

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-08

吴振森 教授


教授,男,出生于1946年11月,湖北沙市人,汉族,中国民主促进会成员。1969年7月毕业于西安交通大学数理系,1981年武汉大学空间物理系研究生毕业,获理学硕士学位。现为西安电子科技大学教授,无线电物理学科和光学学科带头人 、博士生导师。无线电物理 、光学和等离子体物理三门学科的硕士生指导教师,近二十年已培养了几十名博士生和硕士生。
吴振森教授享受国家政府特殊津贴,陕西省有突出贡献专家。兼任总装备部目标特性及环境特性专业组成员,中国电子学会会士,电波传播分会副主任委员,中国计量测试学会高级会员与理事,教育部 物理基础课程教学指导分委员会委员,IEEE高级会员。陕西省政府参事,陕西省第九届政协委员,西安市雁塔区第八届政协副主席。 并被授予电子工业部优秀教师(1997)、陕西省有突出贡献专家(1999)、全国模范教师称号(2004)。


十年树木,百年树人。 教育是生命与生命的对话,我愿用无私、公允、平等的爱来实践这一信念。尊重学生良好的个性,引导学会思考、提出问题,培养学生创造性思维与综合能力,增强学生承受挫折心理素质,给予学生尽量多锻炼和对机遇的把握,让学生享受解决问题的成就感。

吴振森 教授


教授,男,出生于1946年11月,湖北沙市人,汉族,中国民主促进会成员。1969年7月毕业于西安交通大学数理系,1981年武汉大学空间物理系研究生毕业,获理学硕士学位。现为西安电子科技大学教授,无线电物理学科和光学学科带头人 、博士生导师。无线电物理 、光学和等离子体物理三门学科的硕士生指导教师,近二十年已培养了几十名博士生和硕士生。
吴振森教授享受国家政府特殊津贴,陕西省有突出贡献专家。兼任总装备部目标特性及环境特性专业组成员,中国电子学会会士,电波传播分会副主任委员,中国计量测试学会高级会员与理事,教育部 物理基础课程教学指导分委员会委员,IEEE高级会员。陕西省政府参事,陕西省第九届政协委员,西安市雁塔区第八届政协副主席。 并被授予电子工业部优秀教师(1997)、陕西省有突出贡献专家(1999)、全国模范教师称号(2004)。


十年树木,百年树人。 教育是生命与生命的对话,我愿用无私、公允、平等的爱来实践这一信念。尊重学生良好的个性,引导学会思考、提出问题,培养学生创造性思维与综合能力,增强学生承受挫折心理素质,给予学生尽量多锻炼和对机遇的把握,让学生享受解决问题的成就感。

《随机介质中分形散射》 《非球形粒子对有限波束的散射及在相多普勒中的应用》 《目标环境光散射特性的建模与仿真》 《随机分布簇团粒子光散射和应用》 863项目等
中法国际合作先进计划项目《多相流中非球形粒子的测量》 中法国际合作先进计划项目《复杂粒子的电磁散射的计算—含核粒子、多粒子体系、 非球形粒子的散射计算》
目标激光散射特性测量分系统数据处理软件 目标激光近场散射特性建模与仿真 复合型人才培养模式的研究与实践 高等工科院校开展创新教育的研究与实践(面向21世纪省教育改革基金)

1. Li Z J, Wu Z S, Qu T, et al. Radiation torque exerted on a uniaxial anisotropic sphere: Effects of various parameters[J]. Optics & Laser Technology, 2014, 64: 269-277.
2. Yu-Shi Z, Jin-Peng Z, Xin L, Modified GIT model for predicting wind-speed behavior of low-grazing-angle radar sea clutter[J]. Chinese Physics B, 2014, 10: 097.
3. Wang, Hongguang Han, Hui Sun, Fang Wu, Zhensen Zhang, Jinpeng, Modeling signal amplitude of ground-based GPS occultation in marine tropospheric ducts[J], Journal Of Electromagnetic WavesApplications,2014 (3): 1293-1304.
4. QU Tan, WU Zhen-sen, MOU Yuan, LI Zheng-jun. Analysis of scattering of an on-axis zero-order Bessel beam by a chiral sphere [J]. Infrared and Laser Engieering, 2014, 9: 015.
5. Mou Y, Wu ZS, Li ZJ, Zhang G. Geometric detection based on one-dimensional laser range profiles of dynamic conical target [J]. Appl. Opt. 2014; 53 (35): 8335-8341.
6. Wu Ying-Li, Wu Zhen-Sen. Speckle intensity images of target based on Monte Carlo method[J]. Chin.Phys.B. 2014 (3): 545-549.
7. Li Ya-Qing, Wu Zhen-Sen, Wang Ming-Jun. Partially coherent Gaussian-Schell model pulse beam propagation in slant atmospheric turbulence[J]. Chin.Phys.B. 2014 (6): 295-303.
8. Li Ya-Qing, Wu Zhen-Sen, Zhang Yuan-Yuan,Wang Ming-Jun. Scintillation of partially coherent Gaussian–Schell model beam propagation in slant atmospheric turbulence considering inner-and outer-scale effects[J]. Chin.Phys.B. 2014, 7: 054.
9. Xiang Ningjing,Wu Zhensen,Hua Xuexia,Wang Mingjun,Statistical properties of Guassian_shell beam from diffuse target in turbulent atmosphere[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2014, 2: 005.
10. Xiang N J, Wu Z S, Wang M J. Statistic of a Gaussian beam from an arbitrary rough target in the single passage atmospheric turbulence[J]. Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 2014, 57(10): 1854-1859.
11. Li-Guo W, Zhen-Sen W, Ming-Jun W, et al. Scattering of a general partially coherent beam from a diffuse target in atmospheric turbulence[J]. Chinese Physics B, 2014, 23(9): 094202.
12. Lu Bai, Zhensen Wu, Yunhua Cao, Xun Huang, Spectral scattering characteristics of space target in near-UV to visible bands[J]. Optics Express,2014 (22): 8515-8524.
13. Hai-Ying L, Zhen-Sen W, Lu B, et al. Scattering and propagation of terahertz pulses in random soot aggregate systems[J]. Chin.Phys.B. 2014 (5): 277-282.
14. 李正军, 吴振森, 屈檀, 白璐,曹运华,单轴各向异性球对任意方向入射平面波的散射[J]. 电波科学学报, 2014:29, 668-672.
15. 阳志强, 吴振森, 张耿, 等. 旋转粗糙目标微运动特征识别技术[J]. 物理学报, 2014, 63(21): 210301-210301.
16. 阳志强, 吴振森, 张耿, 等. 旋转粗糙目标动态散斑统计特性研究[J]. 光子学报, 2014, 43(8): 812.
17. 李亚清, 吴振森, 张元元. 湍流大气中部分相干波束的偏振特性研究[J]. 电波科学学报, 2014, 2: 004.
18. 王利国, 吴振森, 王明军. 大气湍流中目标尺寸对回波闪烁残余指数影响的数值研究[J]. 光学学报, 2014 (2): 16-20.
19. 黄朝军,吴振森,刘亚锋,多分散气溶胶凝聚粒子散射特性的数值计算[J].电波科学学报,2014 (5): 870-873.
20. 王蓉蓉, 吴振森, 张艳艳, 等. 太赫兹波段信号在雾中的传输特性研究[J]. 红外与激光工程, 2014, 43(8): 2662-2667.
21. 王蓉蓉, 吴振森, 张艳艳, 等. 雾天气中 THz 与红外的传输特性[J]. 光子学报, 2014, 43(10): 1001.
22. 王蓉蓉, 吴振森, 张艳艳, 等. 太赫兹波在雾中的多重散射特性[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2014, 26(11): **.
23. 向宁静, 吴振森, 华雪侠, 等. 高斯-谢尔光束通过湍流大气任意粗糙目标的散射统计特性[J]. 中国科学: 物理学, 力学, 天文学, 2014 (005): 457-464.
24. 周彩霞, 吴振森. 基于相位屏模型研究电离层等效厚度[J]. 电波科学学报, 2014, 4: 009.
25. 赵海生, 许正文, 吴振森, 等. 东亚地区 Es 特性研究[J]. 空间科学学报, 2014, 34(1): 38-45.
26. 张玉石, 许心瑜, 尹雅磊, 等. L 波段小擦地角海杂波幅度统计特性研究[J]. 电子与信息学报, 2014, 36(5).
27. 程木松,徐彬,吴振森,李海英,许正文,吴军,吴健,电离层加热实验中超强电子密度增强特征[J],地球物理学报,2014,57(11):3633-3641.

1.Li Zhenjun, Wu Zhensen,Bai Lu,Electromagnetic scattering from uniaxial anisotropic biospheres located in a Gaussian beam,Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 126, 25–30, 2013
2. Xu, Qiang; Wang, Jiajie; Han, Yiping; Wu, Zhensen, Vectorial analytical desc[ant]ription of the polarized light of a high-power laser diode,APPLIED OPTICS, 52(8), pp 1711-1715, 2013.
3. T. Qu, W. Zhensen, Q. Shang, L. Zhengjun, and L. Bai, Electromagnetic scattering by a uniaxial anisotropic sphere located in an off-axis Bessel beam, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 30, 1661-1669, 2013.
4.Q.C. Shang, Z.S. Wu, T. Qu, Z.J. Li, L. Bai, and L. Gong, Analysis of rainbow scattering by a chiral sphere, Optics Express 21, 21879-21888, 2013.
5.Q.C. Shang, Z.S. Wu, T. Qu, Z.J. Li, L. Bai, and L. Gong, Analysis of the radiation force and torque exerted on a chiral sphere by a Gaussian beam, Optics Express 21, 8677-8688, 2013.
6.Zhao, Hai-Sheng; Xu, Zheng-Wen; Wu, Zhen-Sen; Wu, Jian; Zhu, Qing-Lin; Liu, Kun, A stable and fast method of ionospheric tomography by using diverse data sources,JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC AND SOLAR-TERRESTRIAL PHYSICS, 97, pp 99-105, 2013.
7. Hao Shu-Ji; Li Qing-Liang; Yang Ju-Tao; Wu Zhen-Sen, Theory and numerical modeling of under-dense heating with powerful X-mode pumpwaves,CHINESE JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICS-CHINESE EDITION, 56(8), pp 2503-2510, 2013.
8.Hong-guang Wang, Zhen-sen Wu, She-feng Kang, and Zhen-wei Zhao, Monitoring the marine atmospheric refractivity profiles by ground-based GPS occultation, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 10(4), 962-965, 2013.
9.Xiang Su, Jiaji Wu, Bormin Huang, Zhensen Wu, GPU-Accelerraterd Computation for Electromagnetic Scattering of a Double-lyyer Vegetation Model, IEEE J. Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remonte Seneing, 6(4), 1799-1806,2013
10.Xing, Z., Yang H., Han D., et al. (2013), Dayside poleward moving auroral forms and ionospheric convection during stable IMF conditions. Science China Technological Science, 56(4), 910-916. (SCI: 0003**)
11.Xing Zan-Yang; Yang Hui-Gen; Wu Zhen-Sen; Hu Ze-Jun; Liu Jun-Ming; Zhang Qing-He; Hu Hong-Qiao, A parameter model of auroral emissions and particle precipitation near magnetic noon, CHINESE JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICS -CHINESE EDITION, 56(7), pp 2163-2170, 2013.
12.Liu, E., H. Hu, K. Hosokawa, R. Liu, Z. Wu, and Z. Xing, First observations of Polar Mesosphere Summer Echoes by SuperDARN Zhongshan radar, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, in moderate revision
13.Erxiao Liu, Hongqiao Hu, K. Hosokawa, Ruiyuan Liu, Zhensen Wu, Zanyang Xing, First observations of Polar Mesosphere Summer Echoes by SuperDARN Zhongshan radar, Submitted to Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics (JASTP, revision).
14.Musong Cheng,Bin Xu, Zhensen Wu, Haiying Li, Zhange Wang, Zhengwen Xu, Jun Wu, Jian Wu,Observation of VHF incoherent scatter spectra disturbed by HF heating,Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics,105-106 (2013) 245–252。
15.Lei Gong,Zhensen Wu,Lihong Yang,The Angle Distribution of the Spheroid Particle upon Optical Surface, Advanced Materials Research, Vols.706-708, 2013:1602~1605. (EI:20**8)
16.Ning-Jing Xiang and Zhen-Sen Wu, Scintillation index of a Gaussian schellmodel beam on slant atmospheric turbulence, Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, 30, 153-165, 2013.
17.Ning-Jing Xiang, Zhen-Sen Wu, Xue-Xia Hua, Ming-Jun Wang, Speckle statistical properties of Gaussian beam from a semi-rough target in the atmospheric turbulence, Optik-Int. J. Light Electron Opt.2013.
18.Deng, Jing-Ya; Guo, Li-Xin; Yin, Ying-Zeng; Qiu, Jerry; Wu, Zhen-Sen, Broadband Patch Antennas Fed by Novel Tuned Loop, IEEE Transactions On Antennas And Propagation, 61(4), pp 2290-2293, 2013
19.Deng, Jingya; Guo, Lixin; Fan, Tianqi; Wu, Zhensen; Hu, Yajun; Yang, Jinghua, Wideband Circularly Polarized Suspended Patch Antenna With Indented Edge And Gap-Coupled Feed,Progress In Electromagnetics Research-Pier, 135, pp 151-159, 2013.
20.Liang, Yu; Zeng, Xiang-Hua; Guo, Li-Xin; Wu, Zhen-Sen, An Investigation On Numerical Characterization Of Scattering From Target In A Dielectric Rough Soil Surface,Progress In Electromagnetics Research-Pier, 139, Pp 423-444, 2013.
21.Liu, Guo; Xu, Liang; Wu, Zhensen, Miniaturized Circularly Polarized Microstrip RFID Antenna Using Fractal me[ant]tamaterial, International Journal Of Antennas And Propagation, 2013.
22.Liu, Guo; Xu, Liang; Wu, Zhensen, Dual-Band Microstrip RFID Antenna With Tree-Like Fractal Structure,Ieee Antennas And Wireless Propagation Letters, 12, pp 976-978, 2013.
23.Guo Liu, Liang Xu, and Zhensen Wu, Miniaturised wideband circularly-polarised log-periodic Koch fractal antenna, IET lectronics letters, vol.49, no. 21, pp. 1315-1316, October 2013.
24.Guo Liu, Liang Xu, and Zhensen Wu, Miniaturized Crossed-Dipole Circularly Polarized Fractal Antenna, Progress In Electromagnetic Research Letters, vol. 39, pp.49-62, 2013.
29.王利国,吴振森,王明军,湍流大气中星载角反射器阵列回波的闪烁指数. 物理学报Vol. 62, No. 16 (2013).
30.王利国,吴振森,王明军.湍流大气中的有限孔径平面镜反射波的二阶统计特性. 光学学报,vol. 33, No.11(2013).
31.向宁静,吴振森,王明军,部分相干高斯-谢尔光束在大气湍流中的展宽与漂移,红外与激光工程,42(3),658-662, 2013.
33.巩蕾;吴振森;李正军;白璐;高明,基片表面缺陷粒子在激光波束作用下的辐射力分析,中国激光,vol.40(2),2013:**-1~**-6 (EI:20**2)
34.刘二小, 胡红桥, 刘瑞源, 吴振森, 吴铭君, 杨惠根, 张北辰.中山站高频雷达回波的日变化特征及地磁活动的影响. 地球物理学报, 2012,(9): 3066-3076,doi: 10.6038/ j.issn. 0001-5733.2012.09.024 (SCI: 024)
35.邢赞扬, 杨惠根, 吴振森, 胡泽骏, 刘俊明, 张清和, 胡红桥(2013), 磁正午附近极光强度与沉降粒子能量关系的参数模型研究. 地球物理学报, 已录用. SCI
36.邢赞扬, 杨惠根, 韩德胜, 吴振森, 刘俊明, 胡泽骏, 张清和, 刘勇华, 张北辰,胡红桥(2013), 不同行星际磁场条件下极向运动极光结构的多手段联合观测. 极地研究, 25(1), 35-44.
38.郝书吉,李清亮,杨巨涛,吴振森,大功率高频X波欠密加热电离层的理论与数值模拟,地球物理学报,56(8), 1-8, 2013.

J.-P. Zhang, Z.-S. Wu, Y.-S. Zhang, and B. Wang, "Evaporation duct retrieval using changes in radar sea clutter power versus receiving height," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 126, 555-571, 2012.
Geng Zhang and Zhensen Wu, "Bi-frequency correlation properties of the scattered intensity from dielectric rough surfaces," Optics Express, 20, 14833-14847, 2012.
Lu Bai, Zhensen Wu, Xiren Zou, and Yunhua Cao, "Seven-parameter statistical model for BRDF in the UV band," Optics Express, 20, 12085-12094, 2012.
Jinpeng Zhang, Zhensen Wu, Bo Wang, Hongguang Wang, Qinglin Zhu, "Modeling low elevation GPS signal propagation in maritime atmospheric ducts", Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Vol 80, pp12-20, May 2012.
Geng Zhang, Zhensen Wu, and Yanhui Li, "Speckle size of light scattered from 3D rough objects," Optics Express, 20, 4726-4737 , 2012.
Geng Zhang and Zhensen Wu, "Fluctuation correlation of the scattered intensity from two-dimensional rough surfaces," Optics Express, 20, 1491-1502, 2012.
Zheng-Jun Li, Zhen-Sen Wu, Yan’e Shi, Lu Bai, and Hai-Ying Li, "Multiple scattering of electromagnetic waves by an aggregate of uniaxial anisotropic spheres," J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 29, 22-31, 2012.
LI Ya-Qing,WU Zhen-Sen. "Characteristics of a partially coherent Gaussian Schell-model beam propagating in slanted atmospheric turbulence." Chin. Phys. B, 21(5): 54203-054203, 2012.
Zheng-Jun Li, Zhen-Sen Wu, Qing-Chao Shang, Lu Bai, and Chun-Hui Cao, "Calculation of radiation force and torque exerted on a uniaxial anisotropic sphere by an incident Gaussian beam with arbitrary propagation and polarization directions," Optics Express, 20(15), 16421- 16435, 2012.

1. Zhen-sen Wu, Zheng-jun Li, Qiong-kun Yuan, and Hai-Ying Li, Off-axis Gaussian Beam Scattering by an Anisotropic Coated Sphere, IEEE Transactions on Antennas & Propagation, 59(12), 4740-4748, 2011.
2. Zheng-Jun Li, Zhen-Sen Wu, Qing-Chao Shang, Calculation of radiation forces exerted on a uniaxial anisotropic spherical particle in an off-axis incident Gaussian beam, Optics Express, 19(17), 16044-16057, 2011.
3. LiZheng-Jun,WuZhen-Sen, LiHuan,andLiHai-Ying, An arbitrary direction incident Gaussian beam scattering by multispheres, Chin.Phys.B, Vol.20,No.8, 2011.
4. Bai, L., Z. S. Wu ,S.Q. Tang , M. Li , P.H. Xie, and S.M.Wang, Study on phase function in Monte Carlo transmission characteristics of poly-disperse aerosol, Optical Engineering , vol.50, 016002 1-8 ,2011.
5. Wu, Zhen-Sen, Li, Ya-Qing, Scattering of a partially coherent Gaussian-Schell beam from a diffuse target in slant atmospheric turbulence, J.Opt.Soc.Am.A, 28(7), 1531-1539, 2011.
6. Li, Ya-Qing, Wu, Zhen-Sen, Polarization characteristics of a partially coherent gaussian schell-model beam in slant atmospheric turbulence,Progress in Electromagnetics Research, 2011.
7. Zhang Jin-Peng, Wu Zhen-Sen, Wang Bo, An Adaptive Objective Function for Evapor- ation Duct Estimations from Radar Sea Echo, CHIN.PHYS.LETT., 28(3), 034301-1-4 , 2011.
8. Shi-Chun Mao, Zhen-Sen Wu, Zhao Jin, and Fan Wang, Scattering by a homogeneous anisotropic-coated conducting elliptic cylinder, Waves in Random and Complex Media, 21(2), 301-312, 2011.
9. Geng Zhang and Zhensen Wu,Two-frequency mutual coherence function of scattering from arbitrarily shaped rough objects,Optics Express, 19(8), 7007-7019, 11 April, 2011.
10. Li-xin Guo, Yu Liang, and Zhensen Wu, A study of electromagnetic scattering from conducting targets above and below the dielectric rough surface, Optics Express, 19(7), 5785-5801, 2011.
11. L.-X. Guo, Y. Liang, J. Li, and Z.-S. Wu, A high order integral SPM for the conducting rough surface scattering with the tapered wave incidence-TE case, Progress in Electromagnetics Research, PIER 89, Vol. 114, 333-352, 2011.
12. Yu Liang, Lixin Guo, and Zhensen Wu, The fast EPILE combined with FBM for electromagnetic scattering from dielectric targets above and below the dielectric rough surface, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 49(10), 3892-3905, Oct. 2011.
13. Bo Wang, Zhensen Wu, Zhenwei Zhao, Hongguang Wang, A passive to monitor evaporation duct height using coastal GNSS-R, IEEE Geoscince and Remote Sensing Letters, 8(4), 587-591, 2011.
14. Zheng-Jun Li, Zhen-Sen Wu, and Hai-Ying Li, Analysis of electromagnetic scattering by uniaxial anisotropic bispheres, J.Opt.Soc.Am.A, 28(2), 118-125,2011.
15. J.-P.Zhang and Z.-S.Wu, Q.-L.Zhu and B.Wang, A Four-paramenter M-profile Model for the Evaporation Duct Estimation from Radar Clutter, PIER, V114, 353-368, 2011.
16. J.-P.Zhang, Z.-S.Wu, and R.-X.Hu, Combined Estimation of Low-Alitude Radio Refracti- vity Based on Sea Clutters from Multiple Shipboard Radars, J. of Electromagn. Waves and Appl., Vol.25, 1201–1212, 2011.
17. Zhang Jin-Peng,Wu Zhen-Sen, Wang Bo, An Adaptive Objective Function for Evaporation Duct Estimations from Radar Sea Echo. Chinese Physics Letters, 28( 3), 2011.
18. 张金鹏, 吴振森, 赵振维, 王波. 基于不同天线高度雷达海杂波的蒸发波导反演, 电波科学学报, Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 422-430, 2011.
19. 巩蕾,吴振森, 不同涂层对微粗糙基底的极化光散射影响,光学学报,31(10),**-1-**-5,2011.
20. 李广成,郭立新,吴振森,刘金海,障碍物对阵法蒸发波导中电波传播影响研究,电波科学学报,26(4),621-627,2011.
21. 晁坤,陈后财,赵振维,吴振森,综合孔径辐射计反演成像算法研究,电波科学学报,26(5),881-887,2011.
22. 金旺,吴振森,吴健,刘拥军,孙明国,徐彬,李辉,周亮,非相干散射雷达探测空间碎片实验研究,电波科学学报,26(5),956-960,2011.
23. 杨玉峰,吴振森,曹运华, 合金铝表面近红外波段光学常数的反演与双向反射分布函数的计算, 光学学报, 31(2), 2011.
24. 杨玉峰, 吴振森,曹运华, 非朗伯面目标对复杂背景红外辐射的散射特性, 红外与激光工程, 40(5), 800-804, 2011.
25. 巩蕾、吴振森, 基片表面微球体纳米级缺陷的光散射分析,中国激光,38(1),2011.

1. Hai-Ying, Li., Wu. Zhen-Sen, et al. Relation between Debye series and generalized Lorentz-Mie theory of laser beam scattering by multil[ant]ayer cylinder. Chin. Phys. B 19(10): 104202.
2. Li, H.-Y., Z.-S. Wu, et al. (2010). "Scattering for charged multisphere structure located in plane wave/Gaussian beam." J. of Electromagn. Waves and Appl. 24: 2037-2047.
3. H.-Y. Wei, Z.-S. Wu Q.-L. Ma, Log-amplitude variance of Laser beam propagation on the slant path through the turbulent atmosphere, PIER, 108, 277-291, 2010.
4. Liu Ping, Cao Chao-Chu, Liang Yan-Ping, Wu Zhen-Sen, Syntheses, Structure and Properties of 2D Pb(II) Complex with kgd Topology, JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 26(11), 2057-2062,2010.
5. Guo Li-Xin,Wang Rui,Wu Zhen-Sen, Application of the method of equivalent edge currents to composite, scattering from the cone-cylinder above a dielectric rough sea surface, CHINESE PHYSICS B, 19(4),044102, 2010.
6. Liang, Yu ; Guo, Lixin; Wu, Zhensen, EPILE combined with the generalized- FBM for analyzing the scattering from targets above and on a rough surface, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 9, 809-813,2010.
7. Xu B., Wu J., Wu Z. S., Wu J., Yan Y. B., Xue K., The inversion of incoherent scattering spectra from ionospheric heating campaign with an assumption of super-Gaussian electro distribution, J. Atmos. Solar-terrestr. Phys., 72(2), 492-497,2010.
8. C. Chen, Z. S. Wu, Z. W. Xu, S. J. Sun, Z. H. Ding, P. P. Ban, Forecasting the local ionospheric foF2 parameter 1 hour ahead during disturbed geomagnetic conditions, J. Geophys. Res. ,115,A11315,2010.
9. Chun Chen, Zhensen Wu, Panpan Ban, Shuji Sun, Zhengsen Wu, Zhensen Zhao, Diurnal specification of the ionospheric foF2 parameter using a support vector machine, Radio Science, 45(rs5018), 2010.
10. Chun Chen, Zhensen Wu, Shuji Sun, Panpan Ban, zho,nghua Ding, Zhengwen Xu, Forecasting the ionospheric foF2 parameter one hour ahead using a support machine technique, J. Atmos. Solar-terrestr. Phys., 72,1341-1347,2010.
11. Jun Ming Liu, Bei Chen Zhang, Yohsuke Kamide, ZhenSen Wu, ZeJun Hu, HuiGen Yang, Observation of a double-onset substorm during northward interplanetary magnetic field, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 72(11-12), 864-868, 2010.
12. T.Xu,Y.Hu,J.Wu,Z.Wu,Y.Suo,and J.Feng, Giant disturbance in the ionospheric F2 region prior to the M8.0 Wenchuan earth quake on12 May 2008, Ann.Geophys., 28,1533–1538, 2010.
13. Yanhui Li, Zhensen Wu, Targets recognition using subnanosecond pulse laser range profiles, Optics Express, 18(16), 16798-16796, 2 Aug. 2010.
14. Qiongkun Yuan, Zhensen Wu and Zhengjun Li, Electromagnetic scattering for a uniaxial anisotropic sphere in off-axis obliquely incident Gaussian beam, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 27(6), 1457-1465, 2010.
15. Yongqiang Pan, Zhensen Wu, Lingxia Hang, Yongbai Yin, Light scattering losses of high reflection dielectric multil[ant]ayer optical devices, Thin Solid Films, 518, 2001-2005, 2010.
16. Yongqiang Pan, Zhensen Wu, Lingxia Hang, Inverstigation of interface roughness cross- correlation properties thin films from total scattering losses, Applied Surface Science, 256, 3503-3507, 2010.
17. Bin Xu, Zhange Wang, Kun Xue, Jian Wu, Zhensen Wu, Jun Wu, Yubo Yan, The inversion of incoherent scatter spectra with a non-Maxwellian electron distribution, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestial Physics, 72(5-6), 492-497,2010.
18. Yanjun Gong, Zhensen Wu, Mingjun Wang, Yunhua Cao, Laser backscattering analytical model of Doppler power spectra about rotating convex quadric of revolution, Optics and laser in Engineering, 48, 107-113, 2010, JAN.
19. Hanlu Zhang, Zhensen Wu, Yunhua Cao and Geng Zhang, Measurement and statistical modeling of BRDF of various sanples, Optica Application, 40(1),197-208, 2010.
20. 王波, 赵振维, 吴振森, 王红光. 多波段雷达杂波反演大气波导方法研究. 电波科学学报,2010, 25(5), pp: 865-870.
21. Wang, Ming-Jun (1); Wu, Zhen-Sen (2); Li, Ying-Le (1); Xiang, Ning-Jing (1), Numerical inversion of the optical characteristics of film material based on Kramers-Kronig relations, 红外与激光工程,39(1), 120-123, 2010.
22. Liu, W, Guo, LX,Wu, ZS,Polarimetric scattering from a two-dimensional improved sea fractal surface,CHINESE PHYSICS B,19(7), 074102, 2010.
23. Yang Chao, Guo Li-Xin, Wu Zhen-Sen, Investigation on global positioning system signal scattering and propagation over the rough sea surface, CHINESE PHYSICS B, 19(5), 054101, 2010.
24. Xu Tong,Wu ZhenSen, Hu YanLi, Wu Jian, Suo YuCheng, Feng Jian, Statistical analysis and model of spread F occurrence in China, SCIENCE CHINA-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES ,53(6), 1725-1731,2010.
25. T.Xu, Y.L.Hu, Z.S. Wu, J.Wu, Y.C. Suo, J.Feng, and C. J. Huang, Abnormal perturbations in the innospheric F2 region before Wenchuan earthquake on 12 May 2008, Sci. China Earth Sci., doi:10,1007/s 11430-010-4060-4, 2010.
26. 陈春,吴振森,孙树计,集合卡尔曼滤波在电离层短期预报中的应用,空间科学学报, 30(2),148-153,2010.
27. 李艳辉,吴振森,武颖丽,基于激光多普勒法测量微小阻尼振动, 中国激光,37(1), 231-235, 2010.
28. 李艳辉,吴振森,宫彦军,张耿,王明军,目标激光脉冲一维距离成像研究, 物理学报,59(10), 6985-6990, 2010.
29. Wang Bo, Wu Zhensen, Zhao Zhenwei, performance Comparison of GA, PSO, and DE Approaches in Estimating Low Atmospheric Refractivity Profiles, Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences, 15(5), 433-439,2010.
30. 王波,吴振森,赵振维,王红光,Improved method to retrieve low altitude atmospheric refractivity profiles from radar clutter,系统工程与电子,32(8), 1652-1656, 2010.
31. 巩蕾、吴振森,Polarized light scattering from a spheroid particle on or near a wafer, 强激光与粒子束,22(6), 1393-1398, 2010.
32. 类成新,吴振森,张化福,刘汉法,激光在随机分布烟尘团簇粒子中的衰减特性,光子学报,39(6),1021-1025, 2010.
33. 类成新,吴振森,随机分布烟尘团簇粒子辐射特性研究,物理学报,59(8), 5692-5698, 2010.
34. 汤双庆,白璐,吴振森,谢品华,汪世美,多波段水雾的遮蔽效应研究,大气与环境光学学报, 5(2),112-117,2010.
35. 白璐,汤双庆,吴振森,谢品华,汪世美,紫外波段多分散系气溶胶散射相函数随机抽样方法研究,物理学报,59(3),1749-1755,2010.
36. 白璐,汤双庆,吴振森,谢品华,汪世美,紫外到可见波段外混合气溶胶的传输特性, 光学学报,30(8), 2175-2179, 2010.
37. 类成新,吴振森,随机取向烟幕凝聚粒子的消光特性,计算物理,27(4),593-597,2010.
38. 潘永强,杭凌霞, 吴振森,王浩浩, 离子束后处理对TiO2薄膜表面粗糙度的影响, 中国激光, 27(4),1108-1113,2010.
39. 高明,吴振森,远场光束扩展对光斑瞄准偏差影响的实验,光学精密工程,18(3),602-608,2010.
40. 高明,吴振森,湍流介质对激光瞄准测试系统的偏差影响分析,红外与激光工程,39(1),31-36,2010.
41. Xu, Bin (1); Wang, Zhan-Ge (1); Xue, Kun (1); Wu, Zhen-Sen (2); Wu, Jian, 2D numerical simulation of artificial ionospheric heating in polar region, 电波科学学报,25(1), 14-19, 2010.
42. Xu Bin,Wang Zhan-Ge,Xu Zheng-Wen,Wu Zhen-Sen,Wu Jian,Wu Jun,Xue Kun,Che Hai-Qin, Yan Yu-Bo, Observations of the heating experiments in the polar winter ionosphere II-Analysis of low region, CHINESE JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICS- CHINESE EDITION, 53(6), 1263-1268,2010.
43. Xu Tong, Wu Zhensen, Hu Yanli, Wu Jian, Suo Yucheng, Feng Jian, Statistical analysis and model of spread F occurrence in China, Science China Technological Sciences, 53(6), 1725-1731,2010.
44. Zhang, Han-Lu,Wu, Zhen-Sen,Zhang, Chang-Min,Cao, Yun-Hua (1),Modeling and comparison of BRDF with GA and GSAA,电子与系统工程,32(7), 1529-1531,2010.
45. Wang, Jian-kun, Wu, Zhen-sen, Improved Calculation of Vibrational Energy Levels in F-2 Molecule using the RKR Method, CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 23(2),155-159, 2010. SCI: 006
46. Liang Yan-Ping, Jia Jian-Ping, Lue Xiang-Fei, Wu Zhen-Sen, Shi Qi-Zhen, The Photocatalytic Properties and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy of Co2+ Doped TiO2 Thin Film, CHINESE JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 26(4), 633-638, 2010.
47. 朱庆林,吴振森,赵振维,林乐科,单站地基卫星导航接收机测量对流层斜延迟,电波科学学报,25(1),37-41,2010.
48. 毛仕春,吴振森,邢赞扬,二维各向异性椭圆柱的电磁散射,电子学报,38(3),529-533,2010.




吴振森教授享受国家政府特殊津贴,陕西省有突出贡献专家。兼任总装备部目标特性及环境特性专业组成员,中国电子学会会士,电波传播分会副主任委员,中国计量测试学会高级会员与理事,教育部物理基础课程教学指导分委员会委员,IEEE高级会员。陕西省政府参事,陕西省第九届政协委员,西安市雁塔区第八届政协副主席。 并被授予电子工业部优秀教师(1997)、陕西省有突出贡献专家(1999)、全国模范教师称号(2004)。


大学物理     (1995-1998,2003-2005)
电动力学     (1995-2003)
电磁场与电磁波  (1995-2002)
随机介质中的波传播  (1995-现在)
波传播和散射数值计算方法   (2000-现在)
随机介质中的波传播和散射   (1995-现在)
等离子体电磁波理论      (2001-现在)
近代电磁实验         (1995-2000)
复杂系统电磁波(专题)    (1995-现在)
光散射与粒度分析       (2003-现在)
电波工程计算         (2003)
1) 吴振森,张冀燕,复合型人才培养模式的研究与实践,中国电子教育,1998增刊
3) 吴振森,李平舟,李文兴,实践教学改革中若干问题的研究与实践,西北大学学报
5)吴振森,梁燕萍,郭津利等,应用化学复合型人才培养模式及课程体系改革探索, 《全国
应用化学专业教学研讨会论文》,中国烟台, 2001.8
7)吴振森,郭立新,张民,李平舟,韩一平, 加强学科建设,促进教学改革,创建教学
新体系的研究与实践, 西安电子科技大学学报(社科版),2003,Vol.13, No.50,
8) 吴振森,李平舟,李文兴,于海涛,加强学科建设,促进教学改革,创建基础课程教
1) 面向21世纪省教育改革基金项目:高等工科院校开展创新教育的研究与实践(983045)(1999-2002)
2) 教育部“十五”立项统编教材“大学物理(电磁学分册)”,作为十五精品教材
3) 校教育改革重点项目“大学物理名牌课程的建设”(2003-2005)
4) 校教育改革重点项目:“按创新体系,复合型人才培养的研究与实践”(1998-2002)
6) 陕西省精品课程《大学物理》负责人(2003-)


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