

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-29


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综合介绍 General Introduction

从事图论及其应用研究工作,主要研究方向包括:结构图论、极值图论、网络大数据、群体智能和系统可靠性与安全性等,主持国家自然科学基金项目 5 项,参加国家自然科学基金项目6项(包括重点项目1项),发表学术论文100余篇。


工作经历 Work Experience



教育经历 Education Experience

教育教学 Education And Teaching


招生信息 Admission Information

荣誉获奖 Awards Information

29. 2020年美国大学生数学建模竞赛美国一等奖(一项,教练),2020
28. 陕西省高等教育教学成果奖(基于多元化创新人才培养的大学数学课程改革与实践:二等,排名第二),2019
27. 2019年美国大学生数学建模竞赛美国二等奖(两项,教练),2019
26. 2018年全国大学生数学建模竞赛陕西赛区二等奖(两项,教练),2018
25. 2018年美国大学生数学建模竞赛美国二等奖(四项,教练),2018
24. 陕西省高等教育教学成果奖(以“创新、交叉、实践”培养国防特色高校数学专业创新人才:一等,排名第一),2017
23. 西北工业大学优秀教学成果奖(国防特色高校数学专业创新型人才培养模式的探索与实践:一等,排名第一),2017
22. 2017年全国大学生数学建模竞赛陕赛区一等奖(教练),2017
21. 西北工业大学研究生最满意教师,2016
20. 陕西省本科高校教学团队(数学与应用数学,负责人),2015
19. 陕西省高等教育教学成果奖(创新型计算科学人才培养模式的研究与实践:二等,排名第四),2015
18. 西北工业大学优秀教学成果奖(重点理工科大学数学本科专业建设的探索与实践:二等,排名第一),2015
17. 西北工业大学优秀共产党员,2014
16. 西北工业大学优秀教学成果奖(二等,排名第二),2014
15. 西北工业大学研究生教学奖教金(优秀),2013
14. 2010年全国大学生数学建模竞赛陕赛区二等奖(教练),2010
13. 2004-2005学年西北工业大学奖教金,2005
12. 2005年美国大学生数学建模竞赛美国三等奖(教练),2005
11. 2004年美国大学生数学建模竞赛美国三等奖(教练),2004
10. 大学生数学建模竞赛陕西赛赛区优秀指导教师,2002
9. 2001年美国大学生数学建模竞赛美国三等奖(教练),2001
8. 2001年全国大学生数学建模竞赛陕赛区一等奖(教练),2001
7. 西北工业大学优秀青年教师,2001年
6. 2000-2001学年西北工业大学奖教金,2001
5. 2000年全国大学生数学建模竞赛全国一等奖及优秀论文(教练), 2000
4. 1997-1998学年西北工业大学奖教金,1998
3. 1998年美国大学生数学建模竞赛美国二等奖(教练),1998
2. 1996-1997学年成都飞机设计研究所奖教金,1997
1. 1996年全国大学生数学建模竞赛陕西赛区一等奖(教练),1996

科学研究 Scientific Research

学术成果 Academic Achievements

116. Zhiwei Guo, Binlong Li, Xueliang Li, Shenggui Zhang, Compatible spanning circuits in edge-colored graphs, Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 343 (7) (2020) 111908SCI索引)
115. Pengfei Wan, Xinzhuang Chen, Jianhua Tu, Matthias Dehmer, Shenggui Zhang, Frank Emmert Streib, On graph entropy measures based on the number of independent sets and matchings, Information Sciences, Vol. 516 (2020) 491-504 SCI索引)
114. Wei Zheng, Hajo Broersam, Ligong Wang and Shenggui Zhang, Conditions on subgraphs, degrees, and domination for hamiltonian properties of graphs, Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 343 (1) (2020) 111644SCI索引)
113. Xiao Wang, You Lu, Cun-Quan Zhang, Shenggui Zhang, Six-flows on almost balanced signed graphs, Journal of Graph Theory, Vol. 92 (2019) 394-404SCI索引)

112. Pengfei Wan, Jianhua Tu, Matthias Dehmer, Shenggui Zhang, Frank Emmert-Streib, Graph entropy based on the number of spanning forests of c-cyclic graphs, Appl. Math. Comput., Vol.363 (2019) 05C75 (94A17)SCI索引)

111. Dan Hu, Xueliang Li, Xiaogang Liu and Shenggui Zhang, Extremality of graph entropy based on degrees of uniform hypergraphs with few edges, Acta Mathematicaa Sinica, Vol. 35 (7) (2019) 1238-1250SCI索引)
110. Binlong Li and Shenggui Zhang, On traceability of claw-o_{-1}=heavy graphs, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, Vol. 35, No. 2 (2019) 444-451SCI索引)
109. ShinyaFujita, Bo Ning, Chuandong Xu, Shenggui Zhang, On sufficient conditions for rainbow cycles in edge-colored graphs, Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 342 (7) (2019) 1956–1965SCI索引)
108.Jimeng Xiao, Huajun Zhang and Shenggui Zhang, Independent sets in tensor products of vertex-transitive graphs, Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 342 (5) (2019) 1310-1317SCI索引)
107.Ruonan Li, Hajo Broersma and Shenggui Zhang, Properly edge-colored theta graphs in edge-colored complete graphs, Graphs and Combinatorics, Vol. 35 (1) (2019) 261-286SCI索引)
106.Jiuqiang Liu, Shenggui Zhang, Jimeng Xiao, A Common generalization to theorems on set systems with L-intersections, Acta Mathematicaa Sinica, Vol. 34 (7) (2018) 1087-1100SCI索引)
105.Zhiwei Guo, Xueliang Li, Chuandon Xu, Shenggui Zhang, Compatible Eulerian circuits in Eulerian (di)graphs with generalized transition systems, Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 341 (2018) 2104–2112SCI索引)
104.Pengfei Wan, Jianhua Tu, Shenggui Zhang, Binlong Li, Computing the numbers of independent sets and matchings of all sizes for graphs with bounded treewidth, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 332 (1) (2018) 42–47SCI索引)
103.Shinya Fujita, Ruonan Li and Shenggui Zhang, Color degree and monochromatic degree conditions for short properly colored cycles in edge-colored graphs, Journal of Graph Theory, Vol. 87 (3) (2018) 362–373SCI索引)
102.Yandong Bai, Shinya Fujita, Shenggui Zhang, Kernels by properly colored paths in arc-colored digraph, Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 341 (6) (2018) 1523–1533SCI索引)
101.Binlong Li, Hajo Broersma, Shenggui Zhang, Conditions for graphs to be path partition optimal, Discrete Mathematics,341 (5) (2018)1350–1358SCI索引)
100.Jimemeng Xiao, Shenggui Zhang, Jiuqiang Liu, Families of vector spaces with r-wise L-intersections, Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 341 (4) (2018) 1041–1054 SCI索引)
99. Nan Gao, Dan Hu, Xiaogang Liu and Shenggui Zhang, Laplacian spectral moment of random graphs, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 461 (2018) 1299-1307SCI索引)
98.Lu Qiao, Shenggui Zhang and Jing Li, Coulson-type integral formulas for the general energy of polynomials with real roots, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 320 (2018) 202-212SCI索引)
97.Dan Hu, Xueliang Li, Xiaogang Liu and Shenggui Zhang, The von Neumann entropy of random multipartite graphs Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol. 232 (2017) 201-216SCI索引)
96. Binlong Li and Shenggui Zhang, On heavy paths in 2-connected weighted graphs, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, Vol. 33 (2017) 789-798SCI索引)
95. Ruonan Li, Hajo Broersma, Chuandong Xu and Shenggui Zhang, Cycle extension in edge-colored complete graphs, Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 340 (2017) 1235-1241SCI索引)
94. Dan Hu, Xueliang Li, Xiaogang Liu and Shenggui Zhang, The spectral distribution of random mixed graphs, Linear Algebra and Applications, Vol. 519 (2017) 343-365SCI索引)
93. Lu Qiao, Shenggui Zhang and Jing Li, Coulson-type integral formula for the general Laplacian-energy like invariant of graphs II, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 449 (2) 1725-1740SCI索引)
92. Binlong Li, Bo Ning and Shenggui Zhang, Degree conditions restricted to induced paths for hamiltonicity of claw-heavy graphs, Acta Mathematicaa Sinica, Vol. 33 (2017) 301-310SCI索引)
91.Binlong Li, Hajo Broersma and Shenggui Zhang, Forbidden subgraphs for hamiltonicity of 1-tough graphs, Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory, Vol. 36 (2016) 915-929SCI索引)
90.Jiuqiang Liu, Shenggui Zhang, Shuchao Li and Huihui Zhang, Set systems with k-wise L-intersections and codes with restricted Hamming distances, European Journal of Combinatorics, Vol. 58 (2016) 166-180SCI索引)
89. Ruonan Li, Bo Ning and Shenggui Zhang, Color degree sum conditions for rainbow triangles in edge-colored graphs, Graphs and Combinatorics, Vol. 32 (5) (2016) 2001-2008SCI索引)
88.Dan Hu, Xueliang Li, Xiaogang Liu and Shenggui Zhang, The Laplacian energy and Laplacian Estrada index of random multipartite graphs, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 443 (2) (2016) 675-685SCI索引)
87. Roman, Cada, Binlong Li, Bo Ning and Shenggui Zhang, Induced subgraphs with large degrees at end-vertices for hamiltonicity of claw-free graphs, Acta Mathematica Sinica, Vol. 32 (7) (2016) 845-855SCI索引)
86. Binling Li and Shenggui Zhang, Heavy subgraph conditions for longest cycles to be heavy in graphs, Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory, Vol. 36 (2) (2016) 383-392SCI索引)
85. Bo Ning, Shenggui Zhang and Binlong Li, Solution to a problem on hamiltonicity of graphs under Ore- and Fan-type heavy subgraph conditions, Graphs and Combinatorics, Vol. 32 (2016) 1125-1135SCI索引)
84. Chuandong Xu, Xiaoxue Hu, Weifan Wang and Shenggui, Zhang, Rainbow cliques in edge-colored graphs, European Journal of Combinatorics, Vol. 54 (2016) 193-200SCI索引)
83.Binlong Li, Bo Ning and Shenggui Zhang, Long paths and cycles passing through specified vertices under the average degree condition, Graphs and Combinatorics, Vol. 32 (2016) 279-295SCI索引)
82.Lu Qiao, Shenggui Zhang, Bo Ning and Jing Li, Coulson-type integral formula for the general Laplacian-energy like invariant of graphs I, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 435 (2016) 1249-1261SCI索引)
81.Chuandong Xu, Shenggui Zhang and Yi Wang, On the maximum arc-chromatic number of digraphs with bounded outdegrees or indegrees, Information Processing letters, Vol. 115 (2015) 939-944SCI索引)
80. 徐川东,张胜贵,王艺,竞赛图弧色数的上界,运筹学学报,第19卷第2期 (2015) 91-98
79.Binlong Li and Shenggui Zhang, Forbidden subgraphs for longest cycles to contain vertices with large degree, Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 338, No. 10 (2015) 1681-1689SCI索引)
78. Binlong Li, Bo Ning, Hajo Broersma and Shenggui Zhang, Characterizing heavy subgraphs pairs for pancyclicity, Graphs and Combinatorics, Vol. 31, No. 3 (2015) 649-667SCI索引)
77.Chuandong Xu, Shenggui Zhang, Bo Ning and Binlong Li, A note on the number of spanning trees of line digraphs, Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 338, No. 5 (2015) 688-694SCI索引)
76.Nan Gao, Lu Qiao, Bo Ning, and Shenggui Zhang, Coulson-type integral formulas for for the Estrada index of graphs and the skew Estrada index of oriented graphs, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem., Vol. 73, No. 1 (2015) 133-148SCI索引)
75.T.C.E. Cheng, Yinkui Li, Chuandong Xu and Shenggui Zhang, Extreme tenacity of graphs with given order and size, Journal of the Operations Research Society of China, Vol. 2, No. 3 (2014) 307-315
74.Shenggui Zhang and Chuncao Zhou, Bipartite graphs with the maximum sum of squares of degrees, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, Vol. 30, No. 3 (2014) 1-6SCI索引)
73.Bo Ning, Shenggui Zhang and Bing Chen, Degree and neighborhood intersection conditions restricted to induced subgraphs ensuring Hamiltonicity of graphs, Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications, Vol. 6, No. 3 (2014) **
72. Hajo Broersma, Binlong Li and Shenggui Zhang, Heavy subgraph pairs for traceability of block-chains, Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory, Vol. 34, No. 2 (2014) 287-307(SCI索引)
71.涂慧玲,张胜贵,司书宾,兑红炎,面向维修过程的多态混联系统综合重要度计算方法,自动化学报,第40卷第1期 (2014) 126-134
70. Binling Li, Bo Ning, Chuandong Xu and Shenggui Zhang, Rainbow triangles in edge-colored graphs, European Journal of Combinatorics, Vol. 36 (2014) 453-459SCI索引)
69. Bing Chen and Shenggui Zhang, Heavy cycles in triangle-free weighted graphs under Ore's degree condition, 数学研究, 第45卷第4期 (2013) 342-349
68. Bo Ning and Shenggui Zhang, Ore- and Fan-type heavy subgraphs for Hamiltonicity of 2-connected graphs, Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 313 (2013) 1715-1725SCI索引)
67. Chuandong Xu, Shenggui Zhang and You Lu, Covering digraphs with small indegrees or outdegrees by directed cuts, Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 313 (2013) 1648-1654SCI索引)
66. Binlong Li, Hajo Broersma and Shenggui Zhang, Forbidden subgraph pairs for traceability of block-chains, The Electronic Journal of Graph Theory and Applications, Vol. 1 (2013) 1-10
65. Bolin Chen, Jinhong Shi, Shenggui Zhang and Fangxiang Wu, Identifying protein complexes in protein–protein interaction networks by using clique seeds and graph entropy, Proteomics, Vol. 13 (2013) 269-277SCI索引)
64. Binlong Li, Hajo Broersma and Shenggui Zhang, Pairs of forbidden induced subgraphs for homogeneously traceable graphs, Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 312 (2012) 2800-2818SCI索引)
63. Jan Ekstein, Premysl Holub, Tomas Kaiser, Liming Xiong and Shenggui Zhang, Star subdivisions and connected even factors in the square of a graph, Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 312 (2012) 2574-2578SCI索引)
62. Binlong Li and Shenggui Zhang, Notes on heavy cycles in weighted digraphs, Applied Mathematics Letters, Vol. 312 (2012) 2574-2578SCI索引)
61. Yandong Bai, Binlong Li and Shenggui Zhang, Covering the edges of digraphs in D(3,3) and D(4,4) with directed cuts, Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 312 (2012) 1596-1601SCI索引)
60.Hongbo Hua and Shenggui Zhang, On the reciprocal degree distance of graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol. 160 (2012) 1152-1163SCI索引)
59.Hongbo Hua and Shenggui Zhang, Relations between Zagreb coindices and some distance-based topological indices, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem., Vol.68, No.1 (2012) 199-208SCI索引)
58. Shubin Si, Hongyan Dui, Xibin Zhao, Shenggui Zhang and Shudong Sun, Integrated importance measure of component states based on loss of system performance, IEEE Transaction on Reliability, Vol. 61, No. 1 (2012) 192-202SCI索引)
57. Shengning Qiao and Shenggui Zhang, Spanning cyclic subdivisions of vertex-disjoint cycles and chorded cycles in graphs, Graphs and Combinatorics, Vol. 24, No. 6 (2011) 908–910SCI索引)
56. Binlong Li, Ying Wang, Zdenek Ryjacek and Shenggui Zhang, Pairs of heavy subgraphs for Hamiltonicity of 2-connected graphs, SIAM Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 26 (2012) 1088-1103 SCI索引)
55.Hongbo Hua and Shenggui Zhang, Further results on the eccentric distance sum, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol. 160 (2012) 170-180SCI索引)
54.Bolin Chen, Yan Yan, Jinhong Shi, Shenggui Zhang, Fang-Xiang Wu, "An Improved Graph Entropy-based Method for Identifying Protein Complexes," bibm, pp.123-126, 2011 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, 2011
53. Zongtian, Wei, Shenggui Zhang and Meijuan Zhai, Vertex-neighbor-integrity of composition graphs of cycles, Utilitas Mathematica, Vol. 86 (2011) 257-265SCI索引)
52.Yan Yan, Shenggui Zhang and Fangxiang Wu, Applications of graph theory in protein structure identification, Proteome Science, 2011, 9 (Sppl 1): S 17SCI索引)
51. Hongbo Hua and Shenggui Zhang, Graphs with given number of cut vertices and extremal Merrifield-Simmons index, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol. 159, (2011) 971–980SCI索引)
50. Binlong Li and Shenggui Zhang, Heavy cycles and spanning trees with few leaves in weighted graphs, Applied Mathematics Letters, Vol. 24, No. 6 (2011) 908–910SCI索引)
49. Hongbo Hua and Shenggui Zhang, A unified approach to extremal trees with respect to geometric-arithmetic, Szeged and edge Szeged indices, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem., Vol.65, No.3 (2011) 691-704SCI索引)
48. Wu Jiang and Shenggui Zhang, " Computing the connectivity indices of α- and β-cyclodextrins ," bibm, pp.107-102, 2010 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, 20110
47. Bing Chen and Shenggui Zhang, Computing the scattering number of bicyclic graphs," cis, pp.497-500, 2010 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security, 2010
46.Shubin Si, Zhqiang Cai, Shudong Sun and Shenggui Zhang, Integrated importance measures of multi-state systems under uncertainty, Computers and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 54, No. 4 (2010) 921-928SCI索引)
45. Shengning Qiao and Shenggui Zhang, Vertex-disjoint chorded cycles in a graph, Operations Research Letters, Vol. 33, No 6 (2010) 564-566SCI索引)
44. Yinkui Li and Shenggui Zhang, Extremal graphs with given order and the rupture degree, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 60, No 6 (2010) 1706-1710SCI索引)
43. Binlong Li and Shenggui Zhang, On extremal weighted digraphs with no heavy paths, Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 310 (2010) 1640-1644SCI索引)
42. Shengning Qiao and Shenggui Zhang, Degree sum conditions for oriented forests in digraphs, Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 309 (2009) 4642-4645SCI索引)
41.Bing Chen, Shenggui Zhang and Shengning Qiao, Hamilton cycles in claw-heavy graphs, Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 309 (2009) 2015-2019SCI索引)
40. T.C. Edwin Cheng, Yonglin Guo and Shenggui Zhang, Extreme values of the sum of squares of degrees of bipartite graphs, Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 309 (2009) 1557-1564SCI索引)
39. Bing Chen, Shenggui Zhang and T.C. Edwin Cheng, Heavy cycles in k-connected weighted graphs with large weighted degree sums, Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 308, No.20 (2008) 4531-4543SCI索引)
38.Zongtian Wei and Shenggui Zhang, Vertex-neighbor-integrity of composition graphs of paths, Ars Combinatoria, Vol. 86, No.6 (2008) 349-361SCI索引)
37.Bing Chen and Shenggui Zhang, A new -type condition for heavy cycles in weighted graph, Ars Combinatoria, Vol. 87, No.1 (2008) 393-402SCI索引)
36. Zongtian Wei and Shenggui Zhang, Vertex-neighbor-integrity of composition graphs of paths and cycles, International J. Computer Math., Vol. 85, No.5 (2008) 727-733SCI索引)
35. Yinkui Li, Shenggui Zhang and Qilong Zhang, Vulnerability parameters of splits graphs, International J. Computer Mathematics, Vol. 85, No.1 (2008) 19-23SCI索引)
34. Shuying Peng, Meili Li, Shenggui Zhang and T.C. Edwin Cheng, Some new structural properties of shortest 2-connected Steiner networks, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4613 (2007) 317-324
33. 陈冰,张胜贵,赋权图中存在重圈的一个定理的新证明,高校应用数学学报,第22卷第2期 (2007) 233-239
32. Bing Chen, Shenggui Zhang and T.C. Edwin Cheng, Heavy cycles in 2-connected weighted graphs with large weighted degree sums, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4489 (2007) 338-346
31. Genjiu Xu, Xueliang Li and Shenggui Zhang, The binding number of a digraph, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4381 (2007) 21-29
30.Bing Chen, Shenggui Zhang and T.C. Edwin Cheng, An implicit weighted degree condition for heavy cycles in 2-connected weighted graphs, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4381 (2007) 221-227
29.Jun Fujisawa, Liming Xiong, Kiyoshi Yoshimoto and Shenggui Zhang, The upper bound on the number of cycles in a 2-factor in a line graph, J. Graph Theory, Vol.55, No.1 (2007) 72-82SCI索引)
28. Bing Chen and Shenggui Zhang, An implicit degree condition for long cycles in 2-connected graphs, Applied Mathematics Letters, Vol.19, No.11 (2006) 1148-1151SCI索引)
27. Qilong Zhang and Shenggui Zhang, Edge vulnerability parameters of split graphs, Applied Mathematics Letters, Vol.19, No.9 (2006) 916-920SCI索引)
26. Shenggui Zhang and Wei Wang and T.C. Edwin Cheng, Bicyclic graphs with the first three largest and smallest first general Zagreb index, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem., Vol.56, No.3 (2006) 579-592SCI索引)
25. Shenggui Zhang and Huilin Zhang, Unicyclic graphs with the first three largest and smallest first general Zagreb index, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem., Vol.55, No.2 (2006) 427-438SCI索引)
24.Yinkui Li, Shenggui Zhang and Xueliang Li, Rupture degree of graphs, International J. Computer Mathematics, Vol.82, No.7 (2005) 793-803SCI索引)
23.Jun Fujisawa, Kiyoshi Yoshimoto and Shenggui Zhang, Heavy cycles passing through some specified vertices in weighted graphs, J. Graph Theory, Vol.49, No.2 (2005) 93-103SCI索引)
22. Hajo Broersma, Xueliang Li, Gerhard Woeginger and Shenggui Zhang, Paths and cycles in colored graphs, Australian J. Combinatorics, Vol.31 (2005) 299-305
21. 张胜贵,彭书英,乔胜宁,李美丽,广义欧几里德Steiner问题的研究与进展,工程数学学报,第22卷第4期 (2005) 571-578
20.Shenggui Zhang and Shuying Peng, Relationships between scattering number and other vulnerability parameters, International J. Computer Mathematics, Vol.81, No.3 (2004) 291-298SCI索引)
19. aixing Zhao, Xueliang Li, Shenggui Zhang and Ruying Liu, On the minimum real roots of the -polynomials and chromatic uniqueness of graphs, Discrete Mathematics, Vol.281 (2004) 277-294SCI索引)
18.Ligong Wang, Xueliang Li and Shenggui Zhang, Families of integral trees of diameter 4, 6 and 8, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol.136 (2004) 349-362SCI索引)
17.Shenggui Zhang, Bing Chen and Rongzu Yu, Heavy cycles in k-connected weighted graphs, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, Vol.17 (2004) 293-296
16. 郎荣玲,张胜贵,李学良,分子图拓扑指标逆问题的研究,计算机与应用化学,第21卷第2期 (2004) 269-274
15.Haixing Zhao, Ruiying Liu and Shenggui Zhang, Classification of complete 5-partite graphs and chromaticity of 5-partite graphs with 5n vertices, Appl. Math. J. Chinese Univ. Ser. B, Vol.19, No.1 (2004) 116-124
14.Hao Sun, Shenggui Zhang and Xueliang Li, A coalitional power value for set games, Acta Math. Appl. Sinica, Vol.19, No.3 (2003) 417-424
13. 郎荣玲,李学良,张胜贵,分子图的Zagreb拓扑指标的逆问题,高校应用数学学报A辑,第18卷第4期 (2003) 487-493
12. Shenggui Zhang, Xueliang Li and Xinglou Han, Computing the scattering number of graphs, International J. Computer Mathematics, Vol.79, No.2 (2002) 179-187SCI索引)
11. Shenggui Zhang, Hajo Broersma, Xueliang Li and Ligong Wang, A Fan-type condition for heavy cycles in weighted graphs, Graphs and Combinatorics, Vol.18, No.1 (2002) 193-200SCI索引)
10.Shenggui Zhang, Hao Sun and Xueliang Li, W-density and w-balanced property of weighted graphs, Appl. Math. J. Chinese Univ. Ser. B, Vol.17, No.3 (2002) 355-364
9. 张胜贵,李学良,王力工,通信系统抗破坏能力研究, 西北工业大学学报,第20卷第1期 (2002) 100-103
8.Shenggui Zhang, Hajo Broersma and Xueliang Li, A \sigma_3-type condition for heavy cycles in weighted graphs, Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory, Vol.21, No.2 (2001) 159-166
7. Hao Sun, Shenggui Zhang, Xueliang Li, Theo Driessen and Cornelis Hoede, A co-marginalistic contribution value for set games, International Game Theory Review, Vol.3, No.4 (2001) 351-362
6.Shenggui Zhang and Ziguo Wang, Scattering number in graphs, Networks, Vol. 7, No. 2 (2001) 102-106(SCI索引)
5. Ligong Wang, Xueliang Li and Shenggui Zhang, Some new families of integral trees of diameter 4 and 6, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, Vol.8 (2001)
4. Xueliang Li, Shenggui Zhang and Hajo Broersma, Paths and cycles in colored graphs, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, Vol.8 (2001)
3. 张胜贵,李学良,赋权图中的重路和重圈,西北大学学报,第30卷运筹学专刊 (2001) 25-28
2.Shenggui Zhang, Xueliang Li and Hajo Broersma, Heavy paths and cycles in weighted graphs, Discrete Mathematics, Vol.223, No.1-3 (2000) 327-336SCI索引)
1. Ligong Wang, Xueliang Li and Shenggui Zhang, Construction of integral graphs, Appl. Math. J. Chinese Univ. Ser. B, Vol.15, No.3 (2000) 239-245

社会兼职 Social Appointments

团队信息 Team Information
Gyula O.H. Katona:匈牙利科学院院士,西北工业大学顾问教授
Miklós Simonovits:匈牙利科学院院士,西北工业大学顾问教授
Hajo Broersma:荷兰特文特大学教授,西北工业大学顾问教授
陆 由:西北工业大学副教授、硕士生导师
李 巍:西北工业大学副教授、硕士生导师
李 静:西北工业大学副教授

English Version

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