

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-09-19


张国权 光学


部门: 物理学院
性别: 男
专业技术职务: 教授、院长、弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室主任
学位: 博士
电子邮箱: gqzhang@nankai.edu.cn
办公地址: 第五教学楼204室



1998年获南开大学理学博士学位,并留校任教(讲师),1999年7月晋升为副教授。1999年赴瑞士苏黎世联邦工学院量子电子研究所做博士后一年,2000年~2002年获日本学术振兴会(JSPS)资助,在日本电气通信大学从事博士后研究。2002年3月回国工作,同年入选教育部优秀青年教师资助计划,并晋升为教授。2004年被批准为博士生导师,入选教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”。天津市“131”工程第一层次人选。现为《激光技术》编委。美国光学学会高级会员(OSA Senior Member),中国光学学会理事,中国物理学会理事。主要从事非线性光物理和光调控、量子光学方面的研究,在光速调控、纳微结构体系的光传播与光调控、光折变非线性材料、效应和器件应用等方面取得了系列成果。已在Physical Review Letters,Advanced Materials, Applied Physics Letters 和Optics Letters 等国内外重要学术刊物上发表论文160余篇,其中部分成果被Springer 和Transworld Publishing等公司出版的相关英文专著系统引用介绍;主编由美国光学学会出版和IOP出版社出版的国际会议论文集2部,编撰英文专著章节2章(Springer, 2007;DE GRUYTER, together with Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press, 2015)。获第九届天津青年科技奖(2008),国家自然科学二等奖(第四完成人,2005),天津市自然科学一等奖(第八完成人,2002),国家教委科技进步三等奖(第六完成人,1997)。授权国家发明专利3项。

利用非线性光诱导技术可以在非线性介质中制备各种组态的非线性光子学晶格。我们在掺铁铌酸锂晶体中利用光诱导技术制备了对角四方光子学晶格,并在晶格格点(或者格点间隙)正入射和布拉格匹配入射激发条件下实现了带隙孤子(Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 131111 (2007))。在掺铁铌酸锂晶体中利用光诱导技术制备了大面积二维光子学晶格薄板,研究发现该体系综合了点阵体系的布拉格衍射效应、离散衍射效应和阵列导波效应等线性光学性质。更为有趣的是,随着体系光学非线性效应的增强,该体系支持光学离散孤子的传输。由于该体系具有易于引入点阵结构缺陷、制备不同结构点阵的界面以及集成不同结构的功能单元等优点,为发展芯片式集成微光子学器件和迴路提供了平台(Opt. Express 17, 23078 (2009))。研究表明,在光子学晶格中光波沿传播方向的演化规律在数学形式上与薛定谔时间演化方程类似,其传播特性由晶格的带隙结构和光激发条件共同决定。基于此,我们提出了周期光学势阱中基于传播常数量子化的光传播线性横向局域机制,利用该机制可以在光子学晶格体系中实现光波的线性横向局域传输(Opt. Express 18, 20170 (2010))。

图:光子学晶格中基于光传播常数的量子化效应可实现光传输的线性横向局域效应(Opt. Express 18, 20170 (2010))。
基于光波非线性位相耦合过程的色散效应可以在各种非线性介质中在室温下实现慢光和超光速传输。比如,我们可以在室温下在BSO晶体中将光速降到0.05 m/s(Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 133903 (2004)),实现光脉冲 -5.7m/s 的超光速传输,同时发展了频差扫描、光强调控以及外场调控等光速调控技术,实现了超光速传输和超慢光速传输之间的转换调控(Opt. Express 13, 8198 (2005))。该光速调控机制具有普适性,在经典光折变材料、GaAs-AlGaAs 多层量子阱材料、红宝石、CS2 和茶溶液、染料掺杂(如R6G)的有机玻璃PMMA等具有光折变非线性、饱和非线性、热光非线性或者克尔非线性等的非线性介质中均可实现由光波非线性位相耦合色散效应引起的光速调控(Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 021121 (2008); Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 171106 (2009); J. Appl. Phys. 108, 063101 (2010))。由于该光速调控机制能够在室温下工作,具有宽广的工作频谱,可选工作介质丰富以及低阈值光强工作等特点,受到了广泛的关注。
上述光速调控新机制及相关方面的工作被选编入由Springer公司出版的专著《Photorefractive Materials and Their Applications 3》(Springer Series in Optical Sciences, Vol.115, 2007)中(Chapter 10: Slow and fast lights in photorefractive materials)。此外,在GaAs-AlGaAs 多层量子阱中有关光速调控方面的论文(J. Appl. Phys. 108, 063101 (2010))入选Journal of Applied Physics当月被下载次数最高的20篇论文之一。

图:产生慢光的实验装置示意图和由慢光传输所产生的时间延迟(Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 133903 (2004))。

三、量子相干光子学我们在电磁感应透明(EIT)介质中记录了原子相干全息光栅,从实验上观测到基于电磁感应透明(EIT)效应的光脉冲存储和复现的布拉格角度选择性。相对于经典体全息术而言,原子相干全息术不仅能够记录光波位相和振幅的空间分布信息,而且能够记录光波位相和振幅的时域信息,从而能够实现光脉冲时—空信息的完全存储和复现。基于原子相干全息光栅的布拉格角度选择性,我们利用角度复用技术在Pr3+:YSO 晶体的同一空间位置实现了多个光脉冲的存储,并进一步实现了可寻址双通道全光缓存操作(Phys. Rev. A 80, 033816 (2009))。基于原子相干全息术还可实现位相共轭光脉冲的存储和提取,利用位相共轭光脉冲实现对光脉冲位相畸变的修复(Phys. Rev. A 83, 043825 (2011))。此外,我们基于改进的迈克尔逊干涉仪实现了激光的二阶亚波长干涉(Phys. Rev. A 82, 013822 (2010))。

图:原子相干全息光栅的布拉格匹配角度选择性及其在多通道可寻址全光缓存方面的应用(Phys. Rev. A 80, 033816 (2009)
四、光折变弱光非线性材料、效应与器件应用光折变弱光非线性在 40 余年的研究与发展历程中,发现了光激发载流子带输运效应、两波耦合能量转移效应、光折变空间孤子、空间荷电波以及带间光折变效应等一系列新效应,发展了动态光栅及其固定技术、海量全息存储、位相共轭镜、动态全息干涉术和光速调控等一系列应用,在实时全息术、光信息处理和光束矫正和整形等方面有重要的实际应用,并进一步推动了LiNbO3、KNbO3 和BaTiO3 等电光材料、InP 与量子阱半导体材料、玻璃材料以及液晶与有机高分子等光折变材料的发展。
我们采用多三波相互作用机制系统地解释了局域响应光折变材料如铌酸锂晶体中对称扇形噪音的成因(J. Opt. Soc. Am B 14, 2823 (1997)),进一步对双掺铌酸锂晶体的光致光散射光强阈值效应作出了合理的解释(Opt. Lett. 22, 1666 (1997); J. Appl. Phys. 83, 4392 (1998)),并预言了双掺铌酸锂晶体存在最佳工作光强效应(J. Opt. Soc. Am B 16, 905 (1999))。此外,在光折变全息存储(Appl. Phys. Lett. 77 (22), 3508 (2000))、光折变噪音抑制(Appl. Opt. 36(8), 1815 (1997))、铌酸锂晶体的紫外光折变效应(Phys. Rev. B 70, 094101 (2004))、液晶的取向光折变效应(J. Appl. Phys. 88, 1709 (2000))等方面开展了较系统的工作,如发现双掺铌酸锂晶体(如 LiNbO3:In,Fe)的单色全息记录具有准非挥发效应(Appl. Phys. Lett. 81, 1393 (2002));发现高掺Mg2+铌酸锂晶体具有很强的紫外光致吸收增强效应(J. Appl. Phys. 91(7), 4177 (2002))。


1. 本科生课程:《大学物理学》(下册)
2. 本科生基础物理实验
3. 研究生课程:《量子光学》、《高等量子光学》

1. “光场的超衍射、超聚束效应及其应用”,国家自然科学基金委重大研究计划重点项目,2018年1月-2021年12月。
2. “纳米尺度铌酸锂的载流子输运和光电性能研究”,国家自然科学基金委面上项目,2018年1月-2021年12月。
3. “数字双光子干涉、聚焦及其应用”,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2015年1月-2018年12月。
4. “纳/微结构中光学非线性增强机理及光调控研究”,973计划项目,2013年1月-2017年8月。
5. “通过非均匀随机介质体系的图像传输与成像研究”,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2012年1月-2015年12月。

Publication list Books Chapters and Proceedings Guoquan Zhang, Weijin Kong, Jingjun Xu, eds. “Photorefractive Photonics 2017”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 867(IOP Publishing, 2017)
GuoquanZhang, Daohong Song, Zhibo Liu, Mengxin Ren, Zhigang Chen, Jianguo Tian,Jingjun Xu, “Recent progresses onweak-light nonlinear optics”, in Advances in Nonlinear Optics, Edited byXianfeng Chen, Chapter 1, pp. 1-103 (DE GRUYTER, together with Shanghai JiaoTong University Press, 2015)
Guoquan Zhang, Fang Bo, Jingjun Xu, “ Slow and fast lights in photorefractive materials ”, in Photorefractive Materials and Their Applications 3--Springer Series in Optical Science , Eds. P. Günter and J. -P. Huignard, pp. 277-294 (Springer, 2007).
Guoquan Zhang, Detlef Kip, David Nolte, and Jingjun Xu, eds. ' Photorefractive Effects, Materials, and Devices ',Trends in Optics and Photonics Series, Vol. 99 (Optical Society of America, Washington DC, 2005).
Journal Publications
Jianji Liu, Jiachen Liu, Ping Yu, Guoquan Zhang, “Sub-megahertz narrow-band photon pairs at 606 nm for solid-state quantum memories”,APL Photonics 5, 066105 (2020).
Lu Zhang, Dongxun Zhou, Yiping Lu, Hongzhi Zhang, Guoquan Zhang, “Super-bunched focusing with chirped random-phase gratings”,Photonics Research 8, 503--510 (2020).
Li Zhang, Zhenzhong Hao, Qiang Luo, Ang Gao, Ru Zhang, Chen Yang, Feng Gao, Fang Bo, Guoquan Zhang, and Jingjun Xu, “Dual-periodically poled lithium niobate microcavities supporting multiple coupled parametric processes”,Optic Letters 45, 3353-3356 (2020).
Yuejian Jiao, Zhen Shao, Sanbing Li, Xiaojie Wang, Fang Bo, Jingjun Xu, Guoquan Zhang, “Improvement on Thermal Stability of Nano-Domains in Lithium Niobate Thin Films”,Crystals 10, 74 (2020).
Zhenzhong Hao, Li Zhang, Wenbo Mao, Ang Gao, Xiaomei Gao, Feng Gao, Fang Bo, Guoquan Zhang, Jingjun Xu, “Second-harmonic generation using d33in periodically poled lithium niobate microdisk resonators”,Photonics Research 8, 311--317 (2020).
Xiaomei Gao, Lechen Yang, Fang Bo, Jiafang Li, Guoquan Zhang, Jingjun Xu, “Vector beams in planar photonic crystal cavities with rotating air holes”,Opt. Lett. 45, 1587-1590 (2020).
Kaiwen Ji, Zhenjuan Liu, Yanan Dai, Zengrun Wen, Yishan Wang, Guoquan Zhang, Jintao Bai, Xinyuan Qi, “Asymmetric near-zero edge mode in topological photonic lattice without chiral or particle-hole symmetries”,Optics Letters 45, 49-52 (2020).
Pengfa Chang, Botao Cao, Ligang Huang, Jiwei Li, Yue Hu, Feng Gao, Wending Zhang, Fang Bo, Xuanyi Yu, Guoquan Zhang and Jingjun Xu, “Polarization-modified Fano line shape spectrum with a single whispering galley mode”,Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 63(1), 214211 (2020).
Yongfa Kong, Fang Bo, Weiwei Wang, Dahuai Zheng, Hongde Liu, Guoquan Zhang, Romano Rupp, and Jingjun Xu,Recent Progress in Lithium Niobate: Optical Damage, Defect Simulation, and On-Chip Devices,Advanced Materials 32, ** (2020).
K. Ji, Z. Liu, Y. Dai, Y. Gao, Y. Wang, J. Bai, G. Zhang, X. Qi, “Hermiticity-tunable beam reshaping: localization, recurrence and group velocity oscillation”,New Journal of Physics 21, 103053 (2019).
Pengfa Chang, Botao Cao, Feng Gao, Ligang Huang, Wending Zhang, Fang Bo, Xuanyi Yu, Guoquan Zhang, and Jingjun Xu, “Enhance stable coupling region of a high-Q WGM up to micrometer”,Applied Physics Letters 115, 211104 (2019).
Giuseppe Marino, Alexander S. Solntsev, Lei Xu, Valerio F. Gili, Luca Carletti, Alexander N. Poddubny, Mohsen Rahmani, Daria A. Smirnova, Haitao Chen, Aristide Lemaitre, Guoquan Zhang, Anatoly V. Zayats, Costantino De Angelis, Giuseppe Leo, Andrey A. Sukhorukov, and Dragomir N. Neshev,Spontaneous photon-pair generation from a dielectric nanoantenna,Optica 6(11), 1416-1422 (2019).
Jianji Liu, Jiachen Liu, Zhixiang Li, Ping Yu, and Guoquan Zhang,Stabilization of Transverse Modes for a High Finesse Near-Unstable Cavity,Applied Sciences 9, 4580 (2019).
Li Zhang, Dahuai Zheng, Wencan Li, Fang Bo, Feng Gao, Yongfa Kong, Guoquan Zhang, and Jingjun Xu,Microdisk resonators with lithium-niobate film on silicon substrate,Optics Express 27, 33662-33669 (2019).
Xiaoting Li, Pengfa Chang, Ligang Huang, Wending Zhang, Feng Gao, Fang Bo, Guoquan Zhang, and Jingjun Xu,Feasibility of quasicritical coupling based on LP modes and its application as a filter with tunable bandwidth and stable insertion loss,Optics Express 27, 23610 (2019).
Lu Zhang, Yiping Lu, Dongxu Zhou, Hongzhi Zhang, Liming Li and Guoquan Zhang, “Superbunching effect of classical light with a digitally designed spatially phase-correlated wavefront”, Phys. Rev. A 99, 063827 (2019).
Yuejian Jiao, Lei Xu, Bin Han, Fang Bo, Jingjun Xu and Guoquan Zhang, “Self-focusing and self-bending of surface plasmons in longitudinally modulated metasurfaces”, Optics Communications 450, 136-140 (2019).
Lei Xu, Khosro Zangeneh Kamali, Lujun Huang, Mohsen Rahmani, Alexander Smirnov, Rocio Camacho-Morales, Yixuan Ma, Guoquan Zhang, Matt Woolley, Dragomir Neshev, and Andrey E. Miroshnichenko, “Dynamic nonlinear image tunig through magnetic dipole quasi-BIC ultrathin resonators”, Advanced Science, ** (2019).
Liming Li, Peilong Hong, and Guoquan Zhang, “Transverse revival and fractional revival of the Hanbury Brown and Twiss bunching effect with discrete chaotic light”, Phys. Rev. A 99, 023848 (2019).
Peilong Hong and Guoquan Zhang, “A Review of Super-resolution Imaging through Optical High-order Interference”, Applied Sciences 9, 1166 (2019).
Xiaoting Li, Pengfa Chang, Ligang Huang, Feng Gao, Wending Zhang, Fang Bo, Guoquan Zhang, and Jingjun Xu, “Quasicritical coupling in a few-mode tapered-fiber coupled whispering-gallery-mode system”, Phys. Rev. A 98, 053814 (2018).
Lei Xu, Mohsen Rahmani, Daria Smirnova, Khosro Zangeneh Kamali, Guoquan Zhang, Dragomir and Andrey E. Miroshnichenko, 'Highly-efficient longitudinal second-harmonic generation from doubly-resonant AlGaAs nanoantennas', Photonics 5, 29 (2018).
Kaiwen Ji, Zeng Wen, ZhenjuanLiu, Yanan Dai, Kun Han, Pingan Gao, Aihua Gao, Jintao Bai, Guoquan Zhang, and Xinyuan Qi, 'Asymmetric localization induced by non-Hermitian perturbations with PT symmetry in photonic lattice', Optics Letters 43(18), 4457--4460 (2018).
Jianji Liu, Zhixiang Li, Hongming Fan, and Guoquan Zhang, 'Coherent optical field manipulation and optical information processing based on electromagnetically induced transparency effect in Pr3+:Y2SiO5 crystal', Applied Sciences 8, 1179 (2018).
Liming Li, Peilong Hong, and Guoquan Zhang, 'Experimental realization of Heisenberg-limit resolution imaging through a phase-controlled screen with classical light', Optics Express 26(15), 18950--18956 (2018)
Lei Xu, Mohsen Rahmani, Khosro Zangeneh Kamali, Aristeidis Lamprianidis, Lavinia Ghirardini, Jurgen Sautter, Rocio Camacho-Morales, Haitao Chen, Matthew Parry, Isabelle Staude, Guoquan Zhang, Dragomir Neshev, and Andrey Miroshnichenko, “Boosting third-harmonic generation by a mirror-enhanced anapole resonator”, Light: Science & Applications 7, 44(2018).
Hao Zhenzhong, Zhang Li, Gao Ang, Mao Wenbo, Lyu Xiaodan, Gao Xiaomei, Bo Fang, Gao Feng, Zhang Guoquan and Xu Jingjun, “Periodically poled lithium niobate whispering gallery mode microcavities on a chip”, Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 61, 114211 (2018).
Wenbo Mao, Wei Ddeng, Fang Bo, Feng Gao, Guoquan Zhang and Jingjun Xu, “Upper temperature limit and multi-channel effects in ellipsoidal lithium-niobate optical parametric oscillators”, Optics Express 26(12), 15268 (2018).
Pengfa Chang, Xiaoting Li, Ligang Huang, Feng Gao, Wending Zhang, Fang Bo, Guoquan Zhang and Jingjun Xu, “Fast light in the generation configuration of stimulated Brillouin scattering based on high-Q micro-cavities”, Optics Express 26(12), 15377 (2018).
Jonathan Ward, Khosro Zangeneh Kamali, Lei Xu, Guoquan Zhang, Andrey E. Miroshnichenko and Mohsen Rahmani, “High-contrast and reversible scattering switching via hybrid metal-dielectric metasurfaces”, Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 9, 460-467 (2018).
Peilong Hong and Guoquan Zhang, “Heisenberg-resolution imaging through a phase-controlled screen”, Optics Express 25(19), 22789-22796 (2017).
Na Yan, Xiaofang Han, Pengfa Chang, Ligang Huang, Feng Gao, Xuanyi Yu, Wengding Zhang, Ze Zhang, Guoquan Zhang, Jingjun Xu,“Tunable dual-wavelength fiber laser with unique gain system based on in-fiber acousto-optic Mach–Zehnder interferometer”, Optics Express 25(22), 27609-27615 (2017).
Zhenzhong Hao, Jie Wang, Shuqun Ma, W. Mao, F. Bo, Feng. Gao, Guoquan Zhang, and Jingjun Xu, Sum-frequency generation in on-chip lithium niobate microdisk resonators, Photonics Research5, 623-628 (2017).
Fang Bo, Sahin Ozdemir, Faraz Monifi, Jing Zhang, Guoquan Zhang, Jingjun Xu, and Lan Yang, “Controllable oscillatory lateral coupling in a waveguide-microdisk-resonator system”, Scientific Reports 7, 8045 (2017).
Mohsen Rahmani, Lei Xu, Andrey E. Miroshnichenko, Andrei Komar, Rocio Camacho-Morales, Haitao Chen, Yair Zarate, Sergey Kruk, Guoquan Zhang, Dragomir N. Neshev, and Yuri S. Kivshar, “Reversible Thermal Tuning of All-Dielectric Metasurfaces”, Advanced Function Materials, ** (2017).
Zhixiang Li, Jianji Liu, Hongming Fan, Jiachen Liu and Guoquan Zhang, High visibility first-order subwavelength interference based on light pulse storage via electromagnetically induced transparency, Scientific Reports 7, 2361 (2017).
李志向,刘建基,范洪鸣,张国权,“基于量子存储机制实现光学信息卷积操作的研究”,光学学报37(2),** (2017).
Xiaomei Gao, Jiafang Li, Zhenzhong Hao, Fang Bo, Chenyang Hu, Jie Wang, Zhiguang Liu, Zhi-Yuan Li, Guoquan Zhang, and Jingjun Xu, “Vertical microgoblet resonator with high sensitivity fabricated by direct laser writing on a Si substrate”, J. Appl. Phys. 121, 064502 (2017).
Zhixiang Li, Jianji Liu, Ping Yu, and Guoquan Zhang, “Birefringence and polarization rotatorinduced by electromagnetically induced transparency in rare earth ion-dopedcrystals”,Appl. Phys. B 122, 109(2016).
Wending Zhang, Ligang Huang, Keyan Wei, Peng Li,Biqiang Jiang, Dong Mao, Feng Gao, Ting Mei, Guoquan Zhang, Jianlin Zhao, “Cylindrical vector beam generation in fiberwith mode selectivity and wavelength tunability over broadband by acousticflexural wave”, Optics Express24(10), 10376-10384 (2016).
Peilong Hong, Liming Li, Jianji Liu, and GuoquanZhang, “Active control on high-ordercoherence and statistic characterization on random phase fluctuation of twoclassical point sources”, Scientific Reports 6, 23614 (2016).
Ligang Huang, Jie Wang, Weihua Peng, WendingZhang, Fang Bo, Xuanyi Yu, Feng Gao, Pengfa Chang, Xiaobo Song, Guoquan Zhang,and Jingjun Xu, “Mode Conversion in atapered fiber via a whispering gallery mode resonator and its application asadd/drop filter”, Optics Letters 41(3), 638--641 (2016).
Ligang Huang, Xiaobo Song, Pengfa Chang, WeihuaPeng, Wending Zhang, Feng Gao, Fang Bo, Guoquan Zhang, and Jingjun Xu, “All-fiber tunable laser based on anacousto-optic tunable filter and a tapered fiber”, Optics Express 24(7), 7449 – 7455 (2016).
Ligang Huang, Pengfa Chang, Xiaobo Song, WeihuaPeng, Wending Zhang, Feng Gao, Fang Bo, Guoquan Zhang, and Jingjun Xu, “Tunable in-fiber Mach-Zehnder interferometerdriven by unique acoustic transducer and its application in tunablemulti-wavelength laser”, OpticsExpress 24(3), 2406 – 2414 (2016).
Fang Bo , Jie Wang , Jiao Cui , Sahin KayaOzdemir, Yongfa Kong , Guoquan Zhang, Jingjun Xu, and Lan Yang, “Lithium-Niobate–Silica HybridWhispering-Gallery-Mode Resonators”, Adv.Mater. 27, 8075–8081 (2015).
Xiaojie Wang, Xiangming Liu, Fang Bo, ShaolinChen, Jing Chen, Yongfa Kong, Jingjun Xu, and Guoquan Zhang, “Photo-Hall effect in highly Mg-doped lithiumniobate crystals”, Appl. Phys. Lett.107, 191102 (2015).
BO Fang, WANG XiaoOu, LI Ying, GAO Feng, ZHANGGuoQuan and XU JingJun, “Modecharacteristics of silver-coated inverted-wedge silica microdisks”, Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 58, 114207(2015).
Fang Bo, Sahin Kaya Ozdemir, Bo Peng, Jie Wang, GuoquanZhang, Jingjun Xu, and Lan Yang, “Verticallycoupled microresonators and oscillatory mode splitting in photonic molecules”,Opt. Express 23, 30793-30800 (2015).
Bin Han, Lei Xu, Yiling Dou, Jingjun Xu, andGuoquan Zhang, “Bending light viaadiabatic optical transition in longitudinally modulated photonic lattices”,Sci. Rep. 5, 15805 (2015).
Jie Wang, Fang Bo, Shuai Wan, Wuxia Li, FengGao, Junjie Li, Guoquan Zhang and Jingjun Xu, “High-Q lithium niobate microdisk resonators on a chip for efficientelectro-optic modulation”, Opt.Express 23, 23072-23078 (2015).
Wending Zhang, Wei Gao, Ligang Huang, Dong Mao,Biqiang Jiang, Feng Gao, Dexing Yang, Guoquan Zhang, Jingjun Xu, Jianlin Zhao,Optical heterodyne micro-vibration measurementbased on all-fiber acousto-optic frequency shifter, Optics Express 23(13), 17576 - 17583 (2015).
Peilong Hong and Guoquan Zhang, “Synchronous positiontwo-photon interference of random-phase grating”, J. Opt. Soc. Am A 32(7), 1256 - 1261(2015).
Peilong Hong and Guoquan Zhang, “Super-resolved opticallithography with phase controlled source”, Phys.Rev. A 91, 053830 (2015).
Ligang Huang, Weihua Peng, Feng Gao, Guoquan Zhang,and Jingjun Xu, “Mutually modulated cross-gain modulation with a considerablemodulation wavenumber-interaction length product”, Optics Express 23(9), 12004-12012 (2015).
Lei Xu, Yiling Dou, Fang Bo, Jingjun Xu, and GuoquanZhang, “Two-photon correlation and photon transport in disordered passiveparity-time-symmetric lattices”, Phys.Rev. A 91, 023817 (2015)
Ying Li, Haitao Liu, Hongwei Jia, Fang Bo, Guoquan Zhang, and Jingjun Xu, 'Fully vectorial modeling of cylindrical microresonatorswith aperiodic Fourier modal method', J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 31(11), 2459-2466 (2014).
Lei Xu, Hao Yang, Peilong Hong, Fang Bo, Jingjun Xu, and Guoquan Zhang, 'Lensless imaging based on coherent backscattering in random media', AIP Advances 4, 087124 (2014)
Yiling Dou, Lei Xu, Bin Han, Fang Bo, Jingjun Xu, and Guoquan Zhang, 'Quantum correlation of path-entangled two-photon states in waveguide arrays with defects', AIP Advances 4, 047117 (2014).
Fang Bo, Steven He Huang, Salin Kaya Ozdemir, Guoquan Zhang, Jingjun Xu, Lan Yang, 'Inverted-wedge silica resonators for controlled and stable coupling', Opt. Lett. 39(7), 1841-1844 (2014).
Lei Xu, Yi Yin, Fang Bo, Jingjun Xu, and Guoquan Zhang, 'Anomalous refraction in the disordered one-dimensional photonic lattices', J. Opt. Soc. Am B 31(1), 105-109 (2014).
Peilong Hong and Guoquan Zhang, 'Subwavelength Interference with an Effective Entangled Source', Phys. Rev. A,88, 043838 (2013).
Zhaohui Zhai, Zhixiang Li, Jingjun Xu, and Guoquan Zhang, 'Transfer and computation of optical topological charges via light pulse buffer memory in electromagnetically induced transparency solid', Phys. Rev. A 88, 035807 (2013).
Zheng Cao, Xinyuan Qi, Guoquan Zhang and Jintao Bai, 'Asymmetric light propagation in transverse separation modulated photonic lattices', Opt. Lett. 38(17), 3212-3215 (2013) .
Peilong Hong, Lei Xu, Zhaohui Zhai, and Guoquan Zhang, 'High visibility two-photon interference with classical light', Optics Express 21(12), 14056-14065 (2013).
Wending Zhang, Ligang Huang, Feng Gao,Fang Bo, Guoquan Zhang and Jingjun Xu, 'Tunable broadband light coupler based on two parallel all-fiber acousto-optic tunable filters', Opt. Express 21(14), 16621 -16628 (2013).
Lei Xu, Yi Yin, Fang Bo, Jingjun Xu, Guoquan Zhang, 'Transverse localization of light in the disordered one-dimensional waveguide arrays in the linear and nonlinear regimes', Opt. Commun. 296, 65-71 (2013).
Wending Zhang,Ligang Huang,Feng Gao, Fang Bo,GuoquanZhang, Jingjun Xu, 'All-fiber tunableMach-Zehnderinterferometerbasedonanacousto-optic tunable filtercascadedwithataperedfiber', Opt. Commun. 292, 46-48 (2013).
Feifei Xin, Zhaohui Zhai, Xiaojie Wang, Yongfa Kong, Jingjun Xu, and Guoquan Zhang, 'Threshold behavior of the Einstein oscillator, electron-phonon interaction, band-edge absorption and small hole polarons in LiNbO3:Mg crystals ',Phys. Rev. B 86, 165132 (2012) .
Wending Zhang, Ligang Huang, Feng Gao, Fang Bo, Li Xuan, Guoquan Zhang and Jingjun Xu, “Tunable add/drop channel coupler based on an acousto-optic tunable filter and a tapered fiber”, Optics Letters 37(7), 1241-1243 (2012).
Zheng Cao, Xinyuan Qi, Xuanqi Feng, Zhaoyu Ren, Guoquan Zhang, and Jintao Bai, 'Light controlling in transverse separation modulated photonic lattices',Optics Express 20(17), 19119-19124 (2012).
Zhaohui Zhai, Yanfei Tu, Yiling Dou, Jingjun Xu and Guoquan Zhang, 'Bragg-matching characterization of atomic coherence gratings in electromagnetically induced transparency solid with a confocal scheme', Opt. Commun. 285, 277-280 (2012).
Peilong Hong, Jianbin Liu, and Guoquan Zhang, 'Two-photon superbunching of thermal light via multiple two-photon-path interference', Phys. Rev. A 86, 013807 (2012)
Feifei Xin, Guoquan Zhang, Xinyu Ge, Shiguo Liu, Li Xuan, Yongfa Kong, and Jingjun Xu, 'Ultraviolet band edge photorefractivity in LiNbO3:Sn crystals', Opt. Lett. 36(16), 3163-3165 (2011).
Zhaohui Zhai, Yiling Dou, Jingjun Xu and Guoquan Zhang, 'Nondegenerate phase-conjugate wave via stored atomic coherence based on electromagnetically induced transparency in solids', Phys. Rev. A 83, 043825 (2011)
Jianbin Liu ad Guoquan Zhang, “Observation on the incompatibility between the first-order and second-order
interferences with laser beams
”,Opt. Commun. (2011)
Wending Zhang, Feng Gao, Fang Bo, Qiang Wu, Guoquan Zhang, Jingjun Xu, “All-fiber acousto-optic tunable notch filter with a fiber winding driven by a cuneal acoustic transducer ”, Opt. Lett. 36(2), 271-273 (2011) .
Yiling Qi and Guoquan Zhang, 'Linear discrete diffraction and transverse localization of light in two-dimensional backbone lattices ', Opt. Express 18, 20170 (2010).
Jianbin Liu and Guoquan Zhang, 'Unified Interpretation for the Second-order Subwavelength Interference Based on Feynman's path integral theory', Phys. Rev. A 82, 013822 (2010).
Xinyuan Qi, Ivan L. Garanovich, Andrey A. Sukhorukov, Wieslaw Krolikowski, Arnan Mitchell, Guoquan Zhang, Dragomir N. Neshev, and Yuri S. Kivshar, “ Polychromatic solitons and symmetry breaking in curved waveguide arrays ”, Opt. Lett. 35(9), 1371-1373 (2010) .
Fang Bo, Ze Liu, Feng Gao, Guoquan Zhang, and Jingjun Xu, 'Slow and fast light in photorefractive GaAs-AlGaAs multiple quantum wells in transverse geometry', J. Appl. Phys. 108, 063101 (2010).
Feifei Xin, Guoquan Zhang, Fang Bo, Haifeng Sun, Yongfa Kong, Jingjun Xu, Tatyana Volk, and Natalia M. Rubinina, “Ultraviolet photorefraction at 325 nm in doped lithium niobate crystals ”, J. Appl. Phys. 107, 033113 (2010) .
Feng Gao, Jingjun Xu, Guoquan Zhang, and Wending Zhang, “Nonlinear optical properties and superluminal propagation in the ruby ”, CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN 55(6), 473-477 (2010).
Xinyuan Qi, Ivan L. Garanovich, Zhiyong Xu, Andrey A. Sukhorukov, Wieslaw Krolikowski, Arnan Mitchell, Guoquan Zhang, Dragomir N. Neshev, Yuri S. Kivshar, “Nonlinear surface waves in arrays of curved waveguides”, Photonics and Nanostructures – Fundamentals and Applications 8(2), 62-66 (2010) . ( Special issue for 8th International Symposium on Photonic and Electromagnetic Crystal Structures (PECS-VIII), APRIL 5-9, 2009, SYDNEY AUSTRALIA)
Xinyuan Qi, Guoquan Zhang, Ningning Xu, Yiling Qi, Bin Han, Yulan Fu, Changsha Duan, and Jingjun Xu, 'Linear and nonlinear discrete light propagation in weakly modulated large-area two-dimensional photonic lattice slab in LiNbO3:Fe crystal ', Opt. Express 17, 23078-23084 (2009)
Wending Zhang, Feng Gao, Guoquan Zhang, Wei Li, Xinzheng Zhang, and Jingjun Xu, 'Experimental observation of subluminal and superluminal light propagation in R6G -doped PMMA', Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 171106 (2009)
Lei Xu, Guoquan Zhang, Ningning Xu, Fang Bo, Feng Gao, Wande Fan, Jingjun Xu, Kar Pong LOR, and Kin Seng Chiang, 'Active chromatic control on the group velocity of light at arbitrary wavelength in BCB polymer ', Opt. Express 17, 18292-18303 (2009)
Xinyuan Qi, Ivan L. Garanovich, Zhiyong Xu, Andrey A. Sukhorukov, Wieslaw Krolikowski, Arnan Mitchell, Guoquan Zhang, Dragomir N. Neshev, and Yuri S. Kivshar, “Observation of nonlinear surface waves in modulated waveguide arrays ”, Opt. Lett. 34, 2751-2753 (2009)
Yanfei Tu, Guoquan Zhang, Zhaohui Zhai, and Jingjun Xu, “Angular multiplexing storage of light pulses and addressable optical buffer memory in Pr 3+ :Y 2 SiO 5 based on electromagnetically induced transparency ”, Phys. Rev. A 80, 033816 (2009)
Yiling Qi, Anas F. Jarjour, Xu Wang, Robert A. Taylor, and Guoquan Zhang, “Design of leaky modes of two-dimensional photonic crystal slabs to enhance the luminescence from Er3N@C80 fullerenes ”, Opt. Commun. 282, 3637-3640 (2009) .
Shaolin Chen, Xiangming Liu, Bo Fu, and Guoquan Zhang, “Nonvolatile two-color holographic recording in near stoichiometric lithium niobate crystals gated by incoherent ultraviolet light ”, Chin. Opt. Lett.7(1), 67-69 (2009).
申岩,张国权,许京军,张宇,孙秀东,赵业权,周羚君,“开路光伏孤子的动态行为 ”, 光学学报 28(3), 528-533 (2008) .
Guoquan Zhang, Fang Bo, Feng Gao, Rong Dong, Yanfei Tu, and Jingjun Xu, “Slow and fast lights with moving and stationary refractive index gratings in solids at room temperature ”, International Journal of Modern Physics B 22(5), 447-468 (2008) . (invited review paper)
付博,张国权,刘祥明,申岩, 徐庆 君,孔勇发,陈绍林,许京军,“掺杂对铌酸锂晶体非挥发全息存储性能的影响 ”, 物理学报 57(5), 2946-2951 (2008).
Feng Gao, Jingjun Xu, Guoquan Zhang, Fang Bo, and Haixun Liu, “Paraxial energy transport of a focused Gaussian beam in ruby with nondegenerate two-wave coupling-like mechanism ”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 021121 (2008) .
Xinyuan Qi, Simin Liu, Guoquan Zhang, Ru Guo, Zhaohong Liu, Lipeng Zhou, and Yuan Li, “Gap solitons in optically induced two-dimensional square photonic lattices in LiNbO3:Fe crystals ”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 131111 (2007)
涂燕飞,张国权,陈聪,高峰,薄方,刘建彬,许京军,“固体介质中的电磁感应透明效应及其应用”, 物理 36(5), 391-396 (2007) .
Guoquan Zhang, Weiyue Che, Bin Han, and Yiling Qi, “Recursion formula for reflectance and the enhanced effect on the light group velocity control of the stratified and phase-shifted volume index gratings ”, Optics Express 15(5), 2055-2066 (2007).
Haijun Qiao, Jingjun Xu, Yasuo Tomita, Dengsong Zhu, Bo Fu, Guoquan Zhang, Guangyin Zhang, “UV-light-induced one-color and two-color photorefractive effects in congruent and near-stoichiometric LiNbO3:Mg crystals ”, Opt. Mater. 29, 889-895 (2007) .
Dengsong Zhu, Jingjun Xu, Haijun Qiao, Wei Li, Yanli Shi, Feng Gao, Zhenhua Wang, Bo Fu, Guoquan Zhang, “Temperature dependence of photorefractive effect in reduced near stoichiometric LiNbO 3 crystals ”, Opt. Commun. 272, 391-394 (2007) .
Dengsong Zhu, Jingjun Xu, Haijun Qiao, Yanli Shi, Feng Gao, Wei Li, Bo Fu, Guoquan Zhang, Ke Zheng, 'Ultraviolet photorefractive effect in Mg-doped near-stoichiometric LiNbO3 ',Optics Communications 266,582–585 (2006) .
张国权,薄方,董嵘,涂燕飞,许京军,“光波位相耦合色散效应与固态介质中室温下的光速调控”, 物理 35(10) , 845-851 (2006)
Fang Bo, Guoquan Zhang, Jingjun Xu, “Ultraslow Gaussian pulse propagation induced by a dispersive phase coupling in photorefractive bismuth silicon oxide crystals at room temperature ”, Opt. Commun. 261, 349-352 (2006).
Feng Gao, Jingjun Xu, Haijun Qiao, Qiang Wu, Yin Xu, Guoquan Zhang, “Observation of superluminal and slowdown light propagation in doped lithium niobate crystals”, Opt. Commun. 257, 185-190 (2006).
唐柏权,许京军,陈志刚,张国权,乔海军,孙骞,孔勇发,“若干弱光非线性光学效应及其应用”,激光技术 30(6),581-588 (2006).
张国权,薄方,许京军,“位相耦合色散效应与光速调控”, 激光与光电子进展 42(12), 36 (2005).
Fang Bo, Guoquan Zhang, and Jingjun Xu, “Transition between superluminal and subluminal light propagation in photorefractive Bi 12 SiO 20 crystals”, Optics Express 13(20), 8198-8203 (2005).
Haijun Qiao, Yasuo Tomita, Jingjun Xu, Qiang Wu, Guoquan Zhang and Guangyin Zhang, “Observation of strong stimulated photorefractive scattering and self-pumped phase conjugation in LiNbO3:Mg in the ultraviolet', Optics Express 13(19), 7666-7671 (2005).
Yan Shen, Guoquan Zhang, Bo Fu, Qingjun Xu and Jingjun Xu, “Theoretical studies on nonvolatile two-step, two-color holographic recording sensitivity for LiNbO3:Fe”, Opt. Commun. 256(1-3), 24-34 (2005).
付博,张国权,赵璐冰,乔海军, 徐庆 君,申岩,许京军,孔勇发,孙军,陈绍林,“同成分掺镁铌酸锂晶体紫外光致吸收阈值效应的研究” 光学学报 25(11) , 1531-1534 (2005).
申岩,张国权,付博, 徐庆 君,许京军,“对不同组份 LiNbO 3 :Fe 非挥发全息存储的研究”, 红外与毫米波学报 24(4),269-272 (2005).
Guoquan Zhang, Fang Bo, Rong Dong and Jingjun Xu, “Phase-coupling-induced ultraslow light propagation in solids at room temperature ”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93 (13), 133903 (2004).
Weiwen Zou, Ryo Matsushima, Yasuo Tomita and Guoquan Zhang, “Ultraviolet-light sensitization of near-infrared photorefractivity in Mg-doped stoichiometric LiNbO3 for quasi-nonvolatile one-color holography”, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 43 ( 11A ), 7491-7494 (2004).
Yan Shen, Guoquan Zhang, Bo Fu and Jingjun Xu, “Nonvolatile two-step, two-color holography with continuous-wave lights for both congruent and near-stoichiometric LiNbO3:Fe”, J. Appl. Phys. 96 (10), 5405-5414 (2004).
Haijun Qiao, Jingjun Xu, Guoquan Zhang, Xinzheng Zhang, Qian Sun and Guangyin Zhang, “Ultraviolet photorefractivity features in doped lithium niobate crystals ”, Phys. Rev. B 70, 094101 (2004).
Yi Lu, Simin Liu, Guoquan Zhang, Ru Guo, Nan Zhu and Lisen Yang, “Waveguides and directional coupler induced by white-light photovoltaic dark spatial solitons ”, J. Opt. Soc. Am B 21(9), 1674-1678 (2004).
Yasuo Tomita, Steven Sunarno and Guoquan Zhang, “Ultraviolet-light gating two-color photorefractive effect in Mg-doped near-stoichiometric LiNbO 3 ” , J. Opt. Soc. Am B 21(4), 753-760 (2004).
Guoquan Zhang, Rong Dong, Fang Bo and Jingjun Xu, “Slowdown of group velocity of light by means of phase coupling in photorefractive two-wave mixing ”, Appl. Opt. 43(5), 1167-1173 (2004).
Huang Hui, Xu Jingjun, Kong Yongfa, Zhang Guoquan, Shhu Yongchun, Sun Jun, Xu Xiaoxuan and Zhang Guangyin, “Observation of fractal geometry in lithium niobate crystal ”, Journal of Synthetic Crystals 33(4), 647-650 (2004) .
Zhang Guoquan, Dong Rong and Xu Jingjun, “Group velocity reduction of light pulses in photorefractive two-wave mixing ”, Chin. Phys. Lett. 20(10), 1725 (2003).
Guoquan Zhang and Yasuo Tomita, “Ultraviolet-light-induced near-infrared photorefractivity and two-color holography in highly Mg-doped LiNbO3 ” , J. Appl. Phys. 93(12), 9456-9459 (2003).
Qiang Wu, Jingjun Xu, Guoquan Zhang, Lijuan Zhao, Xinzheng Zhang, Haijun Qiao, Qian Sun, Wenqiang Lu, Guangyin Zhang and Tatyana R. Volk, “Fanning scattering in LiNbO 3 at 750-850 nm induced by femtosecond laser pulses ”, Opt. Mater. 23, 277-280 (2003) . (Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Electronic Materials, IUMRS-ICEM 2002, Xi'an, P. R. China, 10 - 14 June 2002)
Steven Sunarno, Yasuo Tomita and Guoquan Zhang, “Light-induced absorption changes in In-doped congruent LiNbO3” , Appl. Phys. Lett. 81(24), 4505-4507 (2002).
Guoquan Zhang, Yasuo Tomita, Xinzheng Zhang and Jingjun Xu, “Near-infrared holographic recording with quasi-nonvolatile readout in LiNbO3:In,Fe ”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 81(8), 1393-1395 (2002).
Guoquan Zhang and Yasuo Tomita, “Broadband absorption changes and sensitization of near-infrared photorefractivity induced by ultraviolet light in LiNbO3:Mg”, J. Appl. Phys. 91(7), 4177-4180 (2002).
孔勇发,许京军,李冠告,黄自恒,陈绍林,李兵,陈云琳,张玲,刘士国,阎文博,刘宏德,王岩,孙骞,张心正,张国权,黄晖,张万林,张光寅,“优良全息光折变存储材料-双掺铌酸锂晶体”, 人工晶体学报 31(3), 310-313 (2002).
Guoquan Zhang, Steven Sunarno, Mitsunari Hoshi, YasuoTomita, Chunhui Yang and Wusheng Xu, “Characterization of two-color holography performance in reduced LiNbO3:In”, Appl. Opt. 40 (29), 5248-5252 (2001)
Guoquan Zhang, Germano Montemezzani and Peter Günter, “Narrow bandwidth holographic reflection filters with dupont photopolymer films ”, Appl. Opt. 40 (15), 2423-2427 (2001)
温海东,刘思敏,张心正,郭儒,张国权,孙骞,许京军,张光寅,“光折变位相图”, 中国激光, Vol. A 28(1), 55-58 (2001).
Guoquan Zhang, Yasuo Tomita, Wusheng Xu and Chunhui Yang, “Nonvolatile two-color holography in indium-doped lithium niobate ”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 77 (22), 3508-3510 (2000)
Guoquan Zhang, Germano Montemezzani and Peter Günter, “Orientational photorefractive effect in nematic liquid crystal films with externally applied fields ”, J. Appl. Phys. 88, 1709-1717 (2000)
Xinzheng Zhang, Jingjun Xu, Qian Sun, Simin Liu, Guoquan Zhang, Haijun Qiao, Feifei Li and Guangyin Zhang, “Dual-wavelength nonvolatile holographic storage ”, Opt. Commun. 180, 211-215 (2000).
张国权,张万林,孙骞,许京军,张心正,刘思敏,张光寅,“光折变 Fe:LiNbO 3 晶体中质子与热激发电子之间的竞争”, 光学学报, 20(5), 597 (2000)。
Nouel Y. Kamber, Jingjun Xu, Sonia M. Mikha, Guoquan Zhang, Xinzheng Zhang, Simin Liu and Guangyin Zhang, “Threshold effect for photorefractive light-induced scattering and signal beam amplification in doped LiNbO3 crystals”, J. Appl. Phys. 87 (6), 2684-2687 (2000).
Guo Ru, Ling Zhenfang, Chen Xiaohu, Zhang Guoquan, Zhang Xinzheng, Wen Haidong, Jiang Ying, Liu Simin, “Saturable nonlinearity in photovoltaic-photorefractive crystals under open-circuit condition”, Chin. Phys. Lett. 17 (11), 804-806 (2000).
Nouel Y. Kamber, Jingjun Xu, Sonia M. Mikha, Guoquan Zhang, Simin Liu and Guangyin Zhang, “Threshold effect of incident light intensity for the resistance against the photorefractive light-induced scattering in doped lithium niobate crystals ”, Opt. Commun. 176, 91-96 (2000).
Nouel Y. Kamber, Xu Jingjun, Sonia M. Mikha, Song Feng, Zhang Guoquan, Zhang Xinzheng, Liu Simin, Zhang Guangyin, “Pump Intensity Dependence of Two-Beam Coupling in Doped Lithium Niobate Crystals ”, Chin. Phys. Lett. 17 (6), 431-432 (2000)
Nouel Y Kamber, Jingjun Xu, Sonia M Mikha, Guoquan Zhang, Xinzheng Zhang, Simin Liu, Guangyin Zhang, “Photorefractive light-induced scattering in doped lithium niobate crystals ”, Optik (Jena), 111 (3), 107-112 (2000) .
Guoquan Zhang, Nouel Y. Kamber, Jingjun Xu, Simin Liu, Qian Sun and Guangyin Zhang, “Light amplification competition between the fanning noise and the signal beam in doped lithium niobate crystals ”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 16(6), 905-910 (1999).
张国权,张光寅,刘思敏,许京军,张心正,孙骞,温海东,“LiNbO3:Fe, M (M=Mg2+ , Zn2+ , In3+ , Sc3+ ) 晶体中的信号光与噪音光之间的竞争”, 红外与毫米波学报, 18(3) , 206 (1999).
Nouel K. Yamber, Jingjun Xu, Guoquan Zhang, Xinzheng Zhang, Qian Sun, Simin Liu and Guangyin Zhang, “Light intensity dependence of photorefration in doped lithium niobate crystals ”, Opt. Commun. 161, 271-274 (1999).
Xu Jingjun, Zhang Xinzheng, Sun Qian, Zhang Guoquan, Kamber Nouel, Liu Simin and Zhang Guangyin, “Stationary photorefractive self-pump phase-conjugation with stimulated backward scattering in LiNbO3:Fe crystals ”, Chin. Phys. Lett. 16 (1), 29-31 (1999).
Guoquan Zhang, Guangyin Zhang, Simin Liu, Jingjun Xu, Qian Sun and Xinzheng Zhang, “The threshold effect of incident light intensity for the photorefractive light-induced scattering in LiNbO3:Fe, M (M=Mg2+ , Zn2+ ,In3+ ) crystals”, J. Appl. Phys. 83(8), 4392-4396 (1998).
Guoquan Zhang, Guangyin Zhang, Simin Liu, Jingjun Xu, Qian Sun and Jianjun Liu, “Valence and electronic shell configuration characters of damage-resistant dopants in LiNbO3 crystals”, Chin. Phys. Lett. 15(9), 686-688 (1998).
Qian Sun, Yudong Li, Jingjun Xu, Xinzheng Zhang, Guoquan Zhang, Simin Liu and Guangyin Zhang, “Recognition of color patterns using a photorefractive LiNbO3:Fe crystal”, Opt. Commun. 157, 23-26, (1998).
Sun Qian, Li Yudong, Xu Jingjun, Zhang Xinzheng, Zhang Guoquan, Liu Simin and Zhang Guangyin, “Measurement of photorefractive two-wave coupling exponential gain coefficient of LiNbO3:Fe crystal”, Chin. Phys. Lett. 15(5), 348-350 (1998).
刘思敏,杨小明,田国云,张国权,孙骞,许京军,张光寅,“在 LiNbO3:Fe 晶体中写入与存储圆形和环形波导”, 物理学报, 47(3), 432-437 (1998)
Guoquan Zhang, Simin Liu, Guoyun Tian, Jingjun Xu, Qian Sun and Guangyin Zhang, “New noise suppression technique in photorefractive crystals ”, Appl. Opt. 36(8), 1815-1819 (1997).
Guoquan Zhang, Guoyun Tian, Simin Liu, Jingjun Xu, Guangyin Zhang and Qian Sun, 'The noise amplification mechanism in LiNbO3:Fe crystal sheets”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 14(11), 2823-2830 (1997).
Guoquan Zhang, Guangyin Zhang, Simin Liu, Jingjun Xu, Guoyun Tian and Qian Sun, “Theoretical study of resistance against light-induced scattering in LiNbO3:M (M=Mg2+ , Zn2+ , In3+ , Sc3+ ) crystals”, Opt. Lett. 22(22), 1666-1668 (1997).
刘思敏,张国权,张光寅,许京军,孙骞,方淇音,“由光折变空间孤子写入并存储波导的研究“, 物理, 26(4), 217-220 (1997).
Simin Liu, Guoquan Zhang, Guoyun Tian, Qian Sun, Jingjun Xu, Guangyin Zhang and Tong Yicheng, “(1+1)-dimensional and (2+1)-dimensional waveguides induced by the self-focused dark notches and crosses in LiNbO3:Fe crystal”, Appl. Opt. 36(34), 8982-8986 (1997)
Qian Sun, Jingjun Xu, Simin Liu, Guangyin Zhang, Guoquan Zhang, Qiyin Fang and Guoyun Tian, “The dependence of fanning noise on beam size in LiNbO3:Fe crystals with different thickness”, OPTIK 105(2), 74-76 (1997).
Xu Jingjun, Fang Qiyin, Ma Chaoli, Zhang Guangyin, Sun Qian, Zhang Guoquan, Liu Simin, Tian Guoyun, Wu Qiang and Chen Xiaobo, “Light amplification in non-photorefractive doped polymer film at red light wavelength ”, Chin. Phys. Lett. 14(3), 179-182 (1997).
Zhang Guoquan, Liu Simin, Xu Jingjun, Zhang Guangyin and Sun Qian, “Photorefractive spatial dark-soliton stripes in LiNbO3:Fe crystal and their applications”, Chin. Phys. Lett. 13(2), 101-104 (1996).
Liu Simin, Zhang Guoquan, Sun Qian, Xu Jingjun, Zhang Guangyin and Tong Yicheng, “Waveguides written and stored by photovoltaic dark spatial solitons in LiNbO3:Fe crystals”, Chin. Phys. Lett. 13(10), 737-740 (1996)
Sun Qian, Xu Jingjun, Liu Simin, Zhang Guangyin, Zhang Guoquan, Fang Qiyin and Tian Guoyun, “The inhomogeneity of two-wave coupling in photorefractive crystals in the 90 o geometry”, Appl. Phys. B 63(1), 35-38 (1996).
Qiyin Fang, Jingjun Xu, Qian Sun, Simin Liu, Guangyin Zhang, Chaoli Ma, and Guoquan Zhang, and Guoyun Tian, “Multi-page storage in LiNbO 3 :Fe crystal sheet using photorefractive light-climbing effect”, Appl. Opt. 35(34), 6744-6746 (1996)
Zhang Guoquan and Guo Ru, “Influence of photovoltaic effect on photorefractive phase gratings ”, Chin. Phys. Lett. 12(10), 617-620 (1995).
Guoquan Zhang, Simin Liu, Jingjun Xu, Qian Sun and Guangyin Zhang, “Optical dark and bright spatial solitons in photorefractive media ”, Phys. Lett. A 204, 146-150 (1995).
刘思敏,张国权,张光寅,许京军,刘军民,门丽秋,“共享光栅对各向异性散射光锥的增强“, 物理学报, 44(7), 1035-1041 (1995)


1. 第九届天津青年科技奖(2008)
2. 国家自然科学二等奖(第四完成人,2005)
3. 天津市自然科学一等奖(第八完成人,2002)
4. 国家教委科技进步三等奖(第六完成人,1997)


学位: 博士
邮件: gqzhang@nankai.edu.cn
办公地点: 第五教学楼204室

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    教师个人主页English返回首页欢迎登录张心正光学导航个人资料个人概况研究领域教学工作科研项目论文著作学术交流荣誉奖励学术成果个人资料部门:物理学院性别:男出生年月:2018-02-23专业技术职务:教授研究标签:毕业院校:南开大学学位:理学博士学历:联系电话:电子邮箱:zxz(at)nankai ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-09-19
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    教师个人主页English返回首页欢迎登录李祖斌光学导航个人资料个人概况研究领域教学工作科研项目论文著作学术交流荣誉奖励学术成果个人资料部门:物理学院性别:男出生年月:专业技术职务:研究标签:毕业院校:学位:博士学历:联系电话:**电子邮箱:zbli@nankai.edu.cn办公地址:五教313/ ...
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  • 南开大学物理学院导师教师师资介绍简介-李玉栋
    教师个人主页English返回首页欢迎登录李玉栋光学导航个人资料个人概况研究领域教学工作科研项目论文著作学术交流荣誉奖励学术成果个人资料部门:物理学院性别:女出生年月:专业技术职务:无研究标签:毕业院校:学位:博士学历:联系电话:**电子邮箱:yudongli@nankai.edu.cn办公地址:五 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-09-19
  • 南开大学物理学院导师教师师资介绍简介-李乙钢
    教师个人主页English返回首页欢迎登录李乙钢光学导航个人资料个人概况研究领域教学工作科研项目论文著作学术交流荣誉奖励学术成果个人资料部门:物理学院性别:男出生年月:专业技术职务:研究标签:毕业院校:学位:学历:联系电话:电子邮箱:liyigang@nankai.edu.cn办公地址:第五教学楼2 ...
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  • 南开大学物理学院导师教师师资介绍简介-孙 骞
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  • 南开大学物理学院导师教师师资介绍简介-李勇男
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    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-09-19
  • 南开大学物理学院导师教师师资介绍简介-宋 峰
    教师个人主页English返回首页欢迎登录宋峰光学导航个人资料个人概况研究领域教学工作科研项目论文著作学术交流荣誉奖励学术成果个人资料部门:物理学院性别:男出生年月:专业技术职务:研究标签:毕业院校:学位:博士学历:联系电话:电子邮箱:fsong@nankai.edu.cn办公地址:通讯地址:邮编: ...
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  • 南开大学物理学院导师教师师资介绍简介-陈璟
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  • 南开大学物理学院导师教师师资介绍简介-陈志刚
    教师个人主页English返回首页欢迎登录陈志刚光学导航个人资料个人概况研究领域教学工作科研项目论文著作学术交流荣誉奖励学术成果个人资料部门:物理学院性别:男出生年月:专业技术职务:教授研究标签:毕业院校:学位:博士学历:联系电话:电子邮箱:zgchen@nankai.edu.cn办公地址:通讯地址 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-09-19