

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-27

吴家骥 教授,博士生导师

2002/03 – 2005/12,西安电子科技大学,通信工程学院,博士
1998/09 – 2001/07,中科院国家授时中心,硕士
1992/09 – 1996/07,西安电子科技大学,通信工程学院,本科
2013/01 – 2013/03,海洋局极地办,中国北极黄河站,越冬科考队员 揭秘北极黄河科考站HOT!
2012/07 – 至今, 西安电子科技大学,电子工程学院,教授
2010/04 – 2011/03,韩国汉阳大学,电子与计算机科学系,研究教授
2007/07 – 2012/06,西安电子科技大学,电子工程学院,副教授
2006/03 – 2007/06,西安电子科技大学,电子工程学院,讲师
1998/01 – 1998/08,深圳华为,工程师
1996/08 – 1997/12,邮电部第十研究所,技干

吴家骥 教授,博士生导师

2002/03 – 2005/12,西安电子科技大学,通信工程学院,博士
1998/09 – 2001/07,中科院国家授时中心,硕士
1992/09 – 1996/07,西安电子科技大学,通信工程学院,本科
2013/01 – 2013/03,海洋局极地办,中国北极黄河站,越冬科考队员 揭秘北极黄河科考站HOT!
2012/07 – 至今, 西安电子科技大学,电子工程学院,教授
2010/04 – 2011/03,韩国汉阳大学,电子与计算机科学系,研究教授
2007/07 – 2012/06,西安电子科技大学,电子工程学院,副教授
2006/03 – 2007/06,西安电子科技大学,电子工程学院,讲师
1998/01 – 1998/08,深圳华为,工程师
1996/08 – 1997/12,邮电部第十研究所,技干






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Book Chapter:
Jiaji Wu, Lei Wang, Yong Fang, LC Jiao,. Multiplierless Reversible Integer TDLT/KLT for Lossy-to-lossless Hyperspectral Image Compression: Satellite Data Compression. Springer, ISBN 978-1-4614-1182-6, 2011.
Dang M, Wu J, Cui S, Guo X, Cao Y, Wei H, Wu Z. Multiscale Decomposition Prediction of Propagation Loss in Oceanic Tropospheric Ducts. Remote Sensing. 13(6), 1173, 2021.
Guoshuai Zhang, Jiaji Wu, Kun Zhao, Xufeng Zhou, Yuan Chen, Yuhui Wang, Mingzhou Tan.Sustainable society based on social gamification using Nova Empire ecology mining.Sustainable Cities and Society, vol.66, 102666, 2021.
Guoshuai Zhang, Jiaji Wu, Mingzhou Tan, Zhongjie Yang, Qingyu Cheng, Hong Han. Learning to Predict U.S. Policy Change Using New York Times Corpus with Pre-Trained Language Model. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 79, 34227–34240, 2020.
Tan Qu, Haiying Li, Zhensen Wu, Qingchao Shang, Jiaji Wu, Wanqiu Kong. Scattering of aerosol by a high-order Bessel vortex beam for multimedia information transmission in atmosphere. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 79, 34159–34171, 2020.
Tan Qu, Yan Zhang, Jiaji Wu. A novel AFNCS algorithm for super-resolution SAR in curve trajectory. Multimedia Systems,2020, DOI: 10.1007/s00530-020-00715-z.
Wanqiu Kong, Zejun Hu, Jiaji Wu, Tan Qu, Gwanggil Jeon. A Comparative Study of Estimating Auroral Electron Energy from Ground-Based Hyperspectral Imagery and DMSP-SSJ5 Particle Data.Remote Sensing,12, 2259, 2020.
Zhe Wu, Tan Qu, Jiaji Wu, Zhensen Wu, Lin Yang, Xi Li. Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves With Orbital Angular Momentum on Metallic Sphere.IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 19, no. 8, pp. 1365-1369, Aug. 2020.
Rui Xie, Yuhui Wang, Mingzhou Tan, Wei Zhu, Zhongjie Yang, Jiaji Wu, Gwanggil Jeon. Ethereum-Blockchain-Based Technology of Decentralized Smart Contract Certificate System. IEEE Internet of Things Magazine, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 44-50, June 2020.
Liwen Ma, Jiaji Wu, Jinpeng Zhang, Zhensen Wu, Gwanggil Jeon, Yushi Zhang, Tao Wu. Research on Sea Clutter Reflectivity Using Deep Learning Model in Industry 4.0.IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 16, no. 9, pp. 5929-5937, Sept. 2020.(TOP Journal)
Liwen Ma,Jiaji Wu,Jinpeng Zhang,Zhensen Wu,Gwanggil Jeon,Mingzhou Tan,Yushi Zhang.Sea Clutter Amplitude Prediction Using a Long Short-Term Memory Neural Network. Remote Sensing, 11(23), 2826, 2019.
Jiaojiao Li, Jiaji Wu, Gwanggil Jeon.GPU-based lossless compression of aurora spectral data using online DPCM.Remote Sensing, 11(14), 1635,2019.
Wanqiu Kong, Jiaji Wu, Zejun Hu, Gwanggil Jeon.Lossless compression codec of aurora spectral data using hybrid spatial-spectral decorrelation with outlier recognition.Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, vol.62,pp.174-181,2019.
Xiangshuai Meng,Jiaji Wu,Zhensen Wu,Tan Qu,Lin Yang.Generating dual-polarization beams carrying dual orbital angular momentum modes based on anisotropic holographic metasurfaces. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics,52(30), 2019.
Jiao Shi, Yu Lei, Jiaji Wu, Gwanggil Jeon.Uncertain active contour model based on rough and fuzzy sets for auroral oval segmentation.Information Sciences,vol.492,PP.72-103,2019.
X. Meng, J. Wu, Z. Wu, L. Yang, L. Huang, X. Li, and T. Qu.Design, fabrication, and measurement of an anisotropic holographic metasurface for generating vortex beams carrying orbital angular momentum. Optics Letters,44(6), pp.1452-1455, 2019.(TOP Journal)
Xiangshuai Meng, Jiaji Wu, Zhensen Wu Lin Yang, Li Huang, Xi Li, Tan Qu, and Zhe Wu.Generation of multiple beams carrying different orbital angular momentum modes based on anisotropic holographic metasurfaces in the radio-frequency domain. Applied Physics Letters, 114(9):093504, 2019.(TOP Journal)
Longxiang Linghu, Jiaji Wu, Zhensen Wu, Gwanggil Jeon and Xiaobin Wang. GPU-accelerated Computation of Time-evolving Electromagnetic Backscattering Field from Large Dynamic Sea Surfaces. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol.5, no.16, pp.3187-3197, 2019. (TOP Journal)
Jiaojiao Li, Jiaji Wu, Gwanggil Jeon. GPU Acceleration of Clustered DPCM for Lossless Compression of Hyperspectral Images. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol.16, no.5, pp.2906-2916, 2019. (TOP Journal)
Linghu L, Wu J, Wu Z, Wang X. Parallel Computation of EM Backscattering from Large Three-Dimensional Sea Surface with CUDA.Sensors, 18(11):3656, 2018.
Xiangshuai Meng, Jiaji Wu, Zhensen Wu, Tan Qu, Lin Yang. Design of Multiple-Polarization Reflectarray for Orbital Angular Momentum Wave in Radio Frequency. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol.17, no.12, pp.2269-2273, 2018.
Xiaowei Guo, Jiaji Wu, Jinpeng Zhang, Jie Han. Deep learning for solving inversion problem of atmospheric refractivity estimation. Sustainable Cities and Society, vol.43, pp.524-531, 2018.
Xiangshuai Meng, Jiaji Wu, Zhensen Wu, Tan Qu, Lin Yang. Dual-polarized Reflectarray for Generating Dual Beams with Corresponding Two Different Orbital Angular Momentum Modes Based on Independent Feeds for Operation in C- and X-bands. Optics Express, vol.26, no.18, pp.23185-23195, 2018.
Mengyue Zhao, Jiaji Wu, Gwanggil Jeon, Xing Guo. Statistical Analysis of Cloud Characteristics in Northwest China Based on Fengyun Satellite Data. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, doi:10.1002/cpe.4972, 2018.
Lei Wang, Yangyang Xu, Jun Cheng, Haiying Xia, Jianqin Yin, and Jiaji Wu. Human Action Recognition by Learning Spatio-Temporal Features with Deep Neural Networks. IEEE Access, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.**, 2018.
Longxiang Linghu, Jiaji Wu, Bormin Huang, Zhensen Wu, Min Shi. GPU-Accelerated Massively Parallel Computation of Electromagnetic Scattering of a Time-Evolving Oceanic Surface Model I: Time-Evolving Oceanic Surface Generation. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, vol.11, no.8, pp.2752-2762, 2018.
Jiaojiao Li, Jiaji Wu, Gwanggil Jeon. Parallel Binocular Stereo Vision-based GPU Accelerated Pedestrian Detection and Distance Computation. Journal of Real-Time Image Processing, 10.1007/s11554-018-0783-y, 2018.
Liwen Ma, Jiaji Wu, Chunyuan Li. Localization of a High-Speed Train Using a Speed Model Based on the Gradient Descent Algorithm. Future Generation Computer Systems, vol.85, pp.201-209, 2018.
Xing Guo, Zhensen Wu, Jiaji Wu. Study of infrared reflection characteristics of aerial target using MODIS data on GPU. Journal of Real-Time Image Processing, doi: 10.1007/s11554-018-0754-3, 2018.
Xing Guo, Zhensen Wu, Jiaji Wu, Yunhua Cao. Parallel BRDF-based infrared radiation simulation of aerial targets implemented on Intel Xeon processor and Xeon Phi coprocessor. Journal of Real-Time Image Processing, doi: 10.1007/s11554-017-0739-7, 2018.
Jiaji Wu, Long Deng, Gwanggil Jeon. GPU-Parallel Interpolation using the Edge-Direction Based Normal Vector Method for Terrain Triangular Mesh. Journal of Real-Time Image Processing, vol.14, no.4, doi:10.1007/s11554-016-0575-1, pp.1-10, 2018.
Jiaji Wu, Long Deng, Gwanggil Jeon. Image Autoregressive Interpolation Model using GPU-Parallel Optimization. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol.14, no.2, pp.426-436, 2017. (TOP Journal)
Yu Lei, Jiao Shi, Jiaji Wu. Region-driven distance regularized level set evolution for change detection in remote sensing images. Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol.76, no.23, pp.24707-24722, 2017.
Jiaji Wu, Wenze Li, Gwanggil Jeon. From Coarse- to Fine-Grained Implementation of Edge-Directed Interpolation Using a GPU. Information Sciences, vol.385–386, pp.457-474, April 2017.
Wanqiu Kong, Jiaji Wu, Zejun Hu, Marco Anisetti, Ernesto Damiani, Gwanggil Jeon. Lossless Compression for Aurora Spectral Images with Fast Online Bi-dimensional Decorrelation Method. Information Sciences, vol.381, pp.33-45, 2017.
Jin Wang, Jiaji Wu, Zhensen Wu, Jechang Jeong, Gwanggil Jeon. Wiener filter-based wavelet domain denoising. Displays, vol.46, pp.37-41, 2017.
Jin Wang, Jiaji Wu, Zhensen Wu, and Gwanggil Jeon. Taylor Series and Adaptive Directional Selection for Real Time Demosaicking. Displays, vol.45, pp.14-25, 2016.
Jin Wang, Jiaji Wu, Zhensen Wu, Gwanggil Jeon. Filter-based Bayer Pattern CFA Demosaicking. Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, doi:10.1007/s00034-016-0448-7, pp.1-24, 2016.
Jiaji Wu, Marco Anisetti, Wei Wu, Ernesto Damiani, and Gwanggil Jeon. Bayer Demosaicking with Polynomial Interpolation. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 25, no. 11, pp. 5369-5382, Nov. 2016.
Jin Wang, Jiaji Wu, Zhensen Wu, Gwanggil Jeon, and Jechang Jeong. Bilateral Filtering and Directional Differentiation for Bayer Demosaicking. IEEE Sensors Journal, doi:10.1109/JSEN.2016.**, 2016.
Jiao Shi, Yu Lei, Jiaji Wu, Anand Paul, Mucheol Kim, Gwanggil Jeon. Uncertain clustering algorithms based on rough and fuzzy sets for real-time image segmentation. Journal of Real-Time Image Processing, doi:10.1007/s11554-016-0585-z, pp.1-19, 2016.
Xing Guo, Jiaji Wu, Zhensen Wu, Bormin Huang. Parallel Computation of Aerial Target Reflection of Background Infrared Radiation: Performance Comparison of OpenMP, OpenACC and CUDA Implementations. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 1653-1662, April 2016.
Jiao Shi, Jiaji Wu, Marco Anisetti, Ernesto Damiani, Gwanggil Jeon. An interval type-2 fuzzy active contour model for auroral oval segmentation. Soft Computing, DOI: 10.1007/s00500-015-1943-7, PP.1-21, 2015.
M. Mazhar U Rathore, Awais Ahmad, Anand Paul, Wu Jiaji. Real-time Continuous Feature Extraction in Large Size Satellite Images. Journal of Systems Architecture, vol.64, pp.1122-132, 2015.
Jiaji Wu, Wanqiu Kong, Bormin Huang, Jarno Mielikainen. Lossless Compression of Hyperspectral Imagery via Clustered Differential Pulse Code Modulation with Removal of Local Spectral Outliers. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol.22, no.12, pp.2194-2198, 2015. (PDF, Software)
Jiaji Wu, Long Deng, Anand Paul. 3D Terrain Real-time Rendering Method Based on CUDA-OpenGL Interoperability. IETE Technical Review, DOI: 10.1080/**.2015.**, 2015.
Lei Wang, Jing Bai, Jiaji Wu, Gwanggil Jeon. Hyperspectral Image Compression based on Lapped Transform and Tucker Decomposition. Signal Processing: Image communication, vol.36, pp.63-69, 2015.
Bormin Huang, Jiaji Wu, Yang-Lang Chang. Special Section Guest Editorial: High-Performance Computing in Applied Remote Sensing: Part 3. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, vol. 8, no.1, 084701, pp. 1-1, January 2015.
Jiaji Wu, Zhan Song, Gwanggil Jeon. GPU-Parallel Implementation of the Edge-Directed Adaptive Intra-Field Deinterlacing Method. IEEE/OSA Journal of Display Technology, vol.10, no.9, pp.746,753, 2014.
Jiao Shi, Jiaji Wu, Anand Paul, Licheng Jiao, and Maoguo Gong. Change Detection in Synthetic Aperture Radar Images Based on Fuzzy Active Contour Models and Genetic Algorithms. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2014, Article ID 870936, 15 pages, 2014.
Xiang Su, Jiaji Wu, Bormin Huang, Zhensen Wu. GPU-accelerated Computation of Electromagnetic Scattering of a Double-layer Vegetation Model. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, vol.6, no.4, pp.1-8, 2013.
Jiaji Wu, Zhenzhen Xu, Gwanggil Jeon, Xiangrong Zhang, Licheng Jiao. Arithmetic coding for image compression with adaptive weight-context classification. Signal Processing: Image Communication, vol.28, no.7, pp.727-735, August 2013.
S.-J. Park, G. Jeon, J. Wu, and J. Jeong. An interpolation scheme based on Bayes classifier. Journal of Electronic Imaging, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 023003, Apr-Jun 2013.
Anand Paul, K Bharanitharan, Jiaji Wu. Algorithm and Architecture for Adaptive Motion Estimation in Video Processing. IETE Technical Review, vol.30, no.1, pp.24-30, 2013.
Jiaji Wu, Chong Liang, Jianxiang Han, Zejun Hu, Dehong Huang, Hongqiao Hu, Yong Fang, Licheng Jiao. A Two-Stage Lossless Compression Algorithm for Aurora Image Using Weighted Motion Compensation and Context-Based Model. Optics Communications. vol.290, pp.19-27, October 22, 2012.
Yong Fang, Jiaji Wu, and Bormin Huang. 2D sparse signal recovery via 2D orthogonal matching pursuit. Science China: Inf. Sci., 55: 889-897, 2012.
Jiaji Wu, Tao Li, Tung-Ju Hsieh, Yang-Lang Chang, and Bormin Huang. Digital Signal Processor-based 3D Wavelet Error-resilient Lossless Compression of High-resolution Spectrometer Data. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, vol. 5, 051504, November 28, 2011.
Jun Wang, Bormin Huang, Jiaji Wu, Jong-Wha Chong. Lapped transform-based codec for frame-memory reduction in super-quality LCD overdrive. Journal of the SID, vol.19, No.8, 2011.
A. Paul, J. Wu, J.-F. Yang, and J. Jeong. Gradient-based edge detection for motion estimation in H.264/AVC. IET Image Processing. vol.5,No.4, pp.323–327, 2011.
Jiaji Wu, Jin Huang, Gwanggil Jeon, Jechang Jeong, L.C. Jiao. An adaptive autoregressive de-interlacing method. Optical Engineering, vol.5, 50, 057001, 2011.
Jiaji Wu, Anand Paul, Yan Xing, Yong Fang, Jechang Jeong, Licheng Jiao, Guangming Shi. Morphological dilation image coding with context weights prediction. Signal Processing: Image Communication, vol.25, no.10, pp.717-728, 2010.
Licheng Jiao, Lei Wang, Jiaji Wu, Jing Bai, Shuang Wang, Biao Hou. Shape-Adaptive Reversible Integer Lapped Transform for Lossy-to-lossless ROI Coding of Remote Sensing Images. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, vol.8, No.2, pp.326-330, 2011.
Lei Wang, Licheng Jiao, Jing Bai, Jiaji Wu. Hyperspectral image compression based on 3D reversible integer lapped transform. IET Electronics Letters, vol.46, no.24, pp.1601-1602, November 25 2010.
Jiaji Wu, Yan Xing, Jechang Jeong, Guangming Shi, Licheng Jiao. Using a weighted zeroblock coder for satellite image compression. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, vol. 4, 041787, 2010.
Lei Wang, Licheng Jiao, Jiaji Wu, Guangming Shi, Yanjun Gong, Lossy-to-lossless image compression based on multiplier-less reversible integer time domain lapped transform. Signal Processing: Image Communication, Vol. 25, pp.622-632, September 2010.
Lei Wang, Jiaji Wu, Licheng Jiao, Shuang Zhang. Three Dimensional Medical Image Compression Based on Low-complexity RKLT. IET Electronics Letters, Vol.46, No.6, pp.395-397, 2010.
Lei Wang, Jiaji Wu, Licheng Jiao and Guangming Shi. Lossy-to-lossless Hyperspectral Image Compression Based on Multiplierless Reversible Integer TDLT/KLT. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, vol.6, no.3, pp.587-591, July 2009.
Jiaji Wu, Zhensen Wu, Chengke Wu. Lossly to lossless compression of hyperspectral images using three-dimensional set partitioning algorithm. Optical Engineering, vol.45, no.2 : 2 7005-1-8, Feb. 2006.
Jiaji Wu, Chengke Wu. Multispectral image compression using three-dimensional transform zeroblock coding. CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS, Vol.2, No.6, pp325-327, June 10, 2004.

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