

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-29


基本信息 The basic information








工作经历 Work Experience
2017.12-今 西北工业大学生命学院 助理教授
2013.07-2017.11 空军军医大学基础部/航空航天医学院博士后

December 2017Assistant Professor, School of Life Sciences, Northwestern Polytechnical University.
July 2013 Postdoc, Department of Aerospace Medicine/School of Basic Medical Sciences, Air Force Medical University (Fourth Military Medical University)


教育经历 Education Experience

2006.09 - 2012.12 中国农业大学生物学院 博士
2002.09 - 2006.07 山东农业大学生命科学学院 本科

September 2006 - December 2012, Ph.D. College of Biological Sciences, China Agricultural University.
September 2002 - December 2006, Bachelor, College of Life Sciences, Shandong Agricultural University.


科学研究 Scientific Research

1.国家自然科学基金面上项目:心房钠尿肽在糖尿病促发心衰中的作用及机制;批准号:**;金额:60万;起止年月:2019/01-2022/12 负责人
2.国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目:胰岛素促进心房钠尿肽分泌延缓缺血性心力衰竭的发展及机制;批准号:**;金额:24万;起止年月:2016/01-2018/12 负责人
3. 中国博士后科学基金:胰岛素促进mPTP糖基化修饰减轻心肌再灌注损伤及其机制;批准号:2014M562597;金额:5万;起止年月:2014/07-2016/07 负责人

National Science Foundation of China (Grant number **). 2019/01-2022/12. RMB 600,000
National Science Foundation of China (Grant number **). 2016/01-2018/12. RMB 200,000
China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Grant number 2014M562597). 2014/07-2016/07. RMB 50,000


学术成果 Academic Achievements
解析出第一个植物MAPK晶体结构 (AtMPK6;PDB code: 5CI6)

Qin X#, Chen Z*. Metabolic dependence of cyclosporine A on cell proliferation of human non-small cell lung cancer A549 cells and its implication in post-transplant malignancy. Oncology Reports. 2019, 41(5): 2997-3004.
Hou Z#, Qin X#, Hu Y, Zhang X, Li G, Wu J, Li J, Sha J, Chen J, Wang L* and Gao F*. Long-term exercise-derived exosomal miR-342-5p: a novel exerkine for cardioprotection. Circulation Research. 2019,124: 1386-1400.
Qin X#, Li X#, Liu C, Chen Z*. A novel mechanism of pre-transplant insulin resistance contributing to post-transplant complications: Cyclosporin A-induced O-GlcNAcylation. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2017,492(2):172-177.
Qin X, Chen Z, Li P, Liu G*. Crystallization and X-ray diffraction analysis of the CH domain of a cotton kinesin GhKCH2. Acta Crystallographica Section F. 2016, 72(3): 240-243.
Qin X, Chen Z, Xu T, Li P, Liu G. Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction studies of the GhKCH2 motor domain: alteration of pH significantly improved the quality of the crystals. Acta Crystallographica Section F. 2012;68:798-801.
Xu J#, Qin X#, Cai X, Yang L, Xing Y, Li J, Zhang L, Tang Y, Liu J, Zhang X, Gao F*. Mitochondrial jnk activation triggers autophagy and apoptosis and aggravates myocardial injury following ischemia/reperfusion. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Basis of Disease. 2015;1852:262-270.
Wang B#, Qin X#, Wu J, Deng H, Li Y, Yang H, Chen Z, Liu G, Ren D*.Analysis of crystal structure of Arabidopsis MPK6 and generation of its mutants with higher activity. Scientific Reports. 2016, 6: 25646

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