本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-29
基本信息 The basic information
工作经历 Work Experience
·2015.05-至今,西北工业大学,理学院应用数学系 / 数学与统计学院,教授、博导(2018.06)
·2015.02-2016.02,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,USA,访问****
·2014.06-2014.07,St. Petersburg State University,RUS,访问****
教育经历 Education Experience
·2004.10-2008.09,University of Twente,数学科学学院,博士
科学研究 Scientific Research
· 军委科技委军事智能科技重大专项,基于任务的边缘自组织合作博弈理论与机制设计,2020.09-2022.12
· 军委科技委国防科技创新特区项目,无人系统智能博弈,2019.06-2020.12
· 国家自然科学基金面上项目,变架构成本分摊问题的博弈分析与机制设计,2021.01-2024.12
· 国家自然科学基金面上项目,带有债务结构、债权人结构破产问题分配策略的博弈分析与机制设计,2017.01-2020.12
· 国家自然科学基金面上项目,具有联盟结构合作对策收益分配的非合作机制设计研究,2013.01-2016.12
· 国家自然科学基金青年项目,基于代数结构的合作对策模型及其分配方案研究,2010.01-2012.12
· 国家自然科学基金国际合作与交流项目,网络合作对策研究,2013.01-2014.12
· 国家自然科学基金国际合作与交流项目,第二届中国-荷兰对策论国际研讨会,2013.06-2013.12
· 陕西省科学技术研究发展计划国际科技合作重点项目,网络合作对策及其应用研究,2014.01-2015.12
· 陕西省自然科学基金,基于代数特征的联盟限制合作对策模型研究,2010.06-2012.12
· 教育部留学回国基金,合作对策空间的线性变换与矩阵分析,2009.06-2011.06
· 西北工业大学“翱翔青年****”启动基金,博弈论及其应用,2017.01-2019.12
· 西北工业大学“新人新方向”建设项目,基于博弈理论的协同对抗决策支持技术研究,2012.09-2014.08
· 西北工业大学“翱翔之星计划”启动基金,联盟限制下合作对策模型的代数结构研究,2010.01-2012.12
· 国家自然科学基金面上项目,合作对策方案的相容性研究,2012.01-2015.12,第二完成人
· 国家自然科学基金面上项目,联盟限制下合作对策的优化分配方案,2009.01-2011.12,第二完成人
· 国家自然科学基金面上项目,集合对策解的公理化理论,2006.01-2008.12,第四完成人
学术成果 Academic Achievements
46. Jing Ren, Hao Sun*, Genjiu Xu, Dongshuang Hou, (2020), Prediction on the competitive outcome of an enterprise under the adjustment mechanism, Applied Mathematics and Computation 372, (2020) 124969. (SSCI, SCI)
45. Xunfeng Hu, Genjiu Xu, Dengfeng Li*, (2019), The egalitarian efficient extension of the Aumann-Drèze value, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 181, pp. 1033-1052. (SSCI, SCI)
44. Wenna Wang, Hao Sun, René van den Brink, Genjiu Xu*, (2019), The family of ideal values for cooperative games, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 180,pp. 1065-1086.(SSCI,SCI)
43. Guangjing Yang, Hao Sun*, Dongshuang Hou, Genjiu Xu, (2019), Games in sequencing situations with externalities, European Journal of Operational Research 278, pp. 699-708. (SSCI, SCI)
42. Xianghui Li, Hao Sun*, Genjiu Xu, (2019), A modified position value for communication situations and its fuzzification, Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems 16(3), pp. 85-96. (SCI)
41. Qianqian Kong, Hao Sun*, Genjiu Xu, Dongshuang Hou, (2019), Associated Games to Optimize the Core of a Transferable Utility Game, Journal of Optimization Theory and Application 182, pp. 816-836. (SSCI, SCI)
40. Qianqian Kong, Hao Sun*, Genjiu Xu, Panfei Sun, (2019), A limit theorem for the core of Betrand oligopoly games with externalities, Economics Letters 185. (SSCI)
39. Qianqian Kong, Hao Sun*, Genjiu Xu, Dongshuang Hou, (2018), The general prenucleolus of n-person cooperative fuzzy games,Fuzzy Sets and Systems 349, pp. 23-41. (SSCI, SCI)
38. Xia Zhang, Hao Sun*, Genjiu Xu, Dongshuang Hou, (2018), On the core, nucleolus and bargaining sets of cooperative games with fuzzy payoffs, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy System, (2019) 6129-6142.
37.Dongshuang Hou*, Genjiu Xu, Panfei Sun, Theo Driessen, (2018), The Shapley value for the probability game, Operations Research Letters 46, pp. 457-461. (SSCI, SCI)
36. Yang Li#, Genjiu Xu#, Yongqiang Guo, Tengbo Ma, Xiao Zhong, Qiuyu Zhang, Junwei Gu*, (2018), Fabrication, proposed model and simulation predictions on thermally conductive hybrid cyanate ester composites with boron nitride fillers, Composites Part A- Applied Science and Manufacturing 107, pp. 570-578. (SCI)
35. Yongqiang Guo#, Genjiu Xu#, Xutong Yang, Kunpeng Ruan, Tengbo Ma, Qiuyu Zhang, Junwei Gu*, Yalan Wu, Hu Liu, Zhanhu Guo, (2018), Significantly enhanced and precisely modeled thermal conductivity in polyimide nanocomposites with chemically modified graphene via in situ polymerization and electrospinning-hot press technology, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2018(6), pp. 3014-3015. (SCI、ESI高被引)
34. Haobin Shi*, Xuesi Li, Kao-Shing Hwang, Wei Pan, Genjiu Xu, (2018), Decoupled visual servoing with fuzzy Q-Learning, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 14, pp. 241-252. (SCI、ESI高被引)
33. Xunfeng Hu, Dengfeng Li*, Genjiu Xu, (2018), Fair distribution of surplus and efficient extensions of the Myerson value, Economics Letters 165, pp. 1-5. (SSCI)
32. Dongshuang Hou, Panfei Sun, Genjiu Xu*, Theo Driessen, (2018), Compromise for the complaint: an optimization approach to the ENSC value and the CIS value, Journal of the Operational Research Society 69(4), pp. 571-579. (SCI)
31. Genjiu Xu*, Xianghui Li, Hao Sun, Jun Su, (2017), The Myerson value for cooperative games on communication structure with fuzzy coalition, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 33, pp. 27-39. (SSCI, SCI)
30. René van den Brink*, Chris Dietz, Gerard van der Laan, Genjiu Xu, (2017), Comparable characterizations of four solutions for permission tree games, Economic Theory 63, pp. 903-923. (SSCI、ESI高被引)
29. Leon Petrosyan, Artem Sedakov, Hao Sun, Genjiu Xu*, (2017), Convergence of strong time-consistent payment schemes in dynamic games, Applied Mathematics and Computation 315, pp. 96-112. (SSCI, SCI)
28. Wenna Wang, Hao Sun, Genjiu Xu*, Dongshuang Hou, (2017), Procedural interpretation and associated consistency for the egalitarian Shapley values, Operations Research Letters 45, pp. 164-169. (SSCI, SCI)
27. Jun Su*, Genjiu Xu, (2017), Matrix analysis for the Shapley value and its inverse problem, Communications in Computer and Information Science 758: Game Theory and Applications, 186-200. (EI)
26. Guangmin Wang, Genjiu Xu*, Wenzhong Li, (2017), A cooperative game approach to author ranking in co-authorship networks, Communications in Computer and Information Science 758: Game Theory and Applications, 215-228. (EI)
25. Renlong Jie, Jian Qiao*, Genjiu Xu, Yingying Meng, (2016), A study on the interaction between two rumors in homogeneous complex networks under symmetric conditions, Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 454, pp. 129-142. (SCI, EI)
24. Leon Petrosyan, Artem Sedakov, Hao Sun, Genjiu Xu*, (2016), Time consistency of the interval Shapley-like value in dynamic games, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 30(4), pp. 1965-1972.(SCI, EI)
23. Genjiu Xu, Han Dai, Dongshuang Hou*, Hao Sun, (2016), A-potential function and a non-cooperative foundation for the Solidarity value, Operations Research Letters 44(1), pp. 86-91. (SCI, EI)
22. Jun Su*, Genjiu Xu, (2016), New Exact Solutions for the (3+1)-Dimensional Generalized BKP Equation, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 2016, pp. (**)1-9.(SCI, EI)
21. Genjiu Xu*, Theo S.H. Driessen, Jun Su and Hao Sun, (2015), Extreme points of the Harsanyi set and the Weber set, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 432 (2), pp. 678-698. (SCI)
20.Genjiu Xu*, Han Dai, Haobin Shi, (2015), Axiomatizations and a noncooperative interpretation of the α-CIS value, Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research 32(5),pp. (**)1-15. (SCI, EI)
19. Haobin Shi, Lincheng Xu, Lin Zhang, Wei Pan, Genjiu Xu, (2015), Research on self-adaptive decision-making mechanism for competition strategies in robot soccer, Frontiers of Computer Science 9 (3), pp. 485-494. (SCI, EI)
18. Genjiu Xu*, René van den Brink, Gerard van der Laan, and Hao Sun, (2015), Associated consistency characterization of two linear values for TU games by matrix approach, Linear Algebra and its Applications 471, pp.224-240. (SCI, EI)
17. Genjiu Xu*, Theo S.H. Driessen, Hao Sun, Jun Su, (2013), Consistency for the additive efficient normalization of semivalues, European Journal of Operational Research 224, pp. 566-571. (SCI, EI)
16. Genjiu Xu*, Wenna Wang, Hua Dong, (2013), Axiomatization for the center-of-gravity of imputation set value, Linear Algebra and its Applications 439, pp. 2205-2215. (SCI, EI)
15. Weibin Han, Hao Sun, Genjiu Xu*, (2012), A new approach of cooperative interval games: The interval core and Shapleyvalue revisited, Operations Research Letters 40, pp. 462-468. (SCI, EI)
14. Jun Su*, Wei Xu, Genjiu Xu, Liang Gao, (2012), Negaton, positon and complexiton solutions of the nonisospectralKdV equations with self-consistent sources, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 17, pp. 110-118. (SCI, EI)
13. Jun Su*, Wei Xu, Donghai Duan, Genjiu Xu, (2011), New explicit exact solution of one type of the sine-Gordon equation with self-consistent source, Acta Physica Sinica 60(110203), pp.1-6. (SCI)
12. Lihui Sun, Hao Sun, Boqing Yang, Genjiu Xu*, (2011), A Repeated Game Theoretical Approach for clustering in mobile ad hoc networks, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing, pp. 544-549. (EI)
11. Jun Su*, Wei Xu, Liang Gao, Genjiu Xu, (2010), Complexiton solutions of the mKdV equation with self-consistent sources, Physics Letters A 374, pp.1457-1463. (SCI)
10. Genjiu Xu*, Theo Driessen, and Hao Sun, (2009), Matrix approach to dual similar associated consistency for the Shapley value, Linear Algebra and its Applications 430, pp. 2896-2897. (SCI, EI)
9. Genjiu Xu*, Theo S.H. Driessen, and Hao Sun, (2008), Matrix analysis for associated consistency in cooperative game theory, Linear Algebra and its Applications 428, pp. 1571-1586. (SCI, EI)
8. Genjiu Xu*, Hao Sun, Cornelis Hoede, and Theo Driessen, (2008), A solution defined by fine vectors, Game Theory and Applications 13, pp. 203-214. (ISTP)
7. Hao Sun*, Genjiu Xu, Theo Driessen, (2008), An overall-coalitional marginalistic value for set games, Game Theory and Applications 13, pp. 151-164. (ISTP)
6. Genjiu Xu*, Xueliang Li, and Shenggui Zhang, (2007), The binding number of a digraph, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4381, pp. 221-227 (EI, ISTP)
5. 荆慧双,徐根玖,刘洋,(2016),基于博弈理论的高校生源危机应对策略研究,运筹与管理,第25卷第1期,pp. 224-230.
4. 王文娜,徐根玖,李程,(2015),弱势群体在公共资源中的协调和一致分配,数学杂志,第35卷第1期,pp. 195-202.
3. 徐根玖,刘洋,刘一鸣,张泽卿,(2014),基于熵权法的高等教育生源危机预测分析,统计与决策,第21卷,pp. 92-95.
2. 徐根玖,苏军,张胜贵,(2007),有向图的结合数与计算,工程数学学报,第24卷第3期,pp. 527-534.
1. Hao Sun, Genjiu Xu, (2006), Quantitative marginalistic values for set games, 运筹学学报,第10卷第4期, pp. 2-8.
荣誉获奖 Awards Information
· 国家教学成果奖一等奖(2014)
· 国家一流课程(2020)
· 国家精品课程(2009)
· 陕西省教学成果奖特等奖(2013)
· 陕西省教学成果奖一等奖(2017)
· 陕西高等学校科技成果奖一等奖(2021)
· 陕西省高校优秀教材一等奖(2013)
· 陕西省高校优秀教学团队(2009、2015)
· 陕西省青年教师教学竞赛优秀奖(2012)
· 翱翔青年****(2016)、翱翔之星(2009)
· 本科生最满意教师(2010)、研究生最满意教师(2018)
社会兼职 Social Appointments
· 国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家
· 美国Math Review评论员、国际博弈论学会会员
·EJOR、FSS、ANOR、LAA、PLOS ONE、IGTR、BOER、系统理论与实践、系统工程学报管理科学学报、运筹与管理等多个学术期刊审稿人
· Twente大学、Dibrugarh大学博士论文评审专家及答辩委员
团队信息 Team Information
团队现有教授(博导)2人,副教授2人,其中 3人具有国外博士学位。主要围绕博弈基础理论与机制设计、博弈论与人工智能的交叉领域开展研究工作,先后承担国家自然科学基金、国防科技创新特区等国家级项目14项,获得国家教学成果一等奖1项。在GEB、IJGT、EJOR、ET等博弈论领域国际知名期刊发表论文一百余篇。团队建有“网络优化与经济决策”国际联合研究中心,主持国家留学基金委创新型人才国际合作培养项目,通过组织中国-荷兰博弈论国际研讨会(3年一届)、东亚(亚洲)博弈论国际研讨会(2年一届)、运筹学与管理科学学科论坛(1年一次)等学术会议,与国内外同行建立了广泛深入的学术交流与合作关系。先后与特文特大学、俄罗斯圣彼得堡国立大学、阿姆斯特丹自由大学、马斯特里赫特大学签订了研究生联合培养协议,已联合培养博士7人、硕士4人。
学术活动 Professional Activities
·1st Joint China-Dutch Seminar on Game Theoryand 4th China Meeting on Game Theory and Applications, Xi'an, August 16-20, 2010. 秘书长
·2nd DUTCH-CHINESE Seminar on Game Theory and Applications, Enschede, August 26-30, 2013. 中方主席
·3rd Joint China-Dutch Workshop on Game Theory and Applications & 7th China Meeting on Game Theory and Applications, Fuzhou, November 20-23, 2016. 组委会,分会主席
·International Forum on Silk Road Economy: Cooperation and Sharing, Xi'an, May 19- 21, 2017. 学术委员会委员及分会主席
·5th World Congress of the Game Theory Society, Maastricht, the Nethelands, July 24-28, 2016. 分会主席
·Multilateral Economic Cooperation Strategy under “One Belt One Road” Framework and Research Development on Game Theory,Xi'an, June 17-19,2016. 分会主席
·2013博弈论及其在管理科学中的应用研讨会, Xi'an, December 13-14, 2013. 组委会
·2014博弈论及其在管理科学中的应用研讨会, Xi'an, December 3- 4, 2014. 组委会
·“复杂经济管理的博弈分析”学术论坛,西安,2016年6月16-17. 发起人及论坛执委
·“运筹与经济管理”交叉学科论坛,西安,2017年10月13-15. 发起人及论坛执委
English Version
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相册基本信息Thebasicinformation姓名:李静学院:数学与统计学院学历:博士研究生毕业学位:博士职称:副教授职务:学科:教育教学EducationAndTeaching李静,2008年毕业于四川大学数学学院,获理学学士学位,同年保送至南开大学组合数学中心硕博连读,2013年6月获应用数 ...西北工业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-29西北工业大学数学与统计学院导师教师师资介绍简介-刘哲
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我的相册基本信息Thebasicinformation姓名:宋伟杰学院:数学与统计学院学历:博士研究生毕业学位:理学博士职称:副教授职务:学科:我的相册工作经历WorkExperience2004年至今在西北工业大学理学院任教。我的相册教育经历EducationExperience宋伟杰,西北工业大 ...西北工业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-29西北工业大学数学与统计学院导师教师师资介绍简介-夏健康
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