

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-07

最高学位:博士 职称:教授
  2006年5月-2007年1月,在美国农业部Russell 研究中心国际介电特性研究专家Stuart O. Nelson的研究室作访问****。
  1. 正在主持的国家级项目
  [1] 国家科技支撑计划:西部特果精选关键技术装备研发及集成示范(2015BAD19B03),2015-2017.
  [2] 国家公益性行业(农业)专项:作物秸秆基质化利用(No.)子项目--矮化苹果园秸杆基质化利用与产业化示范,子项目主持人.
  2. 出版的教材
  [1] 郭文川主编. MCS-51单片机原理、接口及应用(普通高等教育“十二五”规划教材). 电子工业出版社,2013.1
  [2] 郭文川主编. 单片机原理与接口技术(全国高等农林院校十一五规划教材,获中国农业部全国高等农林院校优秀教材奖). 中国农业出版社,2007.8
  [3] 喻萍, 郭文川主编. 单片机原理与接口技术(高等学校十一五规划教材). 化学工业出版社,2006.2
  [4] 李春茂, 郭文川主编 . 电子技术(高等教育电工电子类21世纪课程教材). 科学技术文献出版社, 2004.8
  3. 发表的被SCI收录的文章
  [1] Guo Wen-chuan, Nelson S.O.*, Trabelsi S., Kays S.J. 10-1800-MHz dielectric properties of fresh apples during storage. Journal of Food Engineering, 2007,83(4):562-569
  [2] Guo W., S. Trabelsi, S.O. Nelson*, D.R. Jones. Storage effects on dielectric properties of eggs from 10 to 1800 MHz. Journal of Food Science,2007,72(5):335-340
  [3] Nelson S.O.*, Guo Wenchuan, Trabelsi Samir, Kays Stanley J. Dielectric properties of watermelons for quality sensing, Measurement Science and Technology, 2007, 18:1887-1892
  [4] Guo W., Tiwari G., Tang J.* Wang S. Frequency, moisture and temperature-dependent dielectric properties of chickpea flour. Biosystems Engineering, 2008,101(2):217-224
  [5] Guo Wenchuan, Wang Shaojin, Tiwari Gopal, Johnson Judy A., Tang Juming*. Temperature and moisture dependent dielectric properties of legume flour associated with dielectric heating. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2010, 43(2):193-201
  [6] Guo Wenchuan*, Zhu Xinhua, Liu Yi, Zhuang Hong. Sugar and water contents of honey with dielectric property sensing, Journal of Food Engineering, 2010, 97(2):275-281
  [7] Guo Wenchuan, Zhu Xinhua, Liu Hui, Yue Rong, Wang Shaojin*. Effects of milk concentration and freshness on microwave dielectric properties. Journal of Food Engineering, 2010, 99(2):344-350
  [8] Guo Wenchuan*, Zhu Xinhua, Nelson Stuart O., Yue Rong, Liu Hui, Liu Yi. Maturity effects on dielectric properties of apples from 10 to 4500 MHz. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2011,44(1): 224-230
  [9] Guo Wenchuan*, Liu Yi, Zhu Xinhua, Wang Shaojin. Temperature-dependent dielectric properties of honey associated with dielectric heating. Journal of Food Engineering, 2011, 102(3):209-216
  [10] Guo Wenchuan*, Liu Yi, Zhu Xinhua, Zhuang Hong. Sensing the water content of honey from temperature-dependent electrical conductivity. Measurement Science and Technology. 2011,22(8):1312-1327
  [11] Guo Wenchuan*, Liu Yi, Zhu Xinhua, Wang Shaojin. Dielectric properties of honey adulterated with sucrose syrup. Journal of Food Engineering, 2011,107(1):1-7
  [12] Guo Wenchuan*, Wu Xiaoling, Zhu Xinhua, Wang Shaojin*. Temperature-dependent dielectric properties of chestnut and chestnut weevil from 10 to 4500 MHz. Biosystems Engineering, 2011, 110(3):340-347
  [13] Guo Wenchuan*, Zhu Xinhua, Yue Rong, Liu Hui, Liu Yi. Dielectric properties of Fuji apples from 10 to 4500 MHz during storage, Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 2011,35(6):884-890
  [14] Zhu Xinhua*, Guo Wenchuan, Wu Xiaoling. Frequency- and temperature-dependent dielectric properties of fruit juices associated with pasteurization by dielectric heating. Journal of Food Engineering, 2012,109(2):258-266
  [15] Zhu Xinhua*, Guo Wenchuan, Wu Xiaoling, Wang Shaojin. Dielectric properties of chestnut flour relevant to drying with radio-frequency and microwave energy. Journal of Food Engineering, 2012,113(1), 143-150
  [16] Guo Wenchuan*, Zhu Xinhua, Nelson Stuart O. Permittivities of watermelon pulp and juice and correlation with quality indicators. International Journal of Food Properties,2013,16(3):475-484
  [17] Guo W., Yang J., Zhu X.*, Wang S., Guo K. Frequency, moisture, temperature, and density-dependent dielectric properties of wheat straw. Transactions of the ASABE, 2013,56(3): 1069-1075
  [18] Zhu X*., Guo W., Wang S. Sensing moisture content of buckwheat seed from dielectric properties, Transactions of the ASABE.2013,56(5): 1855-1862
  [19] Zhu X.*, Guo W., Wang S. Dielectric properties of ground hazelnuts at different frequencies, temperatures, and moisture contents. Transactions of the ASABE. 2014, 57(1): 161-168
  [20] Zhu Xinhua*, Guo Wenchuan, Jia Yunpeng. Temperature-dependent dielectric properties of raw cow's and goat's milk from 10 to 4,500 MHz relevant to radio-frequency and microwave pasteurization process. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2014, 7(6):1830-1839
  [21] Liu, B., Han, W. T.*, Weckler, P., Guo, W. C., Wang, Y., & Song, K. X. (2014). Detection model for effect of soil salinity and temperature on FDR moisture content sensors. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 30(4), 573-582
  [22] Guo Wenchuan*, Zhu Xinhua. Dielectric properties of red pepper powder related to radiofrequency and microwave drying. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2014, 7(12), 3591-3601
  [23] Liu Dayang, Guo Wenchuan*. Identification of kiwifruits treated with exogenous plant growth regulator using near-infrared hyperspectral reflectance imaging. Food Analytical Methods, 2015, 8(1):164-172.
  [24] Ling Bo, Guo Wenchuan, Hou Lixia, Li Rui, Wang Shaojin*. Dielectric properties of pistachio kernels as influenced by frequency, temperature, moisture and salt Content. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2015, 8(2), 420-430
  [25] Zhu Xinhua*, Guo Wenchuan, Jia Yunpeng, Kang Fei. Dielectric properties of raw milk as functions of protein content and temperature. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2015,8(3): 670-680
  [26] Shang Liang, Guo Wenchuan*, Nelson Stuart O. Apple variety identification based on dielectric spectra and chemometric methods, Food Analytical Methods, 2015,8(4):1042-1052
  [27] Guo Wenchuan*, Shang Liang, Zhu Xinhua, Nelson S. O. Nondestructive detection of soluble solids content of apples from dielectric spectra with ANN and chemometric methods. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2015, 8(5): 1126-1138
  [28] Zhu Xinhua*, Guo Wenchuan*, Liang Zhibing. Determination of the fat content in cow's milk based on dielectric properties. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2015, 8(7):1485-1494
  [29] Guo Wenchuan*, Fang Lijie, Liu Dayang, Wang Zhuanwei. Determination of soluble solids content and firmness of pears during ripening by using dielectric spectroscopy, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2015, 117: 226-233
  [30] Dong Jinlei, Guo Wenchuan*. Nondestructive determination of apple internal qualities using near-infrared hyperspectral reflectance imaging. Food Analytical Methods, 2015, 8(10):2635-2646
  [31] Guo Wenchuan*, Zhao Fan, Dong Jinlei. Nondestructive measurement of soluble solids content of kiwifruits using near-infrared hyperspectral imaging. Food Analytical Methods, 2016, 9(1):38-47
  [32] Guo Wenchuan*, Gu Jingsi, Liu Dayang, Shang Liang. Peach variety identification using near-infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2016, 123:297-303
  [33] Dong Jinlei, Guo Wenchuan*, Wang Zhuanwei, Liu Dayang, Zhao Fan. Nondestructive determination of soluble solids content of ‘Fuji’ apples produced in different areas and bagged with different materials during ripening. Food Analytical Methods, 2016,9(5): 1087-1095
  [34] Zhu Xinhua*, Fang Lijie, Gu Jingsi, Guo Wenchuan*. Feasibility investigation on determining soluble solids content of peaches using dielectric spectra. Food Analytical Methods, 2016, 9(6), 1789-1798
  4. 发表的被EI收录的文章
  [1] 郭文川,朱新华,郭康权. 采后苹果电特性与生理特性的关系及其应用. 农业工程学报, 2005,21(7):136-139
  [2] 郭文川,郭康权,朱新华. 介电特性在番茄和苹果品种识别中的应用. 农业机械学报, 2006, 37(8):131-133
  [3] 郭文川,朱新华,郭康权. 损伤对苹果电参数的影响. 农业机械学报,2006,37(8):134-137
  [4] 郭文川, 朱新华, 郭康权,王转卫. 桃的电特性及新鲜度识别. 农业机械学报, 2007, 38(1): 112-115
  [5] 郭文川. 果蔬介电特性研究综述. 农业工程学报,2007,23(5):284-289
  [6] 郭文川,朱新华,邹养军. 苹果果实成熟期间电特性的研究.农业工程学报,2007,23(11):264~268
  [7] 郭文川, Nelson S.O., Trabelsi S., Kays S.J. 蜜瓜和西瓜果汁的射频介电特性及其与糖度的关系. 农业工程学报,2008,24(5):289~292
  [8] 郭文川,朱新华.国外农产品及食品介电特性测量技术及应用.农业工程学报,2009,25(2):308~312.
  [9] 郭文川,吕俊峰,谷洪超. 微波频率和温度对食用植物油介电特性的影响. 农业机械学报, 2009,40(8):124-129
  [10] 郭文川,陈克克. 桃10~4500 MHz间的介电特性与内部品质关系分析. 农业机械学报,2010,41(3):134-138.
  [11] 郭文川,程寒杰,李瑞明,吕健,张海辉.基于无线传感器网络的温室环境信息监测系统. 农业机械学报,2010,41(7):181-185.
  [12] 吕俊峰,郭文川*,于修烛.高温处理对食用调和油微波介电特性与品质的影响. 农业机械学报, 2010,41(10):148-151,169.
  [13] 刘卉, 郭文川*, 岳绒. 猕猴桃硬度的近红外漫反射光谱无损检测. 农业机械学报,2011,42(3):169-173
  [14] 张利凤,郭文川*,付鹤翔,夏文斌. 数字式蜂蜜含水率检测仪的设计. 农业机械学报,2011,42(4):158-163
  [15] 郭文川, 王婧, 刘驰. 基于介电特性的薏米含水率检测方法研究. 农业机械学报,2012,43(3):113-117
  [16] 郭文川, 杨沉陈, 赵志翔, 李群卓, 王绍金. 基于AVR单片机的害虫耐热性试验装置设计. 农业机械学报,2012,43(6):183-187.
  [17] 郭文川, 梁玮, 宋怀波.基于邻差和的农产品X射线图像分割算法. 农业机械学报,2012,43(11):214-219.
  [18] 郭文川, 王婧, 朱新华.基于介电特性的燕麦含水率预测. 农业工程学报,2012,28(24):272-279.
  [19] 郭文川, 刘驰,杨军.小麦秸秆含水率测量仪的设计与试验. 农业工程学报,2013,29(1):33-40
  [20] 郭文川,王铭海,岳绒.基于近红外漫反射光谱的损伤猕猴桃早期识别. 农业机械学报,2013,44(2):142-146.
  [21] 郭文川, 赵志翔, 杨沉陈.基于介电特性的小杂粮含水率检测仪设计与试验. 农业机械学报,2013,44(5):188-193.
  [22] 郭文川, 宋克鑫, 张鹏, 韩文霆*.土壤温度和容重对频率反射土壤水分传感器测量精度的影响. 农业工程学报,2013,29(10):136-143
  [23] 商亮,谷静思,郭文川*.基于介电特性及ANN的油桃糖度无损检测方法. 农业工程学报,2013,29(17):257-264
  [24] 郭文川*, 商亮, 王铭海, 朱新华.基于介电频谱的采后苹果可溶性固形物含量无损检测.农业机械学报,2013,44(9):132-137.
  [25] 郭文川*, 王铭海, 谷静思, 朱新华. 近红外光谱结合极限学习机识别贮藏期的损伤猕猴桃. 光学精密工程, 2013,21(10): 2720-2727.
  [26] 郭文川,杨军,刘驰,朱新华.基于交流阻抗法的小麦秸秆含水率检测仪设计.农业工程学报,2013,29(23):46-52
  [27] 郭文川, 周超超, 韩文霆.基于Android手机的植物叶片面积快速无损测量系统.农业机械学报,2014,45(1):275-280
  [28] 郭文川,刘大洋.猕猴桃膨大果的近红外漫反射光谱无损识别.农业机械学报,2014,45(9):230-235.
  [29] 郭文川, 刘东雪, 周超超, 韩文霆*. 基于电容特性的植物叶片含水率无损检测仪.农业机械学报,2014,45(10):288-293.
  [30] 迟茜,王转卫,杨婷婷,刘大洋,郭文川*.基于近红外高光谱成像的猕猴桃早期隐性损伤识别.农业机械学报,2015,46(3):235-241.
  [31] 郭文川, 宋克鑫, 韩文霆.管针式土壤含水率探头设计与影响因素分析. 农业机械学报, 2015,46(5):115-121.
  [32] 郭文川*, 董金磊. 高光谱成像结合人工神经网络无损检测桃的硬度. 光学精密工程, 2015, 23(6): 1530-1537
  [33] 郭文川, 房丽洁, 董金磊, 王转卫. 介电谱无损检测梨内部品质方法研究.农业机械学报,2015,46(9):233-239
  [34] 郭文川, 康飞, 朱新华*. 频率、温度和大豆蛋白对牛乳介电特性的影响. 农业机械学报,2015,46(10):274-278,115.
  [35] 郭文川*,孔繁荣,王转卫,刘大洋. 梨生长发育后期介电特性、生理特性和内部品质的关系. 现代食品科技,2015,31(11):51:55
  5. 授权的发明专利
  [1] 郭文川, 周超超, 刘兴林, 韩文霆.一种基于手机的快速检测叶片面积的方法及装置, CN2.4
  [2]郭文川, 朱新华, 刘大洋, 王转为, 迟茜. 一种基于近红外光谱技术的猕猴桃膨大果无损检测方法, CN9.9
  [3]郭文川, 朱新华, 刘大洋, 迟茜, 王转卫. 一种基于高光谱成像技术的猕猴桃膨大果无损检测方法, CN9.6
  [4] 郭文川, 宋克鑫, 韩文霆. 一种基于频域反射法的管针式土壤含水率检测方法和装置, CN8.1
  6. 指导的研究生荣获的校优秀硕士学位论文
  [1]商亮. 基于介电谱无损检测苹果品质及种类, 2015年.
  [2]董金磊. 氯吡脲对猕猴桃理化参数的影响及猕猴桃膨大果识别方法研究, 2016年.

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