

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-27

杜兰 教授
硕士生导师 博士生导师
工作单位:电子工程学院 雷达信号处理国家重点实验室


2001,2004和2007年在西安电子科技大学获学士、硕士、博士学位,2007年9月至2009年9月在美国杜克大学博士后访问****(Lawrence Carin Group)。目前是西安电子科技大学教授、博士生导师。从事雷达目标识别、统计机器学习研究。研究成果已应用于我国多部型号雷达,获得国家技术发明二等奖和国防技术发明一等奖(第二发明人)。兼任IEEE会员、“雷达学报”编委,近年来应邀在多个国际国内会议中担任分会主席、TPC Member等职务。

王兆成同学的论文在IEEE TGRS录用
邓盛同学的论文在IEEE J-STARS录用
孙永光、代慧同学的两篇论文发表在IEEE GRSL
李莉玲和张维同学的论文发表在Pattern Recognition



杜兰 教授
硕士生导师 博士生导师
工作单位:电子工程学院 雷达信号处理国家重点实验室


2001,2004和2007年在西安电子科技大学获学士、硕士、博士学位,2007年9月至2009年9月在美国杜克大学博士后访问****(Lawrence Carin Group)。目前是西安电子科技大学教授、博士生导师。从事雷达目标识别、统计机器学习研究。研究成果已应用于我国多部型号雷达,获得国家技术发明二等奖和国防技术发明一等奖(第二发明人)。兼任IEEE会员、“雷达学报”编委,近年来应邀在多个国际国内会议中担任分会主席、TPC Member等职务。

王兆成同学的论文在IEEE TGRS录用
邓盛同学的论文在IEEE J-STARS录用
孙永光、代慧同学的两篇论文发表在IEEE GRSL
李莉玲和张维同学的论文发表在Pattern Recognition



1997年8月-- 2001年7月 西安电子科技大学电子工程学院 本科
2001年8月-- 2004年3月 西安电子科技大学电子工程学院 硕士研究生
2004年4月-- 2007年6月 西安电子科技大学电子工程学院 博士研究生
2007年9月-- 2009年9月 美国杜克大学电子与计算机工程系 博士后研究

2002年9月-- 2005年6月 西安电子科技大学电子工程学院助教
2005年7月-- 2007年6月 西安电子科技大学电子工程学院 讲师
2007年7月-- 2011年6月 西安电子科技大学电子工程学院 副教授
2007年12月至今西安电子科技大学电子工程学院 硕士生导师
2010年12月至今西安电子科技大学电子工程学院 博士生导师
2011年7月至今西安电子科技大学电子工程学院 教授


2015.10 IET International Radar Conference国际会议分会主席
2015.07 IEEE China Summit & International Conference on Signal and Information Processing(ChinaSip 2015) 分会主席
2015.10-至今 电子学会高级会员
2014.10-至今 《雷达学报》编委会委员
2014.07 International Workshop on Mathematical Issues in Information Sciences(MIIS)国际会议Tutorial分会主席
2014.01 IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT) 国际会议程序委员会副主席
2013.04 IET International Radar Conference 国际会议分会主席
2011.01-至今 美国电气电子工程协会(IEEE)会员




Zhang Wei, Du Lan, Li Liling, Zhang Xuefeng, Liu Hongwei, Infinite Bayesian one-class support vector machine based on Dirichlet process mixture clustering, Pattern Recognition, 2018 Online published.
Li Tingli, Du Lan, Target discrimination for SAR ATR based on scattering center feature and K-center one-class classification, IEEE Sensors Journal, 18(6), pp2453-2461, 2018.
He Hua, Du Lan, Liu Yue, Ding Jun, Similarity preserving multi-task learning for radar target recognition, Information Sciences, 436-437(2018), pp388-402, 2018.
Wang Yan, Du Lan, Dai Hui, Target discrimination method for SAR images based on semisupervised co-training, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 12(1), pp015004-1-11, 2018.
Wang Zhaocheng, Du Lan, Zhang Peng, Li Lu., Wang Fei., Xu Shuwen, Su Hongtao, Visual attention-based target detection and discrimination for high-resolution SAR images in complex scenes, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2017 Online published.
Wang Zhaocheng, Du Lan, Su Hongtao, Target detection via Bayesian-morphological saliency in high-resolution SAR images, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 55(10), pp5455-5466, 2017.
Deng Sheng, Du Lan, Li Chen, Ding Jun, Liu Hongwei, SAR automatic target recognition based on Euclidean distance restricted autoencoder, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 10(7), pp3323-3333, 2017.
Dai Hui, Du Lan, Wang Yan, Wang Zhaocheng. A modified CFAR algorithm based on object proposals for ship target detection in SAR images. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. 13(12). 2016.12.
Sun Yongguang, Du Lan, Wang Yan, Wang Yinghua, Hu Jing. SAR automatic target recognition based on dictionary learning and joint dynamic sparse representation. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. 13(12). 2016.12.
Wang Yan, Du Lan, Dai Hui. Unsupervised SAR image change detection based on SIFT keypoints and region information. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. 13(7). 2016.07.
Li Liling, Du Lan, Zhang Wei, He Hua, Wang Penghui. Enhancing information discrimination analysis: Feature extraction with linear statistical model and information-theoretic criteria. Pattern Recognition. 60. 2016.06.
Du Lan, Li Linsen, Wang Baoshuai, Xiao Jinguo. Micro-doppler feature extraction based on time-frequency spectrogram for ground moving targets classification with low-resolution radar. IEEE Sensors Journal. 16(10). 2016.05.
Du Lan, He Hua, Zhao Le, Wang Penghui. Noise robust radar HRRP target recognition based on scatterer matching algorithm. IEEE Sensors Journal.16(6). 2016.03.
Liu Hongwei, Feng Bo, Chen Bo, Du Lan. Radar high-resolution range profiles target recognition based on stable dictionary learning. IET Radar Sonar and Navigation. 10(2). 2016.02.
Xu Danlei,DuLan,Liu Hongwei,Wang Penghui.Bayesian classifier for sparsity-promoting feature selection. International Journal of Pattern Recognitionand Artificial Intelligence.Vol. 29(6). 2015.08.
Du Lan, Wang Baoshuai, Wang Penghui, Ma Yanyan, Liu Hongwei. Noise reduction method based on principal component analysis with beta process for micro-dopplerradar signatures. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations andRemote Sensing. Vol.8(8). 4028-4040. 2015.08.
Du Lan, Wang Penghui,Zhang Lei, He Hua, Liu Hongwei. Robust statistical recognition and reconstruction scheme based on hierarchical Bayesian learning of HRR radar target signal. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS. Vol.42(14). 5860-5873. 2015.08.
Xu Danlei, Du Lan,Liu Hongwei,Wang Penghui,Yan Junkun,Cong Yulai,Han Xun.Compressive sensing of stepped-frequency radar based on transfer learning. IEEEtransactions on signal processing. Vol.63(12). 3076-3087.2015.07.
Du Lan, Ma Yanyan, Wang Baoshuai, Liu Hongwei. Noise-robust classification of ground moving targets based on time-frequency feature from micro-doppler signature. IEEE Sensors Journal. Vol.14(8). 2672-2682. 2014.08.
Li Yanbing,Du Lan, Liu Hongwei. Hierarchical classification of moving vehicles based on empirical mode decomposition of micro-doppler signatures. IEEE Trans Geosci Remote Sens. Vol.51(5). 3001-3013. 2013.05.
Du Lan, Wang Baoshuai, Li Yanbing, Liu Hongwei, Bao Zheng,Robust classification scheme for airplane targets with low resolution radar based on EMD-CLEAN feature extraction method, IEEE Sensors Journal. Vol.13(12), 4648-4662, 2013. 12.
Pan Mian,Du Lan, Wang Penghui, Liu Hongwei, Feng Bo, Bao Zheng. Noise-robust modification method for Gaussian based models with application to radar HRRP recognition. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. Vol.10(3). 558-562. 2013/05.
Zhang Junying, Zhao Xiaoxue,Du Lan. Solving multi-class problems by data-driven topology-preserving output codes. Neurocomputing. Vol.121. 556-568. 2013/09.
Pan Mian,Du Lan, Wang Penghui, Liu Hongwei, Bao Zheng. Multi-task hidden markov modeling of spectrogram feature from radar high-resolution range profiles. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing. 2012.
Du Lan, Liu Hongwei, Wang Penghui,Pan Mian,Feng Bo, Bao Zheng,Noise robust radar HRRP target recognition based on multitask factor analysis with small training data size,IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing. Vol.60(7), 3546-3559, 2012. 07
Du Lan, Wang Penghui, Liu Hongwei, Pan Mian, Chen Feng, Bao Zheng, Bayesian spatiotemporal multitask learning for radar HRRP target recognition,IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing. Vol.59(7), 3182-3196, 2011.07.
Ren Lu,Du Lan, Carin Lawrence, Dunson David, Logistic stick-breaking process. Journal of Machine Learning Research. Vol.12. 203-239, 2011.01.
Chen Feng, Liu Hongwei,Du Lan, Bao Zheng, Target classification with low-resolution radar based on dispersion situations of eigenvalue spectra, Since in China Series F: Information Science. Vol. 53(7),1446-1460, 2010. 07.
Du Lan, Chen Minhua, Lucas Joseph, Carin Lawrence, Sticky hidden markov modeling of comparative genomic hybridization, IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing. Vol.58(10), 5353-5368,2010.10.
Du Lan, Liu Hongwei, Bao Zheng, Radar automatic target recognition based on feature extraction for complex HRRP, Since in China Series F: Information Science. Vol. 51(8),1-16. 2008.08.
Du Lan, Liu Hongwei, Bao Zheng, Radar HRRP statistical recognition based on hypersphere model, Signal Processing, Vol. 88(5), 1176-1190,2008.05.
Du Lan, Liu Hongwei, Bao Zheng, Radar HRRP statistical recognition: parametric model and model selection, IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing. Vol.56(5),1931-1944, 2008.05.
Du Lan, Liu Hongwei, Bao Zheng, Zhang Junying. Radar automatic target recognition using complex high-resolution range profiles. IET Radar, Sonarand Navigation. Vol.1(1), 18-26, 2007.02.
Du Lan, Liu Hongwei, Bao Zheng, Zhang Junying, A wo-distribution compounded statistical model for radar HRRP target recognition, IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing. Vol.54(6), 2226-2238, 2006.06
Du Lan, Liu Hongwei, Bao Zheng, Xing Mengdao. Radar HRRP target recognition based on higher order spectra. IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing.Vol.53(7), 2359-2368. 2005.07

Hu Jing, Du Lan, He Hua, Wang Penghui. Noise-Robust HRR Target Recognition Based on Complex Gaussian Statistical Models. The 2016 CIE International Conference on Radar. 2016.10.
He Hua,Du Lan, Wang Penghui, Liu Hongwei. Noise Robust Recognition Method Based on Scatterer Pattern for Radar HRRP Data. ICASSP 2016.3
Wang Zhaocheng, Du Lan, Wang Fei, Su Hongtao, Zhou Yu. Multi-ScaleTarget Detection in SAR Image Based on Visual Attention Model.2015 IEEE 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar(APSAR). 704-709. 2015/9
Wang Baoshuai, Li Weilu, Du Lan, Shi Huiruo. Modeling of Micro-doppler Signatures from Rotor Blades.IET Radar 2015.
Wang Baoshuai,Du Lan, Ma Yanyan, Liu Hongwei. A Bayesian denoising method for complex radar signalwithapplication to classification of human individuals. 2015 IEEE China Summit and international Conference on Signal and Information Processing.268-272.2015.07.
Xu Danlei, Du Lan, Liu Hongwei. Radar signal parameter estimation with sparse Bayesian representation based onzoom-dictionary. IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, 123-128.2014.12.
Du Lan,Li Linsen, Ma Yanyan,Wang Baoshuai, Liu Hongwei. A noise-robust radar target classification method based on complex probabilistic principal component analysis. General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (URSI GASS). 1-4.2014.08.
Shao Changyu, Du Lan, Han Xun, Liu Hongwei. Multiple target tracking based separation of Micro-Doppler signals from coning target. IEEE National Radar Conference. 130-133. 2014.
Du Lan, Wang Penghui, Zhang Lei, Liu Hongwei, Xu Danlei. Noise robust radar HRR target recognition based on Bayesian sparse learning. 2013 International Conference on Radar-Beyond Orthodoxy: New Paradigms in Radar RADAR 2013. 511-516 2013.09.
Han Xun, Du Lan, Liu Hongwei, Shao Changyu, Wang Baoshuai. Micro-Doppler frequency estimation method for micro-motion object using TVAR model. IET International Radar Conference 2013. 2013.04.
Feng Bo,Du Lan, Shao Changyu, Wang Baoshuai, Liu Hongwei. Radar HRRP target recognition based on robust dictionary learning with small training data size. IEEE National Radar Conference – Proceedings. 2013.
Li Yanbin, Du Lan, Liu Hongwei. Noise robust classification of moving vehicles via micro-Doppler signatures. National Radar Conference – Proceedings. 2013.
Wang Baoshuai, Du Lan, Li Yanbing, Ruan Long, Liu Hongwei. Classification scheme for airplane targets based on empirical mode decomposition. IET International Radar Conference 2013. 2013(617CP). 2013.
Du Lan, Liu Hongwei, Wang Penghui, Feng Bo, Pan Mian, Bao Zheng. Multitask factor analysis with application to noise robust radar HRRP target recognition. IEEE International Radar Conference. 0202-0207. 2012.05.
Li Yanbin, Du Lan, Liu Hongwei. Moving vehicle classification based on micro-Doppler signature. IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing (ICSPCC) 2011. 1-4. 2011.09.
Xu Danlei, Du Lan, Liu Hongwei. Joint feature selection and classifier design for radar targets. IEEE CIE International Conference on Radar 2011. 1. 617-620. 2011.10.
Zhang Xuefeng, Wang Penghui, Du Lan, Liu Hongwei. New method for radar HRRP recognition and rejection based on weighted majority voting combination of multiple classifiers. IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing (ICSPCC) 2011. 1-4. 2011.09.
Feng Bo,Du Lan, Liu Hongwei, Li Fei. Radar HRRP target recognition based on K-SVD algorithm. IEEE CIE International Conference on Radar 2011. 1. 642-645. 2011.10.
Pan Mian, Du Lan, Wang Penghui, Liu Hongwei, Bao Zheng. Multi-task hidden Markov model for radar automatic target recognition. IEEE CIE International Conference on Radar 2011. 1. 650-653. 2011.10.
Wang Penghui, Du Lan, Pan Mian, Zhang Xuefeng, Liu Hongwei. Radar HRRP target recognition based on linear dynamic model. IEEE CIE International Conference on Radar 2011. 1. 662-665. 2011.10.
Wang Penghui, Dai Fengzhou, Pan Mian, Du Lan, Liu Hongwei. Radar HRRP target recognition in frequency domain based on autoregressive model. IEEE International Radar Conference. 714-717. 2011.05.
Du Lan, Wang Penghui, Liu Hongwei, Pan Mian, Bao Zheng. Radar HRRP target recognition based on dynamic multi-task hidden Markov model. IEEE International Radar Conference. 253-255. 2011.05.
Wang Penghui, Du Lan, Liu Hongwei. A spatiotemporal model for radar HRRP sequence recognition. IEEE National Radar Conference-Proceedings. 1005-1008. 2010.05.
Du Lan, Ren Lu, Dunson David, Carin Lawrence, A Bayesian model for simultaneous image clustering, annotation and object segmentation. Neural and Information Processing Systems (NIPS) 2009.12. (人工智能领域顶级国际会议)
Du Lan, Liu Hongwei, Bao Zheng, Chen Feng. A novel statistical recognition method based on hypersphere model for radar HRRP ATR. Third International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC 2007). 2007.08.
Du Lan, Liu Hongwei, Bao Zheng, Chen Feng. A novel feature vector using complex HRRP for radar target recognition. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2007.06.
Chen Feng,Du Lan, Yuan Li, Bao Zheng. Radar HRRP target recognition using influence region of samples. Proceedings of 2006 International Conference on Radar. 1428-1431. 2006.10
Du Lan, Liu Hongwei, Bao Zheng. Using the amplitude fluctuation property of target HRRP for radar automatic target recognition. Proceedings of 2006 International Conference on Radar. 829-833. 2006.10.
Du Lan, Liu Hongwei, Bao Zheng. Radar automatic target recognition based on complex high-resolution range profiles. Proceedings of 2006 International Conference on Radar. 1415-1419. 2006.10
Du Lan, Zhang Junying, Bao Zheng. Multicategory classification based on the hypercube self-organization mapping (SOM) scheme. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol.4221. 107-110, 2006. 09
Du Lan, Liu Hongwei, Bao Zheng, Zhang Junying. A compound statistical model based radar HRRP target recognition. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol.3497. 369-374, 2005. 06.
Du Lan, Liu Hongwei, Bao Zheng. Radar HRRP target recognition by the higher-order spectra features. Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference. Applied Informatics. 627-632. 2004.02.

王兆成,李璐,杜兰,徐丰. 基于单极化SAR图像的舰船目标检测与分类方法. 科技导报. 35(20), PP86-93, 2017.
郭昱辰,杜兰,潘晓燕,和华, 基于子空间的高分辨距离像噪声稳健识别. 中国科技论文,12(2), PP154-160, 2017.
杜兰, 史蕙若, 李林森, 孙永光, 胡靖. 基于分数阶傅里叶变换的窄带雷达飞机目标回波特征提取方法. 电子与信息学报. 38(12):3093-3099,2016年12月
杜兰, 刘彬, 王燕, 刘宏伟, 代慧. 基于卷积神经网络的SAR图像目标检测算法. 电子与信息学报. 38(12):3018-3025,2016年12月
杜兰, 徐丹蕾, 王鹏辉, 刘宏伟. 多任务稀疏学习的雷达HRRP小样本目标识别. 西安电子科技大学学报(自然科学版). 43(2):23-28,2016年5月
邵长宇, 杜兰, 韩勋, 刘宏伟. 基于极化散射特性的空间锥体目标宽带回波对齐. 电子与信息学报.38(2):434-441,2016年4月
肖金国, 杜兰, 韩勋, 曹文杰,刘宏伟. 基于参数化时频分析的进动锥裙目标瞬时微多普勒频率提取方法. 电子与信息学报.38(1).90-96 2016年1月
杜兰, 李林森, 李伟璐,王宝帅,史蕙若. 基于时频回波相关性特征飞机目标分类 方法. 雷达学报.4(6). 2015年12月
邵长宇, 杜兰, 韩勋,刘宏伟.基于双视角距离像序列的空间锥体目标参数估计方法.电 子 与 信 息 学 报.37(11).2735-2741.2015年11月
和华,杜兰, 徐丹蕾,刘宏伟.基于多任务复数因子分析模型的雷达高分辨距离识别方法.电子与信息学报.37(10). 2307-2313.2015年10月
王宝帅,杜兰, 和华,刘宏伟. 基于复高斯模型的样本缺失窄带雷达信号重构算法.电子与信息学报. 37(5). 1065-1070. 2015年5月
曹文杰,张磊,杜兰,刘宏伟. 基于瞬时频率估计的进动锥体目标微多普勒频率提取方法.电子与信息学报. 37(5) . 1091-1096 . 2015年5月.
韩勋,杜兰, 刘宏伟.基于窄带微多普勒调制的锥体目标参数估计. 电子与信息学报. 37(4). 961-968. 2015年4月.
刘旭, 许述文, 杜兰. 基于ANMF和非线性映射距离扩展目标检测. 雷达科学与技术. 36(2).265-268. 2015年3月.
徐丹蕾, 杜兰,刘宏伟,王鹏辉,丛玉来. 基于复数因子分析模型的步进频数据压缩感知. 电子与信息学报. 37(2). 315-321. 2015年2月.
王宝帅, 杜兰, 张学锋, 王旭, 刘宏伟. 空中飞机目标噪声稳健分类方法.电波科学学报. 29(6).1016-1021.2014年12月.
韩勋, 杜兰, 刘宏伟. 基于窄带雷达组网的空间锥体目标特征提取方法. 电子与信息学报. 36(12). 2956-2962. 2014年12月.
韩勋,杜兰, 刘宏伟. 空间锥体目标的平动补偿与微动特征提取方法. 电波科学学报. 29(5). 815-820. 2014年10月.
王鹏辉, 杜兰, 刘宏伟. 基于复高斯模型的雷达高分辨距离像目标识别新方法. 光学学报. 34(2). 2014年2月
张学峰, 王鹏辉, 冯博, 杜兰, 刘宏伟. 基于多分类器融合的雷达高分辨距离像目标识别与拒判新方法. 自动化学报. 40(2). 348-356. 2014年2月.
潘勉, 王鹏辉, 杜兰, 刘宏伟, 保铮. 基于TSB-HMM模型的雷达高分辨距离像目标识别方法. 电子与信息学报. 35(7). 1547-1554. 2013年7月.
韩勋, 杜兰, 刘宏伟, 邵长宇. 基于时频分布的空间锥体目标微动形式分类. 系统工程与电子技术. 35(4). 684-691. 2013年4月.
李彦兵, 杜兰, 刘宏伟, 王宝帅. 基于微多普勒效应和多级小波分解的轮式履带式车辆分类研究. 电子与信息学报. 35(4).894-900.2013年4月.
李志鹏, 马田香, 杜兰, 徐丹蕾, 刘宏伟, 张子敬. 多特征融合多类分类器设计在雷达HRRP识别中的应用. 西安电子科技大学学报(自然科学版). 40(1). 142-150. 2013年2月.
邵长宇, 杜兰, 李飞, 刘宏伟. 基于多目标跟踪的空间锥体目标微多普勒频率提取方法. 电子与信息学报. 34(12). 2972-2977. 2012年12月.
王鹏辉, 夏双志, 潘勉, 张学峰, 杜兰, 刘宏伟. 基于多模态平稳序列建模的雷达高分辨距离像小样本目标识别方法. 光学学报. 32(5). 2012年12月.
冯博, 杜兰, 张学峰, 刘宏伟. 基于字典学习的雷达高分辨距离像目标识别. 电波科学学报. 27(5). 897-905. 2012年10月.
王宝帅, 杜兰, 刘宏伟, 李彦兵, 冯博. 基于经验模态分解的空中飞机目标分类. 电子与信息学报. 34(9). 2116-2121. 2012年9月.
王鹏辉, 刘宏伟, 杜兰, 潘勉, 张学峰. 基于线性动态模型的雷达高分辨距离像小样本目标识别方法. 电子与信息学报. 34(2). 305-311. 2012年2月.
王鹏辉, 杜兰, 刘宏伟, 李彦兵, 吴兆平. 雷达高分辨距离像分帧新方法. 西安电子科技大学学报(自然版). 38(6). 22-29. 2011年12月.
关永胜, 左群声, 刘宏伟, 杜兰, 李彦兵. 空间进动目标微动参数估计方法. 电子与信息学报. 33(10). 2427-2432. 2011年10月.
李彦兵, 杜兰, 刘宏伟, 徐丹蕾, 关永胜. 基于信号特征谱的地面运动目标分类. 电波科学学报. 26(4). 641-648. 2011年8月.
徐丹蕾, 杜兰, 刘宏伟, 洪灵, 李彦兵. 一种基于变分相关向量机的特征选择和分类结合方法. 自动化学报. 37(8). 932-943. 2011年8月.
关永胜, 左群声, 刘宏伟, 杜兰, 李彦兵. 空间锥体目标微动特性分析与识别方法. 西安电子科技大学(自然科学版). 38(2). 105-111. 2011年4月.
李彦兵, 杜兰, 刘宏伟, 丁苏颖, 关永胜. 基于微多普勒特征的地面目标分类. 电子与信息学报. 32(12). 2848-2853. 2010年12月.
陈凤,杜兰, 刘宏伟, 保铮, 侯庆禹. 一种利用强度信息的雷达HRRP自动目标识别方法. 电子学报. 2009年3月, Vol. 37(3).459-463.
刘敬, 张军英,杜兰, 基于相关系数的雷达高分辨距离像分帧方法, 电子与信息学报, 2008年9月, Vol. 30(9). 2060-2064.
陈凤,杜兰, 保铮. 一种优化K近邻准则及在雷达HRRP目标识别中的应用. 西安电子科技大学学报. 2007年10月, Vol.34(5).681-686.
陈凤,杜兰, 保铮, 刘宏伟. 雷达高分辨距离像自动目标识别方法的改进. 电子与信息学报. 2007年6月, Vol.29(6).
杜兰, 刘宏伟, 保铮, 张军英. 一种用于雷达HRRP功率谱的加权特征压缩方法. 西安电子科技大学学报. 2006年4月, Vol.33(2). 173-177.
刘宏伟,杜兰, 袁莉, 保铮. 雷达高分辨距离像目标识别研究进展. 电子与信息学报. 2005年8月, Vol.27(8). 1328-1334.
杜兰, 刘宏伟, 保铮, 张军英. 一种利用雷达高分辨距离像幅度起伏特性的特征提取新方法. 电子学报. 2005年3月, Vol.33(3). 411-415.
杜兰, 刘宏伟, 保铮. 一种基于距离-多普勒二维联合的群目标分辨方法. 电子学报. 2004年6月, Vol.32(6). 881-885.
杜兰, 刘宏伟, 保铮. 利用目标方位信息改善雷达距离像识别性能. 系统工程与电子技术. 2004年8月, Vol.26(8). 1040-1043.
杜兰, 保铮, 邢孟道. 直升机雷达回波的分析与检测. 西安电子科技大学学报. 2003年10月, Vol. 30 (5). 173-177.




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留学生课程《Linear Algebra(线性代数)》(全英授课)



Name: Lan Du (IEEE Member)
Title: Professor
Affiliation:National Laboratory of Radar Signal Processing, Xidian University, China

Contact Information
Address:No. 2 South TaiBai Road, Xi'an, China, 710071
Office Tel: (0086)
E-mails:dulan@mail.xidian.edu.cn; orchid_du@163.com

Work experience:
l 2011.07–present:
Professor with National Laboratory of Radar Signal Processing, Xidian University, Xi'an, China.
l 2007.07–2011.06:
Associate Professor with National Laboratory of Radar Signal Processing, Xidian University, Xi'an, China.
l 2007.09–2009.09:
Post-doctorial Associate at the ECE Department, Duke University, Durham, USA. Research field: machine learning and nonparametric Bayesian models.
l 2007.09–2009.09:
Lecture with National Laboratory of Radar Signal Processing, Xidian University, Xi'an, China.
Education experience:
l 2004.04–2007.08:
Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering, Xidian University, China
l 2001.08–2004.03:
M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering, Xidian University, China
l 1997.08–2001.06:
B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering, Xidian University, China
Professional Society Membership
l Member of IEEE
l Senior Member of CIE
l Member of IEEE Signal Processing Societies
l Member of IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society

Research Interests
Radar target recognition, machine learning, nonparametric Bayesian models, radar signal processing, statistical signal processing.

1. WeiZhang,Lan Du, Liling Li, Xuefeng Zhang, HongweiLiu, Infinite Bayesian one-class support vector machine based on Dirichlet process mixture clustering, Pattern Recognition, 2018 Online published.
2. Tingli Li,Lan Du, Target discrimination for SAR ATR based on scattering center feature and K-center one-class classification, IEEE Sensors Journal, 18(6), pp2453-2461, 2018.
3. HuaHe,Lan Du, YueLiu,JunDing, Similarity preserving multi-task learning for radar target recognition, Information Sciences, 436-437(2018), pp388-402, 2018.
4. YanWang,Lan Du, Hui Dai, Target discrimination method for SAR images based on semisupervised co-training, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 12(1), pp015004-1-11, 2018.
5. ZhaochengWang,Lan Du, PengZhang, Lu Li, Fei Wang, Shuwen Xu, HongtaoSu, Visual attention-based target detection and discrimination for high-resolution SAR images in complex scenes, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2017 Online published.
6. ZhaochengWang,Lan Du, HongtaoSu, Target detection via Bayesian-morphological saliency in high-resolution SAR images, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 55(10), pp5455-5466, 2017.
7. Sheng Deng, Lan Du, Chen Li, Jun Ding, Hongwei Liu, “SAR automatic target recognition based on Euclidean distance restricted autoencoder,” accepted for publication in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing.
8. Yongguang Sun, Lan Du, Yan Wang, Yinghua Wang, Jing Hu, “SAR automatic target recognition based on dictionary learning and joint dynamic sparse representation,” IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, vol. 13, no. 12, pp. 1777 – 1781, 2016.
9. Hui Dai, Lan Du, Yan Wang, Zhaocheng Wang, “A modified CFAR algorithm based on object proposals for ship target detection in SAR images,” IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, vol. 13, no. 12, pp. 1925-1929, 2016.
10. Liling Li, Lan Du, Wei Zhang, Hua He, Penghui Wang, “Enhancing information discrimination analysis: Feature extraction with linear statistical model and information-theoretic criteria,” Pattern Recognition, no. 60, pp. 554-570, 2016.
11. Lan Du, Linsen Li, Baoshuai Wang, Jinguo Xiao, “Micro-doppler feature extraction based on time-frequency spectrogram for ground moving targets classification with low-resolution Radar,” IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 16, no. 10, pp. 3756-3763, 2016.
12. Lan Du, Hua He, Le Zhao, Penghui Wang, “Noise robust radar HRRP target recognition based on scatterer matching algorithm,” IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 1743-1753, 2016.
13. Yan Wang, Lan Du, Hui Dai, “Unsupervised SAR image change detection based on SIFT keypoints and region information,” IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, vol. 13, no. 7, pp. 931-935, 2016.
14. Hongwei Liu, Bo Feng, Bo Chen, Lan Du, “Radar high-resolution range profiles target recognition based on stable dictionary learning,” IET Radar Sonar and Navigation, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 228-237, 2016.
15. Danlei Xu, Lan Du, Hongwei Liu, Penghui Wang, Junkun Yan, Yulai Cong Xun Han, “Compressive sensing of stepped-frequency radar based on transfer learning,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 63, no. 12, pp. 3076-3087, 2015.
16. Lan Du, Penghui Wang, Lei Zhang, Hua He, Hongwei Liu, “Robust statistical recognition and reconstruction scheme based on hierarchical Bayesian learning of HRR radar target signal,” Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 42, no. 14, pp. 5860-5873, 2015.
17. Lan Du, Baoshuai Wang, Penghui Wang, Yanyan Ma, Hongwei Liu, “Noise reduction method based on principal component analysis with beta process for micro-doppler radar signatures,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, vol. 8, no. 8, pp. 4028-4040, 2015.
18. Danlei Xu, Lan Du, Hongwei Liu, Penghui Wang, “Bayesian classifier for sparsity-promoting feature selection,” International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, vol. 29, no. 6, 2015.
19. Lan Du, Yanyan Ma, Baoshuai Wang, Hongwei Liu, “Noise-robust classification of ground moving targets based on time-frequency feature from micro-doppler signature,” IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 14, no. 8, pp. 2672-2682, 2014.
20. Yanbing Li, Lan Du, Hongwei Liu, “Hierarchical classification of moving vehicles based on empirical mode decomposition of micro-doppler signatures,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 51, no. 5, pp. 3001-3013, 2013.
21. Lan Du, Baoshuai Wang, Yanbing Li, Hongwei Liu, “Robust classification scheme for airplane targets with low resolution radar based on EMD-CLEAN feature extraction method,” IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 13, no. 12, pp. 4648-4662, 2013.
22. Mian Pan, Lan Du, Penghui Wang, Hongwei Liu, Zheng Bao, “Noise-robust modification method for Gaussian-based models with application to radar HRRP recognition,” IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 558-562, 2013.
23. Junying Zhang, Xiaoxue Zhao, Lan Du, “Solving multi-class problems by data-driven topology-preserving output codes,” Neurocomputing, vol. 121, no. SI, pp. 556-568, 2013.
24. Mian Pan, Lan Du, Penghui Wang, Hongwei Liu, Zheng Bao, “Multi-task hidden markov modeling of spectrogram feature from radar high-resolution range profiles,” Eurasip Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, pp. 1-17, 2012.
25. Lan Du, Hongwei Liu, Penghui Wang, Bo Feng, Mian Pan, Zheng Bao, “Noise robust radar HRRP target recognition based on multitask factor analysis with small training data size,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 60, no. 7, pp. 3546-3559, 2012.
26. Lu Ren, Lan Du, Lawrence Carin, David Dunson, “Logistic stick-breaking process,” Journal of Machine Learning Research, no. 12, pp. 203-239, 2011.
27. Lan Du, Penghui Wang, Hongwei Liu, Mian Pan, Feng Chen, Zheng Bao, “Bayesian spatiotemporal multitask learning for radar HRRP target recognition,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 59, no. 7, pp. 3182-3196, 2011.
28. Lan Du, Minhua Chen, Joseph Lucas, Lawrence Carin, “Sticky hidden Markov modeling of comparative genomic hybridization,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 58, no. 10, pp. 5353-5368, 2010.
29. Feng Chen, Hongwei Liu, Lan Du, Zheng Bao, “Target classification with low-resolution radar based on dispersion situations of eigenvalue spectra,” Science China-Information Sciences, vol. 53, no. 7, pp. 1446-1460, 2010.
30. Lan Du, Hongwei Liu, Zheng Bao, “Radar HRRP statistical recognition based on hypersphere model,” Signal Processing, vol. 88, no. 5, pp. 1176-1190, 2008.
31. Lan Du, Hongwei Liu, Zheng Bao, “Radar HRRP statistical recognition: parametric model and model selection,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 56, no. 5, pp. 1931 -1944, 2008.
32. Lan Du, Hongwei Liu, Zheng Bao, Junying Zhang, “Radar automatic target recognition based on feature extraction for complex HRRP,” Science China-Information Sciences, vol. 51, no. 8, pp. 1138-1153, 2008.
33. Lan Du, Hongwei Liu, Zheng Bao, Junying Zhang, “Radar automatic target recognition using complex high-resolution range profiles,” IET Radar Sonar and Navigation, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 18-26, 2007.
34. Lan Du, Hongwei Liu, Zheng Bao, Junying Zhang, “A two-distribution compounded statistical model for radar HRRP target recognition,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 54, no. 6, pp. 2226-2238, 2006.
35. Lan Du, Hongwei Liu, Zheng Bao, Mengdao Xing, “Radar HRRP target recognition based on higher order spectra,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 53, no. 7, pp. 2359-2368, 2005.

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