

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-07

田文超 教授
硕士学科:(学术学位) 机械工程/080200,仪器科学与技术/080400;(专业学位)机械/085500,电子信息/085400 
工作单位:机电工程学院 电子封装系


1987. 9-1991. 7:西安电子科技大学电子设备结构本科专业;
1996. 9-1999. 6:西安电子科技大学机械制造硕士专业;
2000. 9-2004. 6:西安电子科技大学机械制造及其自动化博士专业;
2006. 12-2007. 12:国家公派留学访问****在德国弗赖堡大学微系统所工作;
2006.10-2008. 10:西安电子科技大学微电子学与固体电子学(集成电路学科)博士后工作站工作。
《Recent Patents on Mechanical Engineering》等国际期刊客座编委;


田文超 教授
硕士学科:(学术学位) 机械工程/080200,仪器科学与技术/080400;(专业学位)机械/085500,电子信息/085400 
工作单位:机电工程学院 电子封装系


1987. 9-1991. 7:西安电子科技大学电子设备结构本科专业;
1996. 9-1999. 6:西安电子科技大学机械制造硕士专业;
2000. 9-2004. 6:西安电子科技大学机械制造及其自动化博士专业;
2006. 12-2007. 12:国家公派留学访问****在德国弗赖堡大学微系统所工作;
2006.10-2008. 10:西安电子科技大学微电子学与固体电子学(集成电路学科)博士后工作站工作。
《Recent Patents on Mechanical Engineering》等国际期刊客座编委;


新型高功率高频率多路RF MEMS开关建模分析,国家自然科学基金
电容式RF MEMS开关失效机理和可靠性分析,宁波自然科学基金
高清显示金凸块ECD晶圆级封装测试关键技术研究 ,横向合作项目

王永坤,田文超,一种电致形状记忆复合材料及其制备方法与应用,2018.05,中国发明专利,ZL 6.4
时婧,田文超,刘霄,王永坤,高宏伟,一种基于钼酸镧纳米材料气敏测试元件的制备方法,2018.05,中国发明专利,ZL 4.5
田文超,卫三娟,一种链式交错型微通道结构,2017.11,中国发明专利,ZL 3.3
田文超,刘积宏,一种基于磁流变阻尼器的新型组合减振器,2017.11,中国发明专利,ZL 6.9 ,已转让
田文超,赵来强,一种用于微结构三维形变和位移测试的干涉测量系统,2017.05,中国发明专利,ZL 8.6,已转让
田文超,扈江磊,杨丽琴,基于两级调控的静电驱动大变形微机械驱动器,2016.04,中国发明专利,ZL 5.0
田文超,扈江磊,杨丽琴,一种静电驱动频率可变微机械谐振器,2016.3,中国发明专利,ZL 2.2
田文超,山磊,直梁屈曲静电式微机械光开关,2015.3,中国发明专利,ZL 2.3
田文超,孙昊,杨银堂,线宽间距交变结构型平面螺旋电感,2013.8,中国发明专利,ZL .X
田文超,李雪梅, 杨银堂, 基于屈曲的低电压大变形微驱动器,2013.01,中国发明专利,ZL 9.4
田文超,杨银堂,基于粘附的双稳态加速度感应微开关,2011.07,中国发明专利,ZL 8.6
3.陈志强, 田文超, 辛菲,王永坤,陈勇,冯学贵,基于开口环谐振器的增益可调射频衰减装置,2021.7,中国发明专利
4. 辛菲、田文超、陈志强、陈勇、冯学贵,三维封装相变散热装置,2010.10,中国发明专利
5. 解忠良,王雪瑞,陈桂平,刘生鹏,陈勇,文正国,田文超,周金柱等,一种可倾转旋翼无人机及其使用方法,2020.10,中国发明专利
1. 田文超,杨银堂,双稳态感应微开关,2009.03,实用新型专利,ZL 3.4

1. 田文超,DS2727封装器件关键性技术研究与产业化,盐城市创新创业领军人才(重点),中共盐城市市委,2020年10月
3.田文超 ,高温无霍尔直流电机伺服驱动器关键技术,第三届“凤麓英才”计划E类团队,中共奉化市委、奉化市人民政府,2015年10月

田文超,电子封装、微机械与微系统,2012,西安电子科技大学出版社(国家“十二五”规 划教材)

Wenchao Tian, Jiahao Niu, Wenhua Li, Xiaohan Liu, Study on adsorption of CO and CO2 by graphene gas sensor, Modern Physics Letters B, 2021, 35(9), DOI:10.1143/so2**542, (SCI:WOS:003,JCR Q4)
Zhongliang Xie, Nawei Shen, Weidong Zhu,Wenchao Tian, Liang Hao, Theoretical and experimental investigation on the influences of misalignment on the lubrication performances and lubrication regimes transition of water lubricated bearing. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 2021, 14(9), DOI:10.1016/j.ymssp.2020.107211,(SCI:005, JCR Q1, Impact factor: 6.47)
Wenchao Tian, Xing Wang, Jiahao Niu, Hao Cui,Chen Y , Zhang Y, Research status of wafer level packaging of RF MEMES switches, 2020 21st International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology (ICEPT), Guangzhou, China, 2020,pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ICEPT50128.2020.**.
Wenchao Tian, C. Wang, Z. Zhao, X. Feng and Z. Wen, "Temperature cycle reliability analysis and life prediction of plastic encapsulated power semiconductor devices," 2020 21st International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology (ICEPT), Guangzhou, China, 2020, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/ICEPT50128.2020.**.
Daowei Wu,Wenchao Tian,Chuqiao Wang, Ruixia Huo, Yongkun Wang, Research of Wafer Level Bonding Process Based on Cu-Sn Eutectic, Micromachines,2020,11(9),789-13, DOI:10.3390/mi**(SCI:001, JCR Q3, Impact factor: 2.524)
Xie, Zhongliang,Song Pan,Hao Liang,Shen Nawei,Zhu Weidong,Liu Huanling,Jing,Yongkun,Tian Wenchao,Investigation on effects of fluid-strcuture-interaction(FSI) on the lubrication performances of water lubricated bearing in primary circuit loop system of nuclear power plant, 2020, 141 (6), DOI:10.1016/j.anucene.2020.107355,(SCI:033,JCR Q2,Impact factor:1.378,5-Year Impact Factor:1.501)
Wenchao Tian, Chunmin Cheng, Chuqiao Wang and Wenhua Li,Research Progress on Thermal Conductivity of Graphdiyne Nanoribbons and its Defects: A Review, Recent Patents on Nanotechnology, 2020, 6, DOI: 10.2174/**435(SCI: 003,JCR Q4,Impact factor: 0.977)
WenChao Tian, ChuQiao Wang, ZhangHan Zhao, Hao Cui ,Structures and Materials of System in Package: A Review,Recent Patents on Mechanical Engineering(Accepted)
Yongkun Wang, Zhenhong Chen, Jiahao Niu, Yang Shi, Junjie Ye, Wenchao Tian, Electrically responsive shape memory composites using silver plated chopped carbon fiber, Frontiers in Chemistry,2020.8(5), DOI:10.3389/fchem.2020.00322(SCI:001,JCR Q1,Impact factor:3.78,5-Year Impact Factor:3.51)
Tian Wenchao, Shi Yifan, Cui Hao, Shi Jing,Research on Piezoelectric Energy Harvester Based on Coupled Oscillator Model for vehicle vibration utilizing a L-shaped cantilever beam,Smart Materials and Structures,2020.29(7)DOI: 10.1088/1361-665X/ab87e1(SCI: 001,JCR Q2, Impact factor:3.548,5-Year Impact Factor:3.84)
CuiHao,TianWenchao,KangYu,WangYongkun, Characteristics of a novel thermal-induced epoxy shape memorypolymerfor smart device applications,Materials Research Express,2020, 7:015706-015721 (WOS:001,JCR Q3,Impact factor: 1.449, 5-Year Impact Factor: 1.405)
Xie Zhongliang, Shen Nawei, Zhu Weidong, Liu Huanling, Shi Jing, Wang Yongkun, Tian Wenchao, Dynamic characteristics analysis of the hydro-hybrid liquid Sodium lubricated bearing-rotor coupled system in the two-circuit main loop liquid sodium pump system, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2020, 136: DOI: 10.1016/j.anucene. 2019.107059 (SCI: 044, JCR Q2, Impact factor:1.38,5-Year Impact Factor:1.567)
WangYongkun,ZhangYuting,ZhangJinhua,YeJunjue,TianWenchao,Shape recovery characteristics of shape memory cyanate ester/epoxy composite reinforced with calcium sulfate whisker,Pigment& ResinTechnology, 2020, 8, DOI: 10.1108/PRT-09-2019-0087(SCI:001,JCR Q4, Impact factor:0.724, 5-Year Impact Factor:0.819)
Wang Yongkun, Liangchao Wang ,Zhang Yuting, Junjie Ye, Yang Shi, Tian Wenchao, Evaluating the effect of carbon black-A short carbon fiber hybrid filler on the electro-activated shape memory cyanate ester/epoxy composites, Science of Advanced Materials, 2020, 12(5), 652-658 (SCI:005, Impact factor: 1.158, 5-Year Impact Factor: 1.039)
Xie Zhongliang, Shen Nawei, Ge Jianding, Zhu Weidong, Song Pan, Liu Huanling, Hao Liang, Tian Wenchao, Analysis of the flow noises of the nuclear main pump caused by the high temperature liquid Sodium in the two-circuit main loop liquid Sodium pump system, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2020, 145: 107550. (JCR:Q2, Impact factor:1.38, 5-Year Impact Factor:1.567)
Tian Yi, Liu Chifeng, Huang Xinbo, TianWenchao, Cao Wen,Zhu Yongcan,Zhao Long, The propagation of the Ion-Flow near the AC transmission lines, IEEE ACCESS, 2020, 8, 146498-146509, DOI:10.1109/ACCESS.2020.**(SCI:001, JCR:Q1, Impact factor:3.745, 5-Year Impact Factor:4.076)
Yongkun Wang,Yuting Zhang, Jinhua Zhang, Junjue Ye, WenchaoTian,Shape recovery characteristics of shape memory cyanate ester/epoxy composite reinforced with calcium sulfate whisker,Pigment & Resin Technology(Accepted)
Wenchao Tian, Liangliang Wang, and Wenhao Li, Analysis of Highly Uniform Process of WaferGold Bump Electrodeposition, 11thInternational Conference of Micro-NanoTechnology, CSMNT2019, 11-14 Oct. 2019, Wuhan, China
Wenchao Tian, Wenhua Li, and Xiaohan Liu, Study on Adsorption of CO and CO2 by Graphene Gas Sensor, 11thInternational Conference of Micro-NanoTechnology, CSMNT2019, 11-14 Oct. 2019, Wuhan, China
Zhiqiang Chen, Yunqi Cao, Wenchao Tian, and Yongkun Wang, Surface roughness analysis of Cu films deposited on Si substrates: A molecular dynamic analysis, Journal of Applied Physics, 2019, 126, 045303 (SCI: 020, JCR:Q2, Impact factor:2.328, 5-Year Impact Factor:2.533)
WenchaoTian,Liangchao Wang, Hao Cui, Yu Kang, Zhanghan Zhao, The effect of molding compound on reliability of electronic components, First International Symposium on Risk Analysis and Safety of Complex Structures and Components, 1‐2 Jul. 2019, Porto . Portugal
WenchaoTian, YutingZhang,MengjuanLi,ZhongliangXie and WenhuaLi, 5-Bit Spiral Distributed RF MEMS Phase Shifters,IEEE-NANO 2019, 22-26 Jul. 2019, Macau, China
Wenchao Tian, Mengjuan Li, Jiahao Niu, Wenhua Li, and Jing Shi, The Research progress and comparisons between Lithium-ion batteryand Sodium ion battery, IEEE-NANO 2019,22-26 Jul. 2019, Macau, China
Wenchao Tian, Hao Cui and Wenbo Yu,Analysis and Experimental Test of Electrical Characteristics on Bonding Wire, Electronics, 2019,8(3),**(SCI:009, JCR:Q2,Impact Factor:2.11)
Jing Shi,liu Xiao,Wenchao Tian, Structure evolution and ferroelectric properties in stoichiometric Bi0.5+xNa0.5-xTi1-0.5xO3, Journal of Materials Science, 2019, 54(7), 5249-5255 (SCI:004, JCR:Q2, Impact factor:2.993, 5-Year Impact Factor:2.733)
田毅,黄新波,田文超,曹雯, 交直流输电线路离子流场的时域混合有限元法,电机与控制学报,2019(10),85-94

Yongkun Wang, Tianran Ma,Wenchao Tian, Junjie Ye, Xing Wang and Xiangjun Jiang, Electroactive shape memory properties of graphene/epoxy-cyanate ester nanocomposites,Pigment & Resin Technology, 2018,47 (1) :72-78 (SCI: 009, JCR:Q4, Impact factor:0.486, 5-Year Impact Factor:0.708)
Wenchao Tian, Ping Li, Linxiao Yuan,Research and Analysis of MEMS Switches in Different Frequency Bands,Micromachines, 2018,9(4), 185 (SCI: 047,JCR:Q2, Impact Factor:2.222, 5-Year Impact Factor:2.236)
Wenchao Tian, Zongyu Ling, Wenbo Yu, Jing Shi, A Review of Piezoelectric Energy Harvester Research, Applied Sciences-Basel, 2018,8(4), 645 (SCI: 172, JCR:Q3, Impact Factor:1.689, 5-Year Impact Factor:1.855)
Jing Shi,Xiao Liu, Wenchao Tian, High energy-storage properties of Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3-BaTiO3-SrTi0.875Nb0.1O3 lead-free relaxor ferroelectrics,Journal of Materials Science & Technology,2018,34(12),2371 (SCI:020, JCR:Q1, Impact Factor:3.609, 5-Year Impact Factor:3.28)
Wenchao Tian, Xiaohan Liu, Wenbo Yu, Research Progress of Graphene Gas Sensor: A review,Applied Sciences-Basel, 2018,8, 1118 (SCI: 108, JCR:Q3, Impact Factor:1.689, 5-Year Impact Factor:1.855)
Wenchao Tian, Tianran Ma, Xiaohan Liu, TSVTechnologyandHighEnergyHeavyIonsRadiationImpactReview,Electronics, 2018,7(7), 112 (SCI: 013, JCR:Q2, Impact Factor:2.11)
Wenchao Tian, Wenbo Yu, Xiaohan Liu, Yongkun Wang and Jing Shi,A review of the characteristics, synthesis and thermodynamics of type-II Weyl semimetal WTe2,Materials, 2018,11, 1185 (SCI: 136, JCR:Q2, Impact Factor:2.467, 5-Year Impact Factor:3.325)
Wenchao Tian, Daowei Wu,Zhiqiang Chen, Yongkun Wang, Application of Genetic Algorithlm in M×N Reconfigurable Antenna Array Based on RF MEMS Switches,Modern Physics Letters B, 2018, 32(30) (Published Online, DOI:10.1142/S02**657, JCR:Q4,Impact Factor:0.731, 5-Year Impact Factor:0.628)

Wenchao Tian, Wenhua Li, Xiaohan Liu, Yongkun Wang,Molecular dynamics study on resonance properties of nano resonator based on graphene nanosheet with two types of vacancy defects,Applied Sciences-Basel, 2017, 7 (1): 79-1-9 (SCI:077, JCR:Q3, Impact Factor:1.689, 5-Year Impact Factor:1.855)
Wenchao Tian, Wenhua Li, Wenbo Yu and Xiaohan Liu, A review on lattice defects in graphene: types, generation, effects and regulation, Micromachines, 2017, 8(5), 163 (SCI:031, JCR:Q2, Impact Factor:2.222, 5-Year Impact Factor:2.236)
Wenchao Tian, Wenbo Yu, Jing Shi and Yongkun Wang, The property, preparation and application of topological insulators: A review, Materials, 2017, 10(7), 814 (SCI: 131, JCR: Q2, Impact Factor: 2.467, 5-Year Impact Factor: 3.325)
Wenchao Tian, Xiaotong Zhang, Zhiqiang Chen,Performance analysis of MEMS phase shifters based on RF MEMS switches: A review,Recent Patents on Mechanical Engineering,2017, 10(2):126-139(EI:20**7)
Zhiqiang Chen,WenchaoTian, Xiaotong Zhang, Effect of surface asperities on the capacitances of capacitive RF MEMS switches,Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2017, 27(3): 034002-1-10 (SCI:001, JCR:Q2,Impact Factor:1.888, 5-Year Impact Factor:1.954)
Yongkun Wang,Wenchao Tian, Xiaohan Liu and Junjie Ye, Thermal sensitive shape memory behavior of epoxy composites reinforced with silicon carbide whiskers,Applied Scinces-Basel, 2017, 7(1): 108-1-10 (SCI:105, JCR:Q3, Impact Factor:1.689, 5-Year Impact Factor:1.855)
JingShi,Wenchao Tian, Electric-field induce phase transition and fatigue behaviors of (Bi0.5+x/2Na0.5-x/2) 0.94Ba0.06Ti1-xFexO3 ferroelectric,Journal of the American Ceramic Society,2017, 100(3): 1080-1090(SCI:029, JCR:Q1, Impact Factor:2.956, 5-Year Impact Factor:2.971)
Yongkun Wang,Wenchao Tian, Guangming Zhu, Electro-induced shape memory nanocomposite containing conductive carbon nanotubes,Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2017, 17(6): 3973-3679 (SCI:004,JCR:Q3, Impact Factor:1.338, 5-Year Impact Factor:1.105)
Zhiqiang Chen,Wenchao Tian, Xiaotong Zhang, Analysis of a novel double driving signal line and driving electrodes separated RF MEMS switch,Modern Physics Letters B, 2017, 31(11): **-1-18 (SCI:003, JCR:Q4,Impact Factor:0.731, 5-Year Impact Factor:0.628)
Yi Tian, Xinbo Huang,Wenchao Tian, Yongcan Zhu, Long Zhao, Ye Zhang, Study on the hybrid ion-flow field of HVDC and HVAC transmission lines by the nodal discontinuous Galerkin time-domain method,IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 2017, 11(1): 209-217(SCI:022, JCR:Q2, Impact Factor:2.618, 5-Year Impact Factor:2.874)
Zhiqiang Chen, Wenchao Tian, Xiaotong Zhang, Yongkun Wang, Effects of deposition parameters on surface roughness and consequent electromagnetic performances of capacitive RF MEMS switches: A review, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering,2017, 27(11):113003-1-26(SCI: 0004**, JCR:Q2,Impact Factor:1.888, 5-Year Impact Factor:1.594)
Wenchao Tian, Zhanghan Zhao, Electrical performance simulation of 2.5D package, 2nd International Conference on Modelling, Simulation and Applied Mathmatics (MSAM 2017), 2017, March, 26-27, Bangkok, Thailand, vol. 132, pp. 5-7 (SCI:0004**)

Wenchao Tian, Zhiqiang Chen, Yanrong Cao, Analysis and test of a new MEMS micro-actuator,Microsystem Technologies,2016, 22(5): 943-952 (SCI:005, JCR:Q3, Impact Factor:1.581, 5-Year Impact Factor:1.33)
Wenchao Tian, Xiangyang Zhang, Zhiqiang Chen, Haoyue Ji, A review of graphene on NEMS,Recent Patents on Nanotechnology, 2016, 10(1): 3-10(SCI:003, JCR:Q3, Impact Factor:1.475, 5-Year Impact Factor:1.884)
Yongkun Wang,Wenchao Tian, Guangming Zhu, Jianqiang Xie, Thermomechanical and shape memory properties of SCF/SBS/LLDPE composites,Chinese Journal of Polymer Science, 2016, 34(11):1354-1362(SCI:006, JCR:Q2, Impact Factor:2.016, 5-Year Impact Factor:1.582)
Yongkun Wang,Wenchao Tian, Jianqiang Xie, Yan Liu, Thermoelectric responsive shape memory graphene/hydro-epoxy composites for actuators,Micromachines, 2016, 7(8): 145-154(SCI:017, JCR:Q2, Impact Factor:2.222, 5-Year Impact Factor:2.236)
Yongkun Wang, Junjie Ye,Wenchao Tian,Shape memory polymer composites of poly(styrene-b-butadiene-b-styrene) copolymer / liner low density polyethylene/ Fe3O4 nanoparticles for remote activation,Applied Sciences, 2016, 3: 333-342(SCI:024, JCR:Q3, Impact Factor:1.689, 5-Year Impact Factor:1.855)
Yi Tian,Xinbo Huang,Wenchao Tian,Hybrid method for calculation of ion-flow fields of HVDC transmission lines,IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2016, 23(5): 2830-2839(SCI:039, JCR:Q2, Impact Factor:1.774, 5-Year Impact Factor:2.048)
Wenchao Tian, Haoyue Ji,Recent research of electromagnetic characteristics in wire bonding,Recent Patents on Mechanical Engineering, 2016, 9(2): 101-111 (EI:20**8)
Wenchao Tian, Qiang Chao, Jing Shi,Reconfigurable antennas based on RF MEMS switches,Recent Patents on Mechanical Engineering, 2016, 9(3): 230-240(EI:20**9)
Wenchao Tian, Hao Cui, A simplification method of solder joints for thermal analysis in 3D packages, 17th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, ICEPT, 16-19 Aug. 2016, Wuhan, China; Publisher: IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, USA, 812-815 (SCI:177,EI:20**0)
Wenchao Tian, Hao Cui, A simplification method of TSV interposer for thermal analysis in 3D packages, 17th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, ICEPT, 16-19 Aug. 2016, Wuhan, China; Publisher: IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, USA, 820-823 (SCI:179,EI:20**2)
Wenchao Tian, Wenhua Li, Molecular dynamics study on vibrational properties of graphene nanoribbon resonator,Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience,2016, 13(10): 7460-7466

Wenchao Tian,Zhiqiang Chen, Analysis of bistable inductive micro switch based on surface micro size effect,AppliedSurface Science, 2015, 334: 32-39 (SCI:007, JCR:Q1, Impact Factor:4.439, 5-Year Impact Factor:3.743)
Wenchao Tian,Sanjuan Wei. Current research status of microchannel thermal management technology,Recent Patents on Mechanical Engineering, 2015, 8: 1-12 (EI:20**4)
Wenchao Tian,Qiang Chao, Zhiqiang Chen, Failure mechanisms and reliability analysis of RF MEMS switches,Recent Patents on Mechanical Engineering, 2015, 8: 201-210 (EI:20**2)
Wenchao Tian,Haoyue Ji, Reliability analysis and thermal resistance degradation of high power chip under harshenvironment, 16th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, ICEPT, 11-14 Aug. 2015, Changsha, China; Publisher: IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, USA, 1139-1144(SCI:251, EI:20**5)
Wenchao Tian,Sanjuan Wei, Reliability analysis of and experiment test on SAC305 solder balls, 16th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, ICEPT, 11-14 Aug. 2015, Changsha, China; Publisher: IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, USA, 1134-1138(SCI:250, EI:20**2)
Wenchao Tian,Zhiqiang Chen, Analysis of a double-phase regulation and an ultra wideband tunable micro electromechanical system resonator, 2015 16th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, ICEPT, 11-14 Aug. 2015, Changsha, China; Publisher: IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, USA, 1149-1153 (SCI:253,EI:20**4)

田文超, 陈志强, 贾建援, 低压大位移静电微驱动器驱动机理分析,西安电子科技大学学报,2014,41(2):86 - 89 (EI:20**1)
2. Wenchao Tian,Jianglei Hu,High-power and high-reliability RF MEMS switch review,Recent Patents on Mechanical Engineering, 2014, 7(2): 105-112 (EI:20**0)
Tian Wenchao,Guan Rongcheng,Anti-vibration structure analysis and optimizing on BGA packaging module,15th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology and High Density Packaging, ICEPT-HDP,12-15 Aug. 2014,Chengdu, China;Publisher:IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, USA, 524-528 (SCI:120, EI:20**9)
Tian Wenchao, Guan Rongcheng,Effect and experiment of screw locations on BGA viscoplastic fatigue life, 15th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology (ICEPT),12-15 Aug. 2014,Chengdu, China;Publisher: IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, USA, 529-534(SCI:121, EI:20**3)
田文超, 陈志强, 新型双向加载MEMS微执行器动力学分析,纳米技术与精密工程,2014, 12(5): 334-339

Tian Wenchao,Yang Yintang,Molecular dynamics analysis of “stiction” based on multi-body EAM potential function,Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 2013,10(4):848-852
Tian Wenchao,Jia Jianyuan, Dynamic analysis of bistable inductive micro-switch,Advanced Science Letters, 2013,19(6): 1686-1690
Tian Wenchao,Chen Zhiqiang,Modeling and micro scale analyzing of micro-switch applied in all-optical communication,Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology,2013, 48(1): 454-458
Tian Wenchao,Yang Liqin, Principle, characteristic and application of scanning probe microscope series,Recent Patents on Mechanical Engineering, 2013, 6(1): 48-57


2019年田文超教授参加澳门IEEE-NANO 2019国际会议
2017年田文超教授参加日本东京IEC标准大会(SC47E/WG1, SC47E/WG2 and SC47F/WG1-3)



1)曹艳荣 副教授
2)王永坤 博士后(出站)
3)时婧 博士后
4)解忠良 博士后
5)陈志强 博士
6)辛菲 博士


2016:马天然(2017与2018年国家奖学金, 2019届优秀毕业研究生)、刘笑涵(2018年国家奖学金)、李平、于文博(2017与2018年国家奖学金, 2019届校优秀硕士学位获得者提名, 2019届优秀毕业研究生)、凌宗玉(2018国睿社会奖学金)、赵章涵





2018“导师杯”乒乓球团体赛勇夺冠军(2018.10) “导师杯”乒乓球赛掠影(2018.10) 丰富文艺活动(2019.12)

2018年毕业生合影(2018.6) 崔昊、袁林啸等在2018年学院元旦晚会上的精彩演出

曹欣博士在美国伦斯勒理工大学进行交流学习(2017.9) 陈志强博士在美国密歇根州立大学接受联合培养(2017.9)

于文博硕士在英国拉夫堡大学进行交流学习(2017.9) 田毅博士毕业照(2017.6)









气派-西电 集成电路封装测试重点前沿技术攻关联合实验室

XP-12塑封压机 XP-13 膜架

DH-A2型全自动BGA返修台 MFM1200多功能推拉力测试机 6XB-PC透反射金相显微镜

TPT HB05型引线键合机压电X-Y型微位移实验平台OTR12-08精密隔振平台


20路数据采集仪图 3D打印机 VMS1500影像测试仪 鼓风干燥箱
6090激光雕刻机 DRL-III导热率测试仪
PCY-D热膨胀测试仪 XM-30000N电子材料力学试验机

Dr. Tian Wenchao
Professor of School of Electro-Mechanical Engineering, Xidian University
Master\\'s supervisor, doctoral supervisor
Doctoral enrollment Discipline: Mechatronic Engineering/080202, Instrument Science and Technology/080402
Master\\'s enrollment Discipline: (academic degree) Mechanical Engineering/080200, Instrument Science and Technology/080400; (Professional Degree) Machinery/085500, Electronic Information/085400 

Contact Information
Xidian University, No.2SouthTaibai Road, Xi\\'an,Shaanxi Province, China
Postcode: 710071
Email:wctian@xidian.edu.cn, @qq.com
Office location: North Campus-Main Building-3 District-322

Founder and person in charge of the national specialty specialty of “Electronic Packaging Technology” (this specialty ranked first in the “2017 Chinese Science Evaluation Center” and “2017 Wuhan University China Education Quality Evaluation Center Chinese University Undergraduate Professional Rankings”, and It is the only first, not tied; Xidian University is the only school in the country that has a special national-level specialization in packaging), deputy director of the Academic Committee of Xi’an Intelligent Instruments and Packaging Testing Key Laboratory, Advanced Packaging and Complex High-density Assembly Research Center Director, Deputy Chairman of the National Electronic Packaging Technology Textbook Writing Committee.

Learning experience:
1987.9-1991.7: Bachelor degree of Electronic Equipment Structure in Xidian University
1996.9-1999.6: Master degree of Mechanical Manufacturing in Xidian University
2000.9-2004.6: Ph.D. degree of Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation in Xidian University
2006.12-2007.12: Working as a guest professor in Institute of Microsystem (IMTEK), University of Freiburg, Germany
2006.10-2008.10: Working in Microelectronics and Solid Electronics Post-doctoral working stations in Xidian University
Social work:
?Member of MEMS Standardization Committee of China
?Board member of the 2nd Council of Micro and Nano-meter SocietyChina
? Senior Member of the Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (CSTAM)
? Senior Member of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society
? Guest editor of "Recent Patents on Mechanical Engineering"and other international journals
? Evaluation expert of the National Science and Technology Award expert database
? Evaluation expert of the Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) expert database
? Evaluation expert of “863” Program
? Evaluation expert of International Scientific and Technological Cooperationexpert database
? Evaluation expert of the National Innovation Fundexpert database
? Evaluation expert of the National Postdoctoral Sustentation Fund expert database
? Evaluation expert of the National Doctoral Specialties Fund expert database
Secretary of the Electronic Packaging Department as the branch secretary, the founder and person in charge of the national specialty specialty of "Electronic Packaging Technology" (the major is listed in the "2017 Chinese Science Evaluation Center" and "2017 Wuhan University China Education Quality Evaluation Center Chinese University Undergraduate Rankings" ", Ranked first, and the only one, not tied; Xidian University is the only school in the country with a national specialty in packaging.
Part-time job in the society: Deputy Chairman of the National Electronic Packaging Technology Textbook Compilation Committee (ranked first deputy director)

Research Interests
1.MEMS Technology: Design and simulation of intelligent micro sensor and actuator, performance analysis and design of micro/nano devices and micro electromechanical system, dynamic simulation and test of micro/nano devices.
2.Electronic Packaging and Microassembly Technology: The thermal, electromagnetic, vibration and impact, vibration shock,creep and stress relaxation, failureand lifetime, reliability analysis of package device and circuit board and;Performance analysis of 3D laminated board, TSV, SIP, micro system technology, other advanced packaging technologyandmicroassembly technology.
3.Photoelectric detection and electromechanical control: Stress and strain detection of MOEMS, conversion and transmission of opto-electronic information, design and processing of high-end special servo-drive control technology, opto-electronic sensor detection and system integration technology.

Vertical project
• Micro- MRI system design, analysis and implementation, Germany, France, Switzerland joint EU project
• Key technology research oflow voltage, highspeed and large deformation micro actuator based on buckling, National Natural Science Foundation of China
•New high-power high-frequency multi-channel RF MEMS switch modeling analysis,National Natural Science Foundation of China
• Digital temperature brushless DC motors without Hall servo drives,Foundationof Ministry of Science and Innovation
•***** Tester, Total R&D Project Engagement
• *****and its key technologies,Weapons and Equipment Research in Advance
• Key technologyresearch of "push - pull rod" micro driving mechanismwith its SBR points to the variable element antenna arm, The Ministry of Education Basic Scientific Research Expenses
• Capacitive RF MEMS switch failure mechanism and reliability analysis, the Natural Science Foundation of Ningbo City
• Research on the key technology of integration of micro switch, Applied Materials Innovation Fund of Xi'an
• Long-term reliability research of package solder joints and under the influence of structural factorsand pre-stressing, Huawei Innovation Fund
Horizontal project:
• High-density packaging interconnection process simulation technology research, horizontal cooperation project
• High-definition display gold bump ECD wafer-level packaging and testing key technology research, the Horizontal Cooperation Projects
• Process simulation of electric field and flow field of golden bump,the Horizontal Cooperation Projects
• Development of acoustic echo cancellation module,the Horizontal Cooperation Projects
• Analysis and life prediction of high reliability power device,the Horizontal Cooperation Projects
• Failure analysis of high power LED encapsulation and life,the Horizontal Cooperation Projects
• Infrared testing and servo control system of fire water fire water monitor,the Horizontal Cooperation Projects
• Design and Simulation Analysis of an airborne gyro rubber shock absorbers,the Horizontal Cooperation Projects
•Reliability study of TO-252 and SOD-323 package products,the Horizontal Cooperation Projects
•A interference measurement system used to test the deformation and displacement of three-dimensional micro-structure,the Horizontal Cooperation Projects
•Three-dimensional reliability testing technology for gold bump based on interference of moire carrier,the Horizontal Cooperation Projects

Patents of invention:
Tian Wenchao, Ling Zongyu,Shi Jing,A kind of ultra-wide band energy-efficient piezoelectric vibration energy collecting device,2017.11,Chinese invention patent, ZL7.0
Tian Wenchao, Li Ping,Wang Yongkun,A Composite Thin Film Piezoelectric Micropump Based on Variable Elastic Modulus,2017.7,Chinese invention patent, ZL2.X
Tian Wenchao, Li Ping, Shi Jing,Multi - channel RF MEMS switch based on variable elastic modulus composite thin film beam, 2017.7,Chinese invention patent, ZL2.6
Tian Wenchao, Zhang Xiaotong, Chen Zhiqiang,Spiral five bit distributed MEMS phase shifter based on RF MEMS switch, 2016.12,Chinese invention patent, ZL5.4
Tian Wenchao, Cui Hao, Wang Yongkun,Aerospace temperature controlled shutter mechanism driven by shape memory polymer, 2016.12,Chinese invention patent, ZL6.6
Tian Wenchao, Wei Sanjuan, An alternatingchain-typemicro channel structure, 2017.11, Chinese invention patent, ZL 3.3
Tian Wenchao, Liu Jihong, A new type of combination of shock absorber basedmagnetorheological damper, 2017.11, Chinese invention patent, ZL 6.9. Patent has been transferred
Tian Wenchao, Zhao Laiqiang, A interference measurement system used to test the deformation and displacement of three-dimensional micro-structure, 2017.05, Chinese invention patent, ZL 8.6.Patent has been transferred
Tian Wenchao, Hu Jianglei, Yang Liqin, A new kind of large deformation micro mechanical drive actuator based on two levels regulation, 2016.04, Chinese invention patent, ZL 5.0
• Tian Wenchao, Hu Jianglei, Yang Liqin, A static driving frequency variable micro mechanical resonator,2013.03, Chinese invention patent, ZL 2.2
Tian Wenchao, Shan Lei, A micro mechanical optical switch featured with straight beam buckling and electrostatic, 2015. 03, Chinese invention patent, ZL 2.3
Tian Wenchao, Ruan Hongfang, Yang Yintang, Cao Yanrong, Fold beam buckling RF micro switch, 2013.9, Chinese invention patent, ZL 4.2
Tian Wenchao, Sun Hao, Yang Yintang, the plane spiral inductance with an alternating varying line width spacing, 2013.08, Chinese invention patent, ZL .X
Tian Wenchao, Li Xuemei, Yang Yintang, A low-voltage large deformation micro switch based on buckling, 2013.01, Chinese invention patent, ZL 9.4
Wang Yongkun,Tian Wenchao, A shape memory composite materials and its preparation method and application, 2018.05, Chinese invention patent, 6.4
•Shi Jing, Tian Wenchao, Liu Xiao, Wang Yongkun, Gao Hongwei,Preparation method of gas sensing test element based on bismuth molybdate nano material, 2018.05, Chinese invention patent, ZL4.5
Tian Wenchao, Shi Yifan, Chen Yong, Chen Shuai, Wang Wenlong, Measuring method of solder elastic modulus in reflow soldering process based on difference method, 2020.08, Chinese invention patent
Tian Wenchao, Li Wenhua, Feng Xuegui, Chen Yong, Tunable frequency nanoelectromechanical resonator based on r-graphadiyne, 2020.07, Chinese invention patent
Patens of utility models:
Tian Wenchao, Yang Yintang, A Bistable inductive micro switch, 2009.03, Chinese utility model patent, ZL 13.4
Software copyright:
• Zhou Zhengping, Tian Wenchao, Embedded three band infrared fire detection positioning system software, Software copyright, 2015SR206669

1. Wenchao Tian, the key technology of high temperature non-Hall DC motor servo drive, the third "Fenglu Talents" plan E team, Fenghua Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, Fenghua Municipal People's Government, October 2015
2. Tian Wenchao, Du Tiejun, Zhang Daxing, Wang Yongkun, Cao Haifeng, Ultra-high temperature Hallless DC servo motor driver, 2017 Shaanxi Provincial Science and Technology Workers Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, Bronze Award, Shaanxi Science and Technology Association, Shaanxi Provincial Department of Education, Shaanxi Provincial Department of Science and Technology, July 2017

Wenchao Tian, Huanling Liu, Daxing Zhang, Design forElectronic Package Structure, 2017, Xidian University Press
Wenchao Tian, Lifei Lou, Micro electro mechanical technology, 2014, Xidian University Press("Twelfth Five-Year" National Excellent Book Publishing Project, Supported by the Shaanxi Provincial Publishing Fund, Second Prize of Excellent Teaching Materials of Xidian University)
Wenchao Tian,Electronic packaging, MEMS and Microsystems, 2012, Xidian University Press ("Twelfth Five-Year" National Excellent Book Publishing Project)
Wenchao Tian, Principle Design and analysis of MEMS, 2009, Xidian University Press
2021:Wenchao Tian, Jiahao Niu, Wenhua Li, Xiaohan Liu, Study on adsorption of CO and CO2 by graphene gas sensor, Modern Physics Letters B, 2021,DOI:10.1143/so2**542, (on line)
Zhongliang Xie, Nawei Shen, Weidong Zhu,Wenchao Tian, Liang Hao, Theoretical and experimental investigation on the influences of misalignment on the lubrication performances and lubrication regimes transition of water lubricated bearing. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 2021, 14(9), DOI:10.1016/j.ymssp.2020.107211,(SCI:005, JCR Q1, Impact factor: 6.47)
Wenchao Tian, Xing Wang, Jiahao Niu, Hao Cui,Chen Yong , Zhang Yi, Research status of wafer level packaging of RF MEMES switches, 2020 21st International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology (ICEPT), Guangzhou, China, 2020,pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ICEPT50128.2020.**.
Wenchao Tian, ChuqiaoWang, ZhanghanZhao, XueguiFeng and ZhengguoWen, "Temperature cycle reliability analysis and life prediction of plastic encapsulated power semiconductor devices," 2020 21st International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology (ICEPT), Guangzhou, China, 2020, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/ICEPT50128.2020.**.
Daowei Wu,Wenchao Tian,Chuqiao Wang, Ruixia Huo, Yongkun Wang, Research of Wafer Level Bonding Process Based on Cu-Sn Eutectic, Micromachines,2020,11(9),789-13,DOI:10.3390/mi**(SCI:001, JCR Q3, Impact factor: 2.524)
Xie, Zhongliang,Song Pan,Hao Liang,Shen Nawei,Zhu Weidong,Liu Huanling,Jing,Yongkun,Tian Wenchao,Investigation on effects of Fluid-Structure-Interaction(FSI) on the lubrication performances of water lubricated bearing in primary circuit loop system of nuclear power plant, 2020, 141(6), DOI: 10.1016/j.anucene.2020.107355,(SCI:033,JCR Q2, Impact factor:1.378,5-Year Impact Factor:1.501)
Wenchao Tian, Chunmin Cheng, Chuqiao Wang and Wenhua Li,Research Progress on Thermal Conductivity of Graphdiyne Nanoribbons and its Defects: A Review, Recent Patents on Nanotechnology, 2020, 6, DOI: 10.2174/**435(JCR Q4,Impact factor: 0.977
WenChao Tian, ChuQiao Wang, ZhangHan Zhao, Hao Cui ,Structures and Materials of System in Package: A Review,Recent Patents on Mechanical Engineering(Accepted)
Yongkun Wang, Zhenhong Chen, Jiahao Niu, Yang Shi, Junjie Ye, Wenchao Tian, Electrically responsive shape memory composites using silver plated chopped carbon fiber, Frontiers in Chemistry,2020.8(5),DOI: 10.3389/fchem.2020.00322(SCI:001,JCR Q1,Impact factor:3.78,5-Year Impact Factor:3.51)
Tian Wenchao, Shi Yifan, Cui Hao, Shi Jing,Research on Piezoelectric Energy Harvester Based on Coupled Oscillator Model for vehicle vibration utilizing a L-shaped cantilever beam,Smart Materials and Structures,2020.29(7)DOI: 10.1088/1361-665X/ab87e1(SCI: 001,JCR Q2, Impact factor:3.548,5-Year Impact Factor:3.84)
CuiHao,TianWenchao,KangYu,WangYongkun, Characteristics of a novel thermal-induced epoxy shape memorypolymerfor smart device applications,Materials Research Express,2020, 7:015706-015721 (JCR Q3,Impact factor: 1.449, 5-Year Impact Factor: 1.405)
Xie Zhongliang, Shen Nawei, Zhu Weidong, Liu Huanling, Shi Jing, Wang Yongkun, Tian Wenchao, Dynamic characteristics analysis of the hydro-hybrid liquid Sodium lubricated bearing-rotor coupled system in the two-circuit main loop liquid sodium pump system, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2020, 136: DOI: 10.1016/j.anucene. 2019.107059 (SCI: 044, JCR Q2, Impact factor:1.38,5-Year Impact Factor:1.567)
WangYongkun,ZhangYuting,ZhangJinhua,YeJunjue,TianWenchao,Shape recovery characteristics of shape memory cyanate ester/epoxy composite reinforced with calcium sulfate whisker,Pigment& ResinTechnology, 2020, 8, DOI: 10.1108/PRT-09-2019-0087(SCI:001,JCR Q4, Impact factor:0.724, 5-Year Impact Factor:0.819)
Wang Yongkun, Liangchao Wang ,Zhang Yuting, Junjie Ye, Yang Shi, Tian Wenchao, Evaluating the effect of carbon black-A short carbon fiber hybrid filler on the electro-activated shape memory cyanate ester/epoxy composites, Science of Advanced Materials, 2020, 12(5), 652-658 (WOS:005, Impact factor: 1.158, 5-Year Impact Factor: 1.039)
Xie Zhongliang, Shen Nawei, Ge Jianding, Zhu Weidong, Song Pan, Liu Huanling, Hao Liang, Tian Wenchao, Analysis of the flow noises of the nuclear main pump caused by the high temperature liquid Sodium in the two-circuit main loop liquid Sodium pump system, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2020, 145: 107550. (JCR:Q2, Impact factor:1.38, 5-Year Impact Factor:1.567)
Tian Yi, Liu Chifeng, Huang Xinbo, TianWenchao, Cao Wen,Zhu Yongcan,Zhao Long, The propagation of the Ion-Flow Near the AC Transmission Lines, IEEE ACCESS, 2020, 8,, 146498-146509, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.**(SCI:001, JCR:Q1, Impact factor:3.745, 5-Year Impact Factor:4.076)
Yongkun Wang,Yuting Zhang, Jinhua Zhang, Junjue Ye, Wenchao Tian, Shape recovery characteristics of shape memory cyanate ester/epoxy composite reinforced with calcium sulfate whisker, Pigment & Resin Technology (Accepted)
Wenchao Tian, Liangliang Wang, and Wenhao Li, Analysis of Highly Uniform Process of Wafer Gold Bump Electrodeposition, 11th International Conference of Micro-NanoTechnology, CSMNT2019, 11-14 Oct. 2019, Wuhan, China
Wenchao Tian, Wenhua Li, and Xiaohan Liu, Study on Adsorption of CO and CO2 by Graphene Gas Sensor, 11th International Conference of Micro-NanoTechnology, CSMNT2019, 11-14 Oct. 2019, Wuhan, China
Zhiqiang Chen, Yunqi Cao, Wenchao Tian, and Yongkun Wang, Surface roughness analysis of Cu films deposited on Si substrates: A molecular dynamic analysis, Journal of Applied Physics, 2019, 126, 045303 (SCI: 020, JCR:Q2, Impact factor:2.328, 5-Year Impact Factor:2.533)
WenchaoTian,Liangchao Wang, Hao Cui, Yu Kang, Zhanghan Zhao, The effect of molding compound on reliability of electronic components, First International Symposium on Risk Analysis and Safety of Complex Structures and Components, 1‐2 Jul. 2019, Porto . Portugal
WenchaoTian, YutingZhang,MengjuanLi,ZhongliangXie and WenhuaLi, 5-Bit Spiral Distributed RF MEMS Phase Shifters,IEEE-NANO 2019, 22-26 Jul. 2019, Macau, China
Wenchao Tian, Mengjuan Li, Jiahao Niu, Wenhua Li, and Jing Shi, The Research progress and comparisons between Lithium-ion batteryand Sodium ion battery, IEEE-NANO 2019,22-26 Jul. 2019, Macau, China
Wenchao Tian, Hao Cui and Wenbo Yu,Analysis and Experimental Test of Electrical Characteristics on Bonding Wire, Electronics, 2019,8(3),**(SCI:009, JCR:Q2,Impact Factor:2.11)
Jing Shi,Liu Xiao, Wenchao Tian, Structure evolution and ferroelectric properties in stoichiometric Bi0.5+xNa0.5-xTi1-0.5xO3,Journal of Materials Science,2019, 54(7), 5249-5255 (SCI:004, JCR:Q2, Impact factor:2.993, 5-Year Impact Factor:2.733)
Tian Yi, Huang Xinbo, Tian Wenchao, Cao Wen, Time domain mixed finite element method for ionic flow field of ac-dc transmission lines, Electric Machines and Control, 2019(10),85-94
Yongkun Wang, Tianran Ma,Wenchao Tian, Junjie Ye, Xing Wang and Xiangjun Jiang, Electroactive shape memory properties of graphene/epoxy-cyanate ester nanocomposites,Pigment & Resin Technology, 2018,47 (1) :72-78 (SCI: 009, JCR:Q4, Impact factor:0.486, 5-Year Impact Factor:0.708)
Wenchao Tian, Ping Li, Linxiao Yuan,Research and Analysis of MEMS Switches in Different Frequency Bands,Micromachines, 2018,9(4), 185 (SCI: 047,JCR:Q2, Impact Factor:2.222, 5-Year Impact Factor:2.236)
Wenchao Tian, Zongyu Ling, Wenbo Yu, Jing Shi, A Review of Piezoelectric Energy Harvester Research, Applied Sciences-Basel, 2018,8(4), 645 (SCI: 172, JCR:Q3, Impact Factor:1.689, 5-Year Impact Factor:1.855)
Jing Shi,Xiao Liu, Wenchao Tian, High energy-storage properties of Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3-BaTiO3-SrTi0.875Nb0.1O3 lead-free relaxor ferroelectrics,Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2018,34(12),2371 (SCI: 020, JCR:Q1, Impact Factor:3.609, 5-Year Impact Factor:3.28)
Wenchao Tian, Xiaohan Liu, Wenbo Yu, Research Progress of Graphene Gas Sensor: A review,Applied Sciences-Basel, 2018,8, 1118 (SCI: 108, JCR:Q3, Impact Factor:1.689, 5-Year Impact Factor:1.855)
Wenchao Tian, Tianran Ma, Xiaohan Liu, TSVTechnologyandHighEnergyHeavyIonsRadiationImpactReview,Electronics, 2018,7(7), 112 (SCI: 013, JCR:Q2, Impact Factor:2.11)
Wenchao Tian, Wenbo Yu, Xiaohan Liu, Yongkun Wang and Jing Shi,A review of the characteristics, synthesis and thermodynamics of type-II Weyl semimetal WTe2,Materials, 2018,11, 1185 (SCI: 136, JCR:Q2, Impact Factor:2.467, 5-Year Impact Factor:3.325)
Wenchao Tian, Daowei Wu,Zhiqiang Chen, Yongkun Wang, Application of Genetic Algorithlm in M×N Reconfigurable Antenna Array Based on RF MEMS Switches,Modern Physics Letters B,2018, 32(30) (DOI:10.1142/S02**657, JCR:Q4,Impact Factor:0.731, 5-Year Impact Factor:0.628)

Wenchao Tian, Wenhua Li, Xiaohan Liu, Yongkun Wang,Molecular dynamics study on resonance properties of nano resonator based on graphene nanosheet with two types of vacancy defects,Applied Sciences-Basel, 2017, 7 (1): 79-1-9 (SCI:077, JCR:Q3, Impact Factor:1.689, 5-Year Impact Factor:1.855)
Wenchao Tian, Wenhua Li, Wenbo Yu and Xiaohan Liu, A review on lattice defects in graphene: types, generation, effects and regulation, Micromachines, 2017, 8(5), 163 (SCI:031, JCR:Q2, Impact Factor:2.222, 5-Year Impact Factor:2.236)
3. Wenchao Tian, Wenbo Yu, Jing Shi and Yongkun Wang, The property, preparation and application of topological insulators: A review, Materials, 2017, 10(7), 814 (SCI: 131, JCR: Q2, Impact Factor: 2.467, 5-Year Impact Factor: 3.325)
Wenchao Tian, Xiaotong Zhang, Zhiqiang Chen,Performance analysis of MEMS phase shifters based on RF MEMS switches: A review,Recent Patents on Mechanical Engineering,2017, 10(2):126-139
Zhiqiang Chen,WenchaoTian, Xiaotong Zhang, Effect of surface asperities on the capacitances of capacitive RF MEMS switches,Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2017, 27(3): 034002-1-10 (SCI:001, JCR:Q2,Impact Factor:1.888, 5-Year Impact Factor:1.954)
Yongkun Wang,Wenchao Tian, Xiaohan Liu and Junjie Ye, Thermal sensitive shape memory behavior of epoxy composites reinforced with silicon carbide whiskers,Applied Scinces-Basel, 2017, 7(1): 108-1-10 (SCI:105, JCR:Q3, Impact Factor:1.689, 5-Year Impact Factor:1.855)
JingShi,Wenchao Tian, Electric-field induce phase transition and fatigue behaviors of (Bi0.5+x/2Na0.5-x/2) 0.94Ba0.06Ti1-xFexO3 ferroelectric,Journal of the American Ceramic Society,2017, 100(3): 1080-1090(SCI:029, JCR:Q1, Impact Factor:2.956, 5-Year Impact Factor:2.971)
Yongkun Wang,Wenchao Tian, Guangming Zhu, Electro-induced shape memory nanocomposite containing conductive carbon nanotubes,Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2017, 17(6): 3973-3679 (SCI:004,JCR:Q3, Impact Factor:1.338, 5-Year Impact Factor:1.105)
Zhiqiang Chen,Wenchao Tian, Xiaotong Zhang, Analysis of a novel double driving signal line and driving electrodes separated RF MEMS switch,Modern Physics Letters B, 2017, 31(11): **-1-18 (SCI:003, JCR:Q4,Impact Factor:0.731, 5-Year Impact Factor:0.628)
Yi Tian, Xinbo Huang,Wenchao Tian, Yongcan Zhu, Long Zhao, Ye Zhang, Study on the hybrid ion-flow field of HVDC and HVAC transmission lines by the nodal discontinuous Galerkin time-domain method,IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 2017, 11(1): 209-217(SCI:022, JCR:Q2, Impact Factor:2.618, 5-Year Impact Factor:2.874)
Zhiqiang Chen, Wenchao Tian, Xiaotong Zhang, Yongkun Wang, Effects of deposition parameters on surface roughness and consequent electromagnetic performances of capacitive RF MEMS switches: A review, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering,2017, 27(11):113003-1-26(SCI: 0004**, JCR:Q2,Impact Factor:1.888, 5-Year Impact Factor:1.594)
Wenchao Tian, Zhanghan Zhao, Electrical performance simulation of 2.5D package, 2nd International Conference on Modelling, Simulation and Applied Mathmatics (MSAM 2017), 2017, March, 26-27, Bangkok, Thailand, vol. 132, pp. 5-7 (SCI:0004**)

Wenchao Tian, Zhiqiang Chen, Yanrong Cao, Analysis and test of a new MEMS micro-actuator,Microsystem Technologies,2016, 22(5): 943-952 (SCI:005, JCR:Q3, Impact Factor:1.581, 5-Year Impact Factor:1.33)
Wenchao Tian, Xiangyang Zhang, Zhiqiang Chen, Haoyue Ji, A review of graphene on NEMS,Recent Patents on Nanotechnology, 2016, 10(1): 3-10(SCI:003, JCR:Q3, Impact Factor:1.475, 5-Year Impact Factor:1.884)
Yongkun Wang,Wenchao Tian, Guangming Zhu, Jianqiang Xie, Thermomechanical and shape memory properties of SCF/SBS/LLDPE composites,Chinese Journal of Polymer Science, 2016, 34(11):1354-1362(SCI:006, JCR:Q2, Impact Factor:2.016, 5-Year Impact Factor:1.582)
Yongkun Wang,Wenchao Tian, Jianqiang Xie, Yan Liu, Thermoelectric responsive shape memory graphene/hydro-epoxy composites for actuators,Micromachines, 2016, 7(8): 145-154(SCI:017, JCR:Q2, Impact Factor:2.222, 5-Year Impact Factor:2.236)
Yongkun Wang, Junjie Ye,Wenchao Tian,Shape memory polymer composites of poly(styrene-b-butadiene-b-styrene) copolymer / liner low density polyethylene/ Fe3O4 nanoparticles for remote activation,Applied Sciences, 2016, 3: 333-342(SCI:024, JCR:Q3, Impact Factor:1.689, 5-Year Impact Factor:1.855)
Yi Tian,Xinbo Huang,Wenchao Tian,Hybrid method for calculation of ion-flow fields of HVDC transmission lines,IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2016, 23(5): 2830-2839(SCI:039, JCR:Q2, Impact Factor:1.774, 5-Year Impact Factor:2.048)
Wenchao Tian, Haoyue Ji,Recent research of electromagnetic characteristics in wire bonding,Recent Patents on Mechanical Engineering, 2016, 9(2): 101-111 (EI:20**8)
Wenchao Tian, Qiang Chao, Jing Shi,Reconfigurable antennas based on RF MEMS switches,Recent Patents on Mechanical Engineering, 2016, 9(3): 230-240(EI:20**9)
Wenchao Tian, Hao Cui, A simplification method of solder joints for thermal analysis in 3D packages, 17th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, ICEPT, 16-19 Aug. 2016, Wuhan, China; Publisher: IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, USA, 812-815 (SCI:177,EI:20**0)
Wenchao Tian, Hao Cui, A simplification method of TSV interposer for thermal analysis in 3D packages, 17th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, ICEPT, 16-19 Aug. 2016, Wuhan, China; Publisher: IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, USA, 820-823 (SCI:179,EI:20**2)
Wenchao Tian, Wenhua Li, Molecular dynamics study on vibrational properties of graphene nanoribbon resonator,Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience,2016, 13(10): 7460-7466

Wenchao Tian,Zhiqiang Chen, Analysis of bistable inductive micro switch based on surface micro size effect,AppliedSurface Science, 2015, 334: 32-39 (SCI:007, JCR:Q1, Impact Factor:4.439, 5-Year Impact Factor:3.743)
Wenchao Tian,Sanjuan Wei. Current research status of microchannel thermal management technology,Recent Patents on Mechanical Engineering, 2015, 8: 1-12 (EI:20**4)
Wenchao Tian,Qiang Chao, Zhiqiang Chen, Failure mechanisms and reliability analysis of RF MEMS switches,Recent Patents on Mechanical Engineering, 2015, 8: 201-210 (EI:20**2)
Wenchao Tian,Haoyue Ji, Reliability analysis and thermal resistance degradation of high power chip under harshenvironment, 16th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, ICEPT, 11-14 Aug. 2015, Changsha, China; Publisher: IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, USA, 1139-1144(SCI:251, EI:20**5)
Wenchao Tian,Sanjuan Wei, Reliability analysis of and experiment test on SAC305 solder balls, 16th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, ICEPT, 11-14 Aug. 2015, Changsha, China; Publisher: IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, USA, 1134-1138(SCI:250, EI:20**2)
Wenchao Tian,Zhiqiang Chen, Analysis of a double-phase regulation and an ultra wideband tunable micro electromechanical system resonator, 2015 16th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, ICEPT, 11-14 Aug. 2015, Changsha, China; Publisher: IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, USA, 1149-1153 (SCI:253,EI:20**4)

Wenchao Tian, Zhiqiang Chen, Jianyuan Jia, Analysis of the driving mechanism of the large-displacement low-voltage electrostatic micro-actuator based on the principle of vertical-horizontal bending, Journal of Xidian University, 2014,41(2):86-89 (EI:20**1)
Wenchao Tian,Jianglei Hu,High-power and high-reliability RF MEMS switch review,Recent Patents on Mechanical Engineering, 2014, 7(2): 105-112 (EI:20**0)
Tian Wenchao,Guan Rongcheng,Anti-vibration structure analysis and optimizing on BGA packaging module,15th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology and High Density Packaging, ICEPT-HDP,12-15 Aug. 2014,Chengdu, China;Publisher:IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, USA, 524-528 (SCI:120, EI:20**9)
Tian Wenchao, Guan Rongcheng,Effect and experiment of screw locations on BGA viscoplastic fatigue life, 15th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology (ICEPT),12-15 Aug. 2014,Chengdu, China;Publisher: IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, USA, 529-534(SCI:121, EI:20**3)
Wenchao Tian, Zhiqiang Chen, Lei Shan, Numerical Solution and Simulation of a Novel Low Voltage Large Deformation Microactuator, Chinese Journal of Computational Physics, 2014,31(2):223-229
Wenchao Tian, Zhiqiang Chen, Dynamic Analysis of New Biaxial loading MEMS Micro Actuator, 2014, 12(5): 334-339
Tian Wenchao,Yang Yintang,Molecular dynamics analysis of “stiction” based on multi-body EAM potential function,Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 2013,10(4):848-852
Tian Wenchao,Jia Jianyuan, Dynamic analysis of bistable inductive micro-switch,Advanced Science Letters, 2013,19(6): 1686-1690
Tian Wenchao,Chen Zhiqiang,Modeling and micro scale analyzing of micro-switch applied in all-optical communication,Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology,2013, 48(1): 454-458
Tian Wenchao,Yang Liqin, Principle, characteristic and application of scanning probe microscope series,Recent Patents on Mechanical Engineering, 2013, 6(1): 48-57

Graduate courses: MEMS design (degree course), vibration control (degree course), micro-scale mechanics, micro-nano technology
Undergraduate courses: engineering mechanics (compulsory course), MEMS packaging technology (compulsory course), numerical control technology, mechanical CAD/CAM
Teaching awards
Tian Wenchao, Liu Huanling, Zhang Daxing, Electronic Packaging Structure Design, First Prize of Excellent Textbook of Xidian University, 2019
Tian Wenchao, Jia Jianyuan, Gao Hongwei, Cao Yanrong, Cui Chuanzhen, facing the international high-end manufacturing field, creating a first-class electronic packaging technology professional training mechanism, second prize of school-level excellent teaching achievements, 2017
Tian Wenchao, Lou Lifei, MEMS, Second Prize of Excellent Textbook of Xidian University, 2017
Tian Wenchao, School-level Outstanding Contribution Award, 2015
Create a new undergraduate major in electronic packaging technology, cultivate high-end electronic manufacturing innovative talents, first prize of school-level outstanding teaching achievements, 2014
Highlight professional characteristics, pay attention to practical links, cultivate high-quality electronic packaging professional and technical personnel, second prize of school-level outstanding teaching achievements, 2012
Tian Wenchao, Principle, Design and Analysis of Micro-Electro-Mechanical System (MEMS), Second Prize of Excellent Textbook of Xidian University, 2011
Teaching Reform Project
Tian wenchao, Wang weidong, Shi jing, Wang yongkun, 《MEMS Design》excellent course construction, 2020.1
Tian Wenchao, MEMS and Packaging Technology Teacher Course, 2017
Tian Wenchao, Wang Yongkun, Shi Jing, Facing the construction of "double first-class", build a professional training system for composite electronic packaging technology, key project, 2016
Tian Wenchao, etc., adapt to national needs, highlight electromechanical characteristics, improve electronic packaging technology, school-level teaching reform, key project, 2013
Teaching Reform Paper
Tian Wenchao, Shi Jing, Research Report on Research and Development and Social Needs of Electronic Packaging Graduates, China Electronics Education, 2017, 2: 10-17
Tian Wenchao, Shi Jing, Investigation report on the cultivation of electronic packaging technology colleges and talent institutions, China Electronics Education, 2017, 3: 86-95
Textbook project
Tian Wenchao, MEMS/NENS and Advanced Packaging Technology, 2020, Xidian University Press (Key support from Xidian Science and Technology Monograph Publishing Fund)
Tian Wenchao, Packaging Design, School-level Excellent Graduate Textbook Project, Key Project, 2015
Tian Wenchao, Micro-Electro-Mechanical and Micro-System, School-level Excellent Graduate Textbook Project, Key Project, 2014
Tian Wenchao, etc., electronic packaging structure design, school-level textbook project, key project, 2014
Tian Wenchao, etc., MEMS principle, design and analysis, school-level textbook project, key project, 2012
New experiment new equipment project
Tian Wenchao, Shi Jing, Cui Hao, Research on Electrical Characteristics of Wire Bonding in IC Packaging, General Project, 2017
Tian Wenchao, Wang Yongkun, Chen Zhiqiang, Development of reconfigurable antenna package based on MEMS radio frequency switch, key project, 2016
Jing Shi, Wenchao Tian, ??Yongkun Wang, Preparation of high-performance KNN ceramics for vibration energy harvesting, general project, 2016
"National Innovation" and "Provincial Innovation" guidance
Song Chenghao, etc., Collection and Verification of Metro Planning Route Based on APP Application, "Guochuang", 2017
Liu Chunlin et al. Research on the switch control system of frequency reconfigurable antenna based on STM32, "Guochuang", 2017
Yu Zhongwei, etc., Intelligent Fire Monitor Automatic Tracking and Servo Drive System Design, "Guochuang", 2014
Cao Yifan, etc., Non-contact Infant Surface Temperature Tester, "Guochuang", 2014
Lou Shunxi, etc., Multifunctional Precision Stress-Strain Optical Tester, "Shenchuang", 2013
Li Zhi, etc., Multifunctional PCB Deformation and Testing Institution, "Provincial Innovation", 2013
Yuan Wenda, etc., 128-channel data acquisition display alarm system, "Provincial Creation", 2013

Academic exchange
2019Professor Tian Wenchao participated in the IEEE-NANO 2019 International Conference in Macau
2017 IEC Standard Conference (SC47E/WG1, SC47E/WG2 and SC47F/WG1-3) in Tokyo, Janpan
2017MSAM in Bangkok, Thailand
Xidian-Wangyou(Shanghai)joint laboratory set up, 2016

Pro.Tiangave a speechin International Conference on Materials in Singapore, 2016

Pro.Tiangave a speechin International Conference onNanomaterials and Sciencein Dubai, 2016

Prof. Tian attended the CMSE 2016, and made a photo with Prof. Yesong Gu in Tunghai University, 2016

Xidian hold theNational Symposium on Electronic Packaging Technology of China, 2013

Teacher Group
1) YanrongCao,Associate professor
3) JingShi, Post-doctor
4) Zhongliang Xie, Post-doctor
5) Zhiqiang Chen, Doctor
6) Fei Xin, Doctor
Ph.D Student
2013: Zhiqiang Chen(2017 National Scholarship of China), Yi Tian
2016: Daowei Wu
2017: Xin Cao
2018: Hao Cui, Wenhua Li
Post-graduate Student
2019:Meijun Liu,Yifan Shi(2020 National Scholarship of China),,Chuqiao Wang(2020 National Scholarship of China)
2018: Chunmin Cheng(2020 National Scholarship of China), Jiahao Niu, Xing Wang, Yuting Zhang(2020 National Scholarship of China)
2017: Yu Kang, Mengjuan Li, Liangchao Wang(2019 National Scholarship of China), Liangliang Wang, Linxiao Yuan
2016: Tianran Ma(2017 National Scholarship of China, 2019 Xidian excellent graduate student), Xiaohan Liu, Ping Li, Wenbo Yu(2017 and 2018 National Scholarship of China,2019 Xidian excellent graduate student), Zongyu Ling, Zhanghan Zhao
2015: Hao Cui (2016 National Scholarship of China), Wenhua Li (2016 and 2017 National Scholarship of China), Xiaotong Zhang(2017 National Scholarship of China)
2014: Haoyue Ji (2015 and 2016 National Scholarship of China, 2017 Outstanding Graduate) , Qiang Chao (2016 National Scholarship of China, 2017 Outstanding Graduate), Jihong Liu
2013: Sanjuan Wei (2015 National Scholarship of China), Xiangyang Zhang, Zhengping Zhou,
2012: Rongcheng Guan (National Scholarshipof China), Jianglei Hu (2015Outstanding Graduate), Kelu Lin
2011: Limin Zhao (2014Outstanding Graduate), Laiqiang Zhao, Liqin Yang,
2010: Lei Shan, Guodong Zhang, Wenlong Wang, Hao Sun
2009: Hongming Wang, Jinhu Zhao, Yadi Zhu, Hao Sun, Hongfang Ruan
2008: Jian Hu, Yafeng Hao, Xuemei Li, Lin Li
2007: Linbin Wang
2006: Wei Yang
2005: Hailan Shen, Jingsong Zhao
2004: Xiafang Liu

PostgraduateMengjuan Li and postgraduate Yuting Zhangattended IEEE-NANOInternational Conference

Pro.Tian with graduates in 2019(2019.6)

A photograph of the whole team(2018.11)

Champion of table tennis team competition in 2018(2018.10) A glance at table tennis matches(2018.10)

Pro.Tian with graduates in 2018(2018.6) The wonderful performance ofCui Hao, Yuan Lin Xiao, etc.on2018 College New Year's party(2018.1)

Dr.Chen Cao Xinwent toRensselaer Polytechnic Institute Dr.Chen Zhiqiangparticipated in the joint trainingprogram at for exchange study(2017.9) Michigan State University(2017.9)

Postgraduate Yu Wenbowent toLoughborough University Graduation ofPh.D Tian Yi(2017.6)
for exchange study(2017.9)

Pro.Tian with graduates in 2017(2017.6) Pro.Tian with graduates and team membersin 2017(2017.6)

Pro.Tian with graduates in 2015(2015.1) Pro.Tian with graduatesand team membersin 2016(2016.1)

Dr. Chen Zhiqiang attended MEMS International Conference Postgraduate Cui Hao gave an oral presentation inInternationalConference in 2016(2016.8) on Electronic Packaging Technology in 2016(2016.8)

Information about postgraduate admissions:
It enrolls 7 master students and 2 doctoral students every year.
The national award rate of master's students in the school is as high as 40% (the national award rate of the whole college is 3% on average). National awards: 20,000 yuan per year for master students and 30,000 yuan per year for doctoral students.
Students of engineering majors such as packaging, machinery, instrumentation, automatic control, electrical, industrial design, materials, mechanics, thermal, microelectronics, information, and science majors such as physics, chemistry, and biology are welcome to apply.
Encourage students who participate in competitions and technological productions to register.
Note: It will fluctuate according to the source of students.


1) Tian Wenchao, Liu Huanling, Zhang Daxing, Electronic Packaging Structure Design, First Prize of Excellent Teaching Materials, Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology, 2019
2)Tian Wenchao,Jia Jianyuan, Gao Hongwei, Cao Yanrong, Cui Chuanzhen,, Create first-class electronic packaging technology professional training mechanismfor the international high-end manufacturing,Secondprize for outstanding teaching achievement, 2017
3) Tian Wenchao, The outstanding contribution award of school, 2015
4) Excellent teachers of school, 2015
5) Tian Wenchao, Jia Jianyuan, Gao Hongwei,Create a new professional electronic packaging technology, training of innovative talents of high-end electronics manufacturing,First prize for outstanding teaching achievement, 2014
6) Tian Wenchao,Jia Jianyuan, Gao Hongwei,Highlight the professional characteristics, pay attention to practical links, train high-quality electronic packaging professional and technical personnel, Secondprize for outstanding teaching achievement, 2012
7)Tian Wenchao, Principle, Design and Analysis of Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), Second Prize of Excellent Teaching Materials of Xidian University, 2011

new part 0
Chippacking-Xidian Key Frontier Technology Research United Laboratory of Integrated Circuit Packaging and Testing

XP-12 Encapsulation Press XP-13 Membrane Frame

DH-A2 automatic BGA rework station MFM1200 multi function push-pull test machine

HB05 TPT wire bonding machine Piezoelectric X-Y type micro displacement experiment platform

OTR12-08 precision vibration isolation platform 2D/3D optical microscope

High-low temperature alternating damp heat test box High-low temperature impact test chamber

3D printer VMS1500 image test instrument
Air drying box 6XB-PCme[ant]tallographic microscope
6090 laser engraving machine DRL-III thermal conductivity tester
PCY-D Thermal Expansion Tester XM-30000N Electronic Material Mechanical Testing Machine

Ф30╳50 type high pressure cooking experiment box Ф30╳50 type high pressure cooking experiment box

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