本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-29
基本信息 The basic information
工作经历 Work Experience
2018/07 至今 西北工业大学 物理科学与技术学院 副教授
2018/07 至今 西北工业大学 应用物理系 硕士生导师
2013/10 至今 西北工业大学 应用物理系 讲师
2008/09-2013/07 西北工业大学 应用物理系 助研
2010/08-2012/08 美国爱荷华大学 机械工程系 助研
教育经历 Education Experience
2008/09-2013/06 西北工业大学 应用物理系 凝聚态物理 博士
2010/08-2012/08 美国爱荷华大学 机械工程系 联合培养博士/助研
2004/09-2008/06 西北工业大学 应用物理系 光信息科学与技术 学士
教育教学 Education And Teaching
招生信息 Admission Information
荣誉获奖 Awards Information
科学研究 Scientific Research
11. 云南省重点研发项目,2020.01-2022.12,项目参与人。
10. 陕西省自然科学基金面上项目,2020.01-2021.12,项目负责人。
9. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2020.01-2023.12,项目参与人。
6. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,2018.01-2020.12,项目负责人;
5. 陕西省自然科学基金青年人才项目,2015.01-2017.01,项目负责人;
4. 中央高校科研业务费自由探索类项目,2015.01-2016.12,项目负责人;
3. 中央高校科研业务费自由探索类项目,2018.01-2019.12,项目负责人;
2. 凝固过程国家重点实验室开放基金,2017.06-2019.06,项目负责人;
1. 上海大学高品质钢省部共建重点实验室开放基金,2017.09-2019.09,项目负责人。
学术成果 Academic Achievements
63. Yuting Cao, Dongke Sun*, Hui Xing#, Jincheng Wang$, Modeling of crystal grrowth with density change induced flows by anisotropic lattice Boltzmann scheme, Applied Mathematics Letters, 2021, 120: 107318.
62. Hongsheng Liang, Hui Xing#, Ming Qin, Hongjing Wu*,Bamboo-like short carbon fibers@Fe3O4@phenolic resin and honeycomb-like short carbon fibers@Fe3O4@FeO composites as high-performance electromagnetic wave absorbing materials, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2020, 135:105959.
61. Xuezhou Wang, Dongke Sun#, Hui Xing*, Yongsheng Han$, Yanfei Liu, Jincheng Wang, Numerical modeling of equiaxed crystal growth in solidification of binary alloys using a lattice Boltzmann-finite volume scheme, Computational Materials Science, 2020, 184: 109855.
60. Zhuyan Li, Junsheng Wang#, Hui Xing, Ke Jin, Houbing Huang*,Determining dendrite arm spacing in directional solidification using a fast Fourier transform method,Computational Materials Science, 2020, 173: 109463.
59. Hui Xing#, Xianglei Dong, Dongke Sun*, Yongsheng Han,Anisotropic lattice Boltzmann-phase-field modeling of crystal growth with melt convection induced by solid-liquid density change, JMST, 2020, 57: 26-32.
58. Hongliang Zhao, Yunxiao Hua, Xianglei Dong, Hui Xing, Yanli Lu, Influence of trace Ca addition on texture and stretch formability of AM50 magnesium alloy sheet, Transcations of nonferrous metals society of China, 2020, 30: 647-656.
57. Zhaodong Zhang, Yuting Cao, Dongke Sun#, Hui Xing*, Jincheng Wang, Zhonghua Ni, A numerical study on pattern selection in crystal growth by using anisotropic lattice Boltzmann-phase-field method, Chinese Physics B, 2020, 29: 028103.
56. Yumin Wang, Shuangming Li#, Bin Yang, Zhenpeng Liu, Hong Zhong, Hui Xing, Non-axially oreinted dendritic microstructures and their mechanical characteristics of single-crystal Al-4.5%Cu alloy,Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2020, 771A: 138665.
55. Hui Xing*, Mingyue Ji, Xianglei Dong, Yumin Wang, Limin Zhang, Shuangming Li,Growth competition between columnar dendrite and degenerate seaweed during directional solidification of alloys: Insights from multi-phase field simulations, Materials & Design, 2020,185: 108250.
54.Yumin Wang, Shuangmin Li, Zhenpeng Liu, Rongrong Han,Hong Zhong,Hui Xing, Influence of growth velocity on degenerate pattern evolution in Al-4.5wt% Cu during non-axially oriented directional solidification,Journal of Crystal Growth,2019, 527:125252.
53. Yumin Wang, Shuangmin Li, Zhenpeng Liu,Bin Yang,Hong Zhong,Hui Xing,Competitive growth of degenerate pattern and dendrites duringdirectional solidification of a bicrystal metallic alloy,Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 50A (2019) 4677-4685.
52. Yumin Wang, Shuangmin Li, Zhenpeng Liu, Hong Zhong, Lei Xu, Hui Xing, Probing the degenerate seaweed pattern growth of {100}<011> orientation in a directionally solidified Al-4.5 wt% Cu alloy, Journal of Materials Sciecne &Technology, 35 (2019) 1309-1314.
51. Dongke Sun, Hui Xing, Xianglei Dong, Yongshen Han, An anisotropic lattice-Boltzmann-Phase-field scheme for numreical simualtions of dendritic growth with melt convection, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 133 (2019) 1240-1250.
50. Wenjia Xiao, Simeng Li, Cunshan Wang, Yan Shi, Jyotirmoy Mazumder, Hui Xing#, Lijun Song*, Multi-scale simulation of dendrite growth for direct energy deposition of nickel-based superalloys, Materials & Design, 2019, 164: 107553.
49. Yuanfeng Yin, Hui Xing#, Duyang Zang, Kexin Jin, Effect of elasticity mismatch on cell deformation and migration: A phase-field study, Chinese Physics B 27(11):116201.
48. Hui Xing, AnkitK, Dong XL, Chen HM, Jin KX, Growth direction selection of tilted dendriticarrays in directional solidification over a wide range of pulling velocity: a phase-fieldstudy, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 2018, 117:1107-1114-614.
47. Xing H, DongXL, Wang JY, Jin KX, Orientation Dependence of columnar dendritic growth with sidebranching behaviors in directional solidification: Insights from phase-field simulations, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 2018, 49: 1547–1559.
46. Hui Xing*, XiangleiDong, et al.,“Tilteddendritic growth dynamics and dendrite to degenerate seaweed transition indirectional solidification: insight from phase-field simulations”, invitedbook chapter 6 in Diffusion Foundation Volume 15 (BookEditor: Lijun Zhang), p. 128-153,Trans Tech Publications, 2018.
45. Hui Xing*, LiminZhang, Kaikai Song, Huimin Chen, and Kexin Jin, Effect of interface anisotropyon growth direction of tilted dendritic arrays in directional solidification ofalloys: insights from phase-field simulations, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 2017,104:607-614.
44. Ankit K*, Xing H,Selzer M, et al. Surface rippling during solidification of binary polycrystallinealloy: Insights from 3-D phase-field simulations, Journal of Crystal Growth,2016, 457:52-59.
43. Dong X L, Xing H*,Weng K R, et al. Current development in quantitative phase-field modeling of solidification,Journal of Iron & Steel Research International, 2017, 24(9):865-878.
42. Niu Liwei, Xing Hui, Chen Changle*, Dong Xianglei, Jin Kexin, Transportand Magnetodielectric Properties in BiFeO3/La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 Heterostructure, RareMetal Materials and Engineering, 2017, 46: 1315-1320.
41. Zhao Yanan, Luo Bingchi, XingHui, Chen Changle, Wang Jianyuan, Jin Kexin, Polarization Switching andPhotoinduced Dielectric and Ferroelectric Properties inYMno(3)/La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 Heterostructure, ACS Applied Materials &Interfaces, 2017, 9: 6609-6614.
40. Zhao Yanan, Luo Bingchi, Chen Changle, Xing Hui, Wang Jianyuan, Jin KExin,Magnetic Effects on theDielectric and Polarization Properties in BiAlO3/La0.67Sr0.33MnO3Heterostructure, Physica Status Solidi-Rapid Research Letters, 2017, 11:**.
39. Zhao Yanan, Luo Bingchi, Chen Changle, Xing Hui, Wang Jianyuan, Jin Kexin, Leakage current limitingmechanisms and ferroelectric properties of BiAlO3/La0.67Sr0.33MnO3heterostructure, Superlattices and Microstructures, 2017, 103:-69.
38. Wang Jianyuan, Bai Jianying, Xing Hui, Wang Shuanhu, Wang Min, Jin Kexin, Chen Changle, Temperature-dependentphotovoltage response in La0.9Li0.1MnO3/SrTiO3-Nb heterojunction induced by alow intensity pulse laser, Solid-State Communications, 2017, 251:35-38.
37. Li Ning, Zhang Rong, Zhang Limin, Xing Hui, Yin Pengfei, Wu Yaoyan, Study on Grain RefinementMechanism of Hypoeutectic Al-7%Si Alloy Under Low Voltage Alternating CurrentPulse, Acta Metallurgica Sinica, 2017, 53:192-200.
36. Yuan Xudong, Wang Shenghai, Song Kaikai, Han Xiaoliang, QinYusheng, Li Dongfang, Li Xuelian, Song Bo, XingHui, Wang Li, Effect of pre-existing shear bands on mechanical propertiesand serration behaviors in bulk metallic glasses, Journal of Iron & SteelResearch International, 2017, 24: 402-410.
35. Hui Xing*,Xianglei Dong, Hongjing Wu, et al., Degenerate seaweed to tilted dendritetransition and their growth dynamics in directional solidification ofnon-axially orientated crystals: a phase-field study, Scientific Reports, 2016,6:26625.
34. Xaiojie Chai, Hui Xing,Kexin Jin*, Evolution ofphotoinduced effects in phase-separated Sm0.5Sr0.5Mn1yCryO3 thin films,Scientific Reports, 2016, 6:23280.
33. Limin Zhang, Hailan Liu, Ning Li, Juan Wang, Rong Zhang, Hui Xing, Kaikai Song, The relevance offorced melt flow to grain refinement in pure Aluminum under a low-frequencyalternating current pulse,Journal of Materials Research,2016,31:3: 396-404.
32. 董祥雷,邢辉,陈长乐,沙莎,王建元,金克新,六方小面相螺旋在各向异性 、表面吸附、界面动力学作用下生长的相场模拟,Acta Physica Sinica,2016,(02):62-73.
31.Zhang Q, Wang JY, Luo BC, H Xing, Jin KX, Chen CL, Rectifying behavior andphotovoltage effect in La1.3Sr1.7Mn2O7/SrTiO3-Nb heterostructure, ACTA PHYSICASINICA, 2016, 65:107301.
30. Ren YY, Li HF, Wu GL, Yang L, Zheng CH, Wang LD, Ren F, Xing H, Wu HJ, A Comparable Study on the Microwave Absorption Properties of Al/Fe/CoDoped OMC/Paraffin Wax Composites, Nano, 2016, 11: **.
29. Zhang LM, Li N, Zhang R, Xing H, Song K, Wang JY, Effect ofmedium-density direct current on dendrites of directionally solidified Pb-50Snalloy, MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2016, 32:1877-1885.
28. Hui Xing*, X.L.Dong, C.L. Chen, et al., Phase-field modeling of tilted growth of dendriticarrays during directional solidification, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 2015,90:811-821.
27. Hui Xing*, P.P.Duan, J.Y. Wang, et al., Phase-field modeling of growth patterns selections in three-dimensionalchannels, Philosophical Magazine, 2015, 95:1184-1200.
26. X. L. Dong, Hui Xing*,Sha S, et al. Phase-field modeling of epitaxial growth with the Ehrlich-Schwoebelbarrier: Model validation and application. Science China: Technological Sciences,2015, 58: 1-10.
25. 段培培, 邢辉*, 陈志 等, 镁基合金自由直径生长的相场模拟研究, 物理学报, 2015,64:060201.
24. X.L. Dong, H. Xing,C.L. Chen*, et al. Phase-field modelingof submonolayer growth with the modulated nucleation regime, Physics Letters A,2015, 379:2452-2457.
23. Limin Zhang ,Ning Li,Rong Zhang,Kaikai Song,Lifei Du, Hui Xing,Pengfei Yin,Chunyan Yang,Microstructure evolution ofdirectionally solidified Sn–Bi alloy under different medium-density directcurrent,Journal of Crystal Growth,2015,430:80-86.
22. X.L. Dong,H. Xing,C.L. Chen,B.C. Luo,Z. Chen,R.L. Zhang,K.X. Jin, Thin interface analysis of aphase-field model for epitaxial growth with nucleation and Ehrlich–Schwoebeleffects,Journal of Crystal Growth,2014,406:59-67.
21. Limin Zhang, NingLi, Rong Zhang, Juan Wang, Lifei Du, Pengfei Yin,Kaikai Song, Hui Xing, Effectofdirect current on microstructure evolution of directionally solidifiedSn-70wt%Bi alloy at different pulling rates,Metallurgical and MaterialsTransactions A-Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science,2015,46A:4174-4182.
20. Ren YY, Yang L, Wang LD, XingH, Wu HJ, Microwave Absorption Properties of Fe-Doped Ordered MesoporousCarbon (CMK-3)/Silica Matrix Nanocomposites with Magnetic Multi-ResonanceMechanisms, 2016, 10:**.
19. Renlan Zhang, Changle Chen,Yunjie Zhang, Hui Xing, Xianglei Dong, Kexin Jin, Ferroelectricity in hexagonal YFeO3 film at room temperature,CHINESE PHYSICS B, 2015, 24:017701.
18. H. Xing*, X. Zhao,P. Duan, et al. Stability range of tilted dendritic arrays during directional solidification,Science China: Technological Sciences, 2014, 57: 2530-2535.
17. H. Xing, J.Y.Wang, C.L. Chen, et al. Dendrite to symmetry-broken dendrite transition in directionalsolidification of non-axially oriented crystals, Chin Phys B, 2014,23:038104-038110.
16. Zhao C W, Xing H, Chen C L, et al.Temperature dependent transport and photoresponse properties of a Mn-dopedZnO/p-Si heterojunction[J]. Physica Scripta, 2014, 89(4):045802.
15. Zhang RL, Xing H,Chen CL, Duan MM, Luo BC, Jin KX,Study on ferroelectric behaviors andferroelectric nanodomains of YMnO3 thin film, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 2014,63:187701.
14. Zhang, R. L., Chen, C.L., Jin, K. X., Niu, L. W., Xing, H., & Luo, B. C. , Dielectric behavior of hexagonal andorthorhombic yfeo 3, prepared by modified sol-gel method. Journalof Electroceramics, 2014, 32: 187-191.
13. Du, L., Rong, Z., Xing,H, Zhang, L., & Lin, L. Phase-field simulation of solidificationmicrostructure evolution in the presence of lateral constraints. Acta PhysicaSinica,2013, 62: 10641.
12. Du S P, Zhao C W, Luo B C, Xing H, Jin KX, Chen CL, Effect of Li-Doping on the Structure andElectrical and Magnetic Properties of Mn-ZnO Film[J]. Rare Metal Materials& Engineering, 2013, 42(6):1306-1309.
11. Xing H, Wang J Y,Chen C L, et al. Bubbles engulfment and entrapment by cellular and dendriticinterfaces during directional solidification[J]. Journal of Crystal Growth,2012, 338(1):256-261. WOS:048
10. Wang C, Xing H,Yao F, et al. Integral Solution of the Interface Profile of Grain BoundaryGrooving by Surface Diffusion, Advances in Materials Science & Engineering,2014, 2012. WOS:001
9. Fan, F., Luo, B., Duan, M., Xing, H., Jin, K., Chen, C, Ferroelectric domain switchinginvestigation of BiFeO3, thin film on Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si (111) substrate.AppliedSurface Science,2012, 258(19): 7412-7416. WOS:028
8. Wang J Y, Xing H,Zhai W, et al. Morphological determination of forced shear flow rate duringdirectional solidification of succinonitrile–1%salol alloy. Materials Letters,2012, 73(8):183-186. WOS:053
7. Kong L, Li E, Yang D, XingH. The PSD General Response Function[J]. IEEE Transactions on ElectronDevices, 1012, 59(3):835-840.
6. XING, Hui, WANG,et al. Morphological evolution of the solid-liquid interface near grainboundaries during directional solidification, Science China, 2011,54(12):2174-2180.
5. Tan XY, Chen CL, Jin KX, Cao XS, Xing H, Magnetic properties of Co-doped SnO:first-principlescalculations, Chinese Physics B, 2011, 20(5):342-346.
4. Xing H, Wang J Y,Chen C L, et al. Morphological evolution of the interface microstructure in thepresence of bubbles during directional solidification[J]. Scripta Materialia,2010, 63(12):1228-1231.
3. Xing H, Chen CL,Jin KX, Tan XY, Fan F, Simulation of crystal growth using phase-field crystalmethod[J]. Acta Physica Sinica, 2010, 59(11):8218-8225.
2. Ma JJ, Jin KX, Luo BC, Fan F, Xing H, Zhou CC, Chen CL, Rectifying and Photovoltage Properties ofZnO:Al/p-Si Heterojunction, Chinese Physics Letters, 2010, 27(10):194-197.
1. Jin K X, Zhao S G, Chen C L, Du LF, Du YC, Guo YH, Xing H, Transport and photoinducedproperties in La 0.8Sn 0.2MnO 3 thin film[J]. Journal of Alloys &Compounds, 2009, 470(1):552-556.
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EPJE 客座编辑,Acta Materials, Scripta Materials,Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer,Philosophical Magazine, Journal of Materials Science & Technology,Scientific Reports, ACS Omega, Journal of Alloysand Compounds等学术期刊审稿人
学术活动 Professional Activities
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相关话题/西北工业大学 物理科学与技术学院
相册基本信息Thebasicinformation姓名:孙卫东学院:物理科学与技术学院学历:大学本科毕业学位:法学学士职称:助理研究员(社会科学)职务:主任学科:工作经历WorkExperience教育经历EducationExperience学历:大学本科,学位:学士,职务:主任教育教学Educa ...西北工业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-29西北工业大学物理科学与技术学院导师教师师资介绍简介-解文军
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相册基本信息Thebasicinformation姓名:丁昌林学院:物理科学与技术学院学历:博士研究生毕业学位:博士职称:副教授职务:学科:工作经历WorkExperience2011年12月西北工业大学理学院讲师,2016年5月至今西北工业大学理学院副教授教育教学EducationAndTeach ...西北工业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-29西北工业大学物理科学与技术学院导师教师师资介绍简介-尹剑波
相册基本信息Thebasicinformation姓名:尹剑波学院:物理科学与技术学院学历:博士研究生毕业学位:博士职称:教授职务:学科:材料科学与工程-材料物理与化学,物理学-凝聚态物理工作经历WorkExperience尹剑波,1976年生。材料物理与化学博士生导师,材料物理与化学/凝聚态物理硕 ...西北工业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-29西北工业大学物理科学与技术学院导师教师师资介绍简介-白晓军
相册基本信息Thebasicinformation姓名:白晓军学院:物理科学与技术学院学历:博士研究生毕业学位:博士职称:副教授职务:学科:工作经历WorkExperience2009年至今在西北工业大学应用物理系工作。教育经历EducationExperience陕西省洛南县人。2000年-200 ...西北工业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-29西北工业大学物理科学与技术学院导师教师师资介绍简介-王建元
相册基本信息Thebasicinformation姓名:王建元学院:物理科学与技术学院学历:博士研究生毕业学位:博士职称:教授职务:学科:邮箱:wangjy@nwpu.edu.cn工作经历WorkExperience2006年留校任教,2013年晋升副教授。2016-2017在澳大利亚新南威尔士大学 ...西北工业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-29西北工业大学物理科学与技术学院导师教师师资介绍简介-赵晓鹏
相册基本信息Thebasicinformation姓名:赵晓鹏学院:物理科学与技术学院学历:博士研究生毕业学位:工学博士职称:教授职务:学科:材料科学与工程工作经历WorkExperience赵晓鹏博士,二级教授、博士生导师、翱翔****。2000年国家****科学基金获得者、材料物理与化学国家重点 ...西北工业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-29西北工业大学物理科学与技术学院导师教师师资介绍简介-彭涛
相册基本信息Thebasicinformation姓名:彭涛学院:物理科学与技术学院学历:博士研究生毕业学位:博士职称:副教授职务:学科:工作经历WorkExperience彭涛,应用物理系讲师。现从事光学工程研究。主要研究课题为高功率固体激光器系统中的“热像”效应研究。已发表论文7篇,其中SCI收 ...西北工业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-29