

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-26


Labor Market
Social Stratification and Mobility
Social Networks and Social Capital
Advanced Social Statistical Analysis
2001年至今,先后在西安交通大学哲学系、社会学系任教,历任讲师、副教授、教授,2013年晋生博士生导师;2007年开始参与社会学系与学院管理工作,历任社会学系支部书记兼系副主任、系副主任、系主任、人文学院副院长。2012年2月至2013年1月,国家留学基金委公派至英国曼彻斯特大学社会科学学院社会学系访问**** 。
Zhang Shun, born in 1968, PhD, is the professor and PhD supervisor of social science at Xi’an Jiaotong University. He is currently serving as the associate dean of School of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Professor Zhang is the chief expert of major specialized program of the 19th National Congress Communist Party of China of national social science foundation (2018). He also assume the role of the director of Chinese Sociological Association, the standing director of Social Network and Social Capital Committee of Chinese Sociological Association, the director of Social Stratification and Mobility Committee of Chinese Sociological Association; the director of Shaanxi Sociological Association, the director of Shaanxi Social Work Association.
Professor Zhang has been teaching in faculty of philosophy and faculty of social science from 2001. He was granted the title of lecture, associate professor and professor and was appointed as PhD supervisor in 2013. Also, Professor Zhang had served as the Party branch secretary and associate director, associate director, and director of Social Science Department. He was appointed as association dean of School of Humanities and Social Sciences in 2018. Professor Zhang had been a visiting scholar, sponsored by China Scholarship Council, at Department of Sociology of School of Social Science in University of Manchester in UK from Jan 2012 to Jan 2013.
[1] 首席专家,国家社会科学基金十九大重大专项课题《实现更充分与更高质量就业的机制与对策研究》,18VSJ094,60万,
[2] 主持国家社科基金资助课题《产业更新背景下的再就业与职业流动》,立项号:12BSH072,15万,负责人,结项。
[3] 主持国家社科基金重点课题 《留守与流动儿童动态监测研究》子项目《留守儿童动态监测研究》,立项号:15AZD053,2015-2019年,35万,子项目负责人,在研。
[5] 主持西安交通大学基本科研业务费重大培育项目《我国就业机会与就业质量提升路径研究》,2018-2019年,10万。在研。
[6] 国家社会科学基金重大课题《基于多学科理解的社会网络分析模型研究》,主要参与人,80万,立项号:13&ZD177。在研。
[7] 国家自然科学基金委与英国经济与社会研究理事会国际合作课题《社会资本与社会流动—中英的比较研究》,编号:,2011-2012年,10万,执行负责人。已结项。
[8] 主持陕西省社会科学基金重大项目《反贫困视野中的城市社区治理研究》子项目《西安劳动力市场治理研究》,20万,结项。
[10] 西安交通大学211三期《陕西省农村和谐社会与平等发展》大型社会调查,2010年,8万,负责人。已结项。
[11] 西安交通大学实证社会科学研究所《西部社会经济变迁调查》陕西省的调查工作,2010年,12万,负责人,已结项。
[12] 参与组织全国大城市《社会网络与求职过程》社会调查西安部分,2009年,15万,主要参与者,已结项。
[13] 国家社科基金资助课题《西部开发过程中水资源利用和保护的社会学研究》,主要参与者,立项号,03BSH035,2003年。已结项。
[1] The Chief Expert, A Research on Mechanism and Countermeasure for Achieving Fuller Employment and Create Better Quality Jobs, major specialized program of the 19th National Congress Communist Party of China of National Social Science Foundation (2018) , Project NO. 18VSJ094, ¥600,000.
[2] Principal Investigator, Reemployment and Occupational Mobility in the Context of Industrial Upgrading, sponsored by National Social Science Foundation. Project No. 12BSH072, ¥150,000. Item concluded.
[3] Principal Investigator, a Research on Dynamic Monitoring of Left-behind Children, sub-project of a Research on Dynamic Monitoring of Left-behind Children and Migrant Children, sponsored by National Social Science Foundation (Key Program). Project NO. 15AZD053, 2015-2019, ¥350,000. Item understudied.
[4] Principal Investigator, a Research on Harmonious Interaction of Social Stratification and Mobility, Sponsored by National Social Science Foundation (Key Program). Project NO. 11AZD022, ¥250,000. Item concluded.
[5] Principal Investigator, a Research on the Upgrade Path of Job Opportunities and Job Quality, Sponsored by Xi’an Jiaotong University, 2018-2019, ¥100,000. Item understudied.
[6] Co- Principal Investigator, a Research on Social Network Analysis Model Based on the Understanding of Multi-discipline, sponsored by National Social Science Foundation (Major Program). Project NO. 13&ZD177, ¥800,000. Item understudied.
[7] Principal Investigator, Social Capital and Social Mobility: a Comparison Study of China and UK, NSFC-ESRC International Cooperation Project. Project NO. , 2011-2012, ¥100,000. Item concluded.
[8] Principal Investigator, a Research on Labor Market Governance of Xi’an, sub-project of a research on Urban Community Governance from the Perspective of Anti-Poverty.¥200,000. Item concluded.
[9] Principal Investigator, Social Network, Social Capital and Status Attainment of Urban Residents, sponsored by Humanities and Social Sciences Fund of Xi’an Jiaotong University, 2009-2011, ¥10,000. Item concluded.
[10] Principal Investigator, Large scale social survey:Rural Harmonious Society Equal Development in Shaanxi Province, Xi’an Jiaotong University 211 Phase III, 2010, ¥80,000. Item concluded.
[11] Principal Investigator, the survey in Shaanxi Province, Social and Economic Changes in western China, IESSR Xi’an Jiaotong University. 2010, ¥120,000. Item conluded.
[12] Co-Principal Investigator , Co-organizer, the social survey in Xi’an, Social Network and Job Hunting Process in Major Cities of China, 2009, ¥150,000. Item concluded.
[13] Co-Principal Investigator, a Sociological Research on Water Use and Protection in Western Development. Project NO. 03BSH035, 2003. Item concluded.
[1] 张顺、程诚, 《市场化改革与社会网络资本收入效应》,《社会学研究》,2012年第1期。(社会学顶级期刊,CSSCI)
[2] 张顺、郝雨霏,《求职与收入获得的关系机制——理论模型与实证研究》, 《社会学研究》,2013年第5期。(社会学顶级期刊,CSSCI)
[3] 张顺、郭小弦,《社会网络资源及其收入效应研究——基于分位回归模型》, 《社会》,2011年第1期。(社会学权威期刊,CSSCI)
[4] 张顺、郭小弦,《求职过程的微观分析——结构特征模型》, 《社会》,2012年第3期。(社会学权威期刊,CSSCI)
[5] 张顺、祝毅,《城市居民代际职业流动性变迁及其阶层差异》,《中国人口科学》,2017年第3期(社会学、人口学权威期刊,CSSCI)
[6] 张顺、姚远,《代际资源对青少年身心健康的双重影响》,《中国社会科学内部文稿》,2018年第4期(社会科学综合性权威期刊)
[7] 张顺、梁芳,《城市居民网络精英关联度与主观阶层地位认同——基于JSNET 2014八城市数据的实证分析》,《吉林大学学报社会科学版》,2017年第5期。
[8] 张顺、程诚,《西部高校大学生求职难度影响因素实证分析》,《青年研究》,2009年第1期(CSSCI)
[9] 张顺、李爱红,《高能低酒规避:社会网络收入效应中介机制研究》,《西安交通大学学报》(社科版),2016年第6期。(CSSCI)
[10] 张顺、陈芳,《社会资本与城市居民社会经济地位认同》, 《西安交通大学学报》(社科版),2012年第3期。(CSSCI)
[11] Shun Zhang, Yixuan Wanga, Jieming Chen, Cheng Cheng. “Social Network:
An Emerging Income Distribution Mechanism In Transitional Urban China”. Journal of Administrative Sciences, Cilt / Volume: 16, Say? / N: 31, ss. / pp.: 85-109, 2018
[12] Li, Y. Zhang, S. Kong J.X. "Social mobility in China and Britain: a comparative study." International Review of Social Research 5, no. 1(2015) .
[13] 姚远、张顺,《持久的心灵烙印:留守时间如何影响青年早期的主观福祉》, 《青年研究》,2018年第3期。(CSSCI)。
[14] 姚远、张顺,《家庭地位、人际网络与青少年身心理健康》, 《青年研究》,2016年第5期。(CSSCI)。
[15] 郝雨霏、张顺,《劳动力就业市场化、人力资本与人职匹配》, 《人口与经济》,2016年第2期。(CSSCI)。
[16] 杨习超、姚远、张顺,《家庭社会地位对青少年教育期望影响研究——基于CEPS2014调查数据的实证分析》,《中国青年研究》,2016年第7期。
[20] 张顺、陈丁,《中国产业间就业弹性动态的实证研究》, 《统计与决策》, 2008年10期(CSSCI)
[21] 张顺、郝雨霏,《从社会网络到关系社会学》,《西安交通大学学报》(社科版),2010年第3期。(CSSCI)
[22] 陈丁、张顺,《中国地区失业率的邻居效应实证分析》,《人口与经济》,2011年第5期。(CSSCI)
[23] 陈丁,张顺,《中国地区失业率的邻居效应实证分析》,《中国经济问题》,2011年第5期。(CSSCI)
[24] 孔建勋、张顺,《社会资本与职业地位获得:云南跨界民族农民工的实证研究》,《云南社会科学》,2013年第3期。(CSSCI)
[25] 程诚、张顺,《社会资本与工资收入的户籍差异——基于改进后的Oaxaca-Blinder分解》《人口与经济》,2014年第6期。(CSSCI)
[26] 郭小弦、张顺,中国城市居民教育收益率变动趋势及其收入分配效应,复旦教育论坛,2014(5):52-56。(CSSCI)
[27] 郝雨霏、陈皆明,张顺,中国高校扩大招生规模对代际社会流动的影响,西北大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2014(2):122-128。(CSSCI)
[1] 边燕杰、张顺著,《社会网络与劳动力市场》,中国社会科学文献出版社,2017版。
[2] 王宏波、李胜生、张顺编著,《农民工生活访谈实录》,陕西人民出版社,2011版。
[3] 副主编:《关系社会学—理论与研究》,中国社会科学文献出版社,2011版。
[1] 2013年陕西省高校人文社会科学优秀成果二等奖,排名第一。
[2] 第十一届陕西省哲学社会科学优秀成果三等奖,排名第一。
[3] 2015年陕西省高校人文社会科学优秀成果三等奖,排名第一。
[4] 第十二届陕西省哲学社会科学优秀成果三等奖。排名第一。
[9] 2008年、2014年、2017年指导程诚、李爱红、李吉悦分别获得西安交通大学优秀本科毕业论文。
l Selected Articles
[1] Zhang Shun, Cheng Cheng. Market Reforms and the Income Effects of Social Network Capital, Sociological Studies, 2012(1). (Top journal of sociology, CSSCI)
[2] Zhang Shun, Hao Yufei. Guanxi Mechanisms in Income Attainment and Job Search: Theoretical models and empirical evidence, Sociological Studies, 2013(5), (Top journal of sociology, CSSCI)
[3] Zhang Shun, Guo Xiaoxian. A Study on Social Network Resources and Their Effects on Income: Based on the Quantile Regression Model, Chinese Journal of Sociology, 2011(1). (Top journal of sociology, CSSCI)
[4] Zhang Shun, Guo Xiaoxian. A Micro Analysis of the Job Search Process: A Structural Property Model, Chinese Journal of Sociology, 2012(3). (Top journal of sociology, CSSCI)
[5] Zhang Shun, Zhu Yi. Intergenerational career mobility change and stratum differences of Urban Residents ,Chinese Journal of Population Science,2017(3). (Authoritative journal of demography and sociology)
[6] Zhang Shun, Yao Yuan. The Double Influence of Intergenerational Resources on Youth's physical and mental health. Internal Manuscript of Social Sciences in China, 2018(4).( Authoritative journal of social science)
[7] Zhang Shun, Liang Fang. Elite Alters and Urbanites’ Class Identification: An Empirical Analysis of JSNET 2014. Jilin University Journal Social Sciences Edition,2017(5) (CSSCI)
[8] Zhang Shun, Cheng Cheng. An Empirical Study on Factors Causing the Difficulty of Job-seeking among Undergraduates in Western China: a Comparative Study among Social Capital, Human Capital, Material Capital and Their interactive Effect, Youth Studies, 2017(5). (CSSCI)
[9] Zhang Shun, Li Aihong. Avoiding Higher Ability Candidates down to Lower Positions: Research on Mediation Mechanism for the Effect of Social Networks on Income. Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University (Social Sciences), 2016(6).(CSSCI) [10] Zhang Shun, Chen Fang. Social Capital and Social-Economic Identity among Urban Residengs, Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University (Social Sciences), 2012(3).
[11] Shun Zhang, Yixuan Wanga, Jieming Chen, Cheng Cheng. “Social Network: (CSSCI)An Emerging Income Distribution Mechanism In Transitional Urban China”. Journal of Administrative Sciences, Cilt / Volume: 16, Say? / N: 31, ss. / pp.: 85-109, 2018
[12] Li, Y. Zhang, S. Kong J.X. "Social mobility in China and Britain: a comparative study." International Review of Social Research 5, no. 1(2015) .
[13] Yao Yuan, Zhang Shun. The Last “Soul Imprint”: How the Left-behind Duration Influence the Youth’s Early Subjective Well-being, Youth Studies, 2018(3). (CSSCI)
[14] Yao Yuan, Zhang Shun, Family Status, Interpersonal Network and Adolescent’s Mental Health, Youth Studies, 2016(5). (CSSCI)
[15] Hao Yufei, Zhang Shun. Employment Marketization, Human Capital and Job-worker Matching, Population & Economics, 2016(2). (CSSCI)
[16] Yang Xichao, Yao Yuan, Zhang Shun, A Study on the Influence of Family Social Status on Youth Educational Expectation: An Empirical Analysis Based on CEPS2014, China Youth Study, 2016(7).
[17] Chen Ding, Zhang Shun. The Empirical Study on the Neighborhood Effect of the Provincial Economic Growth in China: an Expanded Economic Growth Model, Economic Science, 2008(5).
[18] Chen Ding, Zhang Shun. Inverse U Relationship between Wage Dispersion and Firm Performance: Theoretical Study and Empirical Explore, Nankai Economic Studies, 2010(5). (CSSCI)
[19] Zhang Shun, Family, Regional Risk and Rural Labor Mobility, Statistics and Decision. 2007(1). (CSSCI)
[20] Zhang Shun, Chen Ding,A Research on the Dynamic Relationship between Employment Elasticity in China's Industries, Statistics and Decision, 2008(10)
[21] Zhang Shun, Hao Yufei, From Social Network, Social Capital to Relationship Sociology, Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University (Social Sciences), 2010(3). (CSSCI)
[22] Chen Ding, Zhang Shun. The Empirical Study of the Neighborhood Effect on China’s Regional Unemployment Rate, Population & Economics, 2011(5). (CSSCI)
[23] Kong Jianxun, Zhang Shun. Social Capital and Attainment of Occupational Status: Based on the Empirical Study on Ethnic Migrant Workers in Yunnan Province, Social Science in Yunnan, 2013(3). (CSSCI)
[24] Cheng Cheng, Zhang Shun. The Social Capital and Wage Income Differentials between Urban Workers and Rural Migrants: Based on Improved Oaxaca-Blinder Decompoiton, Population & Economics,2014(6). (CSSCI)
[25] Guo Xiaoxian, Zhang Shun. The Long-term Trend in Rates of Return to Education and Its Effect on Income Distribution in Urban China: An Analysis Based on Quantile Regression Model, Fudan Education Forum, 2014(5). (CSSCI)
[26] Hao Yufei, Chen Jieming, Zhang Shun. The Effect of Enrollment Expansion in Colleges and Universities on Social Mobility in China, Journal of Northwest University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition), 2014(2). (CSSCI)
l Books & Edited Volumes
[1] Bian Yanjie, Zhang Shun. Social Networks and Labor Market 2017 Edition, Beijing: Social Science Academic Press (China).
[2] Wang Hongbo, Li shengshegn, Zhang Shun, Interview with Migrant Workers 2011 Editon, Xi’an: Shaanxi People Publishing House.
[3] Zhang Shun, Associate Editor, Relationship Sociology: Theory and Research 2011 Edition. Beijing: Social Science Academic Press (China).
[4] Zhang Shun, Hao Yufei. Rural Labor Mobility, Western China Report 2013 Edition. Beijing: China Social Science Press.

l Awards
[1] The Second Prize of outstanding achievement award of Humanities and Social Sciences of Shaanxi Colleges and Universities. Ranked the First.
[2] The Third Prize of the eleventh outstanding achievement award of philosophy and social sciences of Shaanxi Province, Ranked the first, 2013.
[3] The Third Prize of outstanding achievement award of Humanities and Social Sciences of Shaanxi Colleges and Universities, Ranked the First.
[4] The Third Prize of the twelfth outstanding achievement award of philosophy and social sciences of Shaanxi Province, ranked the first, 2015.
[5] The First Prize of the tenth teaching achievement award of Xi’an Jiaotong University, ranked the forth, 2009.
[6] The outstanding teaching achievement award of Ministry of Education Sociology Education Committee, ranked the second, 2016.
[7] The Second Prize of outstanding teaching achievement award of Xi’an Jiaotong University, ranked the Second, 2017.
[8] Supervisor of Cheng Cheng, Li Aihong and Li Jiyue who were named as Excellent undergraduate thesis in 2008, 2014 and 2017.

个人主页: Email Address: szhang@xjtu.edu.cn
联系地址:西安市咸宁西路28号西安交通大学人文学院、西安交通大学实证社会科学研究所 No.28, Xianning West Road, Xi'an, Shaanxi, 710049 IESSR, Schoo

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    陈学凯研究领域(方向)陈学凯教授的主要研究领域和研究专长为中国思想史、中国哲学史、中国古典军事学、中国传统文化与中国古典戏曲等。(一)中国古代哲学史的研究道统思想和儒家学说是陈学凯教授的重要研究领域,并且已经围绕这一领域开展了30多年的学术探索。所著《正统论与革命观——中国传统政治文化的调节机制》一 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-26
  • 西安交通大学马克思主义学院导师教师师资介绍简介-陈建兵
    陈建兵研究领域(方向)马克思主义产权理论与当代中国产权制度改革、马克思主义政治学与当代中国政治体制改革个人及工作简历2003.6—2005.6西安交通大学人文社会科学学院,助教;2005.7—2010.12西安交通大学人文社会科学学院,讲师;2006.5—2007.4借调中央纪委驻教育部纪检组、监察 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-26
  • 西安交通大学马克思主义学院导师教师师资介绍简介-樊晓燕
    樊晓燕研究领域(方向)理论经济学,马克思主义经济理论、农村人口城市化。个人及工作简历1993.9-1997.7西安交通大学人文学院工商行政管理专业本科1997.9-2000.3西安交通大学人文学院马克思主义理论专业硕士2000.3-2004.12齐鲁工业大学工商管理学院教师2005.3-2010.3 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-26
  • 西安交通大学马克思主义学院导师教师师资介绍简介-杜晓燕
    杜晓燕研究领域(方向)国家治理与廉政建设,国家治理与社会建设。个人及工作简历2000.9-2004.7西北农林科技大学经管学院农林经济管理专业学士2004.9-2006.12西安交通大学公管学院公共管理专业硕士2007.3-2010.9西安交通大学人文学院马克思主义理论博士2008.9-2009.9 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-26