张国渊 副教授 硕导
2013.05-今 自然科学基金同行评议专家
2014.06-今 《机械工程学报》(中文版EI、英文版SCI源刊)审稿专家(2015年度、2016年度优秀审稿专家)
2013.06-今 SCI期刊《Tribology International》(2区)、《International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems》(2区)、《Tribology Transaction》(4区)审稿专家
2015.03-今 EI期刊《振动与冲击》审稿专家
2011.11-今 科技核心期刊《机电工程》特邀审稿专家
张国渊 副教授 硕导
2013.05-今 自然科学基金同行评议专家
2014.06-今 《机械工程学报》(中文版EI、英文版SCI源刊)审稿专家(2015年度、2016年度优秀审稿专家)
2013.06-今 SCI期刊《Tribology International》(2区)、《International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems》(2区)、《Tribology Transaction》(4区)审稿专家
2015.03-今 EI期刊《振动与冲击》审稿专家
2011.11-今 科技核心期刊《机电工程》特邀审稿专家
2019年5月—2021年6月 作为项目负责人主持陕西省自然科学基金《多部件信息耦合高速涡轮泵转子非线性动力学模型及协同设计》(编号:2019JM-034)。执行中。
2018年7月—2019年12月 作为项目负责人主持横向项目《XXX轴承低温试验系统评估及轴承静动力学失效机理分析》。结题。
2016年1月—2019年12月 作为项目负责人主持国家自然科学基金面上项目《高速低温气液混合润滑动静结合型机械密封机理及动力行为研究》(编号:**)。结题。
2014年1月—2015年12月 作为项目负责人主持陕西省自然科学基金《基于热弹流POD模型的高参数泵机械密封主动控制机理研究》(编号:2014JQ7252)。结题优秀。
2013年5月—2014年12月 作为项目负责人主持北京某公司《某某机器人/手》开发。
2012年8月—2015年12月 作为项目负责人执行自然科学基金《低温高速动静结合型机械密封多场耦合模型及振动特性研究》(编号:**)。结题。
2011年10月—2013年10月 作为项目负责人执行航天科技创新基金《高速涡轮泵XXX密封主动控制技术》研究。结题优秀。
2010年12月—2012年3月 作为项目负责人完成中国博士后科学基金(第48批)面上项目《瞬态启停过程的端面密封脱开机理及其特征提取技术研究》(编号:)。已结题。
2010年10月—2012年6月 作为项目负责人完成湖北省电力公司电力试验研究院科技项目《发电机转子电磁力不平衡引起的振动响应分析》(鄂电试研2010第125号)。已结题。
2013年1月—2016年12月 作为第三参加人参与国家自然科学基金《“空气-油滴-油膜”共生态下航空发动机轴承腔润滑与换热研究》(编号:**)。执行中。
2009年10月—2012年12月 作为第三参加人完成国家自然科学基金《生物粘结剂在HAP微球多孔支架表面常温快速凝固微观行为研究》(编号:**)。已结题。
2011年8月—2013年8月 作为第一参加人完成703所委托项目《高速平行轴齿轮轴承转子系统动力学分析研究》,负责轴承相关的计算及分析工作。已结题。
Weigang Zhao, Guoyuan Zhang*, Guangneng Dong, Guoqiang He. Friction and wear behavior of different seal materials under water-lubricated conditions[J]. Friction, 2020. (Accept)
Guoyuan ZHANG*, Yangyang ZHAO, Weigang ZHAO, Xiutian YAN, Maotan Liang. An Experimental Study on the Cryogenic Face Seal at Different Inlet Pressures[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1177/**96455.
Guo-Yuan ZHANG*, Yangyang ZHAO, Weigang ZHAO, Maotan Liang. Study on the friction and wear performance of the micro-surface textured face seal under the water-lubricated condition [J]. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 2019, 41: 459. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40430-019-1961-y
张国渊, 党佳琦, 赵洋洋, 杨佳帅. 基于ERT的同质气液混合两相流流量测试方法及系统 [发明专利]. 申请号:7.6,日期:2019.05.23. 授权专利号:;授权日期:
张囯渊*,党佳琦,赵伟刚,赵洋洋.高速水润滑机械密封的两相流热振动现象[J].航空学报, 2019, 40(3): 422532.
Guoyuan ZHANG*, Jiaqi Dang, Weigang ZHAO, Xiu-tian YAN. Tribological behaviors of the thick metal coating for the contact mechanical seal under the water-lubricated conditions [J]. Industrial Lubrication and Tribology. 2019, 71(2): 173-180. (SCI:001)
张国渊*, 陈国忠, 赵伟刚, 张谊. 高速低温动静结合型机械密封结构优化及运转试验[J]. 航空动力学报, 2018, 33(5): 1093-1102.
Guo-Yuan Zhang*, Xiu-Tian Yan, Yi Zhang, Wei-Gang Zhao, Guo-Zhong Chen. Study on the water-lubricated high-speed non-contact mechanical face seal supported by a disc spring[J]. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 2018, 40:351.
张国渊*, 张谊, 陈国忠, 李团结. 气浮推力轴承支撑平台平衡机制及静特性分析[J]. 润滑与密封, 2017, 9: 17-22.
Zhang Guoyuan*, Zhao Weigang, Yan Xiutian. Collaborative design implementation on the PN-PDDP model for the complex coupled rotor systems[J]. Journal of Control Engineering and Applied Informatics, 2017, 19(3): 69-78. (SCI: 008)
Zhang Guoyuan*, Chen Guozhong, Zhao Weigang, Yan Xiutian, Zhang Yi. An Experimental Test on a Cryogenic High-Speed Hydrodynamic Non-Contact Mechanical Seal[J]. Tribology Letters, 2017, 65(3): 80. (SCI: 006)
张国渊,陈国忠,张谊,李团结. 一种同质气液混合介质粘度测量装置及方法[发明专利]. 申请号:CN6.2,日期:2016.10.12。
张国渊,陈国忠,赵伟刚,张谊,李团结. 一种同质气液混合介质质量流量测试装置及方法[发明专利]. 申请号:CN1.6,日期:2016.10.12
Zhang Yang, Yanlong Jiang, Guoyuan Zhang*. Bending fault evaluation for the HP-IP rotor system of the Nuclear Steam Turbine based on the dynamic model [J]. Journal of Vibroengineering, 2017, 19(5): 3364-3379. (SCI: 017)
Yao Chen, Guoyuan Zhang*, Weigang Zhao, Feng Ji. Study on the nonlinear transient response for the non-contact mechanical face seal[J]. Journal of Vibroengineering, 2017,19(2): 737-750. (SCI: 002)
张国渊,赵伟刚,段清娟,陈永琴,胡锐锋. 一种基于改变闭合力的可控型机械密封[发明专利].申请号:9.6,日期:2014年7月22日。授权专利号:ZL 9.6;授权日期:2017年2月1日。
We Junchao, Zhang Guoyuan*, Yan Xiutian. Assessing change influences of components on complex products using TOPSIS[C]. The 46th International Conferences on Computers and Industrial Engineering (CIE 2016), October 29, 2016 - October 31, 2016, Tianjin, China.(EI: 20**1)
张国渊,赵伟刚,段清娟,陈永琴,纪峰. 一种电磁动态加载装置[发明专利].申请号:7.3,日期:2014年7月22日。授权专利号:ZL 2014 1 **.3;授权日期:2016年8月24日。
ZHANG Guoyuan*, JI Feng, ZHAO Weigang, LI Tuanjie. Study on the collaborative design PN-PDDP model for the multi-component coupling rotor system based on Petri nets[C]. Procedia CIRP, 2016, 56: 67-72. DOI information: 10.1016/j.procir.2016.10.018; The 9th International Conference on Digital Enterprise Technology (CIRPDET 2016). Intelligent Manufacturing in the Knowledge Economy Era, March 29 - 31, 2016, Nanjing, China. (EI: 20**2, SCI: 012)
Junchao Wei, Guoyuan Zhang*, Xiu-tian Yan, Yao Chen. Product element sensitivity measurement under multiple exogenous uncertainties considering change propagation behavior[C]. Procedia CIRP, 2016, 56: 465-470. DOI information: 10.1016/j.procir. 2016.10.091. The 9thInternational Conference on Digital Enterprise Technology, March 29 - 31, 2016, Nanjing, China. (EI: 20**6)
张国渊, 赵伟刚, 闫秀天, 卫军朝, 陈垚. 考虑多源信息耦合的高速涡轮泵转子动力学公理化设计方法[J]. 机械工程学报, 2015, 51(5): 47-55.(EI:20**6)
[1] 张国渊. 多场耦合非接触机械密封性能分析软件(TEHM NcMSeal)V1.0, 软著登字第**号(2019S**), 2019年10月.
[2]张国渊, 陈国定, 陈垚, 卫军朝. 考虑热流效应的机械密封性能分析软件,软著登字第**号(2011SR070898),2011年8月.
[3] 李盼, 张国渊, 陈国定, 俞襁鹏, 陈红霞. 圆柱轴承性能分析计算软件V1.0. 软著登字第**号(2012SR070696),2012年8月.
[4] 尹明虎, 张国渊, 陈国定, 陈红霞, 李盼. 可倾瓦轴承性能分析计算软件V1.0. 软著登字第**号(2012SR074364),2012年8月.
[5] 陈红霞, 张国渊, 陈国定, 俞襁鹏, 李盼. 椭圆轴承性能分析计算软件V1.0. 软著登字第**号(2012SR070548),2012年8月.
2017级: 党佳琦(西安华为)
2018级: 赵洋洋、杨佳帅
2019级: 梁茂檀、王烈文
1、机械工程测试技术 (专业基础课)
Dr. Zhang Guoyuan
Associate Professor.
School of Mechano-Electronic Engineering, Xidian University
Contact Information
Address: Mailbox 187#, Xidian University, 2 South Taibai Road, Xi’an, Shannxi Province, P. R. China. 710071
Email: gyzhang@xidian.edu.cn
Zhang Guoyuan received the M.S. degree in mechanical engineering in 2004 from Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU), China. He received the Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering in 2009 from Xian Jiaotong University, China. He worked at NPU as a postdoctoral fellow from 2010 to 2013. He has joined School of Electromechanical Engineering of Xidian University from 2013 and has been working on theoretical and experimental research and development on Tribology (Bearing, Seal, Lubricate, etc), Mechatronic System Dynamics and Mechanical Design Method. He has published more than 40 papers in journals (such as Tribology Letters, Tribology international, Tribology transactions, etc) and international conference proceedings (such as CIRPDET 2016, STLE/ASME International Joint Tribology Conference) since 2006.
Research Interests
At present his research area mainly concerns design methods for mechanical parts and robots system, tribology of high-speed Turbine pump (Turbopump) -related parts, and dynamics of the high speed rotor system.
2016/01 - 2019/12, National Natural Science Foundation of China (project no. **): Study on the mechanism and dynamics behavior of the high-speed cryogenic liquid-vapor mixture hydrodynamic mechanical seal.
2015/03 - 2017/03, Open fund of Key Laboratory of special equipment manufacturing and advanced processing technology of Ministry of Education: Fluid driven bionic soft robot (project no. EM).
2014/05 - 2016/05, Natural Science Foundation of Shaanxi Province of China (No. 2014JQ7252): Study on the active control mechanism of mechanical seal for high parameters pumps based on the thermal elastohydrodynamic lubrication POD model.
2012/08 - 2015/12,National Natural Science Foundation of China (project no. **): Study on the multi-field coupling model and vibration characteristics for the low-temperature high-speed hydrodynamic mechanical seal.
2011/10 - 2014/12, Aerospace Science and Technology Innovation Foundation of CASC (project no. CASC201103): Study on the active control technology of the face seal in the high-speed turbo-pump.
2010/12 - 2013/06,China Postdoctoral Science Foundation funded project (project no. ): Study on the separation mechanism and feature extraction technique for the mechanical face seal during the transient start-stop stages.
2010/10 - 2012/06,Research fund from the electric power company of the Hubei Province: Nonlinear response of the generator rotor under the unbalanced electromagnetic force (project no. 2010-125).
2010/01 - 2011/05, Scotland-China Higher Education Research Partnership for PhD Studies: Consolidating REsearch collaboration in ArTificial BONE modelling and simulation through interdisciplinary research exchange and joint PhD research (CREATBONE).
[1]ZHANG Guoyuan, JI Feng, ZHAO Weigang, LI Tuanjie. Study on the collaborative design PN-PDDP model for the multi-component coupling rotor system based on Petri nets[C]. The 9th International Conference on Digital Enterprise Technology (CIRPDET 2016). Intelligent Manufacturing in the Knowledge Economy Era, March 29 - 31, 2016, Nanjing, China.
[2]ZHANG Guoyuan, ZHAO Weigang, Yan Xiutian, WEI Junchao, CHEN Yao. Axiomatic design method for the rotor dynamics of the multi-source information coupled high-speed turbopump[J]. Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2015, 51(5): 47-55.(EI:20**6)
[3]ZHANG Guoyuan, ZHAO Weigang, CHEN Yao, WEI Junchao. Active controllability and separation mechanics of non-contact hydrostatic mechanical seal[J]. Journal of Aerospace Power, 2014, 29(10): 2515-2522. (EI: 3)
[4] Guoyuan Zhang, Yanni Tian, Haizhou Huang, Miao Zhou. Nonlinear response of the generator rotor under the unbalanced electromagnetic force[J]. Journal of vibroengineering, 2014, 16(6): 2983-2997. (SCI:033)
[5]Qian Jia, Xiaoyang Yuan, Guoyuan Zhang, Guangneng Dong, Weigang Zhao. Dry friction and wear characteristics of impregnated graphite in a corrosive environment[J]. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2014,25(5): 965-971.(SCI:011)
[6]Guoyuan Zhang, HUANG Haizhou, ZHOU Miao, CHEN Yao, WEI Junchao. A Nonlinear Dynamic Model and Its Stability for the Generator Rotor WithCoupling the Unbalanced Electromagnetic Force and the Oil Film Force. Proceedings of the CSEE, 2014, 34(15): 2406-2413. (EI: 20**9)
[7]ZHANG Guo-yuan, ZHAO Wei-gang. Design and Experimental Study on the Controllable High-Speed Spiral Groove Face Seals[J]. Tribology Letters, 2014, 53(2): 497-509. (SCI:012,EI:20**4)
[8] Guo-yuan Zhang, Wei-gang Zhao, Xiu-tian Yan. Experimental study on the water lubrication of non-contacting face seals for turbopumps[J]. Industrial Lubrication and Tribology. 2014, 66(2): 314–321. (SCI: 018,EI:20**7)
[9] Guo-yuan Zhang, Xiu-tian Yan. Analysis of Two Phase Flow in Liquid Oxygen Hybrid Journal Bearings of Rocket Engine Turbopumps[J]. Industrial Lubrication and Tribology. 2014, 66(1): 31–37. (SCI: 005,EI:20**8)
[10] Wei Junchao, Zhang Guoyuan, Chen Yao, Yan Xiutian. Design of a communication interface between the controller and the galvanometer[C]. 2013 2nd International Conference on Mechatronics and Computational Mechanics (ICMCM 2013). December 30 - 31, 2013. Frankfurt, Germany. p. 269-272. (EI:20**5)
[11] Yin Min Ghu, Chen Guo Ding, Zhang Guo Yuan. Analysis of eccentric load effect for tiliting pad journal bearing[J]. 2nd International Conference on Mechanical Automation and Materials Engineering (ICMAME 2013), August 9- 11, 2013, Wu Han, China, p. 71-75. (EI: 20**2)
[12] Guoyuan Zhang, Junchao Wei, Haizhou Huang, Miao Zhou. A study on the nonlinear vibration of the generator rotor based on the unbalanced electromagnetic force and the oil film force coupling model[J]. Journal of vibroengineering, 2013, 15(1): 23-36. (SCI:0003**, EI: 20**9)
[13] Yao Chen, Guoyuan Zhang, Junchao Wei, Xiu-tian Yan, Miao He. Research and Implementation on Automatical Adjustment Method of Design Feature Model. International Conference on Mechanical Science and Engineering, ICMSE 2012, July 20 - 22, 2012, Beijing, China, p. 750-754. (EI: 037)
[14] ZHANG Guoyuan, ZHAO Weigang, YAN Xiutian, CHEN Guoding, CHEN Yao. Principle and simulation for real-time monitoring of the non-contact face seal based on pod model[J]. Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica, 2012, 33(2): 354-361. (EI: 309)
[15] Guoyuan Zhang, Junchao Wei, Xiu-tian Yan. Short rapid process time-frequency analysis method and its implementation for the non-stationary signals [J]. Mechanical Science and Technology for Aerospace Engineering,2012, 31(5): 735-739.
[16] Wang Jide, Zhang guoyuan. Study on the Nonlinear Dynamic Coefficients and Transient Vibration Response for the Non-Contact Mechanical Seal [J]. Journal of Chinese Mechanical Engineering, 2012, 23(3): 642-646.
[17] Zhang guoyuan, Zhao Weigang, Yan Xiutian, Yuan Xiaoyang. Theoretical and Experimental Study on Characteristics of Water-Lubricated Double Spiral Grooved Seals[J]. Tribology Transactions, 2011, 54(3): 362-369. (SCI: 004)
[18] Zhang Guoyuan, Wei Junchao, Chen Yao, Yan Xiutian. Wavelet Transform Time-Frequency Analysis Method for the Time-Varying Non-Stationary Signals[J]. D.Zeng(ed): Advances in Electrical Engineering & Electrical Machines, LNEE, 2011, 134: 43-50. (EI: 677)
[19] Guoyuan Zhang, Xiaoyang Yuan, Guangneng Dong. Tribological Behaviors of Ni-Cu-Ag-Based PVD Coatings for Hybrid Bearings in Different Lubrications[J]. Tribology International, 2010,43 (1-2): 197-201. (SCI: 024, EI: 065)
[20] Junchao Wei, Guoyuan Zhang, Xiu-tian Yan, Yao Chen. Product element sensitivity measurement under multiple exogenous uncertainties considering change propagation behavior[C]. The 9thInternational Conference on Digital Enterprise Technology, March 29 - 31, 2016, Nanjing, China.
课件下载 示例
Theoretical and experimental research and development on Tribology (Bearing, Seal, Lubricate, etc)
Mechatronic System Dynamics
Mechanical Design Method