本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-29
基本信息 The basic information
综合介绍 General Introduction
工作经历 Work Experience
教育经历 Education Experience
教育教学 Education And Teaching
主讲留学生课程:《Advanced Statistics》、《An Introduction to Stochastic Dynamical Systems》
荣誉获奖 Awards Information
科学研究 Scientific Research
学术成果 Academic Achievements
Yue Xiaole, Xiang Yilin, Zhang Ying, Xu Yong, Global dynamics of the dry friction oscillator with shape memory alloy, Archive of Applied Mechanics, Doi: 10.1007/s00419-020-01741-z. (SCI)
Yue Xiaole, Xu Wei, Xu Yong, Sun Jian-Qiao, Global invariant manifolds of dynamical systems with the compatible cell mapping method, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2019, 29(08): **. (SCI)
Yue Xiaole, Wang Yanyan, Han Qun, Xu Yong, Xu Wei, Probabilistic response and stochastic bifurcation in a turbulent swirling flow, Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 2019, 14: 111005. (SCI)
Yue Xiaole, Xiang Yilin, Zhang Ying, Global analysis of the crises in the shape memory thin plate system, Acta Physica Sinica, 2019, 68(18): 180501. (SCI)
Yue Xiaole, Wang Yanyan, Han Qun, Xu Yong, Xu Wei, Transient responses of nonlinear dynamical systems under colored noise, EPL, 2019, 127: 24004. (SCI)
Yue Xiaole, Xu Yong, Xu Wei, Sun Jian-Qiao, Probabilistic response of dynamical systems based on the global attractor with the compatible cell mapping method, Physica A, 2019, 516: 509-519. (SCI)
Yue Xiaole, Xu Wei, Xu Yong, Sun Jian-Qiao, Non-stationary response of MDOF dynamical systems under combined Gaussian and Poisson white noises by the generalized cell mapping method, Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 2019, 55: 102-108. (SCI)
Han Qun, Yue Xiaole, Chi Hongmei, Chen Shun, Stochastic response and bifurcations of a dry friction oscillator with periodic excitation based on a modified short-time Gaussian approximation scheme, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2019,96 (3), 2001-2011. (SCI)
Li Hua, Xu Yong, Yue Xiaole, Jürgen Kurths,Transition-event duration in one-dimensional systems under correlated noise, Physica A, 2019, 532, 121764. (SCI)
Li Hua, Xu Yong, Jürgen Kurths, Yue Xiaole, Stationary distribution simulation of rare events under colored Gaussian noise, The European Physical Journal B, 2019,92 (4), 76. (SCI)
Yue Xiaole, Xu Wei, Zhang Ying, Du Lin, Analysis of global properties for dynamical systems by a modified digraph cell mapping method, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2018, 111: 206-212. (SCI)
Wang Liang, Huang Mei, Yue Xiaole, Jia Wantao, Xu Wei, The stochastic dynamical behaviors of the gene regulatory circuit in Bacillus subtilis, AIP Advances, 2019,8 (6), 065302. (SCI)
Wang Liang, Xue Lili, Sun Chunyan, Yue Xiaole, Xu Wei, The response analysis of fractional-order stochastic system via generalized cell mapping method, Chaos, 2018, 28 (1), 013118. (SCI)
Xu Yong, Li Hua, Wang Hua, Jia Wantao, Yue Xiaole, Kurths Juergen, The estimates of the mean first exit time of a bistable systemexcited by poisson white noise, ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2017,84(9): 091004. (SCI)
Wang Liang, Xue Lili, Xu Wei, Yue Xiaole, Stochastic P-bifurcation analysis of a fractional smooth and discontinuous oscillator via the generalized cell mapping method, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 2017, 96: 56-63. (SCI)
LiYongge, Xu Yong, Kurths Juergen, YueXiaole, Levy-noise-induced transport in a rough triple-well potential,Physical Review E, 2016, 94, 042222. (SCI)
Han Qun, Xu Wei, Yue Xiaole, Exit location distribution in the stochastic exit problem by the generalized cell mapping method, Chaos Solitons & Fractals, 2016, 87: 302-306. (SCI)
Yue Xiaole, XuWei, Zhang Ying, Wang Liang, Global analysis of response in thepiezomagnetoelastic energy harvester system under harmonic and Poisson whitenoise excitations, Communications in Theoretical Physics, 2015, 64, 420-424.(SCI)
HanQun, Xu Wei, Yue Xiaole, Zhang Ying,First-passage time statistics in a bistable system subject to Poisson whitenoise by the generalized cell mapping method, Communications in NonlinearScience and Numerical Simulation, 2015, 23: 220-228. (SCI)
Zhang Ying, Du Lin, Yue Xiaole, Analysis of symmetrybreaking bifurcation in duffing system with random parameter, CMES-ComputerModeling in Engineering & Sciences, 2015, 106: 37-51. (SCI)
HanQun, Xu Wei, Yue Xiaole, Stochasticresponse analysis of noisy system with non-negative real-power restoring forceby generalized cell mapping method, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics-EnglishEdition, 2015, 36: 329-336. (SCI)
岳晓乐,徐伟,张莹,王亮,加性和乘性泊松白噪声联合激励下光滑非连续振子的随机响应,物理学报,2014,63(6): 060502. (SCI)
Li chao, Xu Wei, Yue Xiaole, Stochastic response of aVibro-impac system by path integration based on generalized cell mappingmethod, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2014, 24(10), 145129.(SCI)
Han Qun, Xu Wei, Yue Xiaole, Global bifurcation analysisof a Duffing-Van der Pol oscillator with parametric excitation, InternationalJournal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2014, 24(4), **. (SCI)
YueXiaole,Xu Wei, Wang Liang, Global analysis of boundary and interior crises in anelastic impact oscillator, Communications in Nonlinear Science and NumericalSimulation, 2013, 18: 3567–3574. (SCI)
YueXiaole,Xu Wei, Jia Wantao, Wang Liang, Stochastic response of a φ6 oscillator subjected to combined harmonic and Poissonwhite noise excitations, Physica A, 2013, 392: 2988–2998. (SCI)
YueXiaole,Xu Wei, Wang Liang, Stochastic bifurcations in the SD (smooth anddiscontinuous) oscillator under bounded noise excitation, Science ChinaPhysics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 2013, 56(5): 1010–1016. (SCI)
Wang Liang, Yue Xiaole, Sun Chunyan, Xu Wei, Theeffect of the random parameter on the basins and attractors of the elasticimpact system, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2013, 71(3): 597-602. (SCI)
刘莉, 徐伟, 岳晓乐, 韩群, 一类含非黏滞阻尼的Duffing单边碰撞系统的激变研究. 物理学报, 2013, 62(20): 200501. (SCI)
YueXiaole,Xu Wei, Zhang Ying, Global bifurcation analysis of Rayleigh-Duffing oscillatorthrough the composite cell coordinate system method, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2012,69: 437-457. (SCI)
YueXiaole,Xu Wei, Wang Liang, Zhou Bingchang, Transient and steady-state responses in aself-sustained oscillator with harmonic and bounded noise excitations,Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 2012, 30: 70-76. (SCI)
Li Dongxi, Xu Wei, Yue Xiaole, Lei Youming, Bounded noiseenhanced stability? and resonantactivation, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2012, 70: 2237-2245. (SCI)
Xie Wenxian, Cai Li, Yue Xiaole, Information entropies anddynamics in the stochastic ecosystem of two competing species, Acta PhysicaSinica, 2012, 61(17): 170509. (SCI)
Zhang Ying, RossettoBruno, Xu Wei, Yue Xiaole, Roles ofchaotic saddle and basin of attraction in bifurcation and crisis analysis, InternationalJournal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2011, 21(3), 903-915. (SCI)
YueXiaole,Xu Wei, Stochastic bifurcation of an asymmetric single-well potential Duffingoscillator under bounded noise excitation, International Journal of Bifurcationand Chaos, 2010, 20: 3359-3371. (SCI)
Xu Wei, Yue Xiaole, Globalanalyses of crisis and stochastic bifurcation in the hardeningHelmholtz-Duffing oscillator, Science China Technological Sciences, 2010,53(3): 664-673. (SCI)
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