

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-29


基本信息 The basic information





教育经历 Education Experience
(1) 2006.11-2009.10, 巴黎第十一大学, 物理学, 中法联合培养博士,
(2) 2005.9-2010.7, 西北工业大学, 材料物理与化学, 博士
(3) 2003.9-2005.9, 西北工业大学, 材料物理与化学, 硕士研究生,
(4) 1999.8-2003.7, 西北工业大学, 材料学, 学士

工作经历 Work Experience
(1) 2018.7-至今, 西北工业大学, 理学院, 教授, 博士生导师
(2) 2016.10-2016.11, 澳大利亚莫纳什大学, 生物与化学工程中心, 访问****
(3) 2014.5-2018.7, 西北工业大学, 理学院, 副教授
(4) 2013.9-2013.10, 法国蒙彼利埃第二大学, 查尔斯库伦实验室, 访问****
(5) 2011.9-2011.10, 英国爱丁堡大学, 物理与天文学院, 访问****
(6) 2009.11-2014.4, 西北工业大学, 理学院, 讲师

教育教学 Education And Teaching

招生信息 Admission Information

社会兼职 Social Appointments
2 国际知名SCI期刊Eur. Phys. J. E副主编;
2 Physics of Fluids客座编辑(Drops and Flows in Acoustic Levitation);
2 Adv. Cond. Matter Phys. 期刊的客座编辑(Topical issue on Self-Assembled and Artificial Surfaces /Interfaces: From Soft Matter to Metamaterials);
2 Soft Matter (Web theme on droplet dynamics and manipulation) 客座编辑;
2 EMN-2015 Droplet国际会议分会主席。

荣誉获奖 Awards Information

科学研究 Scientific Research
课题组的研究方向为软物质物理与复杂流体,主要研究兴趣包括:液滴动力学及其操控、复杂流体润湿与毛细现象、界面流变、软物质力学、软物质体系输运及相变行为等。先后主持了国家级科研项目3项、省部级项目4项、中央高校科研业务费3项、国家重点实验室开放课题2项。近年来在国内外知名期刊Nature CommunicationsPhysics ReportsACS NanoSoft MatterLangmuirApplied Physics Letters等发表科研论文70 余篇。相关研究成果受到了Nature 自然科研、科技日报、Newsweek、New Scientist、Science News、Sciencealert、Inside Science、Egyptian Today等多家媒体和科学网站的报道。

学术成果 Academic Achievements
代表性学术论文(* 代表通讯作者)
1. D.Y. Zang*, S. Tarafdar, Y. Yu. Tarasevich, M. D. Choudhury, T. Dutta, “Evaporation of a Droplet: From physics to applications”, Physics Reports, (2019) 804,1-56.(邀请论文,IF:28.295)
2. D.Y.Zang*, L. Li, W.L. Di, Z.H.Zhang, et al "Inducing drop to bubble transformation via resonance in ultrasound" , Nature Communications. (2018) 9, 3546. (IF:11.878)
3. Q. Shi, W. Di, D. Dong, L.W.Yap, L. Li, D.Y. Zang, and W.L. Cheng*, “A General Approach to Free-Standing NanoassembliesviaAcoustic Levitation Self-Assembly”, ACS Nano, (2019) 13,5243-5250(IF:13.903)
4. W.L. Di, Z.H.Zhang, L. Li, K.J. Lin, J.Li, X.G. Li, B.P.Binks, X.P.Chen, D.Y.Zang*, " Shape evolution and bubble formation of acoustically levitated drops”, Physical Review Fluids, (2018) 3, 103606.
5. K.J.Lin, R.Y.Chen, L.Y.Zhang,*D.Y.Zang*, X.G.Geng, W.Shen*, “Transparent Bioreactors Based on Nanoparticle-Coated Liquid Marbles for in Situ Observation of Suspending Embryonic Body Formation and Differentiation”,ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces(2019),11, 8789-8796
6. X.G.Li*, H.X.Shi, Y.Q.Wang, R.X.Wang, S.Huang J.C.Huang, X.G. Geng, and D.Y.Zang, “Liquid Shaping Based on Liquid Pancakes” Adv. Mater. Interfaces (2018) 5, **
7. D.Y.Zang*, Y.K.Yu, Z.Chen, X.G.Li, H.J.Wu, X.G.Geng,“Acoustic Levitation of Liquid Drops: Dynamics, Manipulation and Phase Transitions”, Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 243, 77-85(2017)
8. Z. Chen, D.Y. Zang*, L. Zhao, M.F. Qu, X. Li, X.G. Li, L.X. Li, X.G.Geng “Liquid marble coalescence and triggered microreaction inspired by acoustic levitation”, Langmuir, 33, 6232–6239(2017)
9. D.Y.Zang*, K. J. Lin, L. Li, Z. Chen, X. G. Li, X. G. Geng, " Acoustic levitation of soap bubbles in air: beyond the half-wavelength limit of sound”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 110, 121602 (2017)
10. D.Y.Zang*, Z.Chen, X.G.Geng, "Sectorial oscillation of acoustically levitated nanoparticle-coated droplet”,Appl. Phys. Lett., 108, 031603 (2016).
11. D.Y.Zang*, Z. C. Zhai, L. Li, K. J. Lin, X. G. Li, X. G. Geng,“Vertical vibration dynamics of acoustically levitated drop containing two immiscible liquids”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 109, 101602 (2016)
12. D.Y.Zang*,J. Li,Z.Chen,et al,"Switchable Opening and Closing of a Liquid Marble via Ultrasonic Levitation”,Langmuir, 31,11502–11507 (2015).
13. D.Y. Zang*, W. X. Zhang, et al,“Rejuvenated bouncing of non-Newtonian droplet via nanoparticle enwrapping”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 105, 231603 (2014).
14. D.Y. Zang*, K.J.Lin, W. K.Wang, et al, “Tunable shape transformation of freezing liquid water marbles”, Soft Matter, 10, 1309-1314(2014).
15. D.Y. Zang, P.S.Clegg, “Relationship between high internal-phase Pickering emulsions and catastrophic inversion”, Soft Matter, 97042-7048(2013).
16. D.Y. Zang*, Z.Chen, Y.J. Zhang, et al, “Effect of particle hydrophobicity on the properties of liquid water marbles”, Soft Matter, 9, 5067- 5073(2013).
17. D.Y. Zang*, X.L. Wang, X.G. Geng, et al, “Impact dynamics of droplets with silica nanoparticles and polymer additives”, Soft Matter, 9, 394-400(2013)
18. D. Y. Zang, Y. J. Zhang, Q.W.Hou, “Effect of hydrophobicity on tensile rheological properties of silica nanoparticle monolayers at the air-water interface”, Colloids and Surfaces A, 395, 262-266 (2012).
19. D. Y. Zang*, Y. J. Zhang, “Surface pressure anisotropy and complex relaxation of silica nanoparticle monolayer at the air-water interface”, Sci China Phys. Mech. Astron, 54,1587-1592(2011).
20. D. Y. Zang, D. Langevin*, B.P. Binks and B. Wei, “Shearing particle monolayers: strain-rate frequency superposition”, Phys. Rev. E, 81, 011604(2010)

综合介绍 General Introduction
臧渡洋,理学院应用物理系教授,博士生导师,中法联合培养博士,The European Physical Journal E (EPJE)期刊编委。2009 年10 月获得巴黎第十一大学物理学博士学位,2018年入选中国十大新锐科技人物,研究成果发表于Nature CommunicationsACS Nano 等国际权威学术期刊,曾获中国青年报、科技日报、New Scientist、News Week等国内外知名媒体追踪报道。

English Version

相关话题/西北工业大学 物理科学与技术学院