

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-29


基本信息 The basic information







工作经历 Work Experience
(1)2016-04至今, 西北工业大学, 理学院应用数学系, 副教授
(2)2012-07至2016-04, 西北工业大学, 理学院应用数学系, 讲师

教育经历 Education Experience
师:Sebastian Bonhoeffer 教授

教育教学 Education And Teaching


科学研究 Scientific Research
在 "运筹学与控制论”团队从事演化博弈论及生物数学相关领域的研究主要研究内容为空间结构下的合作进化的理论研究,并进行相关种群生态学的数学模型研究。相关结果发表在《Journal of Theoretical Biology》、《Ecological Modelling》、《Journal of mathematical biology》、《Physica A》等国际期刊。同时研究了空间结构种群中线粒体突变所导致的雄性不育的时空进化动态,研究成果发表在进化生物学与生态领域的重要期刊《Evolution》,并被发表在《Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences》、《Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences》等期刊的文章所引用。主持完成了国家自然科学基金青年项目一项,陕西省自然科学基础研究计划面上项目一项。

社会兼职 Social Appointments
Reviewer of the journals
Artificial Intelligence Review
Applied Mathematics and Computation
International Journal of Biomathematics
International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering
Journal of Intergative Bioinformatics
PLoS One
美国《数学评论》(Mathematical Reviewers)评论员: 135092


学术成果 Academic Achievements
(16) Hui Zhang*, A game-theoretical dynamic imitation model on networks, Journal of Mathematical Biology, 2021, 82: 30
(15) Hui Zhang*, Genjiu Xu, Hao Sun, Biological control of a predator–prey system through provision of an infected predator,
International Journal of Biomathematics, 2018, 11(8): **
(14) Meng Gao*, Hui Zhang, Particle smoothing via Markov chain Monte Carlo in general state space models, Int. J. Computing
Science and Mathematics, 2018, 9(2): 181
(13) Hui Zhang*, Li Wang, Dongshuang Hou, Effect of the spatial autocorrelation of empty sites on the evolution of cooperation,
Physica A, 2016, 443: 296-308
(12) Hui Zhang*, Meng Gao, Effect of spatial structure on the evolution of cooperation based on game models. ComputationalEcology
and Software, 2015, 5(4): 299-316
(11) Hui Zhang*, Meng Gao, Wenting Wang, Zhiguang Liu, Evolutionary prisoner's dilemma game on graphs and social networks
with external constraint, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2014, 358(6): 122-131
(10) Hui Zhang*, Zhihui Ma, Gongnan Xie, Lukun Jia, Effects of behavioral tactics of predators on dynamics of a predator-preysystem,
Advances in Mathematical physics, 2014, 2014(1-2): 1506-1526
(9)Hui Zhang, Frédéric Guillaume, Jan Engelst?dter*, The dynamics of mitochondrial mutations causing male infertility inspatially
structured populations, Evolution, 2012, 66(10): 3179-3188
(8)Hui Zhang, Meng Gao, Zizhen Li*, Zhihui Maa, Hailong Wang, The ambivalent effect of lattice structure on a spatial game,Physica
A, 2011, 390(11): 1961-1972
(7)Hui Zhang, Feng Zhang, Zizhen Li*, Meng Gao, Wenlong Li*, Evolutionary diversity and spatiotemporal dynamics of a spatial
game, Ecological Modelling, 2009, 220(19): 2353-2364
(6) Li Wang*, Hui Zhang, Almost periodic solution of an impulsive multispecies logarithmic population model, Advances inDifference
Equations, 2015, 2015(1): 1-11
(5) Meng Gao*, Hui Zhang, Sequential Monte Carlo methods for parameter estimation in nonlinear state-space models, Computers
& Geosciences, 2012, 44(13): 70-77
(4) Wenting Wang*, Wenlong Li*, Zizhen Li, Hui Zhang, The effect of colored noise on spatiotemporal dynamics of biologicalinvasion
in a diffusive predator-prey system, Biosystems, 2011, 104(1): 48-56
(3) Zhihui Ma*, Wenlong Li, Yu Zhao, Wenting Wang, Hui Zhang, Zizhen Li*, Effects of prey refuges on a predator-prey model witha
class of functional responses: the role of refuges, Mathematical Biosciences, 2009, 218(2): 73-79
(2) 章培军*,王震,孙卫,张慧,具有时滞和饱和接触率的SIRS模型的Hopf分支,计算机工程与应用,2016,52(17): 68-72
(1) 张慧, 李文龙*, 李自珍, 马智慧,正则图上的进化动态,兰州大学学报,2009, 45(6): 121-124

荣誉获奖 Awards Information

学术活动 Professional Activities
[16] 2019.11.28-12.1,第十八届中国生态学大会,云南大学,报告题目:基于博弈模型研究空间结构中的合作进化
[15] 2019.7.12-14,全国复杂性科学年会,华东理工大学,报告题目:网格博弈中的合作进化
[14] 2019.8.20-24,第九届理论生态学年会,华东师范大学崇明校区
[13] 2018.11.9-11,种群生态学与外来生物入侵研讨会,中国农业大学,报告题目:The evolution of cooperation in
spatially-structured populations & Tag-based cooperation
[12] 2017.10.20-10.22,中国生态学会数学生态学专业委员会第七届学术研讨会,西北工业大学,报告题目:异质空间结构下
[11] 2016.11.20-11.24, 3rd Joint China-Dutch Workshop on Game Theory and Applications & 7th China Meeting on
Game Theory and Applications,福州大学, 报告题目:Effect of spatial structure on the evolution of
[10] 2016.9.16-19,第五届国际能源与环境保护学术大会,Inha University, Korea
[9] 2016.8.24-27,第十五届中国生态学大会,兰州大学
[8] 2016.7.25-29, 第二届常微分方程与动力系统会议(CODEDS2016),Engineering Information Institute(Engii),苏州
[7] 2016.7.17-21,中国生物数学学会第八届学术年会, 扬州大学
[6] 2015.11.13-15, 第12届亚洲线粒体生物医学及研究学会国际会议暨第六届中国线粒体学会学术会议,浙江大学
[5] 2015.9.17-9.19, 第九届2015年生物信息与生物医学工程国际学术会议,武汉大学
[4] 2014.10.19-23,International Workshop on Mathematical & Numerical Ecology,广东工业大学,报告题目:The
evolution of cooperation in spatially-structured populations
[3] 2013.7.25-29,第六届中国理论生态学研讨会,昆明理工大学,报告题目:The Dynamics of Mitochondrial Mutations
causing Male Infertility in Structured Populations
[2] 2011.8.11,Theory of Cooperation Workshop,Adelboden(University of Bern),Switzerland
[1] 2007年“西部寒旱环境生命过程”全国研究生暑期学校,兰州大学
[2] 2016.5.10, 题目:通过数学模型解读生态模式的机理;报告人:甘肃农业大学,张锋副教授
[1] 2013.9.27,西北工业大学数学讲坛(第十五讲);题目:合作的演化——数学在生命科学中应用的一个问题;报告人:中
国科学院昆明动物研究所, 王瑞武教授

English Version

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