本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-10-05
电话: (办)
2008/11 – 至今,中国民航大学,理学院,教授;
2004/03 – 2008/10,中国民航大学,理学院,副教授;
1992/04 – 2004/03, 太原师范学院,数学系,副教授;
1900/07 – 1992/03, 山西师范大学,数学系,讲师;
1985/07 – 1987/08, 晋东南师专,数学系,助教;
2000/03 – 2004/03, 浙江大学,数学系数学专业,博士;
1987/09–1990.06, 山西师范大学,数学系基础数学专业,硕士
1981/09 – 1985/06, 山西师范大学,数学系数学专业,学士;
研究生课程: 代数基础、有限域、 密码学。
[1] 区组设计的自同构,国家自然基金(**),2005/01至2007/12,参与。
[2] 民航信息安全系统中认证技术的理论基础研究, 国家自然基金(**),2008/01至2010/12,参与。
[3] 认证码和相关组合问题的研究, 国家自然基金(**),2012/01至2015/12,参与。
[1] S.D. Chen*, J.Y. Liang. Y. He, Binary LDPC codes constructed based on symplectic spaces over finite fields,Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, 2019,109:157-168(EI:20**1)
[2] S.D. Chen*, W.J. Tian. Construction of Authentication Codes with Distrust Arbitration from Unitary geometry. Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, 2018,105: 131-145(EI: 20**5;MR** ),
[3] S.D. Chen*, 李雪. 基于有限域上的辛几何构造带仲裁的多接收认证码. 应用数学学报,2018,41(3):315-336
[4] S.D. Chen*, J.J, Wen. New key pre-distribution scheme using symplectic geometry over finite fields for wireless sensor networks. The Journal China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications, 2017, 24(5): 16-22(EI: 20**4 )
[5] S.D. Chen*, X. Li., W.J. Tian. Two Constructions of A2-codes with secrecy from Polynomials over Finite Fields. Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, 2017,100: 199-215(EI: 20**7;MR** )
[6] S.D. Chen*, W.J. Tian, X. Li.. Construction of authentication codes with distrust arbitration from polynomials over finite fields. The Journal China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications, 2017, 24(1): 87-95(EI: 20**3)
[7]S.D. Chen*, H. H. Wei. Constructions for key distribution patterns. Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 2017,12(2):301-323(SCI:003)
[8] S.D. Chen*, L.Z.Chang. A Construction of Multi-receiver Authentication Codes with Dynamic Sender from Linear Codes. Ars Combinatoria,2016,129:227-236(SCI: 018)
[9] S.D. Chen*, X.L. Zhang, H. Ma. Two Constructions of A3-codes from Projective Geometry over Finite Fields. China Universities of Posts and Telecommunication, 2015,22(2):52-59(EI: 20**2)
[10] S.D. Chen*, H.H.Wei.Key Pre-distribution Schemes based on Symplectic Geometry for Wireless Sensor Networks. ARS COMBINATORIA, 121, 97-112(SCI: 009)
[11]S.D. Chen*, H. Ma. Construction of Authentication Codes with Double Arbiters over Symplectic Geometry. Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series, 2015,31(4):1141-1144 (SCI :026)
[12] S.D. Chen*, X.L. Zhang . Three constructions of perfect authentication codes
from projective geometry over finite fields. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 253 (2015) 308–317(SCI: 028, EI: 20**8)
[13] S.D. Chen*, H. Ma. Two Constructions of Authentication Codes with Multiple Arbiters. ARS COMBINATORIA, 116, (2014):321-330(SCI:027)
[14] S.D. Chen*, C.L.Yang. A Construction of Multisender Authentication Codes with Sequential Model from Symplectic Geometry over Finite Fields. Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2014, Article ID 102301, 7 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/102301(SCI: 001)
[15] S.D. Chen*, M.J.Song. Two new authentication schemes from singular symplectic geometry over finite fields. Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, 2014, 88:169-190(EI:20**8)
[16]S.D. Chen*, H.H.Wei.. Constructions for Key Distribution Pattern using Resolvable Designs. WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on MATHEMATICS, 2014,13:59-68(EI: 20**3 )
[17] S.D. Chen*, G.X.Bian. A new group-oriented publicly verifiable threshold signcryption scheme. Journal of Electronics(China), 30(6),2013:567-573(Inspec:**)
[18] S.D. Chen*, D.W.Zhao. Two Constructions of Optimal Cartesian Authentication Codes from Unitary Geometry over Finite Fields. Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series, 2013, 29(4)829-836(SCI :015)
[19] S.D. Chen*, D.W.Zhao. Construction of Multi-receiver Multi-fold Authentication Codes from Singular Symplectic Geometry over Finite Fields. Algebra Colloquium,2013, 20(4):701-710(SCI 017)
[20] S.D. Chen*, L.Z.Chang. Two Constructions of Multi-sender Authentication codes with Arbitration based Linear codes. WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on MATHEMATICS,2012. 11(12):1103-1113(EI:20**8)
[21] S.D. Chen*, D.W. Zhao. 利用有限域上酉几何构作带仲裁的认证. 数学的实践与认识,2012,42(19):101-106
[22]S.D. Chen*, L .An. Two Constructions of Multireceiver Authentication Codes from Singular Symplectic Geometry over Finite Fields. WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on MATHEMATICS,2012, 11(1): 54-63(EI:114)
[23] S.D. Chen*, L..An. A New Construction of Multi receiver Authentication Codes from Pseudo-Symplectic Geometry over Fihite Fields. Journal of Computer and Communications Security, 2012, 2(3):13-18
[24] S.D. Chen*, C.L. Yang. A New Construction of Multisender Authentication Codes from Symplectic Geometry over Finite Fields. ARS COMBINATORIA, 2012,CVI:353-366(SCI:031)
[25] S.D. Chen*, D.W. Zhao. Two Constructions of Multireceiver Authentication Codes from Symplectic Geometry. ARS COMBINATORIA, XCIX(2011):193-203(SCI:18)
[26] S.D. Chen*, X.G. Wang. 带仲裁的认证码的一个新构造. 高校应用数学学报,2011, 26(2):230-238
[27] S.D. Chen*, Y.H. Guo, J. Li. 关于一类内交换群边传递的图. 数学进展,2011, 40(1):60-70
[28] S.D. Chen*, Y.H. Guo, Graphs on which a group of order pq acts edge-transitively. Appl. Math. J. Chinese Univ, 2010, 25(4): 489-495(SCI: 013)
[29]S.D. Chen*, D.W. Zhao. New Construction of authentication Codes with Arbitration from Pseudo-Symplectic Geometry over Finite Fields. ARS COMBINATORIA,97A(2010),453-465(SCI:037)
[30] S.D. Chen*, Q.L. Fen. Locally transitive Graphs Admitting a Group with Cyclic Sylow Subgrpoup. Communications in Mathematical Research, 2010,,26(3),239-254
[31] S.D. Chen*, W. Y. Zhu. 素数立方阶群局部传递的图. 纯粹数学与应用数学, 2010. 26(2):193-219
[32] S.D. Chen*. 有循环极大子群的素数阶群的作用是边传递的图(I ), 系统科学与数学,2005, 28(3): 331-339
[33] S.D. Chen*, X.H. Shi. 有循环极大子群的素数阶群的作用是边传递的图(II ), 系统科学与数学,系统科学与数学,2008, 28(3): 303-312.
[34] S.D. Chen*. 关于半二面体群边传递的图. 南开大学学报(自然科学), 2007, 40(3):38-43
[35] S.D. Chen*. 子群为类正规或自正规的群. 浙江大学报(理学院),2005,32(3):241-245
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一、个人基本信息姓名:李双宝出生年月:1978年9月籍贯:河北承德性别:男民族:蒙古族职称:教授政治面貌:中共党员最高学历:博士研究生工作单位:中国民航大学理学院通讯地址:天津市津北公路2898号邮政编码:300300办公电话:(办)电子邮箱:shuangbaoli@yeah.net二、学习和工作经 ...中国民航大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-10-05中国民航大学理学院导师教师师资介绍简介-赵静简介
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一、个人基本信息出生日期:1979年1月籍贯:河南省濮阳性别:女民族:汉专业技术职务:教授最高学历:博士研究生工作单位:中国民航大学理学院通信地址:天津市,中国民航大学南院理学院邮政编码:300300电子邮箱:dongql@lsec.cc.ac.cn;qldong@cauc.edu.cn二、学习和工 ...中国民航大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-10-05中国民航大学理学院导师教师师资介绍简介-董科强简介
一、个人基本信息出生日期:1979年9月籍贯:河北省邯郸市性别:男民族:汉专业技术职务:教授最高学历:博士研究生工作单位:中国民航大学理学院通信地址:天津市,中国民航大学南院理学院邮政编码:300300电话:(办)电子邮箱:hongzhangdong@163.com;kqdong@cauc.edu. ...中国民航大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-10-05中国民航大学理学院导师教师师资介绍简介-刘雪梅简介
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