

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-09-19

性别 : 男 所属部门 : 现代光学研究所
职称 : 副研究员 学历 : 博士
行政职务 : 所学专业 :
办公电话 :
邮箱 : zhangn@nankai.edu.cn
研究方向 : 飞秒激光烧蚀超快动力学及应用

个人简历 1981年9月生于天津市,2004年6月本科毕业于南开大学物理学院;2009.6 毕业于南开大学现代光学研究所, 获光学工程专业博士学位。同年留校任教。?
科研项目/成果/获奖/专利 飞秒激光直写制备超表面光子学器件的研究----2016-04-01到2019-03-31

论文/专著/教材 2013年以后发表的论文:?
?1.Peipei Feng, Nan Zhang*, Han Wu, Xiaonong Zhu, Effect of ambient air on femtosecond laser ablation of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite, Optics Letters, 40(1),17-20 (2015).?
?2. Wenxia Bao, Nan Zhang*, Peipei Feng, Han Wu, Xiaonong Zhu. Time and species dependent ambient air's effects on carbon clusters generated during femtosecond laser ablation of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite. European Physical Journal D, 69(12), 270. (2015)?
?2. 冯培培,吴寒,张楠*,“超短脉冲激光烧蚀石墨产生的喷射物的时间分辨发射光谱研究”,物理学报,64, 214201 (2015)。?
?3. 包文霞,张楠,孔梦清,朱晓农. “利用扫描式三阶相关技术测量超短脉冲激光的特性研究”,中国激光,42(7),252-258(2015,7).?
?5.Nan Zhang, Jinghui Yang, Wenxia Bao, and Xiaonong Zhu, “Determination of temporal structure of femtosecond laser pulses by means of the laser-induced air plasma”, Chinese Physics B 22(5)054209 (2013).?
?6.Han Wu, Nan Zhang, Xiaonong Zhu, Investigation of the particle size distribution of the ejected material generated during the single femtosecond laser pulse ablation of aluminium, Applied Surface Science 317, 167–171 (30 October 2014).?
?7.Wenxia Bao, Nan Zhang, Xiaonong Zhu. Study of dispersion compensation effect of femtosecond laser amplifier using home-made third-order autocorrelator. Optics and Laser Technology, 54, 242-248 (2013)?
?8.Zhijun Xu, Xiaonong Zhu, Yang Yu, Nan Zhang, Jiefeng Zhao, Super-luminescent jet light generated by femtosecond laser pulses, Scientific Reports 4, 3892 (2014).?
?9. 刘莎, 李亚飞, 蔡先勇, 张楠*. 像散飞秒贝塞尔光在石英玻璃中刻写双芯光波导的研究. 物理学报. 2016, 65 (19): 194210?
?10. Han Wu, Tian Zhou, Nan Zhang*, Xiaonong Zhu, Assessments of the relation between the degree of order of the ultrafast laser deposited carbon film and the features of the Raman spectrum’s D band, Surface and Coatings Technology, 311,55-62. (2017).?
?1.Nan Zhang, Zehua Wu, Kuanhong Xu, and Xiaonong Zhu. Characteristics of micro air plasma produced by double femtosecond laser pulses Optics Express, Vol. 20, Issue 3, pp. 2528-2538 (2012)?
?2.张楠,杨景辉,朱晓农. “飞秒激光烧蚀高定向热解石墨的超快过程研究”, 中国激光 39(5),** (2012)?
?3.Nan Zhang, Wentao Wang, Xiaonong Zhu, Jiansheng Liu, Kuanhong Xu, Peng Huang, Jiefeng Zhao, Ruxin Li, and Mingwei Wang, " Investigation of ultrashort pulse laser ablation of solid targets by measuring the ablation-generated momentum using a torsion pendulum", Optics Express, 19(9), 8870-8878 (2011).?
?4.Zehua Wu, Xiaonong Zhu, Nan Zhang*, "Time-resolved shadowgraphic study of femtosecond laser ablation of aluminum under different ambient air pressures," Journal of Applied Physics 109, 053113 (2011).?
?6.Zhang Nan, Zhu Xiaonong, Yang Jianjun, Wang Xiaolei, Wang Mingwei. Time-resolved shadowgraphs of material ejection in intense femtosecond laser ablation of aluminum. Phys. Rev. Lett., 2007, 99(16): 167602(1~4)?
?*本文被选作国际著名物理类杂志Physical Review Letters的封面文章 (Vol. 99, No. 16), 同时本文被Physical Review Focus 选作焦点文章 (Physical Review Focus 20, story 12), 见http://focus.aps.org/story/v20/st12.?
?***本文被《自然中国》(Nature China)选为来自中国大陆和香港的突出科学研究成果,以“Laser Ablation: Capturing a piece of the action”为题于2007年10月31日刊出。?
?7.Zhang Nan, Liu Weiwei, Xu Zhijun,Wang Mingwei, Zhu Xiaonong. Experimental study and numerical simulation of the propulsion of micro beads by femtosecond laser filament. J. Appl. Phys., 2008, 104(3): 033104(1~5)?
?8.Zhang Nan, Zhao Youbo, Zhu Xiaonong. Light propulsion of microbeads with femtosecond laser pulses. Opt. Express, 2004, 12(15): 3590~3598?
?9.Zhang Nan, Yang Jianjun, Wang Mingwei, Zhu Xiaonong. Fabrication of Long-Period Fibre Gratings Using 800 nm Femtosecond Laser Pulses. Chin. Phys. Lett., 2006, 23(12): 3281~3284?
?10.Nan Zhang, Zehua Wu, Kuanhong Xu, Xiaonong Zhu, Investigation of air plasma produced by double femtosecond laser pulses, IQEC/CLEO Pacific Rim 2011, Sydney, Australia; Wed. 31 August, 4700-PO-122.?
?11.Zhang, N., Wang, W., Liu, j., Li, L., and Zhu, X., “Measurement and study of momentum coupling coefficient in ultrashort pulse laser ablative propulsion”,1st national conference on high energy density physics,2009. 12, Chengdu, China. (Invited talk)?
?12.张楠,杨建军,王晓雷,王明伟,刘伟伟,梁艳梅,朱晓农. 飞秒强激光超快烧蚀动力学过程的时间分辨研究. 激光与光电子学进展, 2008, 45(2): 9 (邀稿)?
?13.张楠,梁艳梅,王明伟,王晓雷,杨建军,刘伟伟,朱晓农. 高强度飞秒脉冲激光烧蚀固体靶材的超快动力学过程的研究. 中国基础科学, 2008, 10(1): 21~23 (邀稿)?
?14.Zhao Youbo, Zhang Nan, Yang Jianjun, Zhu Xiaonong. Laser-induced air ionization microscopy. Appl. Phys. Lett., 2006, 88(24): 241102(1~3)?
?15.Yang Jianjun, Zhang Nan, Zhu Xiaonong. Self-induced nonlinear polarization change of femtosecond laser pulse propagation in an optically isotropic glass. Appl. Phys. B, 2007, 89(2-3): 261~266?
?16.Zehua Wu, Nan Zhang, Mingwei Wang, Xiaonong Zhu, Femtosecond laser ablation of silicon in air and vacuum, Chinese Optics Letters , Vol.09 , Issue 09 , PP.093201(2011)?
?17.王晓雷, 张楠, 赵友博, 李智磊, 翟宏琛, 朱晓农. 飞秒激光激发空气电离的阈值研究. 物理学报, 2008, 57(1): 354~357?
?18.Zhao Youbo, Liang Yanmei, Zhang Nan, Wang Mingwei, Zhu Xiaonong. Pulse width effect in ultrafast laser ionization imaging. Opt. Lett., 2008, 33(21): 2467~2469?
?19.Yang Jianjun, Zhao Youbo, Zhang Nan, Liang Yanmei, Wang Mingwei. Ablation of metallic targets by high-intensity ultrashort laser pulses. Phys. Rev. B, 2007, 76(16): 165430(1~10)?
?20.Xu Zhijun, Liu Weiwei, Zhang Nan, Wang Mingwei, Zhu Xiaonong. Effect of intensity clamping on laser ablation by intense femtosecond laser pulses. Opt. Express, 2008, 16(6): 3604~3609?
?21.Haofeng Hu; Xiaolei Wang; Hongchen Zhai; Nan Zhang; Pan Wang "Generation of multiple stress waves in silica glass in high fluence femtosecond laser ablation", appl. phys. lett., 97, 061117 (2010).?
?22.Xiaoyan SUN, Peng HUANG, Jiefeng ZHAO, Li WEI, Nan ZHANG, Dengfeng KUANG, Xiaonong ZHU,Characteristic control of long period fiber grating (LPFG) fabricated by infrared femtosecond laser,Frontiers of Optoelectronics vol. 5, issue 3,334-340 (2012)?
?23.胡浩峰,王晓雷,李智磊,张楠,翟宏琛. 飞秒激光烧蚀铝靶产生喷射物的超快脉冲数字全息诊断. 物理学报,2009, 58(11): 7662~7667?
?24.Yang Yang, Jianjun Yang, Chunyong Liang, Hongshui Wang, Xiaonong Zhu, Nan Zhang. Surface microstructuring of Ti plates by femtosecond lasers in liquid ambiences: a new approach to improving biocompatibility. Opt. Express, 2009, 17(23): 21124~21133?

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