个人信息 - 周 晓骏基本信息
2012/09~2017/06:西安建筑科技大学,供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程 工学博士,导师:刘艳峰 教授
2008/09~2012/06:南京工业大学,建筑环境与设备工程 工学学士
2017/07~至今:西安交通大学动力工程及工程热物理流动站,博士后,合作导师:王秋旺 教授
[1] 国家自然科学基金青年项目《室内柔性多孔材料VOCs吸附、散发的多尺度构效机理研究》(**),2019.01~2021.12,24万元,负责人。
[2] 中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目《建筑室内VOCs多源汇耦合输运特性及环境参数多目标优化》(2019T120913),2019.01~2020.12,18万元,负责人。
[3] 中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目《室内动态热湿环境中柔性多孔材料VOC源汇特性研究》(2018M633515),2018.01~2019.12,5万元,负责人。
[4] 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划青年项目《动态室内热湿环境下多孔建材VOC多尺度输运特性研究》,2019.01~2020.12,3万元,负责人。
[5] 陕西省博士后科研项目一等资助《纤维织物VOC与热湿耦合迁移机理及对室内空气质量的影响研究》,2018.01~2019.12,8万元,负责人。
[6] 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助《纤维织物VOCs传质机理及对室内空气质量的影响研究》(xjj**),2018.01~2020.12,15万元,负责人。
[7] 西安市科技计划项目《建材VOC散发特性参数高效预测体系及源头抑制机理研究》(YD12CG18),2018.06~2020.06,6万元,负责人。
[8] 西安交通大学新教师科研计划《多孔建材VOC散发特性及对室内空气质量的影响研究》,2017.07~2020.07,10万元,负责人。
[9] “十三五”国家重点研发计划项目《藏区、西北及高原地区利用可再生能源采暖空调新技术》(2016YFC**),2016.01-2020.12,3376万元,主要参与人。
[10] 国家自然科学基金重大项目课题《极端热湿气候区超低能耗建筑热环境营造系统》(**),2016.01~2020.12,378万元,主要参与人。
[1] Xiaojun Zhou*,Xuejiao Dong, Ruixue Ma, Xinke Wang, Fenghao Wang, Characterizing the partitioning behavior of formaldehyde, benzene and toluene on indoor fabrics: Effects of temperature and humidity, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 416: 125827. (SCI, 1区, TOP期刊, IF: 9.038)
[2] Xiaojun Zhou, Juanli Lian, Yan Cheng, Xinke Wang*, The gas/particle partitioning behavior of phthalate esters in indoor environment: Effects of temperature and humidity, Environmental Research, 2021, 194: 110681. (SCI, 1区, TOP期刊, IF: 5.715)
[3]Xiaojun Zhou, Zhao Gao, Xinke Wang*, Fenghao Wang, Mathematical model for characterizing the full process of volatile organic compound emissions from paint film coating on porous substrates, Building and Environment, 2020, 182, 107062. (SCI, 1区, TOP期刊, IF: 4.971)
[4]Xiaojun Zhou, Changgui Luo, Xinke Wang*, Ke Liu, Simplified methods for characterizing dynamic sorption of SVOCs on viscous particles, Atmospheric Environment, 2020, 15, 117796. (SCI, 2区, TOP期刊, IF: 4.039)
[5]Xiaojun Zhou, Changgui Luo, Ke Liu, Xinke Wang*, A novel model for predicting the semivolatile organic compound partition coefficient of multicomponent airborne particles, Building and Environment, 2020, 167: 106446.(SCI, 1区, TOP期刊, IF: 4.971)
[6] Cong Song*, Lei Huang, Yanfeng Liu, Yu Dong, Xiaojun Zhou, Jiaping Liu. Effects of indoor thermal exposure on human dynamic thermal adaptation process. Building and Environment. 2020, 179: 106990.(SCI, 1区, TOP期刊, IF: 4.971)
[7] Cong Song*, Yanfeng Liu, Xiaojun Zhou, Dengjia Wang, Yingying Wang, Jiaping Liu. Identification of local thermal conditions for sleeping comfort improvement in neutral to cold indoor thermal environments. Journal of Thermal Biology. 2020, 87: 102480. (SCI, 2区, IF: 2.361)
[8] Ke Liu, Lingyi Kang, Ao Li, Jiacheng Zheng, Xinke Wang*, Xiaojun Zhou, Fenghao Wang. Field investigation on phthalates in settled dust from five different surfaces in residential apartments. Building and Environment, 2020, 177: 106856.(SCI, 1区, TOP期刊, IF: 4.971)
[9]Xiaojun Zhou*, Yanfeng Liu, Cong Song, Xinke Wang, Fenghao Wang, Jiaping Liu,Modelling and testing of VOC source suppression effect of building materials modified with adsorbents,Building and Environment, 2019, 154: 122-131.(SCI, 1区, TOP期刊, IF: 4.971)
[10]Xiaojun Zhou*, Yanfeng Liu, Cong Song, Xinke Wang, Fenghao Wang, Jiaping Liu, A novel method to determine the formaldehyde emission characteristic parameters of building materials at multiple temperatures, Building and Environment, 2019, 149: 436-445.(SCI, 1区, TOP期刊, IF: 4.971)
[11]Xiaojun Zhou, Yanfeng Liu*, Jiaping Liu, Alternately airtight/ventilated emission method: A universal experimental method for determining the VOC emission characteristic parameters of building materials, Building and Environment, 2018, 130: 179-189. (SCI, 1区, TOP期刊, IF: 4.971)
[12]Xiaojun Zhou, Yanfeng Liu*, Cong Song, Jiaping Liu, A study on the formaldehyde emission parameters of porous building materials based on adsorption potential theory, Building and Environment, 2016, 106: 254-264. (SCI, 1区, TOP期刊, IF: 4.971)
[13]Yanfeng Liu*,Xiaojun Zhou, Dengjia Wang, Cong Song, Jiaping Liu, A diffusivity model for predicting VOC diffusion in porous building materials based on fractal theory, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2015, 299: 685-695. (SCI, 1区, TOP期刊, IF: 9.038)
[14]Yanfeng Liu*,Xiaojun Zhou, Dengjia Wang, Cong Song, Jiaping Liu, A prediction model of VOC partition coefficient in porous building materials based on adsorption potential theory, Building and Environment, 2015, 93: 221-233. (SCI, 1区, TOP期刊, IF: 4.971)
[15] Yanfeng Liu*, Cong Song,Xiaojun Zhou, Jiaping Liu, Yingying Wang, Thermal requirements of the sleeping human body in bed warming conditions, Energy and Buildings, 2016, 130: 709-720. (SCI, 1区, TOP期刊, IF: 4.867)
[16] Cong Song, Yanfeng Liu*,Xiaojun Zhou, Xingwei Wang, Jing Li, Jiaping Liu, Temperature field of bed climate and thermal comfort assessment based on local thermal sensations, Building and Environment, 2015, 95: 381-390. (SCI, 1区, TOP期刊, IF: 4.971)
[17] Xiaojun Zhou*, Yanfeng Liu, Cong Song, Xinke Wang and Fenghao Wang. A Fast and Accurate Airtight Chamber Method for Determining the Characteristic Parameters of VOC Emission from Building Materials, Environmental Science and Engineering, 2020, 201-209. (EI)
[18] Ruixue Ma, Xiaojun Zhou*, Fenghao Wang, Xinke Wang, and Zhihua Wang. A Multiscale Fractal Model for Predicting the VOC Diffusion Coefficient of Fabric, Environmental Science and Engineering, 2020, 1315-1323. (EI)
[19] Xiaojun Zhou*, Yanfeng Liu, Cong Song, Jiaping Liu, A study for predicting the VOC emission characteristic of adsorbent blended building materials, Procedia Engineering, 2017, 205: 519-525. (EI)
[20] Xiaojun Zhou*, Yanfeng Liu, Cong Song, Jiaping Liu, Impact of temperature and microstructure on the emission characteristics of VOC in porous building materials, Procedia Engineering, 2015, 121: 1067-1075. (EI)
[21] Cong Song*, Yanfeng Liu, Xiaojun Zhou, Jiaping Liu, Thermal experience improvement and thermal requirement difference in bed warming conditions. Procedia Engineering, 2017, 205, 526-532. (EI)
[22] Cong Song*, Yanfeng Liu, Xiaojun Zhou, Jiaping Liu, Investigation of human thermal comfort in sleeping environments based on the effects of bed climate. Procedia Engineering, 2015, 121, 1126-1132. (EI)
2020,华夏建设科学技术奖, 二等奖
2016,SCI, TOP期刊Building and Environment,年度最佳论文奖(全球共3篇)
2016,5th International Conference on Human-Environment System,Best Paper Award
[1] 王莹莹, 周晓骏, 马超, 建筑热质传递理论与应用, 中国建筑工业出版社, 2018.
[2] 西咸新区中深层无干扰地热供热系统建设应用技术导则,2019. (参编,第9)
[3] 中国室内环境与健康研究进展报告2018-2019, 中国建筑工业出版社, 2020. 参编
[4] 陕西省工程建设标准《中深层地热地埋管供热系统应用技术规程》,2020.05. (参编,第12)
个人信息 - 周 晓骏基本信息
2012/09~2017/06:西安建筑科技大学,供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程 工学博士,导师:刘艳峰 教授
2008/09~2012/06:南京工业大学,建筑环境与设备工程 工学学士
2017/07~至今:西安交通大学动力工程及工程热物理流动站,博士后,合作导师:王秋旺 教授
[1] 国家自然科学基金青年项目《室内柔性多孔材料VOCs吸附、散发的多尺度构效机理研究》(**),2019.01~2021.12,24万元,负责人。
[2] 中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目《建筑室内VOCs多源汇耦合输运特性及环境参数多目标优化》(2019T120913),2019.01~2020.12,18万元,负责人。
[3] 中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目《室内动态热湿环境中柔性多孔材料VOC源汇特性研究》(2018M633515),2018.01~2019.12,5万元,负责人。
[4] 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划青年项目《动态室内热湿环境下多孔建材VOC多尺度输运特性研究》,2019.01~2020.12,3万元,负责人。
[5] 陕西省博士后科研项目一等资助《纤维织物VOC与热湿耦合迁移机理及对室内空气质量的影响研究》,2018.01~2019.12,8万元,负责人。
[6] 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助《纤维织物VOCs传质机理及对室内空气质量的影响研究》(xjj**),2018.01~2020.12,15万元,负责人。
[7] 西安市科技计划项目《建材VOC散发特性参数高效预测体系及源头抑制机理研究》(YD12CG18),2018.06~2020.06,6万元,负责人。
[8] 西安交通大学新教师科研计划《多孔建材VOC散发特性及对室内空气质量的影响研究》,2017.07~2020.07,10万元,负责人。
[9] “十三五”国家重点研发计划项目《藏区、西北及高原地区利用可再生能源采暖空调新技术》(2016YFC**),2016.01-2020.12,3376万元,主要参与人。
[10] 国家自然科学基金重大项目课题《极端热湿气候区超低能耗建筑热环境营造系统》(**),2016.01~2020.12,378万元,主要参与人。
[1] Xiaojun Zhou*,Xuejiao Dong, Ruixue Ma, Xinke Wang, Fenghao Wang, Characterizing the partitioning behavior of formaldehyde, benzene and toluene on indoor fabrics: Effects of temperature and humidity, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 416: 125827. (SCI, 1区, TOP期刊, IF: 9.038)
[2] Xiaojun Zhou, Juanli Lian, Yan Cheng, Xinke Wang*, The gas/particle partitioning behavior of phthalate esters in indoor environment: Effects of temperature and humidity, Environmental Research, 2021, 194: 110681. (SCI, 1区, TOP期刊, IF: 5.715)
[3]Xiaojun Zhou, Zhao Gao, Xinke Wang*, Fenghao Wang, Mathematical model for characterizing the full process of volatile organic compound emissions from paint film coating on porous substrates, Building and Environment, 2020, 182, 107062. (SCI, 1区, TOP期刊, IF: 4.971)
[4]Xiaojun Zhou, Changgui Luo, Xinke Wang*, Ke Liu, Simplified methods for characterizing dynamic sorption of SVOCs on viscous particles, Atmospheric Environment, 2020, 15, 117796. (SCI, 2区, TOP期刊, IF: 4.039)
[5]Xiaojun Zhou, Changgui Luo, Ke Liu, Xinke Wang*, A novel model for predicting the semivolatile organic compound partition coefficient of multicomponent airborne particles, Building and Environment, 2020, 167: 106446.(SCI, 1区, TOP期刊, IF: 4.971)
[6] Cong Song*, Lei Huang, Yanfeng Liu, Yu Dong, Xiaojun Zhou, Jiaping Liu. Effects of indoor thermal exposure on human dynamic thermal adaptation process. Building and Environment. 2020, 179: 106990.(SCI, 1区, TOP期刊, IF: 4.971)
[7] Cong Song*, Yanfeng Liu, Xiaojun Zhou, Dengjia Wang, Yingying Wang, Jiaping Liu. Identification of local thermal conditions for sleeping comfort improvement in neutral to cold indoor thermal environments. Journal of Thermal Biology. 2020, 87: 102480. (SCI, 2区, IF: 2.361)
[8] Ke Liu, Lingyi Kang, Ao Li, Jiacheng Zheng, Xinke Wang*, Xiaojun Zhou, Fenghao Wang. Field investigation on phthalates in settled dust from five different surfaces in residential apartments. Building and Environment, 2020, 177: 106856.(SCI, 1区, TOP期刊, IF: 4.971)
[9]Xiaojun Zhou*, Yanfeng Liu, Cong Song, Xinke Wang, Fenghao Wang, Jiaping Liu,Modelling and testing of VOC source suppression effect of building materials modified with adsorbents,Building and Environment, 2019, 154: 122-131.(SCI, 1区, TOP期刊, IF: 4.971)
[10]Xiaojun Zhou*, Yanfeng Liu, Cong Song, Xinke Wang, Fenghao Wang, Jiaping Liu, A novel method to determine the formaldehyde emission characteristic parameters of building materials at multiple temperatures, Building and Environment, 2019, 149: 436-445.(SCI, 1区, TOP期刊, IF: 4.971)
[11]Xiaojun Zhou, Yanfeng Liu*, Jiaping Liu, Alternately airtight/ventilated emission method: A universal experimental method for determining the VOC emission characteristic parameters of building materials, Building and Environment, 2018, 130: 179-189. (SCI, 1区, TOP期刊, IF: 4.971)
[12]Xiaojun Zhou, Yanfeng Liu*, Cong Song, Jiaping Liu, A study on the formaldehyde emission parameters of porous building materials based on adsorption potential theory, Building and Environment, 2016, 106: 254-264. (SCI, 1区, TOP期刊, IF: 4.971)
[13]Yanfeng Liu*,Xiaojun Zhou, Dengjia Wang, Cong Song, Jiaping Liu, A diffusivity model for predicting VOC diffusion in porous building materials based on fractal theory, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2015, 299: 685-695. (SCI, 1区, TOP期刊, IF: 9.038)
[14]Yanfeng Liu*,Xiaojun Zhou, Dengjia Wang, Cong Song, Jiaping Liu, A prediction model of VOC partition coefficient in porous building materials based on adsorption potential theory, Building and Environment, 2015, 93: 221-233. (SCI, 1区, TOP期刊, IF: 4.971)
[15] Yanfeng Liu*, Cong Song,Xiaojun Zhou, Jiaping Liu, Yingying Wang, Thermal requirements of the sleeping human body in bed warming conditions, Energy and Buildings, 2016, 130: 709-720. (SCI, 1区, TOP期刊, IF: 4.867)
[16] Cong Song, Yanfeng Liu*,Xiaojun Zhou, Xingwei Wang, Jing Li, Jiaping Liu, Temperature field of bed climate and thermal comfort assessment based on local thermal sensations, Building and Environment, 2015, 95: 381-390. (SCI, 1区, TOP期刊, IF: 4.971)
[17] Xiaojun Zhou*, Yanfeng Liu, Cong Song, Xinke Wang and Fenghao Wang. A Fast and Accurate Airtight Chamber Method for Determining the Characteristic Parameters of VOC Emission from Building Materials, Environmental Science and Engineering, 2020, 201-209. (EI)
[18] Ruixue Ma, Xiaojun Zhou*, Fenghao Wang, Xinke Wang, and Zhihua Wang. A Multiscale Fractal Model for Predicting the VOC Diffusion Coefficient of Fabric, Environmental Science and Engineering, 2020, 1315-1323. (EI)
[19] Xiaojun Zhou*, Yanfeng Liu, Cong Song, Jiaping Liu, A study for predicting the VOC emission characteristic of adsorbent blended building materials, Procedia Engineering, 2017, 205: 519-525. (EI)
[20] Xiaojun Zhou*, Yanfeng Liu, Cong Song, Jiaping Liu, Impact of temperature and microstructure on the emission characteristics of VOC in porous building materials, Procedia Engineering, 2015, 121: 1067-1075. (EI)
[21] Cong Song*, Yanfeng Liu, Xiaojun Zhou, Jiaping Liu, Thermal experience improvement and thermal requirement difference in bed warming conditions. Procedia Engineering, 2017, 205, 526-532. (EI)
[22] Cong Song*, Yanfeng Liu, Xiaojun Zhou, Jiaping Liu, Investigation of human thermal comfort in sleeping environments based on the effects of bed climate. Procedia Engineering, 2015, 121, 1126-1132. (EI)
2020,华夏建设科学技术奖, 二等奖
2016,SCI, TOP期刊Building and Environment,年度最佳论文奖(全球共3篇)
2016,5th International Conference on Human-Environment System,Best Paper Award
[1] 王莹莹, 周晓骏, 马超, 建筑热质传递理论与应用, 中国建筑工业出版社, 2018.
[2] 西咸新区中深层无干扰地热供热系统建设应用技术导则,2019. (参编,第9)
[3] 中国室内环境与健康研究进展报告2018-2019, 中国建筑工业出版社, 2020. 参编
[4] 陕西省工程建设标准《中深层地热地埋管供热系统应用技术规程》,2020.05. (参编,第12)
科研成果 - 周 晓骏科研项目
[1] 国家自然科学基金青年项目《室内柔性多孔材料VOCs吸附、散发的多尺度构效机理研究》(**),2019.01~2021.12,24万元,负责人。
[2] 中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目《建筑室内VOCs多源汇耦合输运特性及环境参数多目标优化》(2019T120913),2019.01~2020.12,18万元,负责人。
[3] 中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目《室内动态热湿环境中柔性多孔材料VOC源汇特性研究》(2018M633515),2018.01~2019.12,5万元,负责人。
[4] 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划青年项目《动态室内热湿环境下多孔建材VOC多尺度输运特性研究》,2019.01~2020.12,3万元,负责人。
[5] 陕西省博士后科研项目一等资助《纤维织物VOC与热湿耦合迁移机理及对室内空气质量的影响研究》,2018.01~2019.12,8万元,负责人。
[6] 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助《纤维织物VOCs传质机理及对室内空气质量的影响研究》(xjj**),2018.01~2020.12,15万元,负责人。
[7] 西安市科技计划项目《建材VOC散发特性参数高效预测体系及源头抑制机理研究》(YD12CG18),2018.06~2020.06,6万元,负责人。
[8] 西安交通大学新教师科研计划《多孔建材VOC散发特性及对室内空气质量的影响研究》,2017.07~2020.07,10万元,负责人。
[9] “十三五”国家重点研发计划项目《藏区、西北及高原地区利用可再生能源采暖空调新技术》(2016YFC**),2016.01-2020.12,3376万元,主要参与人。
[10] 国家自然科学基金重大项目课题《极端热湿气候区超低能耗建筑热环境营造系统》(**),2016.01~2020.12,378万元,主要参与人。
[1] Xiaojun Zhou*,Xuejiao Dong, Ruixue Ma, Xinke Wang, Fenghao Wang, Characterizing the partitioning behavior of formaldehyde, benzene and toluene on indoor fabrics: Effects of temperature and humidity, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 416: 125827. (SCI, 1区, TOP期刊, IF: 9.038)
[2] Xiaojun Zhou, Juanli Lian, Yan Cheng, Xinke Wang*, The gas/particle partitioning behavior of phthalate esters in indoor environment: Effects of temperature and humidity, Environmental Research, 2021, 194: 110681. (SCI, 1区, TOP期刊, IF: 5.715)
[3]Xiaojun Zhou, Zhao Gao, Xinke Wang*, Fenghao Wang, Mathematical model for characterizing the full process of volatile organic compound emissions from paint film coating on porous substrates, Building and Environment, 2020, 182, 107062. (SCI, 1区, TOP期刊, IF: 4.971)
[4]Xiaojun Zhou, Changgui Luo, Xinke Wang*, Ke Liu, Simplified methods for characterizing dynamic sorption of SVOCs on viscous particles, Atmospheric Environment, 2020, 15, 117796. (SCI, 2区, TOP期刊, IF: 4.039)
[5]Xiaojun Zhou, Changgui Luo, Ke Liu, Xinke Wang*, A novel model for predicting the semivolatile organic compound partition coefficient of multicomponent airborne particles, Building and Environment, 2020, 167: 106446.(SCI, 1区, TOP期刊, IF: 4.971)
[6] Cong Song*, Lei Huang, Yanfeng Liu, Yu Dong, Xiaojun Zhou, Jiaping Liu. Effects of indoor thermal exposure on human dynamic thermal adaptation process. Building and Environment. 2020, 179: 106990.(SCI, 1区, TOP期刊, IF: 4.971)
[7] Cong Song*, Yanfeng Liu, Xiaojun Zhou, Dengjia Wang, Yingying Wang, Jiaping Liu. Identification of local thermal conditions for sleeping comfort improvement in neutral to cold indoor thermal environments. Journal of Thermal Biology. 2020, 87: 102480. (SCI, 2区, IF: 2.361)
[8] Ke Liu, Lingyi Kang, Ao Li, Jiacheng Zheng, Xinke Wang*, Xiaojun Zhou, Fenghao Wang. Field investigation on phthalates in settled dust from five different surfaces in residential apartments. Building and Environment, 2020, 177: 106856.(SCI, 1区, TOP期刊, IF: 4.971)
[9]Xiaojun Zhou*, Yanfeng Liu, Cong Song, Xinke Wang, Fenghao Wang, Jiaping Liu,Modelling and testing of VOC source suppression effect of building materials modified with adsorbents,Building and Environment, 2019, 154: 122-131.(SCI, 1区, TOP期刊, IF: 4.971)
[10]Xiaojun Zhou*, Yanfeng Liu, Cong Song, Xinke Wang, Fenghao Wang, Jiaping Liu, A novel method to determine the formaldehyde emission characteristic parameters of building materials at multiple temperatures, Building and Environment, 2019, 149: 436-445.(SCI, 1区, TOP期刊, IF: 4.971)
[11]Xiaojun Zhou, Yanfeng Liu*, Jiaping Liu, Alternately airtight/ventilated emission method: A universal experimental method for determining the VOC emission characteristic parameters of building materials, Building and Environment, 2018, 130: 179-189. (SCI, 1区, TOP期刊, IF: 4.971)
[12]Xiaojun Zhou, Yanfeng Liu*, Cong Song, Jiaping Liu, A study on the formaldehyde emission parameters of porous building materials based on adsorption potential theory, Building and Environment, 2016, 106: 254-264. (SCI, 1区, TOP期刊, IF: 4.971)
[13]Yanfeng Liu*,Xiaojun Zhou, Dengjia Wang, Cong Song, Jiaping Liu, A diffusivity model for predicting VOC diffusion in porous building materials based on fractal theory, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2015, 299: 685-695. (SCI, 1区, TOP期刊, IF: 9.038)
[14]Yanfeng Liu*,Xiaojun Zhou, Dengjia Wang, Cong Song, Jiaping Liu, A prediction model of VOC partition coefficient in porous building materials based on adsorption potential theory, Building and Environment, 2015, 93: 221-233. (SCI, 1区, TOP期刊, IF: 4.971)
[15] Yanfeng Liu*, Cong Song,Xiaojun Zhou, Jiaping Liu, Yingying Wang, Thermal requirements of the sleeping human body in bed warming conditions, Energy and Buildings, 2016, 130: 709-720. (SCI, 1区, TOP期刊, IF: 4.867)
[16] Cong Song, Yanfeng Liu*,Xiaojun Zhou, Xingwei Wang, Jing Li, Jiaping Liu, Temperature field of bed climate and thermal comfort assessment based on local thermal sensations, Building and Environment, 2015, 95: 381-390. (SCI, 1区, TOP期刊, IF: 4.971)
[17] Xiaojun Zhou*, Yanfeng Liu, Cong Song, Xinke Wang and Fenghao Wang. A Fast and Accurate Airtight Chamber Method for Determining the Characteristic Parameters of VOC Emission from Building Materials, Environmental Science and Engineering, 2020, 201-209. (EI)
[18] Ruixue Ma, Xiaojun Zhou*, Fenghao Wang, Xinke Wang, and Zhihua Wang. A Multiscale Fractal Model for Predicting the VOC Diffusion Coefficient of Fabric, Environmental Science and Engineering, 2020, 1315-1323. (EI)
[19] Xiaojun Zhou*, Yanfeng Liu, Cong Song, Jiaping Liu, A study for predicting the VOC emission characteristic of adsorbent blended building materials, Procedia Engineering, 2017, 205: 519-525. (EI)
[20] Xiaojun Zhou*, Yanfeng Liu, Cong Song, Jiaping Liu, Impact of temperature and microstructure on the emission characteristics of VOC in porous building materials, Procedia Engineering, 2015, 121: 1067-1075. (EI)
[21] Cong Song*, Yanfeng Liu, Xiaojun Zhou, Jiaping Liu, Thermal experience improvement and thermal requirement difference in bed warming conditions. Procedia Engineering, 2017, 205, 526-532. (EI)
[22] Cong Song*, Yanfeng Liu, Xiaojun Zhou, Jiaping Liu, Investigation of human thermal comfort in sleeping environments based on the effects of bed climate. Procedia Engineering, 2015, 121, 1126-1132. (EI)
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西安交通大学人居环境与建筑工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-周 晓骏
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-26
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西安交通大学人居环境与建筑工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-岳 焱超
基本信息-岳焱超基本信息岳焱超博士,副教授,硕士生导师校园规划与基本建设管理中心副主任土木系副系主任欢迎优秀毕业生报考研究生,为每位录取学生提供优厚的科研奖励和良好的科研、就业实习平台。招收硕士生方向:贝叶斯网络、结构抗震、减隔震与控制;钢结构;建筑信息化模型;防灾减灾办公室:西安交通大学曲江校区邮 ...西安交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-26西安交通大学人居环境与建筑工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-张 妮
Welcome-张妮基本信息张妮/NiZHANG博士,副教授,硕士生导师Blank2作者还未对该模块添加任何内容.Blank3作者还未对该模块添加任何内容.工作经历作者还未对该模块添加任何内容.教育和工作经历/EducationandWorkingExperiences2019-至今西安交通大学土木 ...西安交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-26西安交通大学人居环境与建筑工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-徐 晗
Welcome-徐晗基本信息徐晗工学博士,副教授,硕士生导师,副系主任建筑环境与能源应用工程专业联系方式Email:xuhanxh@mail.xjtu.edu.cn站点计数器我的新闻更多新闻>>研究领域围绕暖通、能源动力、化工、环境等领域中系统优化、能效提升等科学问题和关键技术开展研究。燃料电池多孔 ...西安交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-26西安交通大学人居环境与建筑工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-吴 冰
Welcome-吴冰基本信息吴冰博士、副教授、硕士生导师毕业于中国科学院教育部水土保持与生态环境研究中心土壤学专业;主要从事边坡侵蚀及动力学机制研究;主持和参与国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金等科研项目13项;在国内外学术期刊上发表论 ...西安交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-26西安交通大学人居环境与建筑工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-罗 冬
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welcome-唐龙基本信息唐龙副教授博士生导师邮箱:tanglong@mail.xjtu.edu.cn研究领域植物生态学教育经历博士:复旦大学,导师李博,委员:陈家宽、方长明、赵斌;硕士:西北农林科技大学,导师梁宗锁;学士:西北大学,导师赵桂仿工作经历2009.7-2012.12西安交通大学人居环 ...西安交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-26西安交通大学人居环境与建筑工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-魏 欣
Englishversion-魏欣Dr.WEIXinDr.WEIXinContactTel:Email:weixinstar@mail.xjtu.edu.cnSchoolofHumanSettlementsandCivilEngineeringXi'anJiaotongUniversityXi'an ...西安交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-26西安交通大学人居环境与建筑工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-张 云伟
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