

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-29


基本信息 The basic information







工作经历 Work Experience


教育经历 Education Experience
2003.09-2007.07 西安交通大学电气工程学院, 获工学学士学位
2007.09-2013.09 西安交通大学电气工程学院, 提前攻博, 获工学博士学位(导师:王兆安甘永梅
2011.09-2012.12 加拿大多伦多大学, 联合培养博士生(导师:W.M. Wonham

教育教学 Education And Teaching


招生信息 Admission Information



科学研究 Scientific Research

1. 中国博士后科学基金项目,基于多传感器融合的多任务移动仓储机器人自主导航研究,2019.09-2021.6,在研.
3. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,城市交通信号控制系统的扩展离散事件系统的监督控制研究,2015.1-2017.12,已结题.
4. 中央高校基本科研业务费基础研究基金资助项目,城市交通信号控制系统的混杂自动机模型及其监督控制研究,2014.1-2015.12,已结题.

学术成果 Academic Achievements
[12]Renyuan Zhangand Kai Cai.Localization-based distributed control of timed discrete-event systems with communication delay.International Journal of Control,2020.
[11]Renyuan Zhang, and Kai Cai. Supervisor localization of timed discrete-event systems under partial observation.IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2020, 65(1): 295-301.
[10]Renyuan Zhang, and Kai Cai.Supervisor localization for large-scale discrete-event systems under partial-observation.International Journal of Control, 2020, 93(3): 387-399.
[9] Kai Cai,Renyuan Zhang, and W.M. Wonham. Relative coobservability in decentralized supervisory control of discrete-event systems.International Journal of Control, 2019, 92(7): 1481-1489.
[8] Kai Cai,Renyuan Zhang, and W.M. Wonham. Characterizations and effective computation of supremal relatively observable sublanguages.Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, 2018, 28: 269-287.
[7]Renyuan Zhang, Kai Cai, and W.M. Wonham. Supervisor localization of discrete-event systems under partial observation.Automatica, 2017, 81: 142-147.
[6] Kai Cai,Renyuan Zhang, and W.M. Wonham. Correction to 'Relative observability of discrete-event systems and its supremal sublanguages'.IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2017, 62(1): 511.
[5]Renyuan Zhang, Kai Cai, Yongmei Gan, W.M. Wonham. Distributed supervisory control of discrete-event systems with communication delay.Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, 2016, 26(2): 263-293.
[4]Renyuan Zhang, Kai Cai, Yongmei Gan, and W.M. Wonham. Delay-robustness in distributed control of timed discrete-event systems based on supervisor localization.International Journal of Control, 2016, 89(10): 2055-2072.
[3] Kai Cai,Renyuan Zhang, W. M. Wonham. Relative observability and coobservability of timed discrete-event systems.IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2016, 61(11): 3382-3395. (Regular paper)
[2] Kai Cai,Renyuan Zhang, W.M. Wonham. Relative observability of discrete-event systems and its supremal sublanguages.IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2015, 60(3): 659-670.(Regular paper)
[1]Renyuan Zhang, Kai Cai, Yongmei Gan, Zhaoan Wang, W.M. Wonham. Supervision localization of timed discrete-event systems.Automatica, 2013, 49(9): 2786-2794.
[10]Renyuan Zhang, and Kai Cai. Localization-based distributed control for large discrete-event systems under partial observation, in Proc. 30th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, Shenyang, China, 2018: 1492-1497.
[9]Renyuan Zhang, and Kai Cai. Supervisor localization of discrete-event systems with infinite behavior, in Proc. 14th IFAC Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, Sorrento, Italy, May 2018: 361-366.
[8]Renyuan Zhang, Kai Cai. Supervisor localization of timed discrete-event systems under partial observation, in Proc. 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC'16), Las Vegas, NV, 2016: 4752-4757.
[7]Renyuan Zhang, Kai Cai. On supervisor localization based distributed control of discrete-event systems under partial observation,in Proc. 2016 American Control Conference, Boston, MA, 2016: 764-769.
[6]Renyuan Zhang, Kai Cai. Online computation of supremal relatively observable sublanguage of discrete-event systems, in Proc. 34th Chinese Control Conference, HangZhou, China, 2015: 2263-2268.
[5] Kai Cai,Renyuan Zhang, W.M. Wonham. On relative coobservability of discrete-event systems, in Proc. 2015 American Control Conference, Chicago, USA, 2015: 371-376.
[4]Renyuan Zhang, Kai Cai, W.M. Wonham. Delay-robustness in distributed control of timed discrete-event systems based on supervisor localization, in Proc. 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC'14), Los Angeles, CA, 2014: 6719-6724.
[3] Kai Cai,Renyuan Zhang, W.M. Wonham. On relative observability of timed discrete-event systems, in Proc. 12th International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems (WODES'14), Cachan, France, 2014: 208-213.
[2] Kai Cai,Renyuan Zhang, W.M. Wonham. On relative observability of discrete-event systems, in Proc. 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC'13), Folorence, Italy, 2013: 7285-7290.
[1] Kai Cai,Renyuan Zhang, W.M. Wonham. Supervision localization of timed discrete-event systems, in Proc. 2013 American Control Conference, Washington DC, 2013: 5666-5671.

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