本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-09-19
性别 : 男 所属部门 : 光电子薄膜器件与技术研究所
职称 : 副教授 学历 : 博士
行政职务 : 所学专业 : 纳米材料科学与工程
办公电话 :
邮箱 : lyl@nankai.edu.cn
研究方向 : 纳米光电材料与器件;新型光伏材料与器件;钙钛矿太阳电池;钙钛矿/晶硅两端叠层电池;柔性光电子器件;光子晶体;
李跃龙,博士,南开大学电子信息与光学工程学院副教授,博士生导师,欧盟玛丽居里****(连续两次入选,2014 MC-IIF; 2017 MC-IEF)。2012年3月获得韩国科学技术研究院博士学位(KIST/UST),之后在美国加州大学-圣迭戈分校(UCSD)和西班牙国家研究院(CSIC)从事博士后研究,2016年10月,以人才引进方式加入南开大学电光学院。目前主持国家重点研发计划项目课题1项,欧盟“地平线2020”项目1项,国家自然科学基金面上项目1项,天津市自然科学基金绿色通道项目1项,教育部重点实验室开放课题1项,南开大学引进人才启动项目等科研项目;作为核心成员,参与天津市“131”创新团队项目和南开大学百青团队项目等科研项目2项。
主要从事纳米光电材料与器件领域研究,目前专注于钙钛矿太阳电池(高效,柔性,大面积等),钙钛矿单晶材料制备及光生电荷传输机理研究,钙钛矿/晶硅两端叠层电池(高效,大面积等),太阳电池陷光结构与机理(如光子晶体,微纳织构等)等研究。先后在Energy & Environmental Science,Nature Communications,Nano Energy,Advanced Functional Materials, Advanced Science,Small,Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Science Bulletin, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters,Advanced Optical Materials,ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, Applied Physics Letters等杂志发表论文50多篇,其中第一作者和通讯作者论文20余篇,包括2篇Energy & Environmental Science,1篇Nature Communications等。已授权美国、韩国、中国等发明专利4项,国际PCT专利1项,申请中国发明专利6项,均为第一发明人。曾多次组织或参加国际会议并作邀请报告或口头报告,担任分会主席。担任天津市光电子重点实验室秘书;国家自然科学基金评审专家;多种学术杂志独立审稿人和仲裁人,包括Energy & Environmental Science, Chemical Communications, Chemical Science, Nanoscale, Journal of Material Chemistry-A, Applied Physics Letters, Journal of Power Sources等。
2008/03-2012/02: 韩国科学技术研究院(KIST/UST),博士,纳米材料科学与工程,指导教授: Min-Jae Ko教授/Nam-Gyu Park教授
2006/03-2008/02: 韩国仁荷大学(Inha Univ.),硕士,化学工程,指导教授: Chee-Won Chung教授
2001/09-2005/06: 河北科技大学,学士,化学工程与工艺
2016/10-至今: 南开大学电子信息与光学工程学院,副教授
-. 2018/02-2018/04: 英国剑桥大学,合作研究,合作教授: Dan Credgington教授
2014/09-2016/08: 西班牙国家研究院(CSIC),博士后/欧盟玛丽居里****,合作教授:Hernan Miguez 教授
-. 2015/11-2015/12: 英国牛津大学,访问研究,合作教授: Henry Snaith教授
-. 2015/07: 西班牙海梅一世大学,访问研究,合作教授:Juan Bisquert教授
2012/03-2014/07: 美国加州大学-圣迭戈分校(UCSD),博士后,合作教授:Michael J. Tauber教授/Sungho Jin 美国工程院院士/教授
2017/03: 欧盟玛丽居里****(Marie Curie IEF), 欧盟科研委员会 (ERC)
2014/09-2016/08: 欧盟玛丽居里****(Marie Curie IIF), 欧盟科研委员会 (ERC)
2012/02: 最佳科研奖, 优秀博士毕业生,韩国科学技术研究院(KIST)
2008/03-2012/02: 韩国国际科研奖学金,韩国科技部
2008/03-2012/02: 韩国基础研究奖学金,韩国科技部
2008/03-2012/02: 韩国国际化奖学金,韩国科技部
2006/03-2008/02: 静石国际留学生奖学金,韩国仁荷大学(Inha Univ.)
2005/06: 优秀毕业生,河北科技大学
亓文静 (2019级学硕)
Khumal Sohail (2020级学硕,巴基斯坦籍)
招生广告(长期有效):欢迎凝聚态物理、光学、材料、化学、半导体材料与器件、电子科学与技术、软件工程、通信工程等专业背景的同学推免或报考(南开大学电光学院推免政策 http://eo.nankai.edu.cn/Recruitment/Detail?id=9354 )。每年招收2-3名学术硕士生(择优录取),2名专业硕士生,接受联合培养;硕士期间表现优秀者可推荐校内免试直博,或美国、英国、西班牙、瑞士、加拿大、韩国等海外攻读博士机会和学术交流机会;提供暑期实习(有偿),国创和本科毕业设计机会;申请出国读学位的同学,如需要积累科研经历和SCI论文,请尽快联系!! 课题组依托科技部光伏发电技术国际合作示范基地、教育部薄膜光电子工程技术研究中心、国家外专局和教育部“新一代太阳能光伏发电技术”创新引智基地(111引智计划)、天津市中欧太阳能光伏发电技术联合研究中心和天津市光电子薄膜器件与技术重点实验室等省部级平台,拥有2000平米超净实验室(局部百级),完备的光电材料和器件制备和表征设备!!
1. 2016/10-2019/10,南开大学引进人才启动配套项目,,有机无机钙钛矿单晶材料可控制备及光电器件应用,45万,主持。
2. 2017/07-2019/06,光学信息技术科学教育部重点实验室开放课题项目,2017KFKT014,二维钙钛矿光子晶体的可控制备及陷光机理研究,3万,主持。
3. 2017/10-2020/09,天津市自然科学基金绿色通道项目,17JCYBJC41400,高效柔性钙钛矿太阳电池关键材料、器件结构及界面优化研究,10万,主持。
4. 2018/02-2020/01,欧盟“地平线2020”项目,750677,基于钙钛矿单晶材料的光电器件研究 (PEROPTO),153万,主持。
5. 2019/01-2022/12,国家自然科学基金-面上项目,**,具有特定裸露晶面金属卤化物钙钛矿单晶材料的可控制备及其“XXXXX”机理研究,63万,主持。
6. 2019/04-2022/03,国家重点研发计划项目-课题,2018YFB**,钙钛矿/晶硅两端叠层太阳电池模块与百瓦户外系统设计与验证,255万,主持。
1. 2017/01-2020/12,南开大学“百名青年学科带头人”团队项目,柔性钙钛矿太阳电池,100万,核心成员。
2. 2017/12-2020/12,天津市“131”创新型人才团队项目,南开大学新型太阳电池研究团队,120万,核心成员。
3. 2020/5-2021/4,基于三维运动系统的钙钛矿太阳电池制备,6,市创项目,指导老师
2. 2020/5-2021/4,基于LabView的太阳电池光电特性多通道自动测试系统研究,1,百项工程项目,指导老师。
1. 2019/5-2021/4,基于机器学习建模对新型钙钛矿太阳电池光电特性的仿真研究,3,国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目,指导老师。
5. 李跃龙,辛晨光,赵颖,张晓丹,一种基于辊涂工艺的柔性大面积钙钛矿太阳电池制备方法,中国发明专利号ZL5.9(2018.3.31)
4. Yuelong Li, Michael B. Frank, Michael J. Tauber, Sungho Jin, Jung-Keun Ryoo, Hyuck Jung, Electrochemical solar cells, US Patent office, US 2016/** A1, 2016/03/10.
3. Yuelong Li, Michael B. Frank, Michael J. Tauber, Sungho Jin, Jung-Keun Ryoo, Hyuck Jung, Electrochemical solar cells, US Patent office, PCT/US2014/033093, WO, 2014/10/09. (also highlighted in ACS C&EN News, 92, 32, Dec. 15, 2014)
2. Min Jae Ko, Kyunkon Kim, Doh-Kon Lee, Yuelong Li, Composition for photo-electrodes, photo-electrodes and dye-sensitized solar cells comprising the same, Korea Patent office, KR, 2012/04/19.
1. Min Jae Ko, Kyunkon Kim, Nam-Gyu Park, Yuelong Li, Electrodes comprising electrospun polymer nanofibers sprayed metal oxide nanocomposite and preparation method thereof, and dye-sensitized solar cells using the same, Korea Patent office, KR, 2011/04/26.
6. 李跃龙,侯国付,赵颖,张晓丹,嵌套全背接触钙钛矿太阳电池及其制备方法,中国发明专利,申请号CN9.8 (2020.04.09)
5. 李跃龙,侯国付,赵颖,张晓丹,叠拼叉指全背接触钙钛矿太阳电池及其制备方法,中国发明专利,申请号CN1.X (2020.02.25)
4. 李跃龙,侯国付,赵颖,张晓丹,正交叉指全背接触钙钛矿太阳电池及其制备方法,中国发明专利,申请号CN5.8 (2020.02.26)
3. 李跃龙,侯国付,赵颖,张晓丹,平行叉指全背接触钙钛矿太阳电池及其制备方法,中国发明专利,申请号CN6.9 (2020.02.25)
2. 李跃龙,辛晨光,赵颖,张晓丹,一种基于离子液添加剂的钙钛矿太阳电池的制备方法,中国发明专利,申请号 CN2.5(2018.3.31)
1. 李跃龙,辛晨光,赵颖,张晓丹,一种基于辊涂工艺的柔性大面积钙钛矿太阳电池制备方法,中国发明专利,申请号 CN5.9(2018.3.31)
已发表学术论文50余篇,其中第一作者或通讯作者20余篇,分别发表在Nature Communications, Energy & Environmental Science (2篇,IF=33.25,新能源领域顶级期刊)、Nano Energy、Adv. Funct. Mater.、Adv. Sci.、Small、J. Mater. Chem. A、Sci. Bull.、J. Phys. Chem. Lett.、ACS Appl. Mater. Inter.、Nanoscale、Adv. Opt. Mater.、Appl. Phys. Lett.等学术期刊;2篇被选为杂志封面,1篇被收录进电子版集锦杂志等。
#共同第一作者 *通讯作者
55. Yameng Li, Haixia Wu*, Wenjing Qi, Xin Zhou, Jiale Li, Jian Cheng, Yuelong Li*, Passivation of defects in perovskite solar cell: from a chemistry point of view, accepted,Nano Energy, 2020.
54. Xin Zhou, Wenjing Qi, Jiale Li, Jian Cheng, Yuelong Li*, Min Jae Ko, Ying Zhao, Xiaodan Zhang, Toward Efficient and Stable Perovskite Solar Cells: Choosing Appropriate Passivator to Specific Defects, Solar RRL, 10.1002/solr., 2020.
53. Jiangdong Gong#, Haiyang Yu#, Xin Zhou#, Huanhuan Wei, Mingxue Ma, Hong Han, Shuo Zhang, Yao Ni, Yuelong Li*, Wentao Xu*, Lateral artificial synapses on hybrid perovskite platelets with modulated neuroplasticity, Advanced Functional Materials, 10.1002/adfm., 2020.
52. Wenjing Qi, Xin Zhou, Jiale Li, Jian Cheng, Yuelong Li*, Min Jae Ko, Ying Zhao, Xiaodan Zhang, Inorganic Material Passivation of Defects Toward Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells, Science Bulletin, 10.1016/j.scib.2020.07.017, 2020.
51. Ningyu Ren#, Bingbing Chen#, Biao Shi#, Pengyang Wang, Qiaojing Xu, Yucheng Li, Renjie Li, Xinghua Cui, Fuhua Hou, Tiantian Li, Qian Huang, Yuelong Li, Yi Ding, Guofu Hou, Xinliang Chen, Chengjun Zhu, Ying Zhao, Anders Hagfeldt, Xiaodan Zhang*, Quasi-Heteroface Perovskite Solar Cells, Small, 10.1002/smll., 2020.
50. Minna Hou#, Yuzeng Xu#, Bo Zhou#, Ying Tian, Yan Wu, Dekun Zhang, Guangcai Wang, Baozhang Li, Huizhi Ren, Yuelong Li, Qian Huang, Yi Ding*, Ying Zhao, Xiaodan Zhang, Guofu Hou, Aryl Diammonium iodide passivation for efficient and stable hybrid organ-inorganic perovskite solar cells, Advanced Functional Materials, 10.1002/adfm., 2020.
49. 童杨; 肖作; 杜晓艳; 左传天; 李跃龙; 吕梦岚; 袁永波; 易陈谊; 郝锋; 华雍; 雷霆; 林乾乾; 孙宽; 赵德威; 段春晖; 邵向锋; 李伟; 叶轩立; 肖正国; 张斌; 边庆真; 程远航; 刘升建; 程明; 靳志文; 杨上峰; 丁黎明, 有机太阳电池关键材料研究进展, 中国科学:化学, 50, 437-446,2020.
48. Chenguang Xin#, Jiangbin Zhang#, Xin Zhou#, Linchuan Ma, Fuhua Hou, Biao Shi, San-Jiang Pan, Bingbing Chen, Pengyang Wang, Dekun Zhang, Xinliang Chen, Ying Zhao, Artem Bakulin, Yuelong Li*, Xiaodan Zhang*, Defects Healing in Two-Step Deposited Perovskite Solar Cells via Formamidinium Iodide Compensation, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 3, 3318-3327, 2020.
47. Renjie Li#, Pengyang Wang#, Bingbing Chen, Xinghua Cui, Yi Ding, Yuelong Li, Dekun Zhang, Ying Zhao, Xiaodan Zhang*, NiOx/Spiro Hole Transport Bilayers for Stable Perovskite Solar Cells with Efficiency Exceeding 21%. ACS Energy Letters, 5, 79-86, 2020.
46. Jingjing Liu#, Bingbing Chen#, Qi Wang, Renjie Li, Biao Shi, Yucheng Li, Fuhua Hou, Xinhua Cui, Pengyang Wang, Yuelong Li, Ying Zhao, Xiaodan Zhang*, Self-formed PbI2-DMSO adduct for highly efficient and stable perovskite solar cells, Applied Physics Letters, 115, 233901,2019.
45. Haining Zheng#, Songjun Hou#, Chenguang Xin#, Qingqing Wu, Feng Jiang, Zhibing Tan, Xin Zhou, Wenxiang He, Qingmin Li, Jueting Zheng, Longyi Zhang, Junyang Liu, Yang Yang, Jia Shi, Xiaodan Zhang, Ying Zhao, Yuelong Li*, Colin Lambert*, Wenjing Hong*, Room-temperature Quantum Interference in Single Perovskite Quantum Dot Junctions, Nature Communications, 10, 5458, 2019. (入选Nature Communications 2019年度物理类论文关注度前50名)
44. Xin Zhou#, Chenguang Xin#, Fuhua Hou, Biao Shi, San-Jiang Pan, Shixin Hou, Jie Zhang, Pengyang Wang, Huizhi Ren, Ying Zhao, Guangcai Wang*, Yuelong Li*, Xiaodan Zhang, The role of moisture in the preparation for efficient planar perovskite solar cells, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 7, 17691-17696, 2019.
43. Fuhua Hou, Biao Shi, Tiantian Li, Chenguang Xin, Yi Ding, Changchun Wei, Guangcai Wang, Yuelong Li*, Ying Zhao, Xiaodan Zhang*, Efficient and stable perovskite solar cell achieved with bifunctional interfacial layers, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 11, 25218–25226, 2019.
42. 黄伟,李跃龙,任慧志,王鹏阳,魏长春,侯国付,张德坤,许盛之,王广才,赵颖,袁明鉴*,张晓丹*,基于N型纳米晶硅氧电子注入层钙钛矿发光二极管,物理学报, 68, 128103, 2019.
41. Yuelong Li#*, Linchuan Ma#, Youngseok Yoo, Guangcai Wang, Xiaodan Zhang, Min Jae Ko*, Atomic layer deposition: A versatile method to enhance TiO2 nanoparticles interconnection of dye-sensitized solar cell at low temperature, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 73, 351-356, 2019.
40. Fuhua Hou#, Lingling Yan#, Biao Shi#, Junfan Chen, Shijie Zhu, Qianshang Ren, Shichong An, Zhongxin Zhou, Huizhi Ren, Changchun Wei, Qian Huang, Guofu Hou, Xinliang Chen, Yuelong Li, Yi Ding, Guangcai Wang, Dekun Zhang, Ying Zhao, and Xiaodan Zhang*, Monolithic Perovskite/Silicon-Heterojunction Tandem Solar Cells with Open-Circuit Voltage of over 1.8 V, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2, 243-249, 2019.
39. Chenguang Xin, Xin Zhou, Fuhua Hou, Yawen Du, Wei Huang, Biao Shi, Changchun Wei, Yi Ding, Guangcai Wang, Guofu Hou, Ying Zhao, Yuelong Li*, Xiaodan Zhang*, Scalable and Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells Prepared by the Grooved Roller Coating, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 7, 1870, 2019.
38. Fuhua Hou#, Can Han#, Olindo Isabella, Lingling Yan, Biao Shi, Junfan Chen, Shichong An, Zhongxin Zhou, Wei Huang, Huizhi Ren, Qian Huang, Guofu Hou, Xinliang Chen, Yuelong Li, Yi Ding, Guangcai Wang, Changchun Wei, Dekun Zhang, Miro Zeman, Ying Zhao, Xiaodan Zhang*, Inverted Pyramidally-Textured PDMS Antireflective Foils for Perovskite/Silicon Tandem Solar Cells with Flat Top Cell, Nano Energy, 56, 234-240, 2019.
37. Yawen Du, Chenguang Xin, Wei Huang, Biao Shi, Yi Ding, Changchun Wei, Ying Zhao, Yuelong Li*, Xiaodan Zhang*, Polymeric Surface Modification of NiOx Based Inverted Planar Perovskite Solar Cells with Enhanced Performance, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 6, 16806-16812, 2018.
36. Shijie Zhu#, Fuhua Hou#, Wei Huang, Xin Yao, Biao Shi, Qianshang Ren, Junfan Chen, Lingling Yan, Shichong An, Zhongxin Zhou, Huizhi Ren, Changchun Wei, Qian Huang, Yuelong Li, Guofu Hou, Xinliang Chen, Yi Ding, Guangcai Wang, Baozhang Li, Ying Zhao, Xiaodan Zhang,* Solvent Engineering to Balance Light Absorbance and Transmittance in Perovskite for Tandem Solar Cells, Solar RRL, **, 2018.
35. Xin Yao, Junhui Liang, Tiantian Li, Lin Fan, Biao Shi, Changchun Wei, Yi Ding, Yuelong Li, Ying Zhao, Xiaodan Zhang, Electron transport layer driven to improve the open-circuit voltage of CH3NH3PbI3 planar perovskite solar cells, Science China Materials, 61, 65-72, 2018.
34. Biao Shi, Xin Yao, Fuhua Hou, Sheng Guo, Yucheng Li, Changchun Wei, Yi Ding, Yuelong Li, Ying Zhao, Xiaodan Zhang,* Unraveling the Passivation Process of PbI2 to Enhance the Efficiency of Planar Perovskite Solar Cells, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 122, 21269-21276, 2018.
33. Yuelong Li*, Xiaodan Zhang, Min Jae Ko*, Direct Comparison of Electron Transport and Recombination Behaviors of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Prepared Using Different Sintering Processes, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 6, 7193–7198, 2018.
32. Sheng Guo#, Fuhua Hou#, Yuelong Li*, Chuangchun Wei, Ying Zhao, Xiaodan Zhang*, Atomic layer deposited TiO2 layer for efficient planar perovskite solar cells, Journal of Synthetic Crystals, 47, 1102-1112, 2018.
31. Shijie Zhu#, Xin Yao#, Qianshang Ren, Cuicui Zheng, Shengzhe Li, Yupeng Tong, Biao Shi, Sheng Guo, Lin Fan, Huizhi Ren, Changchun Wei, Baozhang Li, Yi Ding, Qian Huang, Yuelong Li, Ying Zhao, Xiaodan Zhang*, Transparent electrode for monolithic perovskite/silicon-heterojunction two-terminal tandem solar cells, Nano Energy, 45, 280-286, 2018.
30. Lin Fan, Yuelong Li, Xin Yao, Yi Ding, Shanzhen Zhao, Biao Shi, Changchun Wei, Dekun Zhang, Baozhang Li, Guangcai Wang, Ying Zhao, Xiaodan Zhang*, Delayed Annealing Treatment for High-Quality CuSCN: Exploring Its Impact on Bifacial Semitransparent n-i-p Planar Perovskite Solar Cells, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 1, 1575-1584, 2018.
29. Biao Shi, Sheng Guo, Changchun Wei, Baozhang Li, Yi Ding, Yuelong Li, Qing Wan, Ying Zhao, Xiaodan Zhang*, Key parameters of two typical intercalation reactions to prepare hybrid inorganic–organic perovskite films, Chinese Physics B 27 (1), 018807, 2018.
28. Yuelong Li#, Juan F. Galisteo-Lo?pez#, Mauricio E. Calvo, Hernan Míguez,* Facile Synthesis of Hybrid Organic?Inorganic Perovskite Microcubes of Optical Quality Using Polar Antisolvents, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 9, 35505–35510, 2017.
27. Fengyou Wang#, Shanzhen Zhao#, Bofei Liu#, Yuelong Li, Qianshang Ren, Rongchi Du, Ning Wang, Chuangchun Wei, Xinliang Chen, Guangcai Wang, Baojie Yan, Ying Zhao, Xiaodan Zhang, * Silicon solar cells with bifacial metal oxides carrier selective layers, Nano Energy, 39, 437–443, 2017.
26. Biao Shi, Bofei Liu, Jingshan Luo, Yuelong Li, Cuicui Zheng, Xin Yao, Lin Fan, Junhui Liang, Yi Ding, Changchun Wei, Dekun Zhang, Ying Zhao, Xiaodan Zhang*, Enhanced Light Absorption of Thin Perovskite Solar Cells Using Textured Substrates, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, 168, 214-220, 2017.
25. Xin Yao, Junhui Liang, Yuelong Li, Jingshan Luo, Biao Shi, Changchun Wei, Dekun Zhang, Baozhang Li, Yi Ding, Ying Zhao, Xiaodan Zhang*, Hydrogenated TiO2 Thin Film for Accelerating Electron Transport in Highly-Efficient Planar Perovskite Solar Cells, Advanced Science, 4, **, 2017.
24. Di Liu, Yuelong Li, Biao Shi, Xin Yao, Lin Fan, Shanzhen Zhao, Junhui Liang, Yi Ding, Changchun Wei, Dekun Zhang, Ying Zhao, and Xiaodan Zhang*, Tailoring morphology and thickness of perovskite layer for flexible perovskite solar cells on plastics: the role of CH3NH3I concentration, Solar Energy, 147, 222-227, 2017.
23. Miguel Anaya, Wei Zhang, Bruno Clasen Hames, Yuelong Li, Francisco Fabregat-Santiago, Mauricio E. Calvo, Henry J. Snaith,* Hernan Miguez* and Ivan Mora-Sero*, Electron injection and scaffold effects in perovskite solar cells, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 7, 634-644, 2017.
22. Juan F. Galisteo-Lopez#, Yuelong Li#, Hernan Miguez,* Three-Dimensional Optical Tomography and Correlated Elemental Analysis of Hybrid Perovskite Microstructures: An Insight into Defect-Related Lattice Distortion and Photoinduced Ion Migration, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 7, 5227-5234, 2016. Join in Nankai University
21. Yuelong Li#, Sol Carretero-Palacios#, Kicheon Yoo#, Jong Hak Kim, Alberto Jimenez-Solano, Chulho Lee, Hernan Miguez,* Min Jae Ko,* Maximized performance of dye solar cells on plastic: a combined theoretical and experimental optimization approach, Energy & Environmental Science, 9, 2061-2071, 2016.
20. Yuelong Li, Doh-Kwon Lee, Jin Young Kim, BonSoo Kim, Nam-Gyu Park, Kyungkon Kim, Joong-Ho Shin, In-Suk Choi, Min Jae Ko,* Highly durable and flexible dye-sensitized solar cells fabricated on plastic substrates: PVDF-nanofiber-reinforced TiO2 photoelectrodes, Energy & Environmental Science, 5, 8950-8957, 2012 (back cover image)
19. Yuelong Li, Kicheon Yoo, Doh-Kwon Lee, Jin Young Kim, H. Kim, BonSoo Kim, Min Jae Ko,* Photovoltaic properties of high efficiency plastic dye-sensitized solar cells employing interparticle binding agent “nanoglue”, Nanoscale, 5, 4711-4719, 2013 (front cover image)
18. Jose M. Miranda-Munoz, Sol Carretero-Palacios, Alberto Jimenez-Solano, Yuelong Li, Gabriel Lozano, Hernan Miguez,* Efficient bifacial dye-sensitized solar cells through disorder by design, Journal of Material Chemistry A, 4, 1953-1961, 2016.
17. Yuelong Li, Mauricio E. Calvo, Hernan Miguez,* Integration of photonic crystals into flexible dye solar cells: a route towards bendable and adaptable optoelectronic devices displaying structural color and enhanced efficiency, Advanced Optical Materials, 4, 464-471, 2016.
16. Yuelong Li, Wonjoo Lee, Doh-Kwon Lee, Kyungkon Kim, Nam-Gyu Park, Min Jae Ko,* Pure anatase TiO2 “nanoglue”: an inorganic binding agent to improve nanoparticle interconnections in the low-temperature sintering of dye-sensitized solar cells, Applied Physics Letters, 98, 103301, 2011. (also selected in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, volume 23, issue 11, 2011)
15. Yuelong Li#, Kicheon Yoo#, Doh-Kwon Lee, Jin Young Kim, Hae Jung Son, Jong Hak Kim, Chul-Ho Lee, Hernan Míguez, Min Jae Ko,* Synergistic strategies for the preparation of highly efficient dye-sensitized solar cells on plastic substrates: combination of chemical and physical sintering, RSC Advances, 5, 76795-76803, 2015.
14. Yuelong Li, Han Na Cho, Su Ryun Min, Sung Keun Lim, Chee Won Chung,* Optical and electrical properties of RF-sputtered indium zinc oxide Films, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 13, 777-780, 2007.
13.Su Ryun Min, Han Na Cho, Yuelong Li, Sung Keun Lim, Seung Pil Choi, Chee Won Chung,* Inductively coupled plasma reactive ion etching of titanium nitride thin films in a Cl2/Ar plasma, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 14, 297-302, 2008.
12. Yuelong Li#, Kicheon Yoo#, Doh-Kwon Lee, Jong Hak Kim, Nam-Gyu Park, Kyungkon Kim, Min Jae Ko,* Highly bendable composite photoelectrode prepared from TiO2/polymer blend for low temperature fabricated dye-sensitized solar cells, Current Applied Physics, 10, e171–e175, 2010.
11. Yuelong Li, Do Young Lee, Su Ryun Min, Han Na Cho, Jongsung Kim, Chee Won Chung,* Effect of oxygen concentration on properties of indium zinc oxide thin films for flexible dye-sensitized solar cell, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 47, 6896-6899, 2008.
10. Su Ryun Min, Han Na Cho, Yuelong Li, Chee Won Chung,* Inductively coupled plasma reactive ion etching of ZnO films in HBr/Ar plasma, Thin Solid Films, 516, 3521-3529, 2008.
9. Boeun Kim, Yuelong Li, Heesuk Jung, Jin Young Kim, Doh-Kwon Lee, BonSoo Kim, Hae Jung Son, Do-Heyoung Kim,* Min Jae Ko,* Enhanced interconnection of TiO2 nanoparticles using atomic layer deposition for flexible dye sensitized solar cells with plastic substrates, Nano, 9, **, 2014.
8. Yuelong Li, Su Ryun Min, Han Na Cho, Chee Won Chung,* Effect of rf-sputtered indium zinc oxide thin films on efficiency of dye-sensitized solar cell with low-temperature process, Applied Chemistry, 11, 598-601, 2007.
7. Yuelong Li, Han Na Cho, Su Ryun Min, Su Jin Noh, Chee Won Chung,* Indium zinc oxide thin films deposited by radio frequency magnetron sputtering for fabrication of flexible dye-sensitized solar cell, Applied Chemistry, 11, 606-609, 2007.
6. Yuelong Li, Han Na Cho, Su Ryun Min, Chee Won Chung,* Influence of sputtering parameters on the optical and electrical properties of rf-sputtered In2O3-ZnO films, Theories and Applications of Chem. Eng., 12, 2543-2546, 2006.
5. Han Na Cho, Yuelong Li, Su Ryun Min, Chee Won Chung,* Effect of O2 concentration and annealing temperature on the characteristics of indium zinc oxide thin films, Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 17, 644-647, 2006.
4. Han Na Cho, Su Ryun Min, Yuelong Li, Chee Won Chung,* Dry etching of IZO thin films using a C2F6/Ar plasma, Applied Chemistry, 11, 77-80, 2007.
3. Su Ryun Min, Han Na Cho, Yuelong Li, Seung Pil Choi, Chee Won Chung,* Dry etch of magnetic tunnel junction stack pattered with nanometer size using HBr/Ar and Cl2/Ar plasma, Applied Chemistry, 11, 165-168, 2007.
2. Han Na Cho, Su Ryun Min, Yuelong Li, Chee Won Chung,* Inductively coupled plasma reactive ion etching of TiO2 thin films using a C2F6/Ar gas, Applied Chemistry, 11, 397-400, 2007.
1. Han Na Cho, Su Ryun Min, Yuelong Li, Chee Won Chung,* Dry etching of nickel thin films using a Cl2/Ar gas, Theories and Applications of Chem. Eng., 12, 2424-2427, 2006.
2.Nano Convergence期刊(Springer Nature出版社)编委会委员;
4.若干著名学术杂志独立审稿人和仲裁人,包括Energy & Environmental Science, Chemical Communications, Chemical Science, Nanoscale, Journal of Material Chemistry-A, C, New Journal of Chemistry, RSC Advances, Applied Physics Letters, Journal of Power Sources 等。
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