

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-27


高琳 教授博导


高琳,女,博士,二级教授,博士生导师,省级重点学科学术带头人。计算机学会生物信息学专业委员会副主任,人工智能学会生物信息学与人工生命专业委员会副主任,运筹学会计算生物信息学分会常务理事,细胞生物学学会生物信息学与系统生物学分会理事。陕西省学位委员会学科评议组第三届成员,西安电子科技大学第八界学术委员会委员。国家科学技术奖评审专家,国家重大专向评审专家,第十三届、十四届国家自然基金委员会信息学部评审组专家,863项目答辩评审专家。国家自然基金、博士点基金、 博士后基金、留学回国人员基金等通讯评审专家,《Frontiers in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology》编委。APBC,ISBRA,IEEE ISB等多个国际会议PC。
西安交通大学计算数学专业学士、西北大学计算数学专业硕士、西安电子科技大学雷达信号处理国家重点实验室电路与系统专业博士学位。2004-2005年受CSC资助赴加拿大University of Guelph 做访问****;2015年5月访问University of Michign大学,2016年3-4月作为高级研究****,受CSC“博士生导师短期出国交流项目”资助,访问University of Pennsylvania,在此期间,访问了哈佛医学院。
2011 年,发起创办了西部地区第一个"计算生物信息学研究所"。依托西电信息学科优势,“计算机科学与技术”一级学科博士学位授权点和博士后流动站的支撑,用信息和系统的观点研究面向生物数据分析、挖掘和模式发现的基础理论和关键技术,开发生物数据分析软件平台,培养学科交叉型研究人才。



高琳 教授博导


高琳,女,博士,二级教授,博士生导师,省级重点学科学术带头人。计算机学会生物信息学专业委员会副主任,人工智能学会生物信息学与人工生命专业委员会副主任,运筹学会计算生物信息学分会常务理事,细胞生物学学会生物信息学与系统生物学分会理事。陕西省学位委员会学科评议组第三届成员,西安电子科技大学第八界学术委员会委员。国家科学技术奖评审专家,国家重大专向评审专家,第十三届、十四届国家自然基金委员会信息学部评审组专家,863项目答辩评审专家。国家自然基金、博士点基金、 博士后基金、留学回国人员基金等通讯评审专家,《Frontiers in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology》编委。APBC,ISBRA,IEEE ISB等多个国际会议PC。
西安交通大学计算数学专业学士、西北大学计算数学专业硕士、西安电子科技大学雷达信号处理国家重点实验室电路与系统专业博士学位。2004-2005年受CSC资助赴加拿大University of Guelph 做访问****;2015年5月访问University of Michign大学,2016年3-4月作为高级研究****,受CSC“博士生导师短期出国交流项目”资助,访问University of Pennsylvania,在此期间,访问了哈佛医学院。
2011 年,发起创办了西部地区第一个"计算生物信息学研究所"。依托西电信息学科优势,“计算机科学与技术”一级学科博士学位授权点和博士后流动站的支撑,用信息和系统的观点研究面向生物数据分析、挖掘和模式发现的基础理论和关键技术,开发生物数据分析软件平台,培养学科交叉型研究人才。


计算生物信息学(Computational Bioinformatics)是生命科学与计算机科学、数理科学、化学等领域相互交叉而形成的一门新兴学科,以生物数据作为研究对象,研究理论模型和计算方法,开发分析工具,进而达到揭示这些数据蕴含的生物学意义的目的。
博士生合作培养,项目合作,访问****合作交流:University of Pennsylvania,Harvard University医学院,University of Michign, University of British Columbia,香港浸会大学,University of Guelph, University of Iowa
[1] 国家自然基金面上项目:三维基因组结构模式挖掘方法研究
No.** 2019.1~2022.12 项目负责人
[2] 国家重点研发计划重点专项: 精准医学大数据的有效挖掘与关键信息技术研发
No. SQ2018YFC090002 2018.7 ~2020.12 项目负责人
No. ** 2016.1~2020.12 项目负责人
No.9**.1~2016.12 项目负责人
[5]国家自然科学基金重点项目:基于高通量 RNA-seq 数据转录组拼接的关键技术与算法研究
No.** 2015.1~2019.12 项目负责人
No. 2012.8~9项目负责人
No.3 2009.1-2011.12 项目负责人
No.** 2006.1-2008.12 项目负责人
No.** 2005.1-2005.12项目负责人
2007.1-2008.12 项目负责人
[13] 陕西省科技攻关项目:基于H.254的新一代视频会议系统
No.2004K05-G30 2004.1-2005.12 项目负责人
No.2003F09 2004.1-2004.12 项目负责人
No.2001X05 2002.1-2003.12项目负责人
2009.12-2010.6 项目负责人
2010.1-2010.6 项目负责人

[1]Feng Li, Lin Gao*,Wang Bingbo. Detection of Driver Modules with Rarely Mutated Genes in Cancers. IEEE/ACM Trans. on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics ,2020,17(2):390-401
[2] Xiao Wen, Lin Gao*, Yuxuan Hu. LAceModule: Identification of Competing Endogenous RNA Modules by Integrating Dynamic Correlation. Frontiers in Genetics,2020,11:235, 0318
[1]Yuxuan Hu, Lin Gao*, et al. Optimal control nodes in disease-perturbed networks as targets for combination therapy.Nature Communications,2019, 10:2180 IF=12.353
[2]Yusen Ye, Lin Gao*,Shihua Zhang*. CIRCLET Circular trajectory reconstruction uncovers cell-cycle progression and regulatory dynamics from single-cell Hi-C maps.Advanced Science,2019:** IF=15.804
[3]Yusen Ye, Lin Gao*,Shihua Zhang*. MSTD: an efficient method for detecting multi-scale topological domains from symmetric and asymmetric 3D genomic maps.Nucleic Acids Research, 2019,47(11):e65 ( IF=11.561)
[4]Ran Duan, Lin Gao* et al.CEPIM: a comparison and evaluation platform for integration methods in cancer subtyping. Frontiers in Genetics, 2019,10:966, 0814
[5]Liang Yu, Shunyu Yao, Lin Gao*, Yunhong Zha.Conserved disease modules extracted from multil[ant]ayer heterogeneous disease and gene networks for understanding disease mechanisms and predicting disease treatments.Frontiers in Genetics2019,9:745
[6]Liang Yu, Lin Gao.Human pathway-based disease network. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics2019,16(4):1240~1249
[1]Fei Song, Lin Gao*, Qinghua Cui*. miES: predicting the essentiality of miRNAs with machine learning and sequence features. Bioinformatics,2018:bty738
[2]Wang, Lin Gao*,Yuxuan Hu, Feng Li. Feature Related Multi-view Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Identifying Conserved Functional Modules in Multiple Biological Networks.BMC Bioinformatics, 2018,19:394
[3]Xiao Wen, Lin Gao*, et al. LNCSLDB: a resource for long non coding RNA subcellular localization. Database, 2018,1-6 doi:10.1093/database/bay085
[4]Feng Li, Lin Gao*, Peizhuo Wang,Yuxuan Hu. Identifying cancer specific driver modules using network based method. Molecules, 2018,23,1114
[5]Xindong Zhang,Lin Gao*, Songwei Jia. Extracting fitness relationships and oncogenic patterns among driver genes in cancer. Molecules,2018, 23, 39 SCI IF=2.861
[6]Songwei Jia, Lin Gao*,Yong Gao, et al.Viewing the Meso-Scale Structures in Protein-Protein Interaction Networks Using 2-Clubs.IEEE Access,2018,6:36780-36795
[7]Kai Shi, Lin Gao*, Bingbo Wang. Inferring dysregulated pathways of driving cancer subtypes through multi-omics integration.14th International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Application(ISBRA2018), Beijing, China, June 8-11 p.101-112
[8]Xingli Guo, Lin Gao*, Yu Wang, et al. A large-scale investigation of long noncoding RNA secondary structures in human and mouse. Current Bioinformatics, 2018,13(5)
[9]Liang Yu, Jin Zhao, Lin Gao. Predicting Potential Drugs for Breast Cancer based on miRNA and Tissue Specificity. International Journal of Biological Sciences, 2018,14(8):971-982 DOI: doi:10.7150/ijbs.23350
[10]Liang Yu, Lin Gao.Human pathway-based disease network. IEEE/ACM Trans. on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, DOI 10.1109/TCBB.2017.**
[1]Xiaofei Yang, Lin Gao*, et al. Comparative pan-cancer DNA methylation analysis reveals cancer common and specific patterns. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2017,18(5):761-773
[2]Xiaotai Huang, Yuan Zhu et al. Inference of cellular level signaling networks using single-cell gene expression data in C. elegans reveals mechanisms of cell fate specification. Bioinformatics, 2017, 33(10):1528-1535
[3]Peizhuo Wang, Lin Gao*,et al. Dynamic community detection based on network structural perturbation and topological similarity. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2017 : 013401
[4]Songwei Jia, Lin Gao*,Yong Gao, et al. Exploring triad-rich substructures by graph-theoretic characterizations in complex networks. Physica A, 2017,468:53-69
[5]Yusen Ye, Lin Gao* et al. Integrative analysis of transcription factor combinatorial interactions using a Bayesian tensor factorization approach. Frontiers in Genetics, 2017,8:140
[6]Liang Yu, Jin Zhao, Lin Gao. Drug repositioning based on triangularly balanced structure for tissue-specific diseases in incomplete interactome. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine,2017,77:53-63
[7]Liang Yu, Ruidan Su, Bingbo Wang, Long Zhang, Yapeng Zou, Jing Zhang, Lin Gao. Prediction of novel drugs for hepatocellular carcinoma based on multi-source random walk. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 2017, 14(4):966-977.
[1]Kai Shi, Lin Gao*, Bingbo Wang. Systematic tracking of coordinated differential network motifs identifies novel disease-related genes by integrating multiple data. Neurocomputing, 2016, 206:3-12【 SCI IF=2.005 中科院Ⅱ区】
[2]Xiaofei Yang, Xiaojia Shao, Lin Gao*,et al.Comparative DNA methylation analysis to decipher common and cell type-specific patterns among multiple cell types. Briefings in Functional Genomics, 2016: elw013【SCI IF= 3.67, 中科院II区】
[3]Hao Wu, Lin Gao*,et al. Network-based method for inferring cancer progression at the pathway level from cross-sectional mutation data. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 2016,13(6): 1306-1044中科院Ⅲ区
[4]Fei Xiao,Lin Gao*, Yushen Ye. Inferring gene regulatory networks using conditional regulation pattern to guide candidate genes. PLoS ONE,2016,11(5): e** 中科院Ⅲ区
[5]Xingli Guo, Lin Gao* et al. Advances in long noncoding RNAs: identification, structure prediction and function annotation. Briefings in Functional Genomics, 2016,15(1):38-46 【SCI IF=3.427,中科院Ⅱ区】
[6]Feng Li, Lin Gao*. Detection of driver pathways using mutated gene network in cancer. Molecular BioSystems 2016, DOI: 10.1039/C6MB00084C 2016 Hot Articles in Molecular BioSystems中科院Ⅲ区
[7]Kai Shi, Lin Gao*, Bingbo Wang. Discovering potential cancer driver genes by an integrated network-based approach. Molecular BioSystems,2016, DOI: 10.1039/C6MB00274A 中科院Ⅲ区
[8]XinDong Zhang, Lin Gao*,Zhiping Liu, Luonan Chen.Uncovering driver DNA methylation patterns in non-smoking early stage lung adenocarcinoma. BioMed Research International, 2016, Article ID **中科院Ⅲ区
[9]Yue Deng, Lin Gao*. Integrating phenotypic feature and tissue-specific networks to prioritize disease genes. Science China-Information Science,2016, 59(7):070101中科院IV区
[10]Liang Yu, Ruidan Su, Bingbo Wang, Yapeng Zou Jing Zhang, Lin Gao.Prediction of novel drugs for hepatocellular carcinoma based on multi-source random walk.IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biologyand Bioinformatics, 2016 .**
[11]Liang Yu, Xiaoke Ma, Long Zhang, Jing Zhang, Lin Gao. Prediction of new drug indications based on clinical data and network modularity.Scientific Reports, 2016,32530
[1]Kai Shi, Lin Gao*, Bingbo Wang. Systematic tracking of coordinated differential network motifs identifies novel disease-related genes by integrating multiple data. Neurocomputing, 2016, 206:3-12【 SCI IF=2.005 中科院Ⅱ区】
[1]Xiaofei Yang, Xiaojian Shao, Lin Gao*,Shihua Zhang*. Systematic DNA methylation analysis of multiple cell lines revealscommon and specific patterns within and across tissues of origin. Human Molecular Genetics,2015,24(15):4374~4384【SCI IF= 6.677,JCR=1】
[2] Songwei Jia,Lin Gao*, Yong Gao, James Nastos, et al. Defining and identifying cograph communities in complex networks.New Journal of Physics,2015: 013044 【SCI IF=3.673,JCR=1】
[3] Hao Wu,Lin Gao*, Feng Li, Fei Song, Xiaofei Yang.Identifying Overlapping Mutated Driver Pathways by Constructing Gene Networks in Cancer. BMC Bioinformatics,2015,16(Suppl 5):S3
[4]XinDong Zhang,Lin Gao*,Zhiping Liu, Luonan Chen. Identifying module biomarker in type 2 diabetes mellitus by discriminative area of functional activity . BMC Bioinformatics,2015,16:92 【 SCI IF= 2.67,JCR=2】
[5]Yue Deng,Lin Gao*,Xiaocheng Huang, Xingli Guo, Bingbo Wang. HPOSim: an R package for phenotypic similarity measure and enrichment analysis based on the Human Phenotype Ontology.PLoS ONE, 2015,10(2):e**.【SCI IF=3.73,JCR=1】
[6]Xingli Guo,Lin Gao*et al. Advances in long noncoding RNAs: identification, structure prediction and function annotation. Briefings in Functional Genomics 【SCI IF=3.427,JCR=1】
[7]Liang Yu, Jianbin Huang, Zhixin Ma, Jing Zhang, Yapeng Zou,Lin Gao*.Inferring drug-disease associations based on known protein complexes. BMC Medical Genomics 【 SCI IF= 3.914】
[8] Xiaoke Ma, Long Gao, Chi Fung Lee,Peng Gao, Georgios Karamanlidis, Lorena Menendez, Rong Tianand Kai Tan.Revealing pathway dynamics in heart diseases by analyzing multiple differential networks. PLoS Computational Biology,2015,11(6):e**. 【SCI IF=6.236】
[9] Bingbo Wang*, Lin Gao*.Qingfang zhang et al. Diversified Control Paths: A Significant Way Disease Genes Perturb the Human Regulatory Network. PLoS ONE,2015, 10(8): e**

[1]Bingbo Wang, Lin Gao*,Yong Gao, Yue Deng and Yu Wang. Controllability and observability analysis for vertice domination centrality in directed networks. Scientific Reports, 2014,4:5399 【SCI IF=5.078,JCR=1】
[2]Xiaofei Yang, Lin Gao*,Xingli Guo, Hao Wu, Fei Song, Bingbo Wang.A network based method for analysis of lncRNA-disease associations and prediction of lncRNAs implicated in diseases . PLoS ONE,2014,9(1): e87797【SCI IF=3.73,JCR=1】
[3] Hao Wu,Lin Gao*,Jihua Dong, Xiaofei Yang. Detecting overlapping protein complexes by rough-fuzzy clustering in protein-protein interaction networks. PLoS ONE,2014, 9(3): e91856 【SCI IF=3.73,JCR=1】
[4]Songwei, Lin Gao*et al. Anti-triangle centrality-based community detection in complex networks. IET Systems Biology, 2014, 8(3), 116-125【 SCI IF= 1.672 JCR=2】.
[5]王玙, 高琳. 基于社交圈的在线社交网络朋友推荐算法. 计算机学报. 2014,37(4):801~808
[6] 张恩利,高琳. 一种基于点割的电路划分算法. 计算机学报.2014,37(7):1528~1537
[7] Enli Zhang, Lin Gao*,A Vertex Separator-based Algorithm for Hypergraph Bipartitioning. Journal of Computers, 2014, 9(8): 1886-1896.
[8] Hao Wu,Lin Gao*,Feng Li, Fei Song, Xiaofei Yang. Network-Based Method for Identifying Overlapping Mutated Driver Pathways in Cancer Bioinformatics Research and Applications: 10th International Symposium, ISBRA 2014, Zhangjiajie, China, June 28-30, 2014: Proceedings, vol. 8492, p. 379. Springer, 2014.
[9]Feng Li,Lin Gao*. Detection of Core Cancer Modules by Mutated Gene Network in Glioblastoma IEEE International Conference on System Biology (ISB2014), Qingdao, China, Oct. 24-27-20, 2014
[10] Xiaoke Ma, Long Gao, Kai Tan. Modeling disease progression using dynamics of pathway connectivity. Bioinformatics,2014,30(16) 2343~2350
[1] Xingli Guo,Lin Gao*, et al. Long non-coding RNAs function annotation: a global prediction method based on bi-colored network. Nucleic Acids Research,2013, 41(2): e35-e35【SCI IF=8.026,JCR=1】
[2]Sun, Peng Gang, Lin Gao, and Yang Yang. Maximizing modularity intensity for community partition and evolution. Information Sciences,2013,236:83~92 【SCI IF=3.643,JCR=1】
[3]Bingbo Wang, Lin Gao*,Yong Gao,Yue Deng.Maintain the structural controllability under malicious attacks on directed networks. Europhysics Letters,2013,101(5):58003 【SCI IF=2.171,JCR=1】
[4]Yue Deng, Lin Gao*,Bingbo Wang. ppiPre: Predicting protein–protein interactions by combining heterogeneous features. BMC System Biology,2013,7(Suppl 2):S8 【SCI IF=2.98, JCR=3】
[5]Yuxuan Hu,Lin Gao*, Kai Shi, David K.Y. Chiu. Detection of Deregulated Modules Using Deregulatory Linked Path. PLoS ONE,2013, 8(7): e70412. 【SCI IF=3.73,JCR=1】
[6] Guimin Qin,Lin Gao*, Jianye Yang, Zhanying Xiong. Significant Substructure Discovery in Dynamic Networks. Current Bioinformatics,2013,8(1):46~55. 【SCI IF=0.898】
[7] 郭杏莉,高琳*,刘永轩,党合萱等.长非编码RNA特征研究与分析.科学通报, 2013,58(27):2779~2786
[8]高琳,杨建业,覃桂敏. 动态网络模式挖掘方法及应用.软件学报,2013,24(9):2042~2061
[9]Xingli Guo, Lin Gao*, Yongxuan Liu and Bingbo Wang. An MRF-based Method for lncRNA Function Prediction(Poster) RECOMB2013

[1]Xiaoke Ma, Lin Gao*, Biological network analysis: insights into structure and function. Briefing in Functional Genomics,2012,11(6):434~442 【IF=4.126,JCR=1】
[2]Xiaoke Ma, Lin Gao*, Discovering protein complexes in protein interaction networks via exploring the weak ties. BMC System Biology, 2012, 6(Suppl 1):S6【SCI IF=3.148,JCR=2】
[3]Xiaoke Ma,Lin Gao*. Predicting protein complexes in PPI networks by using acore-attachment algorithm based on graph communicability. Information Science ,2012,189:233~254 【SCI IF=2.833, JCR=1】
[4]Bingbo Wang, Lin Gao*,Yong Gao. Control range: a controllability-based index for node significance in directed networks. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment,2012,04:P04011【SCI IF=2.758, JCR=1】
[5] Bingbo Wang, Lin Gao*, Seed selection strategy in global network alignment without destroying the entire structures of functional modules. Proteome Science,2012,10(Suppl 1):S16 【SCI IF=2.49】
[6] Guimin Qin, Lin Gao*.An algorithm for network motif discovery in biological networks. International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics,2012,6(1):1~16. Press release
[7] 付立东,高琳,马小科. 基于社团检测的复杂网络中心性方法.中国科学F辑,2012,42(5):550~560
[8] Zengfa Dou, Lin Gao. A Particle Swarm Optimizer based Extension Classifier for Biomedical Document.Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2012,8(1): 249~258.
[9] Zengfa Dou. Analyzing requirements of customer for WLAN using novel two-stage method. International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications,2012,6(3): 93 -100.
[10]Yue Deng, Lin Gao. ppiPre - an R package for predicting protein-protein interactions. IEEE International Conference on System Biology (ISB2012). Proceedings, pp, 333~337. Xian, China, August 18-20, 2012
[1] Peng Gang Sun,Lin Gao*. Identification of overlapping and non-overlapping community structure by fuzzy clustering. Information Science,2011, 181(6):1060-1071【SCI IF=3.291, JCR=1】
[2] Liang Yu, Lin Gao*,Chuiliang Kong. Identification of core-attachment complexes based on mining maximal frequent patterns in protein-protein interaction networks. Proteomics,2011,11(19):3826~3834【SCI IF=4.815,JCR=1】
[3] Xingli Guo, Lin Gao*. A computational method based on the integration of heterogeneous networks for predicting disease-gene associations. PLoS One,2011,6(9): e24171【SCI IF=4.411, JCR=1】
[4] Xiaoke Ma, Lin Gao*.Non-traditional spectral clustering algorithms for community detection in complex networks: a comparative analysis. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2011,05 : P05012【SCI IF=2.758, JCR=1】
[5] PengGang Sun,Lin Gao*. Prediction of human disease-related gene clusters by clustering analysis. International Journal of Biological Sciences, 2011,7(1), 61-73.【SCI IF=2.865 ,JCR=3】
[6] Liang Yu, Lin Gao*, Kui Li. A degree-distribution based hierarchical agglomerative clustering method for protein complexes identification. Computational Biology and Chemistry. 2011,35(5): 298-307【SCI IF=1.37】
[7] Peng gang Sun, Lin Gao.Identification of Conserved Protein Complexes by Module Alignment International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics ,2011,6(5):593~610
[8]鱼亮,高琳,孙鹏岗. 蛋白质网络中功能模块预测算法研究.计算机学报,2011, 34(7): 1239-1251
[9] Jian JI, Lin Gao. Speckle Reduction of Polarimetric SAR Images Based on Subband ICA Model. Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2011,7 (2) : 570-577.
[10]Bingbo Wang, Lin Gao. Global network alignment based on multiple hub seeds. IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (IEEE BIBM 2011) ,pp, 29~34 Nov. 12-15, 2011
[11]Xiaoke Ma, Lin Gao. Detecting protein complexes in PPI networks: the roles of interactions. IEEE International Conference on System Biology (ISB 2011). Proceedings, pp, 52~59. Zhuhai, China, September 2-4.2011
[12]Yu Wang, Lin Gao and Zhe Chen. An edge based core-attachment method to detect protein complexes in PPI networks. IEEE International Conference on System Biology (ISB2011). Proceedings, pp, 72~77. Zhuhai, China, September 2-4.2011
[13]Guimin Qin, Lin Gao. IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP11)
[14] Li dong Fu, Lin Gao. An eigenvector-based kernel clustering approach to detecting communities in complex networks. IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Automation Engineering (CSAE2011), Shanghai, China, June 10-12,2011
[1] Xiaoke Ma, Lin Gao*, Xuerong Yong. Eigenspaces of networks reveal the overlapping and hierarchical community structure more precisely Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2010,08 : P08012 【SCI IF=2.758】 【SCI:019】
[2] Xiaoke Ma, Lin Gao*,Xuerong Yong, Lidong Fu. Semi-supervised clustering for community structuredetection in complex networks Physica A, 2010,389(1):187~197. 【SCI IF=1.562】
[3] Guimin Qin, Lin Gao*.Spectral Clustering for Detecting Protein Complexes in PPI Networks. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 2010,52 (11-12) : 2066~2074 【SCI IF=1.103】
[4] Liang Yu, Lin Gao*, Peng gang Sun. A Hybrid Clustering Algorithm for Identifying Modularity in Protein-Protein Interaction Networks. International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics 2010, 5(4):600~615 SCI IF=0.933
[5] Li dong Fu, Lin Gao. A centrality measure based on spectral optimization of modularity density Science in China Series F, 2010,53(9):1727~1737
[6] 郭杏莉, 高琳, 陈新. 生物网络比对的模型与算法. 软件学报, 2010,21(9): 2089~2106
[7] 赵建邦, 董安国, 高琳. 一种用于生物网络数据的频繁模式挖掘算法. 电子学报, 2010, 38(8): 1803 ~ 1807
[8] Liang Yu, Lin Gao. Quantitative Function for Community Structure Detection. International Journal of Data Mining, Modelling and Management,2010, 4(2):351~368
[9] Liang Yu, Lin Gao, A method based on local density and random walks for complexes detection in protein-protein interaction networks. Journal of Bioinformatics and computational Biology. 2010,8(Suppl. 1):1~16
[10]Liang Yu, Lin Gao. An average-degree based method for protein complexes identification. The Fourth International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE2010) Proceedings, pp. 175-182 , June 18-20, Chengdu, China. Jian Bang Zhao, Lin Gao. An algorithm for extracting subgraph of specific species from me[ant]tabolic pathway. The Fourth International Conference on Bio-Inspired Computing: Theories and Applications, (BIC-TA2010) Proceedings, pp, 74~79. Sep 23 -26, 2010 Changsha, China.
[11]Yu Wang, Lin Gao. An improved AP algorithm for identifying overlapping functional modules in protein-protein interaction networks. IEEE International Conference on. Signal Processing (ICSP10) Proceedings, pp, 1809~1812. October 24 -28, 2010 Beijing, China.
[12] Liang Yu, Lin Gao. Identification of core-attachment complexes based on mining maximal frequent patterns in protein-protein interaction networks. IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (IEEE BIBM 2010) pp, 29~34. Dec. 18-21, 2010, Hong Kong

2009 以前
[1] Lin Gao,Peng gang Sun, Jia Song. Clustering Algorithms for detecting functional modules in protein interaction networks. Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 2009, 7(1):217-242.
[2] 赵建邦,高琳, 宋佳. 基于代谢路径构建系统发生树的方法. 电子学报, 2009,37(8):1633~1638.
[3] 覃桂敏, 高琳. 生物网络模体发现算法研究综述. 电子学报, 2009, 37(10):2258~2265.
[4] 覃桂敏, 高琳, 周晓锋. 非树型网络模体发现算法. 电子学报,2009, 37(11):2420~2426.
[5] 高琳,覃桂敏,周晓峰. 图数据中频繁模式挖掘算法研究综述. 电子学报, 2008,36(8):1603~1609.
[6] Jialu Hu, Lin Gao, Gui min Qin. Evaluation of subgraph searching algorithms detecting network motif in biological networks. Frontiers of Computer Science in China, 2009,3(3):412~416
[7] Peng gang Sun, Lin Gao. A fast iterative-clique percolation method for identifying functional modules in protein interaction networks. Frontiers of Computer Science in China, 2009,3(3):405~411
[8] 董安国,高琳等. 基于环分布的频繁子图挖掘算法.工程数学学报, 2009,26(6):977~984
[9] Peng gang Sun , Lin Gao. Algorithms based on Density and Shared Neighbors for Functional Modules Identification in PPI Networks. IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering BIBE2009 – Proceedings, pp.228-235, June 22-24, 2009 in Taichung, Taiwan
[10] Peng gang Sun, Lin Gao. Fast algorithms for detecting overlapping functional modules in PPI networks. IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, CIBCB 2009 - Proceedings, pp. 247-254, 2009 March 30-April 2, 2009 in Nashville, U.S.A
[11]Guimin Qin, Lin Gao. Spectral Clustering for Detecting Protein Complexes in PPI Networks The Fourth International Conference on Bio-Inspired Computing: Theories and Applications, BIC-TA2009- Proceedings, pp. 175-182 , October 16 -19, 2009 in Beijing, China
[12]Lin Gao,YanZeng , Anguo Dong. An ant colony algorithm for solving Max-cut problems.
Progress in Natural Science, 2008, 18 (9):1173~1178
[13] Xiahong Lin, Lin Gao, Kefei Chen . A Clustering Algorithm for Mining Overlapping Highly Connected Subgraphs. The 2nd International Conference on Bioinformatics andBiomedical Engineering (iCBBE2008) May 16th to 18th, 2008 in Shanghai, China.pp.523~526
[14]Wenbin Liu,Xiangou Zhu, Lin Gao. The Hamiltonian Cycle Problem Based on DNA Computing. International Journal of Unconventional Computing. 2007,3(2),69-77.
[15]Xiaofeng Zhou, Lin Gao,AnGuo Dong. An Algorithm for Finding Frequent Patterns in a Large Sparse Graph IAENG International Conference on Bioinformatics (ICB2007) Hong Kong, 12-23 March, 2007 pp.290-294
[16]An guo Dong, Lin Gao, Xiaofeng Zhou,HongYu Su. An algebra approach for finding frequent subgraphs with Hamilton cycle The 4th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD07) Haikou, 24-27,August, 2007 pp.288~292
[17]Lin Gao,YanZeng , Haiping Zhan. An Ant Colony Algorithm for Solving Maximum Cut Problems. The second International Conference on Bio-Inspired Computing: Theories and Applications (BIC-TA2007) Zhengzhou, 14-17, September,2007 pp.158~161
[18] Lin Gao, Lin Wenbin, Weifeng Li,David K.Y. Chiu. Self-Assembly Based Models and Algorithms for DNA Computation International Journal of Unconventional Computing 2006,2: 267~280
[19] Wenbin Liu, Lin Gao, Qiang Zhang, Guandong Xu, Xiangou Zhu, Xiangrong Liu and Jin Xu. A Random Walk DNA Algorithm for the 3-SAT Problem. Current Nanoscience, 2005, 1, 85-90
[20] Lin Gao, David K.Y. Chiu. Classification algorithms and analyzing functionality of protein families. Sixth International Conference on Data Mining, Text Mining and their Business Applications , 25 - 27 May 2005 , Skiathos, Greece. pp. 431-443
[21] Liu WenBin, Zhangqiang, Gao Lin. A DNA based evolutionary algorithm for the minimal set cover problem. 2005 International Conference on Intelligent Computing (ICIC2005) Part Ⅱ LNCS3645, pp.80-89,2005
[22] Gao Lin, Yang Xiao, Liu Wenbin, Jin Xu. DNA Based Model for Addition Computation. Progress in Natural Science 2004,14(8):705~709
[23]高琳,许进.基于分子计算的最小顶点覆盖问题的DNA算法 系统工程与电子技术 2004,26(4):544~548
[24]马润年,张强,高琳,许进. 图的最大权团的DNA计算 电子学报2004,32(1):13~16
[25]高琳,许进. 图的顶点着色问题的DNA算法. 电子学报. 2003,31(4):14~18
[26] Wenbin Liu, Lin Gao, Shudong Wang, Jin Jin Xu. Solving the 3-SAT Problem Based on DNA Computing. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences. 2003, 43, 1872~1875
[27]张强, 高琳, 王超, 袁涛,许进. 具有时滞的一阶细胞神经网络的动态行为研究. 物理学报, 2003,52(7):1606~1610
[28]刘文斌,高琳,王淑栋,许进。 最大匹配问题的DNA表面计算模型. 电子学报. 2003,31(10):1496~1499
[29] Wenbin Liu,Shudong Wang, Lin Gao, Jin Xu. DNA Sequence Design based on Template Strategy . Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences. 2003, 43, 2014-2018
[30] 张强, 高琳, 王超, 许进. 时滞双向联想记忆神经网络的全局稳定性. 物理学报, 2003, 52(7):1060~1065
[31]高琳,马润年,许进. 基于质粒求解最大匹配问题的DNA算法. 生物化学与生物物理进展. 2002,29(5): 820~823
[32]Gaolin, Ma Runnian ,Xujin. DNA Solution of Vertex Cover Problem Based on Sticker Model. Chinese Journal of Electronics. 2002,11(2):280~284.
[33]高琳,马润年,许进. 有向最短哈密尔顿路问题的DNA算法. 系统工程与电子技术, 2002,24(8):102~105
[34]Gaolin , Xujin. The Typical Models and Algorithm for DNA Computing. The Sixth Biennial International Conference for young Computer Scientists (ICYCS 2001) , 2001,10,Zhejiang,China, pp489-493.
[35]Gaolin,Xujin. Reconfiguration Algorithm for Degradable VLSI/WSI Arrays Based on Neural Network. The 8th International Conference on Neural Information Processing(ICONIP2001)2001,11, Shanghai,Chian, pp128-131.
[36]高琳,许进,张军英. DNA计算的研究进展与展望. 电子学报, 2001,29 (7):945-949.
[37]高琳,张军英,许进. 基于神经网络的单通道冗余VLSI/WSI阵列重构算法. 电子学报, 2001,29 (12):1683-1686
[38] 高琳,许进,张军英. 平面测试问题的一种新型的神经网络算法. 西安电子科技大学学报, 2001,28(2):245-248
[39]高琳,张军英,许进. 基于神经网络的降阶VLSI/WSI阵列重构算法. 西安电子科技大学学报, 2001,28(3):287-291

2019 荣获西电第四届 “三好三有” 导学团队称号、“最佳风采奖”以及“最佳人气奖”
2019 博士生 叶育森获 西安电子科技大学首届“校长奖学金
2019 博士生 杨晓飞获“陕西优秀博士学位论文”,“西安电子科技大学优秀博士学位论文”
2016 博士生 马小科获“陕西优秀博士学位论文”,“西安电子科技大学优秀博士学位论文”
2016 博士生 王炳波获“西安电子科技大学优秀博士学位论文”
2015 博士生 郭杏莉获“陕西省优秀博士学位论文”,“西安电子科技大学优秀博士学位论文”
2014 高琳 获年度“西安电子科技大学研究生优秀导师”
2013 博士生 鱼亮获“陕西省优秀博士学位论文”,“西安电子科技大学优秀博士学位论文”
2006 高琳 陕西省教育工会“陕西省师德标兵”称号
2006 高琳 西安电子科技大学“十佳师德标兵”称号
2001 高琳 西安电子科技大学获第四届校级青年教师讲课竞赛三等奖
2000 高琳 西安电子科技大学计算机学院讲课竞赛一等奖
1999 高琳 西安电子科技大学“华为”奖教金三等奖
1998 高琳 西安电子科技大学“永新”奖教金三等奖
2019 复杂疾病相关模式发现理论与方法研究 陕西省 自然科学 一等奖
2015 生物网络数据挖据理论方法及应用研究 电子学会 自然科学 二等奖
2014 生物网络数据分析与挖掘中相关理论与关键技术 西安电子科技大学优秀科研成果奖

姓 名 职称 E-mail 研究方向
高 琳 教授 lgao@mail.xidian.edu.cn
Computational Bioinformatics
Data mining and machine learning
Graph and optimization algorithm

鱼 亮 教授 lyu@xidian.edu.cn Drug target discovery
郭杏莉 副教授 xlguo@mail.xidian.edu.cn Non-coding RNA and disease

王炳波 副教授 bingbowang@xidian.edu.cn Complex network
覃桂敏 副教授 gmqin@mail.xidian.edu.cn Motif discovery in biological network
叶育森 副教授 ccyeyusen@sina.com 3D genomics
胡宇轩 副教授 @qq.com Cell-cell communication in single cell
黄晓太 讲 师 111333ideal@163.com Complex disease in genomics
贾松卫 讲师 swjia@xidian.edu.cn Community strucyure analysis in complex netwok


宋 菲 ronasong@163.com
王培卓 wangpeizhuo_37@163.com Complex network analysis and it applications
胡宇轩 @qq.com Complex disease and therapy
叶育森 ccyeyusen@sina.com RNA-Seq data analysis
温 潇 williamxiao@live.cn lncRNA and disease asscoiation
段 然 duanran9013@126.com Intergration of omics data
张晨星 @qq.com Identification of cell types
王卫兵 @qq.com 3D genome analysis
樊奭琛 fanshichen_jdi@foxmail.com 3D genome analysis

李玉峰 @qq.com Intergration
王宏达 hongdawang@stu.xidian.edu.cn Intergration of omics data
高 伟 @qq.com ncRNA for cancer analysis
张晨星 @qq.com cancer analysis in genomics
龚倩华 violetgong@163.com cancer analysis in genomics
兰小明 @qq.com
methods for network analysis

李凤 lifeng_10_28@163.com
石凯 shikai1030@yahoo.com.cn 桂林理工大学 计算机学院
邓 岳 Ianfdeng@163.com 西电 软件学院
贾松卫 swjia@xidian.edu.cn 西电 软件学院
张馨东 dyh5415@163.com
吴 昊 wuhao_f4@nwsuaf.edu.cn 西北农林科技大学 信息学院
杨晓飞 yangxiaofeihe@163.com 西安交通大学 电信学院
王 玙 cheerwangyu@163.com 西电 经济管理学院
王炳波 bingbowang@xidian.edu.cn 西电 计算机学院
马小科 maxiaoke8218@163.com 西电 计算机学院
张恩利 yuleeo@163.com 部队
郭杏莉 xlguo@mail.xidian.edu.cn 西电 计算机学院
豆增发 jssdzf@126.com 电子部 二十所
鱼 亮 lyu@xidian.edu.cn 西电 计算机学院
赵建邦 Zjb9797@163.com 西北农林科技大学 信息学院
孙鹏岗 psun@mail.xidian.edu.cn 西电 计算机学院
付立东 fulidong2005@163.com 西安科技大学 计算机学院
覃桂敏 gmqin@mail.xidian.edu.cn 西电 软件学院
李 省 li_xing_00@163.com
何睿杰 rjhe93@163.com
王 莹 jinxishanshenhua@qq.com
杨 柳 liu_yangyl@163.com
徐海福 @qq.com
申 琳 **@163.com 腾讯
贾成龙 jiachenglong1991@qq.com 华为 深圳
梁飞翔 @qq.com 美团 北京
肖 非 @qq.com 阿里巴巴
王 铜 @qq.com 华为
张军雁 @qq.com 浪潮集团
张嘉慧 @qq.com 中国农业银行
谈琼琼 @qq.com 搜狗
郑经龙 zjl721@126.com 去哪儿网
杨佳朋 iGabon@163.com 网易
王羽 @qq.com 上海615所
张卉宁 grass1219@126.com 西安市高新区教育局
刘华 liuhuaapple@163.com 阿里巴巴集团
张献鹏 @qq.com 中兴通讯
梁博 lb**@qq.com 百度
房金飞 @qq.com 交通银行
刘亚盟 liuyamengone@163.com 腾讯
邵海珠 shaohaizhu88@126.com 腾讯
张青芳 gogozqf@yeah.net 高德地图

杨晓飞 ngxiaofeihe@163.com 读博
杨建业 yangjianye0@163.com 去哪儿网
刘笑逸 @qq.com IGT
吉 烁 amanda_211@126.com 读博
刘永轩 xuk318@126.com 亚马逊
党合萱 dang_hx1987@126.com 阿里
邓 琨 dkxiaobai@163.com 百度
陈喆 xschenzhezhtx@yahoo.com.cn 百度
周慧琪 **@qq.com 百度
王丹阳 sunshinein@qq.com 腾讯
李佳佳 liudingzhijiajia@163.com 中兴
熊站营 xiongzhanying@gmail.com 华为
王刚 magicwangxd@qq.com 中信证券
魏春水 @qq.com 腾讯
孔垂亮 morrain1987@foxmail.com 中控集团
廖至峰 **@qq.com 腾讯
呼加璐 jialu.hu@fu-berlin.de 德国读博

宋佳 songjia3000@163.com
陈新 chafall@163.com

吴胜 wusheng24@163.com 交通银行总行
孙玲 riplotus@163.com 德国读博
李奎 greatgreen@163.com 华为

靳二辉 jinerhui1984@163.com
赵雪霞 zhaoxuexia000@163.com

张汉珍 zhzmailbox@126.com

詹海萍 helenazhan@163.com

崔力强 @qq.com

杨常清 surcarles@163.com
肖伟甲 topweijia@yahoo.com.cn

牛为秋 mynamefmm@163.com 北京搜狐

刘杰 sqliujie@126.com 西安中兴

王蓓金 Peiking23@126.com 西电计算机学院

张明 ddxyzm@163.com 西安中兴

张道广 Hard-workingboy@163.com
郭伟 Gw110511@163.com 北京兴唐通信科技有限公司

吴振华 Wzhkknd@tom.com

周敬 **@qq.com 中兴通讯

刘文艳 xd_lwy@126.com

侯青敏 xiaoqing1691@126.com

张守霞 sxzhang**@qq.com

梁多勇 liangduoyong2003@163.com 华为公司

谢孝青 xiexiaoqing110@126.com 大唐软件

陈熠 Tccy**@126.com

周晓锋 zxfax@163.com

韩明伟 mingweihan@126.com
陈培毅 chenpeiyi9@163.com 华为公司

王慧蕴 Why**@163.com

吴晓成 tjaiwxc@163.com 631研究所

尹金荔 yinjinli@hotmail.com 华为公司

汪军锋 sunlitww@hotmail.com 中兴科技

曾艳 zengyanzi@163.com

王科平 keping_w@126.com 中兴科技

马春芝 ma402@163.com 华为公司

陈茂 laomaolaile@hotmail.com

孙柯柯 sunkeke@gmail.com 上海32研究所

计算生物信息学导论 自2006年起每年秋季,48学时 双语

自2008年起每年春季,32学时 双语
概率论与数理统计 2005年-2009年,2014年-2016年 48课时

数据挖掘 2007-2013年 每年秋季 26+8课时双语
2017年起至今 每年秋季 32+8课时 双语

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