姓 名:牟健
职 位:讲师
办公电话:158 2935 5516
办公地点:信远楼经济与管理学院 306
牟健博士的主要研究方向为:互联网用户行为研究,电子商务,人机交互,在线信任,感知风险,以及信息系统和信息管理相关的研究。其研究方法包括:结构方程模型,Meta-analysis, 实验研究,以及眼动仪实验等。
牟健现为西安电子科技大学讲师,物流工程专业硕士生导师。牟健于2011年毕业于韩国釜山国立大学,获得硕士学位,2015年毕业于南非金山大学获得信息系统博士学位。毕业后随即在韩国成均馆大学交互科学系从事博士后科研工作,参与韩国BK21 plus科研项目,并受聘为成均馆大学商学院兼任教授。牟健于2017年9月到12月为伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校的访问****。其主要科研领域为互联网用户行为研究,电子商务研究,人机互换行为研究,以及信息系统和信息管理相关的研究。牟健曾就职于跨境电商企业敦煌网,任资深用户研究工程师。牟健在韩国留学期间曾获得韩国BK21奖学金,外国留学生奖学金,A级助教奖学金等。在南非留学期间曾获得过南非金山大学博士生奖学金,经济与管理学院外国人奖学金,学校国际会议参会奖学金,南非NRF政府奖学金等多项。
牟健博士为SSCI 期刊Electronic Commerce Research 编辑,其科研成果已经发表到信息系统领域,电子商务领域和人机交互领域的多个学术会议和国际学术期刊中,共计16篇SSCI/SCI检索期刊。其中包括:Electronic Commerce Research, Information Processing and Management, Computers in Human Behavior, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, IT and People, Behaviour and Information Technology, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, Information Development, International Journal of Mobile Communications, Aslib Journal of Information Management, The Electronic Library, Journal of Global Information Management, South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences, Information Technology and Tourism, Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems,以及 International Conference on Information Systems (2013, 2014, 2017, 2018), European Conference on Information Systems, Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Australasian Conference on Information Systems, International Conference on Information Resources Management, China Summer Workshop on Information Management, and International Conference on Electronic Commerce公开答辩发表过。
Review condiator for PACIS 2019
Associate editor of Electronic Commerce Research
Program chair of International Conference on Electronic Commerce 2019
Associate editor of European Conference on Information Systems 2018
Track co-chair of Wuhan International Conference on Electronic Business 2018
Track chair of International Conference on Electronic Commerce 2018
Section chair of International Conference on Electronic Business 2018
Guest editor of special issue in Electronic Commerce Research
Guest editor of special issue for Sharing Economy Enabled Digital Platform for Development in Information Technology for Development
Guest editor of special issue for e-commerce in Asia-Pacific in Electronic Commerce Research
Peer review for Information and Management
Peer review for the Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication.
Peer review for the Internet Research
Peer review for the International Journal of Medical Informatics
Peer review for the Information Technology & People
Peer review for the International Journal of Intercultural Relations
Peer review for the Computers in Human Behavior
Peer review for theTelematics and Informatics
Peer review for the International Journal of Mobile Communicatons
Peer review for the Electronic Commerce Research and Applications
Peer review for the Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research
Peer review for the South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences
Peer review for theInternational conference on Information Systems (ICIS)
Peer review for the Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS)
Peer review for the EuropeanConference on Information Systems (ECIS)
Peer review for the AOM Annual Meeting, Organizational Communication & Information Systems (OCIS)
Peer review for the Pacific AsiaConference on Information Systems (PACIS)
Peer review for the International Conference on Information Resources Management (Conf-IRM)
1. 2017年12月份 韩国成均馆大学
2. 2018年12月份 江西财经大学
3. 2018年12月份 青岛理工大学
姓 名:牟健
职 位:讲师
办公电话:158 2935 5516
办公地点:信远楼经济与管理学院 306
牟健博士的主要研究方向为:互联网用户行为研究,电子商务,人机交互,在线信任,感知风险,以及信息系统和信息管理相关的研究。其研究方法包括:结构方程模型,Meta-analysis, 实验研究,以及眼动仪实验等。
牟健现为西安电子科技大学讲师,物流工程专业硕士生导师。牟健于2011年毕业于韩国釜山国立大学,获得硕士学位,2015年毕业于南非金山大学获得信息系统博士学位。毕业后随即在韩国成均馆大学交互科学系从事博士后科研工作,参与韩国BK21 plus科研项目,并受聘为成均馆大学商学院兼任教授。牟健于2017年9月到12月为伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校的访问****。其主要科研领域为互联网用户行为研究,电子商务研究,人机互换行为研究,以及信息系统和信息管理相关的研究。牟健曾就职于跨境电商企业敦煌网,任资深用户研究工程师。牟健在韩国留学期间曾获得韩国BK21奖学金,外国留学生奖学金,A级助教奖学金等。在南非留学期间曾获得过南非金山大学博士生奖学金,经济与管理学院外国人奖学金,学校国际会议参会奖学金,南非NRF政府奖学金等多项。
牟健博士为SSCI 期刊Electronic Commerce Research 编辑,其科研成果已经发表到信息系统领域,电子商务领域和人机交互领域的多个学术会议和国际学术期刊中,共计16篇SSCI/SCI检索期刊。其中包括:Electronic Commerce Research, Information Processing and Management, Computers in Human Behavior, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, IT and People, Behaviour and Information Technology, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, Information Development, International Journal of Mobile Communications, Aslib Journal of Information Management, The Electronic Library, Journal of Global Information Management, South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences, Information Technology and Tourism, Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems,以及 International Conference on Information Systems (2013, 2014, 2017, 2018), European Conference on Information Systems, Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Australasian Conference on Information Systems, International Conference on Information Resources Management, China Summer Workshop on Information Management, and International Conference on Electronic Commerce公开答辩发表过。
Review condiator for PACIS 2019
Associate editor of Electronic Commerce Research
Program chair of International Conference on Electronic Commerce 2019
Associate editor of European Conference on Information Systems 2018
Track co-chair of Wuhan International Conference on Electronic Business 2018
Track chair of International Conference on Electronic Commerce 2018
Section chair of International Conference on Electronic Business 2018
Guest editor of special issue in Electronic Commerce Research
Guest editor of special issue for Sharing Economy Enabled Digital Platform for Development in Information Technology for Development
Guest editor of special issue for e-commerce in Asia-Pacific in Electronic Commerce Research
Peer review for Information and Management
Peer review for the Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication.
Peer review for the Internet Research
Peer review for the International Journal of Medical Informatics
Peer review for the Information Technology & People
Peer review for the International Journal of Intercultural Relations
Peer review for the Computers in Human Behavior
Peer review for theTelematics and Informatics
Peer review for the International Journal of Mobile Communicatons
Peer review for the Electronic Commerce Research and Applications
Peer review for the Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research
Peer review for the South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences
Peer review for theInternational conference on Information Systems (ICIS)
Peer review for the Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS)
Peer review for the EuropeanConference on Information Systems (ECIS)
Peer review for the AOM Annual Meeting, Organizational Communication & Information Systems (OCIS)
Peer review for the Pacific AsiaConference on Information Systems (PACIS)
Peer review for the International Conference on Information Resources Management (Conf-IRM)
1. 2017年12月份 韩国成均馆大学
2. 2018年12月份 江西财经大学
3. 2018年12月份 青岛理工大学
1 Mou, J., Ren, G., Qin, C.X., and Kurcz, K. 2019. “Understanding of Cross-Border E-Commerce Consumer Feedbacks: An LDA Approach,”forthcoming in Electronic Commerce Reserch. (SSCI)
2Huang, L.J.,Mou, J.*, See-To E., and Kim, J.K. 2019. “Consumer Perceived Value Preferences for Mobile Marketing in China: A Mixed Method Approach,”forthcoming inJournal of Retailing and Consumer Services. (SSCI)
3Qin, C.X., Liu, Y.X.,Mou, J.*, and Chen, J.P. 2019. “User adoption of a hybrid social tagging approach in an online knowledge community,”forthcoming in Aslib Journal of Information Management. (SSCI)
4Westland, J.C.,Mou, J*.and Yin, D.F. 2019. “Demand Cycles and Market Segmentation in Bicycle Sharing,”forthcoming in Information Processing and Management.(SSCI)https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ipm.2018.09.006
5Huang, L.J.,Mou, J.*, Koong, K., and Du, Y.P. 2019. “An Investigation of Perceived Value Dimensions: Implications for Mobile Marketing Research,”forthcoming in International Journal of Mobile Communications.(SSCI)
6Mou, J., Cui, Y., and Kurcz, K. 2019. “Trust, risk and alternative website quality in B-buyer acceptance of cross-border e-commerce”, forthcoming inJournal of Global Information Management. (SSCI)
7Cui, Y.,Mou, J.*, Cohen, J., and Liu, Y.P. 2019. “Understanding Information System Success Model and Valence Framework in Sellers’ Acceptance of Cross-border E-commerce: A Sequential Multi-Method Approach,”forthcoming in Electronic Commerce Reserch. (SSCI)https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10660-019-09331-0
8Cui, Y.,Mou, J*. and Liu, Y.P. 2018. “Knowledge Mapping of Social Commerce Research: A Visual Analysis Using Citespace,” Electronic Commerce Research, 18(4): 837-868. (SSCI).
9Mou, J.and Shin, D.H. 2018. “The Effects of Social Popularity and Time Scacrcity in Online Consumer Behaviors of Smart Healthcare Products: An Eye-Tracking Approach”, Computers in Human Behavior, 78: 74-89. (SSCI)
10Qin, C., Zhao, P.W.,Mou, J.and Zhang, J. 2018. "Construction of Personal Knowledge Maps for A Peer-to-Peer Information-Sharing Environment", The Electronic Library, 36(3): 394-413. (SSCI)
11Cui, Y., Liu, Y.P. andMou, J.*2018. “Bibliometric Analysis of Organizational Culture Using CiteSpace”, South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences,21(1): a2030.(SSCI)
12Mou, J., Shin, D.H. and Cohen, J.F. 2017. “Understanding Trust and Perceived Usefulness in the Consumer Acceptance of an E-Service: A Longitudinal Investigation”, Behaviour & Information Technology,36(2): 125-139. (SSCI)
13Mou, J. and Cohen, J.F. 2017. “Trust and Online Consumer Health Service Success: A Longitudinal Study”, Information Development,32(2): 169-189. (SSCI)
14Huang, D., Li, Z.Y.,Mou, J*. and Liu, X.Y. 2017. “Effects of Flow on Young Chinese Consumers' Purchase Intention: A Study of E-servicescape in Hotel Booking Context”, Information Technology & Tourism,17(2): 203-288.(SCOPUS)
15 Mou, J., Shin, D.H.and Cohen, J.F.2017. “Tracing College Students’ Acceptance of Online Health Services”, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction,33(5): 371-384. (SSCI)
16Mou, J., Shin, D.H. and Cohen, J.F. 2017. “Trust and Risk in Consumer Acceptance of E-Services”,Electronic Commerce Research,17: 255-288.(SSCI)
17Mou, J., Shin, D.H. and Cohen, J.F. 2016. “Health Beliefs and The ValenceFramework In Health InformationSeeking Behaviors”, IT & People, 29(4): 876-900. (SSCI)
18Mou, J., and Cohen, J.F. 2015. “Understanding the Antecedents of Trust in Electronic-Service Providers: Results from a Meta-Analysis”, Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 7(1): 1-30.
1 Westland, J.C., Mou, J. and Yin, D.F. 2019. “Demand Cycles in Bicycle Sharing,” the Winter Conference on Business Analytics.
2Mou, J.,and Cohen, J.F. 2018. "Illustrating the Use of Cross-Lagged Structural Equation Modelling to Examine Causal Ordering: An Example Using Trust and Risk in Online Health Services,"in the 39thInternational conference on Information Systems (ICIS).
3Cui, Y.,Mou, J.*, Liu, Y.P., and Kurcz, K. 2018. “Understanding Cross-border M-commerce Acceptance: An Integration of Commitment-trust Theory and Trust Transfer Theory,” in the 39thInternational conference on Information Systems (ICIS).
4Westland, J.C.,Mou, J. and Yin, D.F. 2018. “Neural Network Prediction of Demand Cycles for Bicycle Sharing and Load Balancing,” in workshop ofSIGAIAA.
5Westland, J.C.,Mou, J. and Yin, D.F. 2018. “Convolutional Neural Network Deep-Learning Models for Prediction of Shared Bicycle Demand,” International Conference on Applications and Techniques in Cyber Security and Intelligence ATCI, pp 3-9.
6Li, Y., Qin, C.X.,Mou, J., and Lv, X.J. 2018. “Kansei-engineering-based Method for Improvement of Cross-border E-commerce Service: From the Perspective of Customers’ Emotional Perceptions,” in the 18thInternational Conference on Electronic Business (ICEB)
7Cui, Y.,Mou, J.*, Cohen, J., and Liu, Y.P., Kurcz, K. 2018. “Understanding Psychological Distance Theory and Commitment-trust Theory in the Acceptance of Cross-border M-commerce,”in the 20th InternationalConference on Electronic Commerce(ICEC)[Best Paper Award].
8Lv, X.J., Qin, C.X.,Mou, J.*, Li, Y. and Liu, Y.X. 2018. “Applying Kansei Engineering to Design Cross-border E-commerce Service: Based on Customer Feedback,”in the 20th InternationalConference on Electronic Commerce(ICEC).
9Westland, J.C.,Mou, J. and Yin, D.F. 2018. “Convolutional Neural Network Deep-Learning Models for Prediction of Shared Bicycle Demand,”in the 12thChina Summer Workshop on Information Management(CSWIM).
10Liu, Y.X, Qin, C.X.,Mou, J., and Zhao, P. 2018. "User Perspectives on Adoption of a Hybrid Tagging System: A Case of Topic Structure of Zhihu Knowledge Community,"in Proceedings of the 11thInternational Conference on Information Resources Management(Conf-IRM).
11 Mou, J., Ren, G., Qin, C.X., and Kurcz, K. 2018. “An Exploration of Cross-Border E-Commerce Consumer Feedbacks: An LDA Approach,”in proceedings of the Seventeenth Wuhan International Conference on E-business (WHICEB).
12Ju, M.H., andMou, J.* 2018. “Privacy as a Commodity Is Not the Case: Privacy Calculus Model for Connected Cars,”in proceedings of the Seventeenth Wuhan International Conference on E-business(WHICEB).
13 Cui, Y., Mou, J.*, Cohen, J., and Liu, Y.P. 2018. “Sellers’ Perspectives on the Adoption of Cross-Border E-Commerce Platforms in China,”in proceedings of the Seventeenth Wuhan International Conference on E-business(WHICEB).
14Mou, J., Cohen, J., and Kim, J.K. 2017. “A Meta-Analytic Structural Equation Modeling Test of Protection Motivation Theory in Information Security Literature,”in proceedingsof the38thInternationalConference on Information Systems(ICIS).
15Mou, J., Cohen, J., Dou, Y., and Zhang, B. 2017. “Predicting Buyers’ Repurchase Intentions in Cross-Border E-Commerce: A Valence Framework Perspective,”in proceedings of the25th European Conference on Information Sytems(ECIS).
16Cui, Y.,Mou, J.*, and Liu, Y.P. 2017. “Bibliometric and Visualized Analysis of Research On E-Commerce Journals,”in proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Electronic Commerce(ICEC).
17Mou, J., and Cohen, J.F. 2014.“Trust, Risk Barriers and Health Beliefs in Consumer Acceptance of Online Health Services,”in Proceedings of the35thInternationalConference on Information Systems(ICIS).
18Mou, J., and Cohen, J.F. 2014.“Trust, Risk and Perceived Usefulness in Consumer Acceptance of Online Health Services,”inProceedings of the25thAustralasianConference on Information Systems(ACIS).
19Mou, J., and Cohen, J.F. 2014.“Trust in Electronic-Service Providers: A Meta-Analysis of Antecedents,”in Proceedings of the18thPacific AsiaConference on Information Systems(PACIS).
20Mou, J., and Cohen, J.F. 2014.“A Longitudinal Study ofTrust and Perceived Usefulness in Consumer Acceptance of an E-Service: The Case of Online Health Services,”in Proceedings of the18thPacific AsiaConference on Information Systems(PACIS).
21Cohen, J.F.,Mou, J., and Trope, J. 2014.“Adoption of Cloud Computing by South African Firms: The Role of Institutional Forces, Absorptive Capacity, and Top Management” inProceedings of the South African Institue for Computer Scienctists and Information Technologists. [Best Paper Award].
22Mou, J.,and Cohen, J.F. 2013. "Trust and Risk in Consumer Acceptance of e-Services: A Meta-Analysis and a Test of Competing Models,"in Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Information Systems(ICIS), Milan.
2014年获得South African Institute for Computer Scientists and Information Technologist会议优秀论文奖
Name:Jian Mou
Title: Assistant Professor
Department: Information Management and Information Systems
Contact Information
Address: 266 Xionglong Section of Xifeng Road, Xi'an, Shannxi, China, 710126
Email: jian.mou@xidian.edu.cn
Tel: 158 2935 5516
Post-graduate Supervision
I am going to supervise 4 international students each year. If you are interested in electronic Commerce, mobile commerce, information systems, online marketing, e-healthcare, smart tourism, informaiton management as well as big data, please feel free to contact me by email. You should have a good English writing and speaking skill.
1 Mou, J., Ren, G., Qin, C.X., and Kurcz, K. 2019. “Understanding of Cross-Border E-Commerce Consumer Feedbacks: An LDA Approach,” forthcoming in Electronic Commerce Reserch. (SSCI)
2 Huang, L.J., Mou, J.*, See-To E., and Kim, J.K. 2019. “Consumer Perceived Value Preferences for Mobile Marketing in China: A Mixed Method Approach,” forthcoming in Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. (SSCI)
3 Qin, C.X., Liu, Y.X., Mou, J.*, and Chen, J.P. 2019. “User adoption of a hybrid social tagging approach in an online knowledge community,” forthcoming in Aslib Journal of Information Management. (SSCI)
4 Westland, J.C., Mou, J*. and Yin, D.F. 2019. “Demand Cycles and Market Segmentation in Bicycle Sharing,” forthcoming in Information Processing and Management. (SSCI) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ipm.2018.09.006
5 Huang, L.J., Mou, J.*, Koong, K., and Du, Y.P. 2019. “An Investigation of Perceived Value Dimensions: Implications for Mobile Marketing Research,” forthcoming in International Journal of Mobile Communications. (SSCI)
6 Mou, J., Cui, Y., and Kurcz, K. 2019. “Trust, risk and alternative website quality in B-buyer acceptance of cross-border e-commerce”, forthcoming in Journal of Global Information Management. (SSCI)
7 Cui, Y., Mou, J.*, Cohen, J., and Liu, Y.P. 2019. “Understanding Information System Success Model and Valence Framework in Sellers’ Acceptance of Cross-border E-commerce: A Sequential Multi-Method Approach,” forthcoming in Electronic Commerce Reserch. (SSCI) https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10660-019-09331-0
8 Cui, Y., Mou, J*. and Liu, Y.P. 2018. “Knowledge Mapping of Social Commerce Research: A Visual Analysis Using Citespace,” Electronic Commerce Research, 18(4): 837-868. (SSCI).
9 Mou, J. and Shin, D.H. 2018. “The Effects of Social Popularity and Time Scacrcity in Online Consumer Behaviors of Smart Healthcare Products: An Eye-Tracking Approach”, Computers in Human Behavior, 78: 74-89. (SSCI)
10 Qin, C., Zhao, P.W., Mou, J. and Zhang, J. 2018. "Construction of Personal Knowledge Maps for A Peer-to-Peer Information-Sharing Environment", The Electronic Library, 36(3): 394-413. (SSCI)
11 Cui, Y., Liu, Y.P. and Mou, J.* 2018. “Bibliometric Analysis of Organizational Culture Using CiteSpace”, South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences, 21(1): a2030.(SSCI)
12 Mou, J., Shin, D.H. and Cohen, J.F. 2017. “Understanding Trust and Perceived Usefulness in the Consumer Acceptance of an E-Service: A Longitudinal Investigation”, Behaviour & Information Technology, 36(2): 125-139. (SSCI)
13 Mou, J. and Cohen, J.F. 2017. “Trust and Online Consumer Health Service Success: A Longitudinal Study”, Information Development,32(2): 169-189. (SSCI)
14 Huang, D., Li, Z.Y., Mou, J*. and Liu, X.Y. 2017. “Effects of Flow on Young Chinese Consumers' Purchase Intention: A Study of E-servicescape in Hotel Booking Context”, Information Technology & Tourism, 17(2): 203-288. (SCOPUS)
15 Mou, J., Shin, D.H. and Cohen, J.F. 2017. “Tracing College Students’ Acceptance of Online Health Services”, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 33(5): 371-384. (SSCI)
16 Mou, J., Shin, D.H. and Cohen, J.F. 2017. “Trust and Risk in Consumer Acceptance of E-Services”, Electronic Commerce Research, 17: 255-288.(SSCI)
17 Mou, J., Shin, D.H. and Cohen, J.F. 2016. “Health Beliefs and The Valence Framework In Health Information Seeking Behaviors”, IT & People, 29(4): 876-900. (SSCI)
18 Mou, J., and Cohen, J.F. 2015. “Understanding the Antecedents of Trust in Electronic-Service Providers: Results from a Meta-Analysis”, Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 7(1): 1-30.
1 Westland, J.C., Mou, J. and Yin, D.F. 2019. “Demand Cycles in Bicycle Sharing,” the Winter Conference on Business Analytics.
2 Mou, J., and Cohen, J.F. 2018. "Illustrating the Use of Cross-Lagged Structural Equation Modelling to Examine Causal Ordering: An Example Using Trust and Risk in Online Health Services," in the 39th International conference on Information Systems (ICIS).
3 Cui, Y., Mou, J.*, Liu, Y.P., and Kurcz, K. 2018. “Understanding Cross-border M-commerce Acceptance: An Integration of Commitment-trust Theory and Trust Transfer Theory,” in the 39th International conference on Information Systems (ICIS).
4 Westland, J.C., Mou, J. and Yin, D.F. 2018. “Neural Network Prediction of Demand Cycles for Bicycle Sharing and Load Balancing,” in workshop of SIGAIAA.
5 Westland, J.C., Mou, J. and Yin, D.F. 2018. “Convolutional Neural Network Deep-Learning Models for Prediction of Shared Bicycle Demand,” International Conference on Applications and Techniques in Cyber Security and Intelligence ATCI, pp 3-9.
6 Li, Y., Qin, C.X., Mou, J., and Lv, X.J. 2018. “Kansei-engineering-based Method for Improvement of Cross-border E-commerce Service: From the Perspective of Customers’ Emotional Perceptions,” in the 18th International Conference on Electronic Business (ICEB)
7 Cui, Y., Mou, J.*, Cohen, J., and Liu, Y.P., Kurcz, K. 2018. “Understanding Psychological Distance Theory and Commitment-trust Theory in the Acceptance of Cross-border M-commerce,” in the 20th International Conference on Electronic Commerce (ICEC) [Best Paper Award].
8 Lv, X.J., Qin, C.X., Mou, J.*, Li, Y. and Liu, Y.X. 2018. “Applying Kansei Engineering to Design Cross-border E-commerce Service: Based on Customer Feedback,” in the 20th International Conference on Electronic Commerce (ICEC).
9 Westland, J.C., Mou, J. and Yin, D.F. 2018. “Convolutional Neural Network Deep-Learning Models for Prediction of Shared Bicycle Demand,” in the 12th China Summer Workshop on Information Management (CSWIM).
10 Liu, Y.X, Qin, C.X.,Mou, J., and Zhao, P. 2018. "User Perspectives on Adoption of a Hybrid Tagging System: A Case of Topic Structure of Zhihu Knowledge Community,"in Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Information Resources Management (Conf-IRM).
11 Mou, J., Ren, G., Qin, C.X., and Kurcz, K. 2018. “An Exploration of Cross-Border E-Commerce Consumer Feedbacks: An LDA Approach,” in proceedings of the Seventeenth Wuhan International Conference on E-business (WHICEB).
12 Ju, M.H., and Mou, J.* 2018. “Privacy as a Commodity Is Not the Case: Privacy Calculus Model for Connected Cars,” in proceedings of the Seventeenth Wuhan International Conference on E-business (WHICEB).
13 Cui, Y., Mou, J.*, Cohen, J., and Liu, Y.P. 2018. “Sellers’ Perspectives on the Adoption of Cross-Border E-Commerce Platforms in China,” in proceedings of the Seventeenth Wuhan International Conference on E-business (WHICEB).
14 Mou, J., Cohen, J., and Kim, J.K. 2017. “A Meta-Analytic Structural Equation Modeling Test of Protection Motivation Theory in Information Security Literature,” in proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS).
15 Mou, J., Cohen, J., Dou, Y., and Zhang, B. 2017. “Predicting Buyers’ Repurchase Intentions in Cross-Border E-Commerce: A Valence Framework Perspective,” in proceedings of the 25th European Conference on Information Sytems (ECIS).
16 Cui, Y., Mou, J.*, and Liu, Y.P. 2017. “Bibliometric and Visualized Analysis of Research On E-Commerce Journals,” in proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Electronic Commerce (ICEC).
17 Mou, J., and Cohen, J.F. 2014. “Trust, Risk Barriers and Health Beliefs in Consumer Acceptance of Online Health Services,” in Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS).
18 Mou, J., and Cohen, J.F. 2014. “Trust, Risk and Perceived Usefulness in Consumer Acceptance of Online Health Services,” in Proceedings of the 25th Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS).
19 Mou, J., and Cohen, J.F. 2014. “Trust in Electronic-Service Providers: A Meta-Analysis of Antecedents,” in Proceedings of the 18th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS).
20 Mou, J., and Cohen, J.F. 2014. “A Longitudinal Study of Trust and Perceived Usefulness in Consumer Acceptance of an E-Service: The Case of Online Health Services,” in Proceedings of the 18th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS).
21 Cohen, J.F., Mou, J., and Trope, J. 2014. “Adoption of Cloud Computing by South African Firms: The Role of Institutional Forces, Absorptive Capacity, and Top Management” in Proceedings of the South African Institue for Computer Scienctists and Information Technologists. [Best Paper Award].
22 Mou, J., and Cohen, J.F. 2013. "Trust and Risk in Consumer Acceptance of e-Services: A Meta-Analysis and a Test of Competing Models," in Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Milan.
2018-2019 the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities ¥50,000
2017USA visiting scholar grant ¥50,000
2017-2018 the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities ¥60,000
2014KIC Scientific Travel Grants(NRF)(Round 2)R30,000
2014school travel grantR20,000
2014 travel grant from Professor Jason Cohen R26,000
2014 post graduate merit award Wits University R 29,930
2013 travel grant from Professor Jason Cohen R35,000
2013 travel grantWits University R9,000
2013 school bursary Wits University R20,000
2013 JC Carstens Funding Wits University R 8,138
2011 school scholarship Pusan National University
2010 school scholarship Pusan National University
2010 BK21 research founding
2009 school scholarship Pusan National University
2009 BK21 research founding
2014, South African Institue for Computer Scienctists and Information Technologists(SAICSIT), best paper award.
Currently, there are serveral master degree students and a Ph.D student are working closer with me. Hopefully you also join us!
Online Marketing
Informaiton System Research Method
I am happy to share my research idea and topic to all the students and acamedic staffs. If you have any idea for a research topic, plase contact me at any time.