

西北大学 免费考研网/2014-08-24










  College Introduction Northwest University(NWU)is acomprehensive university of higher learning listed in the state"Project 211",and one of the universities supported by the state in its Western China Development Campaign.NWU has its origin in Shaanxi College founded in 1902,and adopted its present name in 1912.In the early period of the founding of PRC,NWU was akey university under direct administration of the Ministry of Education(MOE).In 1958,it came under the administration of the Shaanxi Provincial Government.NWU was redesignated as aChina's key university in 1978,and as auniversity co-built by the Shaanxi Provincial Government and the Ministry of Education in 2009.

  NWU is Located in Xi'an,a famous historical city,its 2,360-mu campuses provide an excellent environment for the student and scholar.NWU has afaculty and staff over 2,400,Its current enrollment includes 24,000 undergraduate and graduate students.The university consists of 21 schools and/or departments and offers 71 undergraduate programs,10 primary doctoral programs,15 postdoctoral stations,3 national demonstration centers of experimental teaching,7 national bases for talent training,18 ministerial/provincial key labs/engineering and technology research centers.

  The chemistry discipline of NWU,the earliest center cultivating chemical talent in the western China,got its origin in 1923.It was named as Chemistry Department in 1937,and the College of Chemistry and Materials Science in 2008.

  The College is located on the north campus of the university.Current enrollment includes 600 full-time undergraduate and 300 full-time graduate students.The college lays emphasis on teaching and research,and places the training of undergraduate and graduate students as important as the status of place.

  The college consists of 3departments:Department of Chemistry,Department of Materials Chemistry,and Department of Chemical Biology.Based on the nation's base for cultivating chemical talent and the national chemical experiment teaching demonstration center,undergraduate teaching was organized under 4majors:chemistry,applied chemistry,materials chemistry,and chemical biology,of which chemistry major is anational excellent major.

  The college has its doctoral program in chemistry discipline,offering programs leading to the PhD degree in the fields of analytical,inorganic,organic,physical and materials chemistry,polymer chemistry and physics,and chemical biology.Programs leading to the Master Degree are offered in the fields all mentioned above and in the field of materials physics and chemistry.In addition,PhD scholars are received to do their research by the post-doctoral research station of the college.

  The NWU chemistry discipline is one of the key disciplines supported by the nation's“Project 211”.Since modern chemical research is increasingly interdisciplinary in nature,the college does not maintain traditional autonomous divisions.Much of the current research activity in the college is organized under the Key Laboratory of Synthetic and Natural Functional Molecular Chemistry of MOE and the 3provincial key laboratories:Electroanalytical Chemistry,Modern Separation Science,and Physico-Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory.

  The college current personnel include 35 full professors,33 associate professors,22 lecturers and 30 technical and administration staff.The productine publications with more the 100 SCI papers attdent ahigh level of the college in academic.Also,the quality of the faculty can also be judged by the number of competitive awards and honors it has received.Of the faculty,two has been elected academician,four have been awarded national(3)and provincial(1)outstanding teacher prize,six have been awarded the titles of national(2)and provincial(4)outstanding experts.

  The college carries actively out international exchange and cooperation with several famous universities in the world,including from USA,Japan and alot of European countries,and has received hundreds of visiting scholars and experts from different countries and regions.


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