

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-26

l 金属材料的力学变形行为
l 金属材料的腐蚀分析
l 材料的摩擦行为
l 2018.05─至今,西安交通大学,材料科学与工程学院,教授
l 2016.01─2018.04,德国卡尔斯鲁厄理工大学,博士后研究员
l 2013.10─2015.12,德国卡尔斯鲁厄理工大学,洪堡****
l 西安交通大学“青年拔尖人才”计划项目
长期致力于金属材料力学变形的微观机制、材料的界面摩擦和内摩擦等方面的研究。迄今已在核心期刊上发表论文近20多篇,以第一作者/通讯作者身份发表11篇,包括 Nature, Nano Lett, Adv Funct Mater, Acta Mater等。研究工作被Nature的News & Views,NPG Asia Materials的Research Highlight等专栏报道。
[1] S. Li, Q. Li*, R. W. Carpick*, P. Gumbsch, X.-Z. Liu, X. Ding, J. Sun and J. Li*, “The evolving quality of frictional contact with graphene”, Nature, 539, 541 (2016).
[2] Y. Yang, S. Li*, X. Ding*, J. Sun and E. K. H. Salje*, “Interface driven pseudo-elasticity in alpha-Fe nanowires”, Advanced Functional Materials, 26, 760 (2016).
[3] S. Li, X. Ding*, J. Li*, X. Ren, J. Sun and E. Ma*, “High-efficiency mechanical energy storage and retrieval using interfaces in nanowires”, Nano Letters, 10, 1774 (2010).
[4] S. Li, Y. Li, Y.-C. Lo, T. Neeraj*, R. Srinivasan, X. Ding, J. Sun, L. Qi, P. Gumbsch and Ju Li*, “The interaction of dislocations and hydrogen-vacancy complexes and its importance for deformation-induced proto nano-voids formation in alpha-Fe”, International Journal of Plasticity, 74, 175 (2015).
[5] S. Li*, L.Pastewka, P.Gumbsch, “Glass formation by severe plastic deformation of crystalline Cu|Zrnano-layers”, Acta Materialia, 165, 577(2019).
[6] X.He, S. Li*,X.Ding*, J. Sun, S. M. Selbach,E. K.H. Salje*,“The interaction between vacancies and twin walls, junctions, andkinks, and their mechanical properties in ferroelastic materials”, Acta Materialia, 178, 26 (2019).
[7] G.Lu, S. Li*, X. Ding*, E. K. H. Salje*, “Piezoelectricity and electrostriction in ferroelasticmaterials with polar twin boundaries and domainjunctions”, Applied Physics Letters, 114, 202901 (2019).
[8] Q. Ding, S.Li, L.-Q. Chen*, X. Han, Z.Zhang, Q.Yu*,J.Li*, “Re segregation at interfacial dislocation network in a nickel-basedsuperalloy”, Acta Materialia, 154, 137 (2018).
[9] S. Li*, E. K. H. Salje, J. Sun and X. Ding*, “Large recovery of six-fold twinned nanowires of alpha-Fe”, Acta Materialia, 125, 296 (2017).
[10] S. Li, X. Ding*, J. Ren*, X. Moya, J. Li, J. Sun and E. K. H. Salje*, “Strain-controlled thermal conductivity in ferroic twinned films”, Scientific Reports, 4, 6375 (2014).

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