

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-07

西北农林科技大学机械与电子工程学院 陕西省杨凌示范区西农路22号
邮编:712100 电话:
宋怀波,男,1980 年5月生,山东济宁人,工学博士,教授,博士生导师,农业工程学会高级会员、陕西省图形图像学会理事,中国农业工程学会畜牧工程分会第十届理事会理事,中国农学会农业监测预警分会理事、农业工程学会青年工作委员会委员,人工智能学会智能农业专委会会员,中国畜牧兽医学会信息技术分会会员、陕西省计算机学会会员。主要从事大型畜禽健康行为智能识别技术、农情信息获取及识别等方面的理论研究。先后主持国家自然科学基金青年项目,国家重点研发项目子课题,陕西省重点研发计划项目,陕西省自然科学基金,中央高校基本科研业务经费,国家863 项目子课题。在Biosystems Engineering, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture等期刊发表论文60余篇,其中SCI/EI收录期刊论文50余篇,登记软件著作权80余项,担任Optical engineering,Precision agriculture, Biosystems Engineering, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture等20余家杂志审稿人。
2004.9-2009.6 山东大学机械学院,机械电子工程专业(硕博连读)
2009.7-2012.12, 讲师,西北农林科技大学机电学院
[1]Bo Jiang, Xuqiang Yin, Huaibo Song*. Single-stream long-term optical flow convolution network for action recognition of lameness dairy cow. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2020(175), 105536:1-7. (Top)
[2]Dihua Wu, Qian Wu, Xuqiang Yin, Bo Jiang, Han Wang, Dongjian He, Huaibo Song*. Lameness detection of dairy cows based on the YOLOv3 deep learning algorithm and a relative step size characteristic vector. Biosystems Engineering, 189 (2020) 150-163.
[3]Dihua Wu, Xuqiang Yin, Bo Jiang, Mei Jiang, Zhenyu Li, Huaibo Song*. Detection of the respiratory rate of standing cows by combining the Deeplab V3+ semantic segmentation model with the phase-based video magnification algorithm. Biosystems Engineering, 192 (2020) 72-89.
[4]Mei Jiang, Qian Wu, Sashuang Sun, Yuying Shang,Huaibo Song*. Study of Dynamic Tracking Algorithms for Apples Under the Influence of Oscillation. IEEE ACCESS, 2020, (8):32966-32974
[5]Tong Li, Bo Jiang, Dihua Wu, Xuqiang Yin, Huaibo Song*. Tracking Multiple Target Cows’ Ruminant Mouth Areas Using Optical Flow and Inter-Frame Difference Methods. IEEE ACCESS, 2019,(7):185520-185531.
[6]Sashuang Sun, Mei Jiang, Dongjian He, Yan Long, Huaibo Song*. Recognition of Green Apples in an Orchard Environment by Combining the GrabCut Model and Ncut Algorithm. Biosystems Engineering, 2019(187):201-213
[7]Jiang Bo, Wu Qian, Yin Xuqiang, Wu Dihua, Huaibo Song*, He Dongjian. FLYOLOv3 Deep Learning for Key Parts of Dairy Cow Body Detection. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2019(166):1-8.
[8]Bo Jiang, Huaibo Song*, Dongjian He. Lameness detection of dairy cows based on a double normal background statistical model. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2019(158): 140-149.
[9]Mao Yanru, He Dongjian, Song Huaibo*. Automatic detection of ruminant cows’ mouth area during rumination based on machine vision and video analysis technology. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 2019(158): 140-149
[10]Chen Y J, He D J, Song H B*. Automatic monitoring method of cow ruminant behavior based on spatio-temporal context learning. Int J Agric & Biol Eng, 2018, 11(4): 179-185.
[11]Guo Y, He D*, Song H. Region detection of lesion area of knee based on colour edge detection and bilateral projection[J]. Biosystems Engineering, 2018.
[12]Wang X Y, Yang C H, Zhang J, Song H B*. Image dehazing based on dark channel prior and brightness enhancement for agricultural monitoring. Int J Agric & Biol Eng, 2018, 11(2): 170–176.
[13]Sun S, Wu Q, Jiao L, Long Y, Song H*. Recognition of Green Apples Based on Fuzzy Set Theory and Manifold Ranking Algorithm[J]. Optik, 2018, 165.
[14] Bairong Li, Yan Long, Huaibo Song*. Detection of green apples in natural scenes based on saliency theory and Gaussian curve fitting.International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 2018,11(1): 192-198.
[15]Zhang Jiawei, Wang Xiuyuan, Yang Chenghai Zhang Jian, He Dongjian, Song Huaibo*. Image?dehazing?based?on?dark?channel?prior?and?brightness?enhancement?for agricultural?remotesensing?images?from?consumer-grade?cameras. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2018, 151: 196-206
[16]Leilei Niu, Weicong Zhou, Dandan Wang, Dongjian He, Haihui Zhang, Huaibo Song*.Extracting the symmetry axes of partially occluded single apples in natural scene using convex hull theory and shape context algorithm[J].Multimedia Tools and Applications.2017,76(12):14075-14089.
[17]Chen Y, He D, Fu Y, Song H B*. Intelligent monitoring method of cow ruminant behavior based on video analysis technology[J]. International Journal of Agricultural & Biological Engineering, 2017, 10(5):194-202.
[18]Zhang J, Yang C, Zhao B, Song H*. Crop Classification and LAI Estimation Using Original and Resolution-Reduced Images from Two Consumer-Grade Cameras[J]. Remote Sensing, 2017, 9(10):1054.
[19]Jian Zhang, Chenghai Yang, Huaibo Song, Wesley Clint Hoffmann, Dongyan Zhang, Guozhong Zhang.Evaluation of an Airborne Remote Sensing Platform Consisting of Two Consumer-Grade Cameras for Crop Identification[J].Remote Sensing.2016,8(3):257.
[20]Huaibo Song, Chenghai Yang*, Jian Zhang, Wesley Clint Hoffmann, Dongjian He, J. Alex Thomasson.Comparison of mosaicking techniques for airborne images from consumer-grade cameras[J].Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 2016,10(1): 016030.
[21]Dandan Wang,Huaibo Song*,Zhihui Tie,Weiyuan Zhang,Dongjian He. Recognition and localization of occluded apples using K-means clustering algorithm and convex hull theory: a comparison,Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2016, 75(6): 3177-3198.
[22]Huaibo Song, Chenghai*, Jian Zhang, Wesley Clint Hoffmann, Dongjian He, J. Alex. Comparison of mosaicking techniques for airborne images from consumer-grade cameras. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing,2016,(10):016030-1-016030-10.
[23]Niu L, Zhou W, Wang D, He Dongjian, Zhang Haihui, Song Huaibo*. Extracting the symmetry axes of partially occluded single apples in natural scene using convex hull theory and shape context algorithm[J]. Multimedia Tools & Applications, 2016:1-15.
[24]Wang D, Song H*, Tie Z, et al. Recognition and localization of occluded apples using K-means clustering algorithm and convex hull theory: a comparison[J]. Multimedia Tools & Applications, 2016, 75(6):3177-3198.

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