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办公地点: 文津楼三段五层3527
雷秀娟,陕西西安人,教授(2012-),博士生导师(2014-)。2005.5以人才引进方式到陕西师范大学计算机科学学院任教。2014.12-2019.12任计算机科学学院副院长。于2001.4、2005.5在西北工业大学获得工学硕士和博士学位,2005.6-2007.12在西北工业大学控制科学与工程博士后流动站工作。2009.10-2010.10在State University of New York at Buffalo,USA计算机科学与工程系访问(国家留基委公派访问****,合作导师Aidong Zhang教授)。2013.9-2014.8在北京大学信息科学技术学院访问(教育部青年骨干访问****,合作导师许进教授)。2019.12-2020.12在Georgia State University,USA计算机科学系访问(国家留基委公派访问****,合作导师潘毅教授)。任中国人工智能学会生物信息与人工生命专委会常务委员(2019.06-,委员2016.06-2019.06),中国计算机学会生物信息学专委会首批委员(2016.02-),中国自动化学会智能健康与生物信息专委会首批委员(2020.12-),中国计算机学会理论计算机科学专委委员(2013.10-),陕西省计算机学会理事(2013.12-),陕西省生物信息学学会发起人、理事(2019.12-),陕西省高等院校科学技术协会联合会理事(2019.03-),CCF高级会员,CAAI高级会员,CAA会员,IEEE会员,ACM会员,SIGBIO会员。主持国家自然科学基金3项,省部级项目3项。科学出版社出版专著1部《群智能优化算法及其应用》,在John Wiley & Sons, Inc.、IGI Global和IET分别出版图书章节,发表研究论文100余篇,授权国家发明专利4项,登记软件著作权20项,获陕西高等学校科学技术奖(自然科学奖)一等奖1项、陕西省科学技术奖(自然科学奖)二等奖1项。研究方向:智能计算、生物信息计算、人工智能、机器学习、深度学习、数据挖掘。

Dr. Xiujuan Lei is currently a Professor and Ph.D. supervisor in the School of Computer Science at Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an, China. She was the vice dean of the School of Computer Science from 2014 to 2019.
She received her M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, China, in 2001 and 2005, respectively. She worked as a visiting professor with Professor Aidong Zhang in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of State University of New York at Buffalo, USA from 2009 to 2010, with Professor Jin Xu at the School of Information Science and Technology in Peking University from 2013 to 2014, and with Professor Yi Pan in the Department of Computer Science at Georgia State University, USA from 2019 to 2020.
She serves as a standing committee member of the Bioinformatics and Artificial Life Committee of the Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence (CAAI), a member of the Bioinformatics Committee of the China Computer Federation (CCF), a member of the Theoretical Computer Science Committee of CCF, a member of Intelligent Health and Bioinformatics Committee of Chinese Association of Automation (CAA). She is also a senior member of CCF and CAAI, a member of CAA, IEEE, ACM and SIGBIO. She serves as an editorial board member of IASEI Transactions on Swarm Intelligence and executive guest editor of the journal Current Proteomics. She served as publicity chair or session chair and delivered speeches of many international conferences.
She published a monograph 《Swarm Intelligence Optimization Algorithm and Its Application》 in China Science Publishing & Media Ltd, and published several book chapters in John Wiley & Sons, Inc., IGI Global and IET, respectively. She has published more than 100 research papers. She has won the Science and Technology Award of Shaanxi Universities (First Prize of Natural Science Award), the Science and Technology Award of Shaanxi Province (Second Prize of Natural Science Award).
Till now, 9 of her graduate students won National Scholarship in which 3 received financial support of CSC simultaneously to pursue doctoral degree abroad and 1 of them passed CSC doctoral exchange program. Many of her graduate students pursue doctoral degree in top universities in China such as Xi’an Jiaotong University, Tongji University and Beijing Institute of Technology, etc. Furthermore, 2 of her graduate students got The 1st Excellent master's thesis of Shaanxi Computer Society in 2020.
Her current research interests mainly include intelligent computing, bioinformatics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning and data mining.

[1] 雷秀娟,张文祥,刘恋.基于多数据融合的circRNA-疾病关联关系预测.中国科学·信息科学,2020.2.25,DOI:10.1360/SSI-2019-0142

[2] Xiujuan Lei, Wenxiang Zhang. Logistic Regression Algorithm to Identify Candidate Disease Genes Based on Reliable Protein-protein Interaction Network. Science China - Information Sciences, 2020 (SCI,中科院大类二区,2019IF:3.304) CN:11-5847/TP,DOI: 10.1007/s11432-018-1512-0
[3] Xiujuan Lei, Chen Bian, Yi Pan. Predicting circRNA-Disease Association Based on Improved Weighted Biased Meta-Structure. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, (SCI,中科院大类二区,2019IF:1.506) CN:11-2296/TP,DOI:10.1007/s00000-021-0798-1
[4] Xiujuan Lei, Thosini Bamunu Mudiyanselage, Yuchen Zhang, Chen Bian, Wei Lan, Ning Yu, Yi Pan. A Comprehensive Survey on Computational Methods of Non-coding RNA and Disease Association Prediction. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2020 (SCI,中科院大类一区,2019IF:8.990,Top) DOI:10.1093/bib/bbaa350
[5] Xiujuan Lei, Yueyue Wang. Predicting Microbe-disease Association by Learning Graph Representations and Rule-based Inference on the Heterogeneous Network. Frontiers in Microbiology, Apr.2020, 11:579 (SCI,中科院大类二区,2019IF:4.235, Top )
[6] Xiujuan Lei, Xiaoqin Yang, Fang-Xiang Wu. Artificial Fish Swarm Optimization Based Method to Identify Essential Proteins. IEEE-ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Mar.- Apr. 2020, 17(2): 495-505 (SCI,中科院大类三区,2019IF:3.015)
[7] Xiujuan Lei, Ming Fang, Hamido Fujita. Moth-Flame Optimization-Based Algorithm with Synthetic Dynamic PPI Networks for Discovering Protein Complexes. Knowledge-Based Systems, May. 2019, 172: 76-85 (SCI,中科院大类二区,2019IF:5.921)
[8] Xiujuan Lei, Yuchen Zhang. Predicting Disease-genes Based on Network Information Loss and Protein Complexes in Heterogeneous Networks. Information Sciences, Apr. 2019, 479: 386-400 (SCI,中科院大类二区,2019IF:5.918,Top)
[9] Xiujuan Lei, Jie Zhao, Hamido Fujita, Aidong Zhang. Predicting Essential Proteins Based on RNA-Seq, Subcellular Localization and GO annotation datasets. Knowledge-Based Systems, Jul. 2018, 151: 136-148 (SCI,中科院大类二区,2018IF:5.101)
[10] Xiujuan Lei, Fei Wang, Fang-Xiang Wu, Aidong Zhang, Witold Pedrycz. Protein Complex Identification through Markov Clustering with Firefly Algorithm on Dynamic Protein-protein Interaction Networks. Information Sciences, Apr. 2016, 329: 303-316 (SCI,中科院大类二区,2016 IF:4.832,Top)
More at Google Scholar:

[1] 雷秀娟.《群智能优化算法及其应用》,科学出版社,北京,2012.8
[2] Yuchen Zhang, Xiujuan Lei, Ying Tan. Application of Fireworks Algorithm in Bioinformatics, in 《Handbook of Research on Fireworks Algorithms and Swarm Intelligence》, book edited by Ying Tan, IGI Global, USA, Apr. 2020, pp.233-262 (invited Book Chapter)
[3] Shi Cheng, Hui Lu, Xiujuan Lei, Yuhui Shi. Brain Storm Optimization Algorithms: More Questions than Answers, in 《Brain Storm Optimization Algorithms: Concepts, Principles and Applications》, book edited by Shi Cheng, Yuhui Shi, Springer Nature Switzerland, Jun.2019, pp.3-32(invited Book Chapter)
[4] Xiujuan Lei, Yuchen Zhang, Jie Zhao, Shi Cheng and Ying Tan. Firefly Algorithm and Its Applications, in《Swarm Intelligence: Innovation, New Algorithms and Methods》, book edited by Ying Tan, IET, London, United Kingdom, Aug.2018, pp.221-250. (invited Book Chapter)
[5] Shi Cheng, Quande Qin, Bin Liu, Xiujuan Lei and Yuhui Shi. Generalization Ability of Swarm, in 《Swarm Intelligence: Principles, Current Algorithms and Methods》, book edited by Ying Tan, IET, Aug.2018, Volume1, pp.29-54 (invited Book Chapter)
[6]Xiujuan Lei, Fei Wang, Ying Tan. Swarm Intelligent Optimization Algorithms and Its Application in Mobile Robot Path Planning, in《Handbook of Research on Design, Control, and Modeling of Swarm Robotics》, book edited by Ying Tan, IGI Global(formerly Idea Group Inc.), USA, 2015, Dec.2015, pp.286-318 (invited Book Chapter)
[7] Lei Shi, Xiujuan Lei, and Aidong Zhang. Protein Functional Module Analysis with Protein-Protein Interaction (PPI) Networks, in《Algorithmic and Artificial Intelligence Methods for Protein Bioinformatics》, book edited by Yi Pan, Jianxin Wang, and Min Li, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., USA, Oct.2013, pp. 393-411. (invited Book Chapter)

[1] 国家自然科学基金(面上项目,资助号:**):基于计算方法的circRNA功能挖掘及其与复杂疾病的关系预测研究,2020.1-2023.12,主持
[2] 国家自然科学基金(面上项目,资助号:**):动态蛋白质网络复合物识别方法研究及其应用,2017.1-2020.12,主持
[3] 国家自然科学基金(青年科学基金项目,资助号:**):PPI网络融合化智能信息流模型与算法及其评价研究,2012.1-2014.12,主持
[4] 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金(教外司留[2012]1707号):基于群智能优化机理的PPI网络功能模块检测新型模型与算法研究,2013.1-2014.12,主持
[5] 陕西省科技厅项目(工业科技攻关,资助号:2015GY016):蛋白质相互作用网络大数据模式挖掘研究,2015.1-2016.12,主持
[6] 陕西省科技厅项目(自然科学基础研究计划,资助号:2010JQ8034):基于粒子群优化的PPI网络新型聚类算法研究,2010.1-2011.12,主持
[7] 中央高校基本科研业务费创新团队项目(资助号:GK):生物组学大数据挖掘与疾病靶点预测,2019.1-2021.12,主持

[1] 雷秀娟,谢娟英,陆铖,代才,陈昱莅.高维多尺度生物大数据模式挖掘与疾病预测.陕西省科学技术奖(自然科学奖)二等奖,陕西省人民政府,Dec.2019

[2] 雷秀娟,谢娟英,陆铖,代才,王飞,丁玉连.高维多尺度生物大数据模式挖掘与疾病预测.陕西高等学校科学技术奖(自然科学奖)一等奖,陕西省教育厅,Mar.2018
[3] 指导的2016级研究生方铭、2017级研究生张文祥荣获“2020年(首届)陕西省计算机学会优秀硕士论文”。

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