

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-27

吴顺君 教授

办公电话:+86 (0)29 8820 1025

博士生导师,IEEE高级会员,1942年生于上海市。1964年毕业于西安军事电信工程学院(西安电子科技大学)雷达工程系,后留校任教。1981年~1983年在美国夏威夷大学做访问****。曾任雷达信号处理国家重点实验室主任,电子工程研究所所长。现为西安电子科技大学信号与信息处理学科带头人;中国电子学会会士,中国电子学会雷达分会副主任,中国电子学会遥感、遥测、遥控分会常委;IEEE 宇航与电子系统学会(AESS) 理事会理事,IEEE宇航与电子系统学会北京分部主席。曾任陕西省国际文化经济交流中心第一届和第二届理事会理事。他是2001年和2006年两届中国国际雷达会议程序委员会主席,及2007年和2009年两届亚太合成孔径雷达会议程序委员会主席。他于1992年批准为国家中青年有突出贡献专家,1995年被评为陕西省优秀教师和陕西省有突出贡献的留学回国人员。

1. 自适应信号处理 2. 高速实时信号处理 3. 信号检测与估计 4. 电子系统建模与仿真设计

吴顺君 教授

办公电话:+86 (0)29 8820 1025

博士生导师,IEEE高级会员,1942年生于上海市。1964年毕业于西安军事电信工程学院(西安电子科技大学)雷达工程系,后留校任教。1981年~1983年在美国夏威夷大学做访问****。曾任雷达信号处理国家重点实验室主任,电子工程研究所所长。现为西安电子科技大学信号与信息处理学科带头人;中国电子学会会士,中国电子学会雷达分会副主任,中国电子学会遥感、遥测、遥控分会常委;IEEE 宇航与电子系统学会(AESS) 理事会理事,IEEE宇航与电子系统学会北京分部主席。曾任陕西省国际文化经济交流中心第一届和第二届理事会理事。他是2001年和2006年两届中国国际雷达会议程序委员会主席,及2007年和2009年两届亚太合成孔径雷达会议程序委员会主席。他于1992年批准为国家中青年有突出贡献专家,1995年被评为陕西省优秀教师和陕西省有突出贡献的留学回国人员。

1. 自适应信号处理 2. 高速实时信号处理 3. 信号检测与估计 4. 电子系统建模与仿真设计

1.*科研项目*2项 2.军工研制任务3项 3.基金项目2项

一. 学术论文
Adaptive Channel Equalization for Space-Time Adaptive Processing, IEEE 1995 International Radar Conference, May 8-11, 1995, Alexandria, Viginia, USA.
Review of Reduced Rank Space-Time Adaptive Processing for Airborne Radars, CIE International Conference of Radar, Oct. 8-10, 1996, Beijing, China.
United Method of Modeling, Simulating and Design for Radar Signal Processing Systems, International Conference on Radar System. May 17-21, 1999, Brest, France.
Advance Technology on Radar Signal Processing, 2001 CIE International Conference on Radar, Oct. 15-18, 2001, Beijing, China.
Efficiency Assessment of ECM Based on Outfield Experimental, Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, Vol.23, suppl. pp.181, 2001
An Implementation of Wavelet Decomposition Filter Based on Systolic Structure, Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, Vol.23, No.11. pp.1041, 2001,
Parallel Pipelined Least-Mean-Square Algorithm and Its Performance Analysis, Progress in Natural Science Vol.12, No.1, pp.69, 2002
Analysis of Adaptive Filter Theory and its Performance Bused on Parallel Algorithm, ACTA Electronica Sinica, Vol.29, No.9, pp.1230, 2002
ASIC Design and CPLD Implementation for DWT Decomposition, Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, Vol.24, No.2, pp.280, 2002
ASIC Design of Adaptive Threshold Denoise DWT Chip, Chinese Journal of Electronics, Vol.19, No.1, pp.1, 2002
A Novel Systolic Structure of Adaptive Filter Based on Parallel Delay LMS Algorithm Chinese Journal of Electronics, Vol.11, No.2, pp.252, 2002
Analysis of Effect of Spatial Fading Correlation on Performance of Space-Time Coding, ACTA Electronica Sinica, Vol.31, No.9, 2003, pp.1286
Optimal Distributed Detection Fusion Analysis with Parallel Technology Based on Wavelet Domain, Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, Vol.25, No.8, pp.1020, 2003
The Design of Spaceborne Spotlight SAR Parameters, China National Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, pp.34, Dec. 1-4, 2003, Hefei, china
Transient Interference Excision in China Experimental OTHR, International Conference on Radar Systems 2004, Oct. 18-22, 2004, Toulouse, France.
Low Complexity Method for Signal Subspace Fitting, IEE Electronics Letters, Vol.40, No.14, July 2004.
A New Method for Noise Subspace Estimation Based on The Spatial Smoothing Lanczos Algorithm, Proceedings of IEEE APS 2004, Monterey, CA, USA, June 2004
Direction-of Arrival Estimation via The Mult-stage Winer Filter, Proceedings of International Conference on Radar Systems 2004, Toulouse, France, Oct. 2004
Low-Complexity ESPPRIT method for Direction Finding, IEEE ICASSP, Philadelphia, March 18-23, 2005, USA.
Low-Complexity Method of Weighted Subspace fitting for Direction-Arrival Estimation, IEEE International Radar Conference, USA, May 9-12, 2005.
Algorithm for the Detection and Parameter Estimation of Multicomponent LFM Signals, Journal of Electronics (China) ,Vol.22, No.2, 2005.pp.185-189
Computationally efficient direction-of-arrival estimation based on partial a priori knowledge of signal sources, EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, Vol. 2006, pp. 1-7. 2006
A General Feature Weighted Fuzzy Clustering Method. Lecture Notes In Computer Science, Vol.4142, pp102-109. 2006.
A Novel Clustering Algorithm Based on Variable Precision Rough-Fuzzy Sets. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol.4114, pp284-289.2006
An Efficient Supspace Approximation Method Based on Multi-Stage Wiener Filter.. The IASTED International Conference on: Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition, and Applications. Eds. M.H. Hamza, ATCA Press, pp6-8, Feb.2006
Robust Detection of sources Based on Culstering in Spatially Correlated Noise Fields. The IASTED International Conference on: Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition, and Applications. Eds. M.H. Hamza, ATCA Press, pp15-19, Feb.2006
Design of UWB Radar Receiver Based on Intersection of Frequency Spectrum. Proceedings of 2006 CIE International Conference on Radar, PP432-435. Oct.16-19,2006, Shanghai
Ant Colony Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm Applied to SAR Image Segmentation. Proceedings of 2006 CIE International Conference on Radar, PP596-599. Oct.16-19,2006, Shanghai
Technique of Doppler compensation for phase-coded signal pulse compression. Proceedings of 2006 CIE International Conference on Radar, PP645-648. Oct.16-19,2006, Shanghai
Optimum M-sequence Search via Immune Clonal Selection Algorithm. Proceedings of 2006 CIE International Conference on Radar, PP656-659. Oct.16-19,2006, Shangha
Fast and Robust GSC Beamformer based on Variable Diagonal Loading. Proceedings of 2006 CIE International Conference on Radar, PP934-937. Oct.16-19,2006, Shanghai
Optimizing and Implementing the Fast Algorithm for Real Time SAR Imaging. Proceedings of 2006 CIE International Conference on Radar, PP1004-1007. Oct.16-19,2006, Shanghai
A Novel Robust Beamformer based on Worst-case Performance Optimization. Proceedings of 2006 CIE International Conference on Radar, PP1157-1160. Oct.16-19,2006, Shanghai
Radar Target Recognition Based on Low Frequency Bispectra. Proceedings of 2006 CIE International Conference on Radar, PP1454-1457. Oct.16-19,2006, Shanghai
The Principle and Performance Analysis of Profile Clutter Map. Proceedings of 2006 CIE International Conference on Radar, PP1542-1545. Oct.16-19,2006, Shanghai
Simulation of Coherent Correlation K-distribution Sea clutter Based on SIRP. Proceedings of 2006 CIE International Conference on Radar, PP1776-1779. Oct.16-19,2006, Shanghai
Research on the Specific Problems in Multi-Target Tracking of TWS Radar. Proceedings of 2006 CIE International Conference on Radar, PP1865-1868. Oct.16-19,2006, Shanghai
Reduced-rank MDL method for source enumeration in high-resolution array processing.IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 55, No. 12, Dec. 2007, pp. 5658-5667.
Low-complexity MDL method for accurate source enumeration IEEE Signal Processing Letters Vol. 14, No. 9, pp. 581-584, Sept. 2007.
Computational Efficient ESPRIT Method for Direction Finding. Journal of Electronics,Vol.24, No.5, pp655-661, Sep. 2007.
Algorithm for the Latitude and Longitude of an Arbitrary Pixel in Air-borne Strip Mode SAR Image. The Proceedings of 2007 1st Asian and Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar ,pp180-184.
Radar Automatic Target Recognition Based on InISAR Images. The Proceedings of 2007 1st Asian and Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, pp497-502.
Research on Real time Range Profile of Marine Targets. The Proceedings of 2007 1st Asian and Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, pp683-686.
Automatic Target Recognition based on SAR images and two-Stage 2DPCA features. The Proceedings of 2007 1st Asian and Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, pp801-805.
Optimal UWB Pulse Design Method Based on B-spline, Journal of Xidian University, Vol.35 No.1, Feb.2008, pp 8-13;
Radar Target Recognition Based on SAR Image and Classifiers Fusion, System Engineering and Electronics, Vol.30, No.5, May 2008, pp 839-842;
The ISAR Imaging Analysis of the Real Data of Ship Target, Ship Science and Technology, Vol.30, No.3, Jun.2008, pp115-117;
Implementation of Code Signals’ Multi-Path Doppler CFAR Detection, Fire Control Radar Technology, Vol.37, No.2, Jun.2008, pp39-42;
Method for Waveform Design Based on Mutual Information, Journal of Xidian University, Vol.35 No.4, Aug.2008, pp 678-684;
Waveform Design for Broadband Radar Based on Phase Modulated Signal, Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, Vol.30 No.9, Aug.2008, pp 2038-2041;
Radar Automatic Target Recognition Based on InISAR Images, Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, Vol.30 No.9, Aug.2008, pp 2089-2093;
An Improved Design for Non-Linear Frequency Modulation Signal, Acta Electronica Sinica, Vol.37, No.8, Aug. 2009, pp1784-1788;
Method of Broadband, Radar Waveform Design Based on Convex Optimization, Chinese Journal of Radio Science Vol.24, No.2, April 2009, pp 264-269;
Feature Mutual Information Method for Radar Waveform Optimization, Journal of Xidian University, Vol.36, No.1, Feb. 2009, pp 139-144;
Optimal Design Method Combined Aribtary Phase Codes with Pulse Compression Filters Optimization, Jounal of Xidian University, Vol.36, No.6, Dec. 2009, pp1027-1033;
Design of Peak Sidelobe Suppression Filter Based on Second-Order Cone Programming, Systems Engineering and Electronics, Vol.31, No.11, Nov. 2009, pp2567-2570;
Tracking DOA of Multiple Targets Based on a Matrix Norm Minimization Technique, Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, Vol.31, No.2, Feb. 2009, , pp279-282;
Subband Implementation for Wideband Radar Clutter Suppression and Target HRRP Enhancement on the Principle of Maximizing the Pearson Correlation Coefficient, Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, Vol.31, No.7, Jul. 2009, pp1701-1705;
GPS Signal Based Numeric Range Migration Algorithm of Bistatic SAR, Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, Vol.31, No.9,Sept.2009, pp2039-2043;
SAR Target Feature Extraction and Recognition Based on Improved Clustering-based Discriminant Analysis, Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, Vol.31, No.9, Sept.2009, pp2264-2268;
Order-Statistic-Based Detector for Range Spread Target, Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, Vol.31, No.10,Oct.2009, pp2488-2492;
A Method of Waveform Design for the Recognition of Radar Targets, Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, Vol.31, No.11, Nov.2009, pp2585-2590;
A Method of Waveform Design Based on Multi Eigen-Subspace, Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, Vol.31, No.12, Dec.2009, pp2858-2863;
A method of Waveform Design based on Mutual Information, Frontiers of Electrical and Electronic Engineering in China, Vol.4, No.2, June 2009, pp134-140;
Design of Array Signal Processing System in VHF Radar Based on Multiple ADSP-TS201 Processorsjun, Radar Science and Technology, Vol.7, No.2, April 2009, pp 115-118;
A GPS Signal Based Numeric Range Migration Algorithm of Space-Surface Bistatic SAR, IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium-IGARSS 2009, in Cape Town, South Africa, TU1.03.4, 13-17 July, 2009;
A Method of Waveform Design Based on Muti-Eigenvector Selection,IET International Radar Conference, Guilin, China, 20-22, April 2009; p608-612;
Optimal Sidelobe Suppression Filters Design with a Constraint of Maximum Loss in Process Gain. IET International Radar Conference, Guilin, China, 20-22, April 2009; p381-384;
Diagonal Clustering-Based Discriminant Analysis for Synthetic Aperture Radar Automic Target Recognition, IET International Radar Conference, Guilin, China, 20-22, April 2009; p377-380;
Application of Kernel method to Polarization Radar Target Recognition Using Polarization Scattering Matrix, IET International Radar Conference, Guilin, China, 20-22, April 2009, ; p535-539;
Convex of Optimization Applied to Transmit Beampattern Synthesis and Signal Waveform Design for MIMO Radar, IET International Radar Conference, Guilin, China, 20-22, April 2009; p338-342;
ANumeric Range Migration Algorithm of Space-Surface Bistatic SAR, IET International Radar Conference, Guilin, China, 20-22, April 2009; p609-612;
Adaptive Genetic Algorithm for Optimal Selection of Non-Uniform Code Based on Euclidean Distance, IET International Radar Conference, Guilin, China, 20-22, April 2009; p677-680;
Qiansheng Zhao Zhiqiang Zhang, Design of Modified Spectrum Filter based on Mismatched Window for NLFM signal, 2009 2nd Asian-Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar Proceedings, pp274-277, 26-30, Oct. 2009, Xian, China;
Pattern Synthesis with Desired Magnitude Response for Arbitrary arrays, 2009 2nd Asian-Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar Proceedings, pp586-590, 26-30, Oct. 2009, Xian, China;
Application of Compressed Sensing in Sparse Aperture Imaging of Radar, 2009 2nd Asian-Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar Proceedings, pp651-655, 26-30, Oct. 2009, Xian, China;
An Array Pattern Synthesis Method with the Constraint of Weight Amplitude Dynamic Range. 2009 2nd International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, Vol.9, Oct., 2009, pp.4639-4643;
Polarization Radar HRRP Recognition Based on the Kernel Function, Journal of Xidian University, Vol.37, No.1, Feb. 2010, pp 49-55;
Fast Transmit Beampattern Synthesis for MIMO Radar with Colocated Antennas,Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, Vol.32, No.2, Feb. 2010, pp481-484;
★著作 :
《Modern Spectrum Estimation》, Xidian University Publishing House, P.R. China, 1994.
《High performance DSP and High Speed Real Time Signal Processing》, Xidian University Publishing House, China, 1999.
《CPLD Technology and Application》, Xidian University Publishing House, China, 1999.
《Radar Signal Processing and Data Processing Technology》, Publishing House of Electronics Industry, China, 2008.
Edited: Proceedings of 2001 CIE International Conference on Radar, IEEE Press ( ISBN: 0-7803-7000-7) and People’s & Telecommunications Publishing House (ISBN: 7-900081-57-7)., Printed in Beijing, China.
Edited: Proceedings of 2006 CIE International Conference on Radar, IEEE Press ( ISBN: 0-7803-9582-4), Printed in Beijing, China.
Edited: Proceedings of 2007 1st Asian and Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, IEEE Press (ISBN: 1-4244-1187-4), Printed in Beijing, China.
Edited: Proceedings of 2009 2nd Asian and Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, IEEE Press (ISBN: 978-1-4244-2731-4), Printed in Beijing, China.





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