital holography”, Optoelectronics Letters, 2006, 2, 468
80. ZHAI Hongchen, WANG Xiaolei, Wang Yi, Mu Guoguang, “Pulsed digital holography for recording ultra fast events ”, Optoelectronics Letters, 2005, 1, 72
Conference papers
1. Yuan Caojing, Zhai Hongchen, Wang Xiaolei, “The resolution of digital holographic is improved by off-axis illumination”. The 12th national academic conference on photoelectric technology and system, Mianyang, China, 2007
2. Hu Haofeng, Wang Xiaolei, et al. Holographic committee meeting, Haerbing, China, 2008
3. Hongchen Zhai, Xiaolei Wang, Haofeng Hu, “Diagnosis of Transparent Ejected Material in Femtosecond Laser Ablation”, International conference of CLEO, Shanghai, China, 2009(invited paper)
4. Hongchen Zhai, Caojin Yuan, and Xiaolei Wang, “Pulsed Digital Holography with High Spatial Resolution”, International conference of CLEO, Shanghai, China, 2009(invited paper)
5. Lujie Li, Xiaolei Wang*, Hongchen Zhai, “Single-shot measurement of the full spatiotemporal field of terahertz pulse”, SOPO, Chengdu, China, 2010
6. Haofeng Hu, Xiaolei Wang*, Nan Zhang, Hongchen Zhai, Pan Wang, “Shock induced phenomena in high fluence femtosecond laser ablation of silica glass”, SPIE/COS Photonics Asia, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 7843, pp. 784324, Beijing, China, 2010
7. Xiaolei Wang, Hongchen Zhai, Lujie Li, “Real-time measurement of the full spatiotemporal field of an single Terahertz pulse by pulsed digital holography” SPIE/COS Photonics Asia, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 7851, pp. 7851 19, Beijing, China, 2010 (invited paper)
8. 贡丽萍,王璐,王晓雷,朱竹青. 超分辨磁球链的产生与调控[C].光学全息与光信息处理学术年会,上海,2016
9. 贡丽萍,王晓雷,朱竹青,顾兵. 双环柱对称矢量光场的三维动态调控[C]. 中国物理学会,北京,2016
10. 石榴,贡丽萍,王晓雷,朱竹青,顾兵. 矢量光场激发下的二次谐波产生特性[C].第十二届全国激光技术与光电子学学术会议,上海,2017
11. WANG Xiaolei, WANG Yi, et al “Pulsed digital holographic recording of ultra-fast processes of the order of femto-second ”, Proceeding of SPIE 2006, 6027, 60272A International conference of ICO, Changchun, China, Proc SPIE, 6027: 185(2006)
12. Wang Yi, Wang Xiaolei, Zhai Hongchen, et al. “Study of ambient air ionization with femtosecond laser pulses”, Proceedings of SPIE, 2005,5627, 105
13. Hongchen Zhai, Xiaolei Wang, Caojin Yuan, Guoguang Mu, Pulsed digital holography for the measurements of high resolution, The 2-th international conference on optics and laser applications, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 2007
14. Hongchen Zhai, Xiaolei Wang, Caojin Yuan, Guoguang Mu, Angular division multiplexing in pulsed digital holography for measurements of high resolutions, Photonics Asia 2007, Beijing, China, 2007
15. Hongchen Zhai, Xiaolei Wang, Guoguang Mu, Ultra-fast digital holography of the femto-second order, The 27th International Congress on High-Speed Photography and Photonics, Xi’an, China, 2006
16. Hongchen Zhai, Xialei Wang, Guoguang Mu, Digital holography recording ultrafast process of air ionization, ICO Topical Meeting on Optoinformatics /Information Photonics 2006, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2006
17. 王晓雷,翟宏琛 等,应用脉冲数字全息术记录超快过程,全国第5届光子学学术会议,安徽,黄山,2004
18. 王晓雷,翟宏琛,王毅,朱晓农,“记录飞秒激光引发空气电离过程的脉冲数字全息技术”,2005年中国光学学会全息与光学信息处理专业委员会年会,山东青岛,2005
19. J. Wang, B. W. Zhu, Z. Z. Hao, F. Bo, X. L. Wang, G. Q. Zhang, and J. J. Xu, " Thermo-optic oscillatory behavior in on-chip lithium-niobate microdisk resonators ", in Frontiers in Optics, STu1E.4, Oct. 17-21, 2016, Rochester, New York, US. (poster)
20. 王杰,朱博文,郝振中,王晓雷,薄方,张国权,许京军,“铌酸锂微盘腔中 热光振荡效应研究” 全国凝聚态光学性质学术会议,贵州贵阳,8.5-8,2016. (口 头报告)
21. 王杰,朱博文,郝振中,王晓雷,薄方,高峰,张国权,许京军,“铌酸锂微 盘腔中热光效应研究” 中国科学院物理研究所第三届全国物理学科博士生论坛, 北京,9.27-29,2016. (张贴报告
22. Zhu B, Wang X*, Generation of equilateral-polygon-like flat-top focus by radially polarized beam embedded with off-axis vortex array[C]. Light Conference 2016. (oral)
23. Wang J, Zhu B, Hao Z, et al. Thermo-optic oscillatory behavior in on-chip lithium-niobate microdisk resonators[C]. Frontiers in Optics. 2016: JTh2A.166. (poster)
24. 赵洁惠,李淼,朱竹青,王晓雷*,第十一届全国光学青年学术论坛暨第十届《饶毓泰基础光学奖》专题报告会,山东济南,2019年10月。(张贴报告,题目为《Second-harmonic wave patterns induced by the tightly focused radially polarized beam loaded with off-axis vortices》,并获得“优秀张贴报告”的荣誉。)
25. 赵洁惠,王晓雷*,刘伟伟,美国光学学会国际学生圈2019南京会议,江苏南京,2019年5月。(口头报告,报告题目为《Second-harmonic wave patterns induced by the tightly focused radially polarized beam loaded with off-axis vortices》。)
26. 赵洁惠,王晓雷*,陕西省研究生光学与光电子学术论坛,陕西西安,2018年11月。(口头报告,题目为《Generation of equilateral-polygon-like flat-top focus by tightly focusing radially polarized beams superposed with off-axis vortex arrays》,并获得“优秀口头报告”的荣誉。)
1. 杨勇, 刘灿,王晓雷 翟宏琛: 角分复用参考光脉冲分束方法及分束系统. 南开大学, July 7, 2010: CN0.5
2. 朱博文,王晓雷,一种基于可见光通信技术的电子密码锁系统及该系统的加密方法. 国家发明专利 专利号:ZL6.4,授权公告日:2017年6月30日
3. 刘灿,王晓雷,杨勇,翟宏琛 “超短脉冲多脉冲分束方法及分束装置”, 国家发明专利, 专利号:ZL 2010 1 **.2, 授权公告日:2011年8月10人
4. 一种毒品定量检测方法和系统,陈平,王岩,王晓雷,刘伟伟,肖东,林列,9.X,2016-1-20
5、 一种超衍射分辨极限太赫兹光谱成像系统,刘伟伟;?苏强;?占涛;?龚诚;?王晓雷;?陈平;?杨晶,2020.08.11
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