

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-07

王绍金,西北农林科技大学机械与电子工程学院二级教授,博士生导师,美国华盛顿州立大学兼职教授、陕西省创新人才长期项目****、湖北省楚天****讲座教授。主要从事农产品加工工程方向的科研工作,在微生物与害虫的热致死机理、农产品介电特性、射频灭菌杀虫干燥技术与产业化以及超低压果蔬采后贮运保鲜技术等方向有较深入的研究。担任《Transactions of the ASABE》等6个SCI杂志栏目主编、副编与编委和J. Food Eng.等近20个SCI期刊审稿人。曾担任美国农业部、中国、瑞士与挪威国家自然科学基金项目评审专家,国际学术会议多个分会场主席,10多次国际会议上做射频加热方面的特邀报告。作为课题主持人已先后获批了4项美国农业部研究项目,并先后在国内主持了教育部博导类博士点基金、陕西省科技攻关(2项)、国家自然科学基金面上项目(2项)、农业部948项目与科技部十三五重点研发项目子课题(2项),荣获中国轻工业联合会与新疆维吾尔自治区科技进步一等奖各一项。现已发表SCI论文234篇,共被引8440次,h指数为54。3篇论文进入ESI农业领域国际排名前1%之列,同时连续七年(2014-2020)被Elsevier评为农业工程领域中国高引****。培养的研究生荣获陕西省优秀博士学位论文1人,获校优秀博士学位论文5人,AOC学术成就奖5人。
1994-1998 比利时让布鲁农业大学物理系博士
1983-1986 浙江大学农业工程系硕士
1978-1982 浙江大学农机系学士
2011-现在 西北农林科技大学机电学院教授
2005-2011 美国华盛顿州立大学生物系统工程系研究助理教授
2000-2005 美国华盛顿州立大学生物系统工程系博士后
1998-1999 法国国家农业研究所研究工程师
1991-1993 浙江大学农业工程系讲师
1989-1990 比利时让布鲁农业大学物理系访问****
1986-1989 浙江大学农业工程系助教
1982-1983 浙江省富阳县农机局助理工程师
1. 海外中国农业生物和食品工程学会会员
2. 美国农业与生物工程师学会会员
3. 美国食品技术学会会员
4. 美国微波能学会会员
5. 中国农业机械学会常务理事
6. 中国农业工程学会理事
7. 陕西省农业工程学会理事
266. Gómez-López V. M.*, Pataro G., Tiwari B., Gozzi M., Meireles M.A., Wang S., Guamis B., Pan Z., Ramaswamy H., Sastry S., Kuntz F., Cullen P., Vidyarthi S.K., Ling B., Quevedo J.M., Strasser A., Vignali G., Veggi P.C., Gervilla R., Kotilainen H.M., Pelacci M., Viganó J., Morata A., 2021. Guidelines on reporting treatment conditions for emerging technologies in food processing. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, in press.
265. Cheng T., Tang J.*, Yang R.,XieY., Chen L., Wang S.*,2021. Methods to obtain thermal inactivation data for pathogen control in low moisture foods. Trends in Food Science and Technology,112C: 174-187.
264. Wang C., Kou X., Zhou X., Wang S.*, 2021. Effects of layer arrangement on heating uniformity and product quality after hot air assisted radio frequency drying of carrot. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 69: 102667.
263. MaoY., Wang P., Wu Y., Hou L.,Wang S.*, 2021. Effects of various radio frequencies on combined drying and disinfestation treatments for in-shell walnuts. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 144: 111246.
262. Wang, X., Wang, L., Yang, K., Wu, D., Ma, J., Wang, S., Zhang Y., Sun, W.*, 2021. Radio frequency heating improves water retention of pork myofibrillar protein gel: an analysis from water distribution and structure. Food Chemistry, 350: 129265.
261. Zhang L., Ma H., Wang S.*, 2021. Pasteurization mechanism of S. aureus ATCC 25923 in walnut shells using radio frequency energyat lab level. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 143: 111129.
260. Dong J., Kou X., Liu L., Hou L., Li R., Wang S.*, 2021. Effect of water, fat, and salt contents on heating uniformity and color of beef subjected to radio frequency thawing process. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 68: 102604.
259. Liu Q., Qu Y., Liu J., Wang S.*, 2021. Effects of radio frequency heating on mortality oflesser grain borer, quality and storage stability of packaged milled rice. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 140:110813.
258. Zhang L., Lan R., Zhang B., Erdogdu F.,WangS.*, 2021. A comprehensive review on recent developments of radio frequency treatments for pasteurizing agricultural products. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 61(3): 380-394.
257. Wang X., Feng X., Wang L., You X., Zhang Y., Yang K., Wang S., Xiong G., Ma J., Wang L., Sun W.*, 2021. Effects of radio frequency heating on textual and structural properties of grass carp myofibrillar protein gel. Food Chemistry, 343: 128557.
256. Zhang S., Lan R., Zhang L., Wang S.*, 2021. Computational modelling of survival of Aspergillus flavus in peanut kernels during hot air-assisted radio frequency pasteurization. Food Microbiology,95C: 103682.
255. Hou L., Zhang S., Wang S.*, 2021. Numerical analysis of disinfesting and quality of chestnuts during combined radio frequency and hot air heating based on single particle approach. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 171: 111340.
254. Lin B., Zhu Y., Zhang L., Xu R, Guan X., Kou X., Wang S.*, 2020. Effect of physicochemical structures on heat resistanceof Enterococcus faecium NRRL-2356 in wheat kernels, flour and dough. Foods, 9: 1890.
253. Jiang H., Ling B., Zhou X., Wang S.*, 2020. Effects of combined radio frequency with hot water blanching on enzyme inactivation, color and texture of sweet potato. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 66: 102513.
252. Chen Y., Liu Y., Zhang J., Li L., Wang S., Gao M.*, 2020. Lack of the Histone Methyltransferase Gene Ash2 Results in the Loss of Citrinin Production in Monascuspurpureus. Journal of Food Protection, 83(4): 702-709.
251. Lan R., Qu Y., Ramaswamy H.,Wang S.*,2020. Radio frequency reheating behaviors in heterogeneous food: A case study of pizza. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies,65: 102478.
250. Ling B., Cheng T., Wang S.*, 2020. Recent developments in applications of radio frequency heating for improving safety and quality of food grains and their products: A review.Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 60(15): 2622-2642.
249. Guan X., Ramaswamy H., Zhang B., Lin B., Zhang S., Zhang L., Hou L., Wang S.*, 2020. Influence of moisture content, temperature and heating rate on germination rate of watermelon seeds.Scientia Horticulturae, 272: 109528.
248. Qu Y., Lan R., Ramaswamy H., Wang S.*, 2020. Determining the top electrode voltage in free-running oscillator radio frequency heating of soybeans under different electrode configurations. Food and Bioproducts Processing,122C: 332-341.
247. Song X., Ma B., Kou X., Li R.*, Wang S.*, 2020.Developing radio frequency heating treatments to control insects in mung beans.Journal of Stored Products Research, 88C: 101651.
246. Hou L., Zhou X., Wang S.*, 2020. Numerical analysis of heat and mass transfer in kiwifruit slices during combined radio frequency and vacuum drying. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 154C: 119704.
245. Xu R., Zhou X., Wang S.*, 2020. Comparative analyses of three pretreatments on color of kiwifruits during hot air drying. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 13(2): 228-234.
244. Jiang H., Gu Y., Gou M., Xia T., Wang S.*, 2020. Radio frequency pasteurization and disinfestation techniques applied on low moisture foods.Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 60(9): 1417-1430.
243. Zhang Y., Xie Y., Tang J., Wang S.,Wang L., Zhu G.,Li X., Liu Y.* 2020. Thermal inactivation ofCronobactersakazakii ATCC 29544 in powdered infant formula milk using thermostatic radio frequency. Food Control, 114:107270.
242. Cheng T., Ramaswamy H., Xu R., Liu Q., Lan R., Wang S.*, 2020. Controlled atmosphere assisted 50 Ω radio frequency treatments for inactivating Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 in almond kernels. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 123C: 109124.
241. Huang Z., Chen Y., Wang S.*, 2020. Numerical studies on the electromagnetic and thermal performances of radio frequency disinfestation treatments for dried apricots. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 163:111116.
240. Lin B., Wang S.*, 2020. Dielectric properties, heating rate, and heating uniformity of wheat flour with added bran associated with radio frequency treatments. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 60C: 102290.
239. Zhang L., Hou L., Zhang S., Kou X., Li R., Wang S.*, 2020. Mechanism of S. aureus ATCC 25923 in response to heat stress under different water activity and heating rates. Food Control, 108: 106837.
238. Zhang B., Zhang L.,Cheng T., Guan X., Wang S.*, 2020. Effects of water activity, temperature and particle size on thermal inactivation of Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 in red pepper powder. Food Control, 107C: 106817.
237. Hou L., Liu Q., Wang S.*, 2019. Efficiency of industrial-scale radio frequency treatments to control Rhyzoperthadominica (Fabricius) in rough, brown, and milled rice. Biosystems Engineering, 186: 246-258.
236. Zhen Z., Xiong X., Liu Y., Zhang J., Wang S., Li L., Gao M.*, 2019. NaCl inhibits citrinin and stimulates Monascus pigments and Monacolin K production. Toxins, 11, 118.
235. Zhou X., Ramaswamy H., Qu Y., Xu R., Wang S.*, 2019. Combined radio frequency-vacuum and hot air dehydration for kiwifruits: Drying uniformity, energy efficiency and product quality.Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 56:102182.
234. Liu Q., Wang S.*, 2019. Effects of various radio frequency treatment protocols on processing and cooking quality of packaged milled rice.LWT-Food Science and Technology, 113: 108269.
233. Zhang S., Wang S.*, 2019. Computer simulation analyses of improving radio frequency (RF) heating uniformity in peanut kernels for pasteurization.Biosystems Engineering, 184C: 101-110.
232. Jiang H., Zheng L., Zou Y., Tong Z., Han S.,Wang S.*, 2019. 3D food printing: main components selection by consideringrheological properties.Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 59(14): 2335-2347.
231. Hou L., Wu Y., Wang S.*, 2019. Thermal death kinetics of Cryptolestespusillus(Schonherr), Rhyzoperthadominica (Fabricius), andTriboliumconfusum(Jacquelin du Val) using a heating block system. Insects, 10, 119; doi:10.3390/insects**.
230. Zhou H., Wang S.*, 2019. Developing a screw conveyor in radio frequency systems to improve heating uniformity in granular products. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 12(3): 174-179.
229. Zhang L., LyngJG, Xu R., Zhang S., Zhou X., Wang S.*, 2019. Influence of radio frequency treatment on in-shell walnut quality and Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 survival. Food Control, 102: 197-205.
228. Ling B., Ouyang S., Wang S.*.2019. Effect of radio frequency treatment on functional, structural and thermal behaviors of protein isolates in rice bran. Food Chemistry, 289C: 537-544.
227. Zhou X., Wang S.*, 2019. Recent developments in radio frequency drying of food and agricultural products: A review. Drying Technology, 37(3): 271-286.
226. Ling B., Ouyang S., Wang S.*.2019. Radio-frequency treatment for stabilization of wheat germ:storage stability and physiochemical properties. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 52:158-162.
225. Cheng T., Wang S.*, 2019.Modified atmosphere packaging pre-storage treatment for thermal control of E. coli ATCC 25922 in almond kernels assisted by radio frequency energy. Journal of Food Engineering, 246: 253-260.
224. Yang S., Fu B., Hou Y., Chen S., Li Z., Wang S.*, 2019. Transient cooling and operational performance of the cryogenic part in reverse Brayton air refrigerator. Energy, 167: 921-938.
223. Kou X., Li R., Zhang L., Ramaswamy H., Wang S.*, 2019. Effect of heating rates on thermal destruction kinetics of Escherichia coli ATCC25922 in mashed potatoand the associated changes in product color. Food Control, 97: 39-49.
222. Jiang H., Liu Z., Wang S.*, 2018. Microwave processing: effects and impacts on food components.Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 58(14): 2475-2487.
221. Zhao L., Ramaswamy H., Wang S.*, 2018. Developing effective thermal treatment protocols to control bark beetle (Scolytidae: D. armandi)in wood using radio frequency energy.Transactions of the ASABE, 61(6): 1979-1984.
220. Zhao L., Ramaswamy H., Wang S.*, 2018. Thermal-death kinetics and thermotolerance of the barkbeetle (Dendroctonusarmandi; Coleoptera: Scolytidae).Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 33(8): 735-740.
219. Hou J.,Zhao L., Wang S.*, 2018. Effects of low pressure on mortality of Indianmeal moth (Plodia interpunctella) with different life stage and Jujube quality. Insects, 9, 136. doi:10.3390/insects**.
218. Zhou X., Xu R., Zhang B., Pei S., Liu Q., Ramaswamy H., Wang S.*, 2018. Radio frequency-vacuum drying of kiwifruits: kinetics, uniformity and product quality. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 11: 2094-2109.
217. Zhou X., Li R., LyngJG, Wang S.*, 2018. Dielectric properties of kiwifruit associated with a combined radio frequency vacuum and osmotic drying. Journal of Food Engineering, 239: 72-82.
216. Hou L., Kou X., Li R., Wang S.*, 2018. Thermal inactivation of fungi in chestnuts by hot air assisted radio frequency treatments.Food Control, 93: 297-304.
215. Zhang S., Zhang L., Lan R., Zhou X., Kou X., Wang S.*, 2018. Thermal inactivation of Aspergillus flavus inpeanut kernels as influenced by temperature, water activity and heating rate. Food Microbiology, 76C: 237-244.
214. Kou X., Li R., Hou L., Cheng T., Zhou X., Wang S.*, 2018. Evaluation of a heating block system to provide accurately controlled temperature–time treatments on various foods for pasteurization. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 11(3): 220-228.
213. Ling B., LyngJG, Wang S.*, 2018.Radio frequency treatment for stabilization of wheat germ: Dielectric properties and heating uniformity.Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 48: 66-74.
212. Lin Y., Liu Y.*, Wang L., Xie Y., Gao Z., Wang S., 2018. Optimization of drying conditions and component to reduce wall sticking during spray drying of infant formula milk. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering,11(2): 214-218.
211. Huang Z., Datta A.K., Wang S*., 2018. Modeling radio frequency heating of granular foods: Individual particle vs. effective property approach.Journal of Food Engineering, 234C: 24-40.
210. Li R., Kou X., Hou L., Ling B., Wang S.*, 2018.Developing and validating radio frequency pasteurization processes for almond kernels. Biosystems Engineering, 169C: 217-225.
209. Ling B., Liu X., Zhang L., Wang S.*, 2018. Effects of temperature, moisture, and metal salt content on dielectric properties of rice bran associated with radio frequency heating.Scientific Reports, 8: 4427.
208. Zhu H., Li D., Ma J., Du Z., Li P., Li S.*, Wang S.*, 2018. Radio frequency heating uniformity evaluation for mid-high moisture food treated with different EWC. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 47C: 56-70.
207. Huang Z., Marra F., Subbiah J., Wang S.*, 2018. Computer simulation for improving radio frequency (RF) heating uniformity of food products: a review.Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 58(6): 1032-1056.
206. Ling B., Lyng J., Wang S.*, 2018. Effects of radio frequency heating on enzyme inactivation, lipid stability and product quality of rice bran. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 91C: 453-459.
205. Kou X., Li R., Hou L., Zhang L., Wang S.*, 2018. Identifying possible non-thermal effects of radio frequency energy on inactivating food microorganisms.International Journal of Food Microbiology, 269C: 89-97.
204. Li R., Kou X., Zhang L., Wang S.*, 2018. Inactivation kinetics of food-borne pathogens subjected to thermal treatments: a review. International Journal of Hyperthermia, 34(02): 177-188.
203. Xiao H., Li A., Li M., Wang Z., Yao Y., Tu K., Wang S., Pan L.*, 2018. Quality assessment and discrimination of intact white and red grapes from Vitis vinifera L. at five ripening stages by visible and near-infrared spectroscopy. Scientia Horticulturae, 233: 99-107.
202. Zhao L., Wang S.*, 2018. Developing treatment protocol for disinfesting pine wood product using radio frequency energy.European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 76: 191-200.
201. Zhou X., Gao H., Mitcham E.J., Wang S.*, 2018. Comparative analyses of three dehydration methods on drying characteristics and oil quality of in-shell walnuts. Drying Technology, 36(4): 477-490.
200. Zhang L., Kou X., Zhang S., Cheng T., Wang S.*, 2018. Effect of water activity and heating rate on Staphylococcus aureus heat resistance in walnut shells. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 266C: 282-288.
199. Cheng T., Kou X., Zhang L., Wang S.*, 2018. Influence of stored temperature/time and atmosphere on survival and thermal inactivation of Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 inoculated in almond powder. Food Control, 86C: 350-358.
198. Lv X.,Peng X.,Wang S.,Wu Q.,Xu Y., Li G.,Han Q., Feng Y., Shi C.,Xia X.*, 2018. Quality and consumer acceptance of radio frequency and traditional heat pasteurized kiwi puree during storage. International Journal of Food Science and Technology,53(1): 209-218.
197. Zhang L., Wang S.*, 2017. Bacterial community diversity on in-shell walnut surface from six representative provinces in China. Scientific Reports,7: 10054, DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-10138-y
196. Ling B., Li R., Gao H., Wang S.*, 2017. Moisture sorption characteristics of full fat and defatted pistachio kernel flour. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering,10(3):283-294.
195. Zhu H., Li D., Li S.*, Wang S.*, 2017. A novel method to improve heating uniformity in mid-high moisture potato starch with radio frequency assisted treatment. Journal of Food Engineering, 206C: 23-36.
194. Zheng A., Zhang L., WangS.*, 2017. Verification of radio frequency pasteurization treatment for controlling Aspergillus parasitius on corns. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 249C: 27-34.
193. Zhang S., Huang Z., Wang S.*, 2017. Improvement of radio frequency (RF) heating uniformity for peanuts with a new strategy using computational modeling.Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 41C: 79-89.
192. Li R., Shi Y., Ling B., Cheng T., Huang Z., Wang S.*, 2017. Thermo-tolerance and heat shock protein of Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 under thermal stress using test cell method. Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture, 29(2): 91-97.
191. Chen J.*, Lau S.K., Chen L., Wang S., Subbiah J.*, 2017. Modeling radio frequency heating of food moving on a conveyor belt.Food and Bioproducts Processing, 102: 307-319.
190. Bedane T., Marra F., Wang S., 2017. Performance comparison between batch and continuous thawing of food products assisted by radio frequency heating. ChemicalEngineering Transactions, 57, 2017–2022.
189. BedaneT.F., Chen L., Marra F.*, Wang S.*, 2017.Experimental study of radiofrequency (RF) thawing of foods with movement on conveyor belt. Journal of Food Engineering, 201: 17-25.
188. Cheng T., Li R., Kou X., Wang S.*, 2017. Influence of controlled atmosphere on thermal inactivation of Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 in almond powder.Food Microbiology, 64: 186-194.
187. Li R., Zhang S., Kou X., Ling B., Wang S.*, 2017. Dielectric properties of almond kernels associated with radio frequency and microwave pasteurization. Scientific Reports, 7:42452, DOI: 10.1038/srep42452.
186. Zhou H., Guo C., Wang S.*, 2017. Performance comparison between the free running oscillator and 50 Ω radio frequency systems. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 39C: 171-178.
185. Li R., Kou X., Cheng T., Zheng A., Wang S.*, 2017. Verification of radio frequency pasteurization process for in-shell almonds. Journal of Food Engineering, 192C: 103-110.
184. Alfaifi B., Tang J., Rasco B.,Wang S., Sablani S., 2016. Computer simulation analyses to improve radio frequency (RF) heating uniformity in dried fruits for insect control. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 37(10): 125-137.
183. Hou L., Huang Z., Kou X., Wang S.*, 2016.Computer simulation model development and validation of radio frequency heating for bulk chestnuts based on single particle approach.Food and Byproducts Processing, 100PA: 372-381.
182. Fu L., Sun S., Wang S.*, 2016.Classification of kiwifruit grades based on fruit shape using a single camera. Sensors, 16(7), 1012.
181. Sun K, Wang Z., Tu K., Wang S., Pan L.*, 2016. Recognition of mold colony on unhulledpaddy based on computer vision using conventional and deep learning machine-learning techniques. Scientific Reports, 6:37994, DOI: 10.1038/srep37994.
180. Kou X., Li R., Hou L., Huang Z., Ling B., Wang S.*, 2016. Performance of a heating block system designed for studying the heat resistance of bacteria in foods. Scientific Reports, 6:30758, DOI: 10.1038/srep30758.
179. Zhang B.,Zheng A.,Zhou L., Huang Z., Wang S.*, 2016. Developing hot air-assisted radio frequency drying for in-shell walnuts. Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture, 28(7): 459-467.
178. Ling B., Li R., Yang, X., Wang S.*, 2016. Physicochemical properties, volatile compounds and oxidative stability of cold pressed kernel oils from raw and roasted pistachio (Pistacia vera L. Var Kerman). European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 118: 1368-1379.
177. Zheng A., Zhang B., Zhou L., Wang S.* 2016.Application of radio frequency pasteurization to corn (Zea mays L.): heating uniformity improvement and quality stability evaluation. Journal of Stored Products Research, 68C: 63-72.
176. Ling B., Zhang B.,Li R., Wang S.*, 2016. Nutritional quality, functional properties, bioactivities and microstructure of defatted pistachio kernel flour. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 93(5): 689-699.
175. Zhang S.,Zhou L., Ling B., Wang S.*, 2016. Dielectric properties of peanut kernels associated with microwave and radio frequency drying. Biosystems Engineering, 145: 108-117.
174. Zhou L., Wang S.* 2016.Industrial-scaleradio frequency treatments to control Sitophilus oryzae in rough, brown, and milled rice. Journal of Stored Products Research, 68C:9-18.
173. Chen L., Huang Z., Wang K., Li W., Wang S.*, 2016. Simulation and validation of radio frequency heating with conveyor movement for disinfesting wheat. Journal of ElectromagneticWaves and Applications,30(4): 472-490.
172. Huang Z., Marra F., Wang S.*, 2016.A novel strategy for improving radio frequency heating uniformity of dry food products using computational modeling. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 34C: 100-111.
171. Huang Z., Zhang B., Marra F., Wang S.*, 2016.Computational modeling of the impact of polystyrene containers on radio frequency heating uniformity improvement for dried soybeans. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 33C: 365-380.
170. Ling B., Hou L., Li R., Wang S.*, 2016. Storage stability of pistachios as influenced by radio frequency treatments for postharvest disinfestations. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 33C: 357-364.
169. Zhang X., Wang H., Zou Z.*, Wang S.*, 2016. CFD and weighted entropy basedsimulation and optimization of Chinese solar greenhouses. Biosystems Engineering, 142C: 12-26.
168. Zhou L., Wang S.* 2016. Verification of radio frequency heating uniformity and Sitophilus oryzae control in rough, brown, and milled rice. Journal of Stored Products Research, 65C: 40-47.
167. Yan R., Huang Z., Zhu H., Johnson J.A., Wang S.*,2016. Simulation of heating uniformity in a heating block system modified for controlled atmosphere treatments.Journal of Stored Products Research, 65C: 19-29.
166. Hou L., Johnson J.A., Wang S.*, 2016.Radio frequency heating for postharvest control of pests in agricultural products: a review.Postharvest Biology and Technology, 113C: 106-118.
165. Hou L., Du Y., Johnson J.A., Wang S.*, 2015. Thermal death kinetics of Conogethespunctiferalis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) as influenced by heating rate and life stage. Journal of Economic Entomology, 108: 2192-2199.
164. Shi Y., Tang J., Yue T., Rasco B., Wang S.*, 2015. Thermal inactivation kinetics of Listeria monocytogenes and Listeria innocuain cold-smoked salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka). Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology, 24(7): 720-730.
163. Hou L., Ling B., Wang S.*, 2015. Kinetics of color degradation of chestnut kernel during thermal treatment and storage. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 8(4): 106-115.
162. Chen L., Huang Z., Wang K., Li W., Wang S.*, 2015.A strategy to simulate radio frequency heating under mixing conditions. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture,118C:100-110.
161. Hou L., Hou J., Li Z., Johnson J.A., Wang S.*, 2015. Validation of radio frequency treatments as alternative non-chemical methods for disinfesting chestnuts. Journal of Stored Products Research, 63C: 75-79.
160. Zhang P., Zhu H., Wang S.*, 2015.Experimental evaluation of radio frequency heating in low-moisture agricultural products. Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture, 27(9): 662-668.
159. Huang Z., Chen L., Wang S.*, 2015.Computer simulation of radio frequency selective heating of insects in soybeans. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 90C: 406-417.
158. Jiao Y., Shi H., Tang J., Li F., Wang S., 2015. Improvement of RF heating uniformity on low moisture foods with Polyetherimide (PEI) blocks.Food Research International,74: 106-114.
157. Li W., Yan R., Wang K., Chen L., Johnson J.A., Wang S.*,2015. Performance of controlled atmosphere/heating block systems for assessing insect thermotolerance.Biosystems Engineering, 135: 1-9.
156. Wang K., Chen L., Li W., Wang S.*, 2015. Evaluating the top electrode voltage distribution uniformity in radio frequency systems. Journal of ElectromagneticWaves and Applications, 29(6): 763-773.
155. Li W., Yan R., Wang K., Chen L., Johnson J.A., Wang S.*,2015. Tolerance of Sitophilus zeamais(Coleoptera: Curculionidae) to heated and controlled atmospheres treatments.Journal of Stored Products Research, 62C: 52-57.
154. Zhou L., Ling B., Zheng A., Zhang B., Wang S.*, 2015. Developing radiofrequency technology for insect control in milled rice. Journal of Stored Products Research, 62C: 22-31.
153. Huang Z., Zhu H., Wang S.*, 2015.Finite element modelling and analysis of radio frequency heating rate in mung beans. Transactions of the ASABE, 58(1): 149-160.
152. WangK., Zhu H., Chen L., Li W., Wang S.*,2015. Validation of top electrode voltage in free-running oscillator radio frequency systems with different moisture content soybeans.Biosystems Engineering, 131: 41-48.
151. Ling B., Guo W., Hou L., Li R., Wang S.*, 2015. Dielectric properties of pistachio kernels as influenced by frequency, temperature, moisture and salt content. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 8: 420-430.
150. Ling B., Tang J., Kong F., Mitcham E.J., Wang S.*, 2015. Kinetics of food quality changes during thermal processing: a review.Food and Bioprocess Technology, 8: 343-358.
149. Ling B., Tiwari G., Wang S.*, 2015. Pest control by microwave and radio frequency energy: dielectric properties of stone fruit. Agronomyfor Sustainable Development, 35(1): 233-240.
148. Huang Z., Zhu H., Yan R., Wang S.*, 2015.Simulation and prediction of radio frequency heating in dried soybeans. Biosystems Engineering, 129C: 34-47.
147. Yan R., Huang Z., Zhu H., Johnson J.A., Wang S.*,2014. Thermal death kinetics of adult Sitophilus oryzaeand effects of heating rate on thermotolerance. Journal of Stored Products Research, 59C: 231-236.
146. Ling B., Hou L., Li R., Wang S.*, 2014. Thermal treatment and storage conditions effects on walnut paste quality associated with enzyme inactivation. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 59(2): 786-793.
145. Zhu H., Yan R., Huang Z., Li R., Wang S.*,2014.Experimental studies on leaked electromagnetic fields around radio frequency heating systems.Applied Engineering in Agriculture,30(4): 601-608.
144. Hou L., Ling B., Wang S.*, 2014. Development of thermal treatment protocol for disinfesting chestnuts using radio frequency energy. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 98C: 65-71.
143. Jiao Y.,Tang J., Wang S., 2014. A new strategy to improve heating uniformity of low moisture foods in radio frequency treatment for pathogen control. Journal of Food Engineering,141C: 128-138.
142. Wang Y.,Zhang L.,Gao M.,Tang J.,Wang S.*,2014. Evaluating radio frequency heating uniformity using polyurethane foams.Journal of Food Engineering, 136: 28-33.
141. Wang Y.,Zhang L.,Gao M.,Tang J.,Wang S.*,2014. Pilot-scale radio frequency drying of Macadamia nuts-heating and drying uniformity.Drying Technology,32(9): 1052-1059.
140. Zhu X.,Guo W., Wang S., 2014. Dielectric properties of ground hazelnuts at different frequencies, temperatures, and moisture contents. Transactions of the ASABE,57(1): 161-168.
139. Zhu H., Huang Z., Wang S.*,2014.Experimental and simulated top electrode voltage in free-running oscillator radio frequency systems. Journal of ElectromagneticWaves and Applications, 28(5): 606-617.
138. Huang Z., Yan R., Li R., Zhu H., Ling B., Wang S.*, 2014.Finite element analysis on fruit temperature fields in postharvest disinfestations with hot air and water treatments. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 30(2): 252-259.
137. Wang Y.,Zhang L.,Gao M.,Tang J.,Powers J.R., Johnson J.A., Wang S.*, 2014. Developing hot air assisted radio frequency drying process of in-shell Macadamia nuts. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 7(1): 278-288.
136. Alfaifi B., Tang J.,Jiao Y., Wang S., Jiao S., Rasco B., Sablani S., 2014. Radio frequency disinfestation treatments for dried fruit: Model development and validation. Journal of Food Engineering, 120: 268-276.
135. Jiao Y.,Tang J., Wang S., Koral T., 2014. Influence of dielectric properties on heating rate in free-running oscillator radio frequency systems. Journal of Food Engineering,120: 197-203.
134. Zhu X.,Guo W., Wang S., 2013. Sensing moisture contents of buckwheat seeds from dielectric properties. Transactions of the ASABE,56(5): 1855-1862.
133. Wang Y.,Zhang L.,Gao M.,Tang J.,Wang S.*,2013. Temperature- and moisture-dependent dielectric properties of macadamia nut kernels.Food and Bioprocess Technology, 6(8): 2165-2176.
132. Wang S.*, Tang J., Johnson J.A., Cavalieri R.P., 2013.Heating uniformity and differential heating of insects in almonds associated with radio frequency energy. Journal of Stored Products Research, 55, 15-20.
131. Guo W., Yang J., Zhu X., Wang S., Guo K., 2013. Frequency-, moisture-, temperature- and density-dependent dielectric properties of wheat straw. Transactions of the ASABE, 55(6): 1069-1075.
130. Yan R., Huang Z., Li R., Zhu H., Ling B., Wang S.*, 2013. Temperature measurement and analysis of postharvest agricultural products associated with thermal disinfestations. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 6(2): 87-94.
129. Jiao S., Johnson J.A., Tang J., Mattinson D.S.,Fellman J.K., Davenport T.L.,Wang S.*, 2013.Tolerance of codling moth and apple quality associated with low pressure/low temperature treatments.Postharvest Biology and Technology, 85: 136-140.
128. Liu Y., Wang S., Mao Z., Tang J., Tiwari G., 2013. Heating patterns of white bread loaf in combined radio frequency and hot air treatment. Journal of Food Engineering, 116(2): 472-477.
127. AlFaifi B., Wang S., Tang J., Rasco B., Sablani S., Jiao Y., 2013. Radio frequency disinfestation treatments for dried fruits: dielectric properties. LWT - Food Science and Technology,50(2): 746-754.
126. Turechek W.W., Wang S., Tiwari G., Peres N.A. 2013.Investigating alternative strategies for managing bacterial angular leaf spot in strawberry nursery production. International Journal of Fruit Science, 13(1-2): 234-245.
125. Villa-Rojas R., Tang J., Wang S.*, Gao M., Kang D-H., Mah J-H., Gray P., Sosa-Morales M.E.,Lopez-Malo A., 2013. Thermal inactivation of Salmonella Enteritidis PT 30 in almond kernels as influenced by water activity. Journal of Food Protection, 76(1): 26-32.
124. Pan L., Jiao S.,GautzL., Tu K., Wang S.*,2012.Coffee bean heating uniformity and quality as influenced by radio frequency treatments for postharvest disinfestations.Transactions of the ASABE, 55(6): 2293-2300.
123. Wang Y., Zhang L., Wang S., Tang J., Li Y., 2012. Water desorption and adsorption isotherms of macadamia nut kernel. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 28(22): 288-292 (in Chinese).
122. Wang Y., Zhang L., Wang S., Tang J., Li Y., 2012.Water desorption and adsorption isotherms of macadamia nut shell. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, 43(5): 103-107 (in Chinese).
121. Zhang P., Zhang M., Wang S., 2012. Effect of 1-MCP treatment on post-harvest quality of green asparagus during cold storage. International Agrophysics, 26(4): 407-411.
120. Wu Z., Zhang M., Wang S., 2012. Effects of high-pressure argon and nitrogen treatments on respiration, browning and antioxidant potential of minimally processed pineapples during shelf life. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 92: 2250-2259.
119. Zhu X., Guo W., Wu X., Wang S., 2012. Dielectric properties of chestnut flour relevant to drying with radio-frequency and microwave energy. Journal of Food Engineering, 113: 143-150.
118. Gao M., Tang J., Johnson J.A., Wang S.*, 2012. Dielectric properties of ground almond shells in the development of radio frequency and microwave pasteurization.Journal of Food Engineering, 112(4): 282-287.
117. Guo W., YangC., Zhao Z., Li Q., Wang S., 2012.Testing equipment design of thermal resistant characteristics of pests based on AVR single-chip microcomputer. Transactions of Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 43(6): 183-187 (in Chinese).
116. Zhang M., Zhou Y., Wang S., Tang J., 2012. Effects of thermal treatment on color and texture of Typha latifolia L. International Agrophysics, 26: 153-158.
115. Zhang J., Wang S., Xu B., Gao M., 2012. Effect of alternating magnetic field treatments on enzymatic parameters of cellulose. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 92: 1384-1388.
114. Neven L.G., Wang S., Tang J., 2012. An improved system to assess insect tolerance to heated controlled atmosphere quarantine treatment. EntomologiaExperimentalis et Applicata, 143(1): 95-100.
113. Jiao S., Johnson J.A., Fellman J.K., Mattinson D.S., Tang J., Davenport T.L., Wang S.*, 2012. Evaluating the storage environment in hypobaric chambers used for disinfesting fresh fruits.Biosystems Engineering, 111(3): 271-279.
112. Jiao S., Tang J., Johnson J.A., Wang S.*, 2012.Industrial-scale radio frequency treatments for insect control in lentils. Journal of Stored Products Research, 48: 143-148.
111. Wu Z.S., Zhang M., Wang S., 2012. Effects of high pressure argon treatments on the quality of fresh-cut apples at cold storage. Food Control, 23: 120-127.
110. Lagnika C., Zhang M., Wang S., 2011. Effect of high argon pressure and modified atmosphere packaging on the white mushroom (Agaricusbisporus) physico-chemical and microbiological properties. Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 50(3):167-176.
109. Jiao S., Tang J., Johnson J.A., Tiwari G., Wang S.*, 2011. Determining radio frequency heating uniformity in mixed beans for disinfestations. Transactions of the ASABE, 54(5): 1847-1855.
108. Guo W.*, Wu X., Zhu X., Wang S.*, 2011. Temperature-dependent permittivities of chestnut and chestnut weevil from 10 to 4500 MHz.Biosystems Engineering, 110(3): 340-347.
107. Guo W., Liu Y.,Zhu X., Wang S., 2011. Dielectric properties of honeys adulterated with sucrose syrup. Journal of Food Engineering, 107: 1-7.
106. Wang Y.,Li Y.,Wang S.,Zhang L., Gao M.,Tang J., 2011. Review of dielectric drying of foods and agricultural products. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 4(1): 1-19.
105. Tiwari G., Wang S., Tang J., Birla S.L., 2011. Computer simulation model development and validation of radio frequency (RF) heating of dry food materials. Journal of Food Engineering, 105(1): 48-55.
104. Tiwari G., Wang S., Tang J., Birla S.L., 2011. Analysis of radio frequency (RF) power distribution in dry food materials. Journal of Food Engineering, 104(4): 548-556.
103. Liu Y., Tang J., Mao Z., Mah J., Jiao S., Wang S., 2011. Quality and mold control of enriched white bread by combined radio frequency and hot air treatment. Journal of Food Engineering, 104(4): 492-498.
102. Jiao S., Johnson J.A., Tang J., Tiwari G., Wang S.*, 2011. Dielectric properties of cowpea weevil, black eyed peas and mung beans with respect to the development of radio frequency heat treatments.Biosystems Engineering, 108(3): 280-291.
101. Gao M., Tang J., Villa-Rojas R., Wang Y., Wang S.*, 2011. Pasteurization process development for controlling Salmonella in in-shell almonds using radio frequency energy. Journal of Food Engineering, 104(2): 299-306.
100. Chen S., Zhang M.,Wang S., 2011. Effect of initial hermetic sealing on quality of 'Kyoho' grape during storage. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 59(2): 194-199.
99. Guo W., Liu Y.,Zhu X., Wang S., 2011. Temperature-dependent dielectric properties of honeys associated with dielectric heating. Journal of Food Engineering, 102(3): 209-216.
98. Liu J., Zhang M.,Wang S., 2010. Processingcharacteristics and flavor of full lotus root powder beverage. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 90(14): 2482-2489.
97. Gao M., Tang J., Wang Y., Powers J., Wang S.*, 2010. Almond quality as influenced by radio frequency heat treatments for disinfestations. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 58(3): 234-240.
96. Jing W., Tu K., Shao X., Su Z., Zhao Y., Wang S. and Tang J. 2010. Effect of postharvest short hot-water rinsing and brushing treatment on decay and quality of strawberry fruit. Journal of Food Quality, 33: 262-272.
95. Chen S.J., Zhang M., Wang S.J., 2010. Physiological and quality responses of Chinese ‘Suli’ pear fruit to 1-MCP vacuum infiltration treatment. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 90: 1317-1322.
94. Guo W., Zhu X., Liu H., Yue R., Wang S.*, 2010. Effects of milk concentration and freshness on microwave dielectric properties. Journal of Food Engineering, 99(3): 344-350.
93. Wang S.*, Tiwari G., Jiao S., Johnson J.A., Tang J., 2010. Developing postharvest disinfestation treatments for legumes using radio frequency energy. Biosystems Engineering, 105(3): 341-349.
92. Lu D.H., Zhang M., Wang S.J., Cai J.L., Zhou X., Zhu C.P., 2010. Nutritional characterization and changes in quality of Salicornia bigelovii Torr. during storage. LWT - Food Science and Technology,43: 519-524.
91. Duan X., Zhang M., Mujumdar A.S., Wang S., 2010. Microwave freeze drying of sea cucumber (S. japonicus). Journal of Food Engineering, 96: 491-497.
90. Guo W., Wang S., Tiwari G., Johnson J.A., Tang J., 2010. Temperature and moisture dependent dielectric properties of legume flours associated with dielectric heating. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 43(2): 193-201.
89. Liu Y., Tang J., Mao Z., Mah J., Wang S., 2009. Comparison between combined radio frequency and hot air treatment and hot air treatment on bread fresh-keeping. Transactions of the CSAE, 25(9): 323-328 (in Chinese).
88. Lu D.H., Zhang M., Wang S.J., Cai J.L., Zhu C.P., Zhou X., 2009. Effects of modified atmosphere packaging with different sizes of silicon gum film windows on Salicornia bigelovii Torr. storage. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 89: 1559-1564.
87. Sosa-Morales M.E., Tiwari G., Wang S., Tang J., Lopez-Malo A. and Garcia H.S., 2009. Dielectric heating as a potential post-harvest treatment of disinfesting mangoes. II: Development of RF-based protocols and quality evaluation of treated fruits. Biosystems Engineering, 103(3): 287-296.
86. Sosa-Morales M.E., Tiwari G., Wang S., Tang J., Lopez-Malo A. and Garcia H.S., 2009. Dielectric heating as a potential post-harvest treatment of disinfesting mangoes. I: Relation between dielectric properties and ripening. Biosystems Engineering, 103(3): 297-303.
85. Wang S., Johnson J.A., Hansen J.D., Tang J., 2009. Determining thermotolerance of fifth-instar Cydiapomonella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) and Amyeloistransitella(Walker) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) by three different methods. Journal of Stored Products Research, 45(3): 184-189.
84. Wang Y., Tang J., Rasco B., Wang S., Alshami A.A., 2009. Using whey protein gel as a model food to study the dielectric heating properties of salmon(Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) fillets. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 42: 1174-1178.
83. Armstrong J.W., Tang J., Wang S., 2009. Thermal death kinetics of Mediterranean, Malaysian, Melon, and Oriental fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) eggs and third instars. Journal of Economic Entomology, 102(2): 522-532.
82. Guo W., Tiwari G., Tang J., Wang S., 2008. Frequency, moisture and temperature dependent dielectric properties of chickpea. Biosystems Engineering, 101(2): 217-224.
81. Birla S.L., Wang S., Tang J., Tiwari G., 2008. Characterization of radio frequency heating of fresh fruits influenced by dielectric properties. Journal of Food Engineering, 89(4): 390-398.
80. Li W., Zhang M., Wang S., 2008. Effect of three-stage hypobaric storage on membrane lipid peroxidation and activities of defense enzyme in green asparagus. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 41(10): 2175-2181.
79. Tiwari G., Wang S., Birla S.L., Tang J., 2008. Effect of water assisted radio frequency heat treatment on the quality of ‘Fuyu’ persimmons. Biosystems Engineering, 100(2): 227-234.
78. Wang S.*, Luechapattanaporn K., Tang J., 2008. Experimental methods for evaluating heating uniformity in radio frequency systems. Biosystems Engineering,100(1): 58-65.
77. Wang S., Yue J., Chen B., Tang J., 2008. Treatment design of radio frequency heating based on insect control and product quality. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 49(3): 417-423.
76. Li T., Zhang M., Wang S., 2008. Effects of temperature on Agrocybechaxinguquality stored in modified atmosphere packages with silicon gum film windows. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 41(6): 965-973.
75. An J., Zhang M., Wang S., Tang J., 2008. Physical, chemical and microbiological changes in stored green asparagus spears as affected by coating of silver nanoparticles-PVP. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 41(6): 1100-1107.
74. Wang Y., Tang J., Rasco B., Kong F., Wang S., 2008. Dielectric properties of salmon fillets as a function of temperature and composition. Journal of Food Engineering, 87(2): 236-246.
73. Birla S.L., Wang S., Tang J., 2008. Computer simulation of radio frequency heating of model fruit immersed in water. Journal of Food Engineering, 84: 270-280.
72. Zhang M., Zhan Z., Wang S., Tang J., 2008. Extending shelf-life of asparagus spears by pressured mixed gases of argon and xenon. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 41(4): 686-691.
71. Wang S., Monzon M., Johnson J.A., Mitcham E.J., Tang J., 2007. Industrial-scale radio frequency treatments for insect control in walnuts: II. Insect mortality and product quality. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 45(2): 247-253.
70. Wang S., Monzon M., Johnson J.A., Mitcham E.J., Tang J., 2007. Industrial-scale radio frequency treatments for insect control in walnuts: I. Heating uniformity and energy efficiency. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 45(2): 240-246.
69. Chung H., Wang S., Tang J., 2007. Influence of heat transfer in test tubes on measured thermal inactivation parameters for Escherichia coli. Journal of Food Protection, 70(4): 851-859.
68. Monzon M.E., Biasi B., Wang S., Tang J., Hallman G., Mitcham E.J., 2007. Effects of radio frequency heating on the quality of ‘Fuyu’ persimmon fruit as a treatment for control of Mexican fruit fly. HortScience, 42(1): 125-129.
67. Li T., Zhang M., Wang S., 2007. Effects of modified atmosphere packaging with a silicon gum film as a window for gas exchange onAgrocybechaxingu Huang storage.Postharvest Biology and Technology,43(3): 343-350.
66. Clary C.D., Mejia-Meza E., Wang S., Petrucci V.E. 2007. Improving grape quality using microwave vacuum drying associated with temperature control. Journal of Food Science, 72(1): E023–E028.
65. Hansen J.D., Drake S.R., Heidt M.L., Watkins M.A., Tang J., Wang S., 2006. Radio frequency-hot water dips for postharvest codling moth control in apples. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 30: 631-642.
64. Yin X., Wang S., Tang J., Hansen J.D., Lurie S., 2006. Thermal preconditioning of fifth-instar Cydiapomonella (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) affects HSP70 accumulation and insect mortality. Physiological Entomology, 31: 241-247.
63. Zhang M., Tang J., Mujumdar A.S., Wang S., 2006. Trends inmicrowave-related drying of fruits and vegetables. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 17: 527-534.
62. Wang S., Tang J., Sun T., Mitcham E.J., Koral T., Birla S.L.,2006. Considerations in design of commercial radio frequency treatments for postharvest pest control in inshell walnuts. Journal of Food Engineering, 77(2): 304-312.
61. Wang S., Birla S.L., Tang J., Hansen J.D., 2006. Postharvest treatment to control codling moth in fresh apples using water assisted radio frequency heating. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 40(1): 89-96.
60. Yin X., Wang S., Tang J., Hansen J.D., 2006. Thermal resistance of fifth-instar codling moth (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) as affected by pretreatment conditioning. Journal of Stored Products Research, 42(1): 75-85.
59. Hallman G., Wang S., Tang J., 2005. Reaction orders of thermal mortality of third-instar Mexican fruit fly Anastrephaludens (Loew) (Diptera: Tephritidae). Journal of Economic Entomology, 98(6): 1905-1910.
58. Wang S., Monzon M., Gazit Y., Tang J., Mitcham E.J., Armstrong J.W., 2005. Temperature dependent dielectric properties of selected subtropical and tropical fruits and associated insect pests. Transactions of the ASAE, 48(5): 1873-1881.
57. Drake S.R., Hansen J.D., Elfving D.C., Tang J., Wang S., 2005. Hot water to control codling moth in sweet cherries: efficacy and quality. Journal of Food Quality, 28(4): 361-376.
56. Birla S.L., Wang S., Tang J., Fellman J., Mattinson D., Lurie S., 2005. Quality of oranges as influenced by potential radio frequency heat treatments against Mediterranean fruit flies. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 38(1): 66-79.
55. Hansen J.D., Drake S.R., Heidt M.L., Watkins M.A., Tang J., Wang S., 2005. Evaluation of radio frequency-hot water treatments for postharvest control of codling moth in ‘Bing’ sweet cherries. HortTechnology, 15(3): 613-616.
54. Clary C.D., Wang S., Petrucci V.E. 2005. Fixed and incremental levels of microwave power application on drying grapes under vacuum. Journal of Food Science, 70(5): E344-E349.
53. Wang S., Johnson J.A., Tang J., Yin X., 2005. Heating condition effects on thermal resistance of fifth-instar navel orangeworm(Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Journal of Stored Products Research, 41(4): 469-478.
52. Wang S., Yue J., Tang J., Chen B., 2005. Mathematical modeling of heating uniformity of in-shell walnuts in radio frequency units with intermittent stirrings. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 35(1): 97-107.
51. Johnson J.A., Valero K.A., Wang S., Tang J. 2004. Thermal death kinetics of red flour beetle, Triboliumcastaneum (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). Journal of Economic Entomology, 97(6): 1868-1873.
50. Hansen J.D., Drake S.R., Heidt M.L., Watkins M.A., Tang J., Wang S., 2004. Radio frequency treatments for postharvest codling moth control in fresh apples. HortTechnology, 14(4): 533-537.
49. Gazit Y., Rossler Y., Wang S., Tang J., Lurie S., 2004. Thermal death kinetics of egg and third-instar Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae). Journal of Economic Entomology, 97(5): 1540-1546.
48. Wang S.*, Tang J., 2004. Radio frequency heating: a potential method of postharvest pest control in nuts and dry products. Journal of Zhejiang University Science, 5(10): 1169-1174.
47. Wang S.*, Deltour J., 2004. Leaf temperature modeling of greenhouse grown tomato.International Agricultural Engineering Journal, 13(1-2): 64-70.
46. Monzon M.E., Biasi B., Wang S., Tang J., Hallman G., Mitcham E.J., 2004. Radio frequency heating of Persimmon and Guava fruit as an Alternative quarantine treatment. HortScience, 39(4): 879-879.
45. Hansen J., Wang S., Tang J., 2004. A cumulated lethal time model to evaluate efficacy of heat treatments for codling moth Cydiapomonella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in cherries. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 33(3): 309-317.
44. Birla S.L., Wang S., Tang J., Hallman G., 2004. Improving heating uniformity of fresh fruits in radio frequency treatments for pest control. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 33(2): 205-217.
43. Mitcham E.J., Veltman R.H., Feng X., de Castro E., Johnson J.A., Simpson T.L., Biasi W.V., Wang S., Tang J., 2004. Application of radio frequency treatments to control insects in in-shell walnuts. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 33(1): 93-101.
42. Wang S., Yin X., Tang J., Hansen J., 2004. Thermal resistance of different life stages of codling moth (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Journal of Stored Products Research, 40(5): 565-574.
41. Wang S., Tang J., Cavalieri R.P., Davis D., 2003. Differential heating of insects in dried nuts and fruits associated with radio frequency and microwave treatments. Transactions of the ASAE, 46(4): 1175-1182.(ASAE Superior Paper Award)
40. Wang S., Tang J., Johnson J.A., Mitcham E., Hansen J.D., Hallman G., Drake S.R., Wang Y., 2003. Dielectric properties of fruits and insect pests as related to radio frequency and microwave treatments. Biosystems Engineering, 85(2): 201-212.
39. Johnson J.A., Wang S.,Tang J. 2003. Thermal death kinetics of fifth-instar Plodia interpunctella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Journal of Economic Entomology, 96(2): 519-524.
38. Boulard T., Wang S., 2002. Radiative and convective heterogeneity in a plastic tunnel: consequences on crop transpiration. Plasticulture, 121: 22-35. (ASP Best Paper Award)
37. Boulard T., Kittas C., Roy J.C., Wang S., 2002. Convective and ventilation transfers in greenhouses. Part 2: Determination of the distributed climate. BiosystemsEngineering, 83(2): 129-147.
36. Roy J.C., Boulard T., Kittas C., Wang S., 2002. Convective and ventilation transfers in greenhouses. Part 1: Greenhouse considered as a perfectly stirred tank. BiosystemsEngineering, 83(1): 1-20.
35. Wang S., Tang J., Johnson J.A., Mitcham E., Hansen J.D., Cavalieri R, Bower J., Biasi B., 2002. Process protocols based on radio frequency energy to control field and storage pests in in-shell walnuts. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 26(3): 265-273.
34. Wang S., Ikediala J.N., Tang J., Hansen J., 2002.Thermal death kinetics and heating rate effects for fifth-instar codling moths(Cydiapomonella (L.)). Journal of Stored Products Research, 38(5): 441-453.
33. Boulard T., Wang S., 2002. Experimental and numerical studies on the heterogeneity of crop transpiration in a plastic tunnel. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 34: 173-190.
32. Wang S., Tang J., Johnson J.A., Hansen J., 2002.Thermal death kinetics of fifth-instar navel orangeworms(Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Journal of Stored Products Research, 38(5): 427-440.
31. Ikediala J.N., Hansen J., Tang J., Drake S.R., Wang S., 2002.Development of saline-water-immersion technique with RF energy as a postharvest treatment against codling moth in cherries. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 24(1): 25-37.
30. Wang S.*, Tang J., 2001. Radio frequency and microwave alternative treatments for nut insect control: a review.International Agricultural Engineering Journal, 10(3&4): 105-120.
29. Wang S., Tang J., Cavalieri R., 2001.Modeling fruit internal heating rates for hot air and hot water treatments. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 22(3): 257-270.
28. Wang S., Ikediala J.N., Tang J., Hansen J., Mitcham E., Mao R., Swanson B., 2001.Radio frequency treatments to control codling moth in in-shell walnuts. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 22(1): 29-38.
27. Tang J., Ikediala J.N., Wang S., Hansen J., Cavalieri R., 2000. High-temperature-short-time thermal quarantine methods. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 21: 129-145.
26. Zhu S., Wang S., Deltour J., 2000. A stratification model of aquaculture pond system. Asian Fishers Science, 13(2): 169-181.
25. Wang S.,Boulard T., 2000.Measurement and prediction of solar radiation distributions in full scale greenhouse tunnels.Agronomie, 20: 41-50.
24. Boulard T., Wang S.,2000. Greenhouse crop transpiration simulation from external climate conditions. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 100(1): 25-34.
23. Boulard T.,Wang S., Haxaire R. 2000. Mean and turbulent air flows and microclimatic patterns in a greenhouse tunnel. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 100(2-3): 169-181.
22. Wang S.*,Boulard T., 2000.Predicting the microclimate in a naturally-ventilated plastic-house under Mediterranean climate.Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, 75: 27-38.
21. Wang S.*, Deltour J., 1999. Studies on thermal performances of a new greenhouse cladding material.Agronomie, 19(6): 467-475.
20. Wang S.*, Deltour J., 1999. Airflow patterns and associated ventilation function in large scale multi-span greenhouses. Transactions of American Society of Agricultural Engineers, 42(5): 1409-1414.
19. Wang S.*, Boulard T., Haxaire R., 1999. Air speed profiles in a naturally-ventilated greenhouse with a tomato crop. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 96(4): 181-188.
18. Wang S.*, Deltour J., 1999. Lee-side ventilation induced air movement in a large scale multi-span greenhouse.Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, 74(1): 103-110.
17. Wang S.*, Yernaux M., Deltour J., 1999. A networked two-dimensional sonic anemometer system for measurement of air velocity in greenhouses. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, 73(2): 189-197.
16. Wang S.*, Deltour J., 1998. Theoretical study of natural ventilation flux in a single span greenhouse. Biotechnology, Agronomy Society and Environment, 2(4): 256-263.
15. Zhu S., Deltour J., Wang S., 1998. Modeling thermal characteristics of greenhouse pond system. Aquacultural Engineering, 18(3): 201-217.
14. Wang S.*, Deltour J., 1997. Natural ventilation induced airflow patterns measured by an ultrasonic anemometer in Venlo-type greenhouse openings.International Agricultural Engineering Journal, 6(3&4): 185-196.
13.Wang S.*, Zhu S., Deltour J., 1997. Simulation and measurement of a tunnel greenhouse climate.Transactions of Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 13(4): 139-144.
12. Wang S.*, Deltour J., 1996. An experimental ventilation function for large greenhouses based on a dynamic energy balance model. International Agricultural Engineering Journal, 5(3&4): 103-112.
11. Wang S.*, Deltour J., 1995. Impact of the main structural parameters on the greenhouse climate. Transactions of Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 11(3): 101-107.
10. Wang S.*, Zhu S., Pirard G., Deltour J., 1995. A simulation study on influences of delayed opening of thermal screens on the energy consumption and the solar radiation level of a greenhouse. Journal of Zhejiang Agricultural University, 21(6): 564-567 (in Chinese).
9. Wang S.*, Deltour J., Nijskens J., 1994. Initial studies on symbolic manipulation of a greenhouse dynamic model. Journal of Zhejiang Agricultural University, 20(2): 218-220 (in Chinese).
8. Zhen J., Wang S., 1993. Inquiry into static strength test of the plastic greenhouse frames.Journal of Zhejiang Agricultural University, 19(2): 155-158 (in Chinese).
7. Wang S.*, Cui S., Deltour J., Nijskens J., 1993. Dynamic simulation of temperatures and heat fluxes in greenhouses.Journal of Zhejiang Agricultural University, 19(2): 159-162 (in Chinese).
6. Wang S.*, Cui S., Deltour J., Nijskens J., 1992. Simulation of the application of different control methods to the greenhouse heating system. Transactions of Zhejiang Agricultural University, 18(4): 97-102.
5. Wang S.*, Cui S., 1992. Studies on the practical and assembly type of steel-tube plastics film greenhouse. Transactions of Zhejiang Agricultural University, 18(2): 93-96 (in Chinese).
4. Wang S.*, 1991. Sensitivity study on a greenhouse dynamic model.Translation of Agricultural Science and Technology, No. 4: 40-44 (in Chinese).
3. Wang S.*, Deltour J., Nijskens J., de Wergifosse Ph., 1990. Exact analytical solution of a linear dynamic model of greenhouse climate: the direct cover case. Bulletin des Recherches Agronomiques de Gembloux, 25(4): 489-518.
2. Miao X., Cui S., Wang S., 1990. A study on lowering the greenhouse temperature by spraying the water on the film underneath the glass roof. Transactions of Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 6(2): 38-42 (in Chinese).
1. Wang S.*, Cui S., 1987. Studies on the water film cooling the greenhouse temperature in summer. Transactions of Zhejiang Agricultural University, 13(4): 429-433 (in Chinese).
1. 王绍金, 朱瀚昆, 张波; 一种改善高含水率食品和农产品射频加热均匀性方法, 2019-11-01, 中国, ZL0.5.
2. 王绍金, 李苇, 李瑞, 严荣军; 快速评估害虫致死特性的气调加热板系统, 2018-01-09, 中国, ZL4.1.
3. 王迎新, 王绍金, 张连 兆, 寇小希, 李瑞; 一种新型微生物热致死动力实验装置, 2019-07-16, 中国, ZL7.0.
4. 王绍金, 周旭, 蒋洪一, 徐汝祯, 寇小希, 李瑞; 果蔬射频-负压组合干燥装置, 2019-03-01, 中国, ZL8.7.
5. 王绍金, 寇小希, 李瑞, 侯莉侠; 用于研究微生物热致死动力学的加热板系统, 2016-11-16, 中国, ZL4.4.
6. 王绍金, 李苇, 李瑞, 严荣军; 快速评估害虫致死特性的气调加热板系统, 2015-07-22, 中国, ZL1.5.
7. 王绍金, 李苇; 用于研究害虫热致死动力学的加热板系统, 2015-07-22, 中国, ZL2.9.
8. 王绍金, 王昆, 朱瀚昆; 一种射频加热系统上极板电压的测量装置, 2015-07-08, 中国, ZL1.1.
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