2002.09-2006.11 西安交通大学管理学院,管理学博士
1999.09-2002.05 西北工业大学飞行器制造工程系,工学硕士
1995.09-1999.07 西北工业大学飞行器制造工程系,工学学士
2020.05- 陕西省哲学社会科学和文化艺术领域领军人才
2019.12- 国家卫生健康委员会人口与家庭发展研究基地首席专家
2017.09-2018.08 美国普林斯顿大学当代中国研究中心,访问教授
2015.06 入选西安交通大学2015年“青年拔尖人才支持计划”教授
2014.03-2015.02 英国牛津大学社会政策与干预系,访问****
2014.01- 西安交通大学人口与发展研究所,教授,博导
2011.09- 西安交通大学人口与发展研究所,博士生导师
2011.02-2012.02 美国斯坦福大学莫里森人口与资源研究所,博士后研究人员
2011.01-2013.12 西安交通大学人口与发展研究所,副教授
2007.06-2010.12 西安交通大学人口与发展研究所,讲师
1. 姜全保,杨淑彩. 2021. 低生育水平与人口发展. 社会科学文献出版社.
2. Liu, Yixiao, Quanbao Jiang*. 2021. Who benefits from being an only child? A study of parent-child relationship among Chinese junior high school students. Frontiers in Psychology. 11:608995. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.608995
3. ARIYO, Tolulope, Quanbao JIANG*. 2021. Intimate partner violence and exclusive breastfeeding of infants: Analysis of the 2013 Nigeria demographic and health survey. International Breastfeeding Journal.
4. AKBARY, Mohammad Fazel, Tolulope Ariyo, Quanbao JIANG*. 2021. Socio-cultural determinants of attitudes towards domestic violence among women and men in Afghanistan: Evidence from Afghanistan Demographic and Health Survey 2015. Journal of Interpersonal Violence
5. 杨淑彩,姜全保. 2021. 子女孩次性别结构与女性再生育——基于孩次性别递进生育率的分析。人口与经济。
6. 李晓敏,姜全保. 2020. 生命历程事件与中老年健康. 社会科学文献出版社.
7. 姜全保,淡静怡. 2020. 中国女性婚姻的推迟与补偿. 中国人口科学. 34 (5): 53-65.
8. 姜全保,刘雪昭,杨淑彩. 2020. 中国生育水平的间接估计。人口与经济 41(4):43-52。
9. Jiang, Quanbao*, Tingshuai Ge, Xiujun Tai. 2020. Change in China’s sex ratio at birth since 2000-A decomposition at the provincial level. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy 13(3): 547-574.
10. Liu Yixiao, Tingshuai Ge, Quanbao Jiang*. 2020. Changing family relationships and mental health of Chinese adolescents: The role of living arrangements. Public Health 186: 110-115.
11. Ge, Tingshuai, Li Mei, Xiujun Tai, Quanbao Jiang*. 2020. Change in China’s SRB: A dynamic spatial panel approach. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17(21): 8018.
12. ARIYO, Tolulope, Quanbao JIANG*. 2020. Mothers’ healthcare autonomy, maternal-health utilization and healthcare for children under-3-years: Analysis of the Nigeria DHS data (2008-2018). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17(6): 1816.
13. Liu, Yixiao, Quanbao Jiang, and Feinian Chen. 2020. Children’s gender and family educational strategies: the moderating effects of family resources. Chinese Sociological Review 52(3): 239-268.
14. Liu, Huijun, Zhengshi Feng, Quanbao Jiang, and Marcus W. Feldman. 2020. Family structure and competing demands from aging parents and adult children among middle-aged people in China. Journal of Family Issues 41(2): 235-261.
15. Liu, Huijun, Quanbao Jiang, and Marcus W. Feldman. 2020. Widowhood and mortality risk of older people in rural China: do gender and living arrangement make a difference? Ageing & Society 40(9): 1939-1955.
16. 姜全保,李树茁. 2019. 性别失衡与婚姻挤压. 社会科学文献出版社.
17. 姜全保,梅丽,邰秀军. 2019. 中国出生性别比的区间估计. 中国人口科学 33(2):53-62。
18. Jiang, Quanbao*, Shucai Yang, Shuzhuo Li, and Marcus W. Feldman. 2019. The decline in China’s fertility level: A decomposition analysis. Journal of Biosocial Science 51(6): 785-798.
19. Li, Ying, Quanbao Jiang*. 2019. Women's gender role attitudes and fertility intentions of having a second child: Survey findings from Shaanxi Province of China. Asian Population Studies 15(1): 66-96.
20. 姜全保,杨淑彩,李树茁. 2018. 中国出生人口数量变化研究。中国人口科学 32(1):60-71.
21. Li, Xiaomin, Quanbao Jiang*, Shuzhuo Li, Marcus W. Feldman. 2018. Female fertility history and mid-later health-Findings from China. Journal of Women & Aging 30 (1): 62-74.
22. Jiang, Quanbao*, Qun Yu, Shucai Yang, Jesús Javier Sánchez Barricarte. 2017. Changes in sex ratio at birth in China: A decomposition by birth order. Journal of Biosocial Science 49(6): 826-841.
23. Li, Ying, Quanbao Jiang*. 2017. The intergenerational effect and second childbirth: Survey findings from Shaanxi Province of China. Social Indicators Research 133(2):669-691.
24. Jiang, Quanbao*, Xiaomin Li, Shuzhuo Li, Marcus W. Feldman. 2016. China’s marriage squeeze: A decomposition into age and sex structure. Social Indicators Research 127(2): 793-807.
25. Jiang, Quanbao*, Yixiao Liu. 2016. Low fertility and concurrent birth control policy in China. The History of the Family 21(4): 551-577.
26. Jiang, Quanbao*, Ying Li, and Jesús Javier Sánchez Barricarte. 2016. Fertility intention, son preference and second childbirth--Survey findings from Shaanxi Province of China. Social Indicators Research 125(3): 935-953.
27. Xie, Yong, Quanbao Jiang*. 2016. Land arrangements for rural-urban migrant workers in China: Findings from Jiangsu Province. Land Use Policy 50:262-267.
28. Wei, Yan, Quanbao Jiang, Stuart Basten. 2016. The wellbeing of bereaved parents in an only-child society. Death Studies 40(1): 22-31.
29. Jiang, Quanbao*, Yanping Zhang, and Jesús Javier Sánchez Barricarte. 2015. Marriage expenses in rural China. The China Review 15(1):207-236.
30. Jiang, Quanbao*, Xiaomin Li, Marcus W. Feldman. 2015. Bequest motives of older people in rural China--From the perspective of intergenerational support. European Journal of Ageing 12(2): 141-151.
31. Jiang, Quanbao*, Xiaomin Li, and Jesús Javier Sánchez Barricarte. 2015. Elderly widowhood in China. Asian Population Studies 11(1):7-16.
32. Basten, Stuart, Quanbao Jiang. 2015. Fertility in China: An uncertain future. Population Studies 69(sup1): s97-s105.
个人主页: http://gr.xjtu.edu.cn/web/qbjiang
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